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Make it up

Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on August 06, 2014

kagaya_the-universe-207x300The Phoenix Pamela quotekagaya_the-universe-207x300

“If I said nothing. Would you still hear me?”

“Don’t blame. I did not make it up.”

“Stop looking in order to see.”

“I don’t need to say much else do I?
You can add all the entitlements as one pleases does not bother me.”

“If you can’t laugh? Please do not stop me from doing so either.
From an unavoidable choice between alternatives.”

Roger that and good to go on my own with other clear minds.
Clear, clear, clear, is the way beyond sight.

“How can I see thou in order to decide,
if thou is hiding something?”

Avatar Pamela screen shot

“Allow the moments to happen sometimes.
In order to cross the lines of divide.”


Laughing is … well, it just is.
When I came out of my fall? So close to nature I was.
Leaving all else behind. Nothing mattered in mind.
All the schooling gone. The chatter did not matter.
I learned not from any book, nor any thought my way.
I learned more from not having the need to learn anything.

“If you give? Give without a guilt trip.”

“Life is not who YOU are. It is who I AM.”

“Silence is the golden teacher that does not need to be heard.”

“A guru becomes because the title behaves significantly different.”

“I am not here to answer your questions. I am here to help you stop asking them.”

Continue asking and continue laughing.
Tis’ an obligation of appropriate measures to bring forth a polite notice.

Pamela Sunset Rising

“Great as are the past achievements, the future holds out more glorious promise. We are getting an insight into the essence of things; our means and methods are being refined, a new and specialized race is developing with knowledge deep and precise, with greater powers and keener perceptions. Mysterious as ever before, nature yields her precious secrets more readily and the spirit of man asserts its mastery over the physical universe. The day is not distant when the very planet which gave him birth will tremble at the sound of his voice; he will make the sun his slave, harness the inexhaustible and terribly intense energy of microcosmic movement; cause atoms to combine in predetermined forms; he will draw the mighty ocean from its bed, transport it through the air and create lakes and rivers at will; he will command the wild elements; he will push on and on from great to greater deeds until with his intelligence and force he will reach out to spheres beyond the terrestrial.” ~ Nikola Tesla

Lady butterfly meadow edit
YKWIAM (ya~quee~um).
An acronym I made up a while ago = You. Know. Where. I. AM.

Pamela quote legend new beginnings

I wrote this once upon a journey. It just happens.

Pamela quote life feather airport vortex2

Pamela quote Life in loving peace whale tale

dog snow puzzled look

“Do you think I could inquire upon life itself for causing a disturbance in my direction?”

“I can’t type as fast as I do not know.”

Whales Sun Ocean Pamela Quote

“Be content with the moment of not trying to figure it out.”

Whale Human Hand Reaching Pamela quote

Pamela quote girl drawing line in sand

Pamelas White Rose Quote enhanced

Je te souhaite la réalisation de tes rêves! (I wish you the realization of your dreams)

“When you leave desire, true love falls into place.”

“It is okay. We tend to talk along the way.”

Quotes & Comments: Pamela Leigh Richards otherwise kindly noted.
“OceanHeart” her book. A coming artistic endeavor.
“Her book of Knowing” ~ working title for the other ONE.
The Gift of a Fall
“I cannot speak accompanying the vastness of existence,
unless we can meet somewhere in the middle of it all,
leaving trash of mind behind.”

Images: unknown unless stated, thank you.
Image: The Phoenix Bird, unknown, edited by pamela
Image: Sunset – pamela leigh richards

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In The Flow

Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on July 22, 2014

White Dalmation Painting

“Can you find you? And are you me? Not always necessarily.”

“When there is peace within, there is no resistance without.”


“Sometimes you have to do things that no one can imagine.
Not even your’self'”

Cat reflection pamela quote 2

Dolphins Pamela 1

“Peace will BE with no speaking.”

“I touch without sensing it.
I taste without …
I smell without …
I hear without …
I feel without … “

“I’m not a place in time.”

“Never give up what you live for.
I will tell you now.
Losing it, is worth dying for.”

L.E.A.R.N. = Light Encodement Attention Reality Now.

Pamela quote. Golden Lady. I simply continue

“Do not love me from mind. Love me from out of it.”

“I’ve only just begun.”


Steven Krohn boy flute kitten

Sing with Kind Heart. Back to Front Center Point.


“Nature has been her guiding Light.”

“No matter what you do. No matter who you are.
No matter what you know. No matter …
You still ARE.”

“Ink on paper is so low level.”

Pamela Dog Rose Art Love 2

“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex…
It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage,
to move in the opposite direction.”
~ Albert Einstein

“I can’t help but realize it’s happening? Keep laughing.”

“What if I did not read your writing?
Would I have missed out on something?”

“There is a different story unfolding.”

Lady light golden

Peace. Celestial Skies With Open Eyes Wide.
“I can be and so can thee.”
Hear me.

“My brothers, my mother, my father, and many others.
I thank thee for the peace of living and learning.
Knowing when all is said and done …
We shall all fly into the space beyond time BEfitting of the ONE.”


“Remove fear and come find me. When the time is right for you.
Sing your song and know you are never alone.”

“The past fades into the same. So glad you came to change.”

Thank you Victor and Jim for collaborating in kind in your own ways.
The video above and song by Bert sort of reminds me of the days.
Coming through it all as children, living now still breathing with laughter.

Victor amazing, simply amazing artist in kind.
Jim Warren amazing artist all ways.

“I see something that my words have meaning for.
Yet, are nowhere near to that place indefineable.”

“You can try to kill the ink on paper of what was said,
the digital place in space of same, yet,
you can never kill the memory of peace safely kept.”

“If you pursue a wisdom, body of a love of knowledge, you build what you see, it so seems?
Yet, not always.
Therefore, where you look, there you are, your reality awaits you.
Not always, yet, I AM always here.
Do not try to find with mind. It will surface within your heart.

“And the back was the past to the forward into the NOW.
And the Now is the future of the back left behind. What happened in between?
Let it go for it does not exist in the NOW. Keep moving ON in peace.”

Imagine the world with you in peace 5

“Imagine. The world in complete harmony. I know it can be.”

“Life is simply repeating a seed.”


“In order to fly with moi, one must let go of their ‘thinking’ wings.”

“It all comes back together again. Until you cross the line of decide.”

“Breathe. Simply Breathe. Peace is Easy if you let it Be.”

“Life is what you make of it and I am not alone with this manner of thought.”

“The skies are criss crossed, eyes sense absurdities,
sight becomes aware of something?
Validating there is more to the unseen than seen.”

“Life is the silent utterance of om.”

“So loved you are no matter how near or far.
Tears and laughter coINside.”

“I am neither here nor there.”

Quotes & Comments: Pamela Leigh Richards otherwise kindly noted.
“OceanHeart” her book. A coming artistic endeavor.
“Her book of Knowing” ~ working title for the other ONE.
Images: unknown unless stated, thank you.
Image: Dolphins. Red Sea, Egypt. Screen shot. Hours of filming. They came to me lovingly.
Image: Boy Flute Kitten. Steven Krohn thank you for this.
Image: Benu White Bird. Pamela Leigh Richards in Egypt on the Red Sea.Peace.
Image: White Horse. With all due respect captured on the internet.
Image: Dog and Pamela hand with flowers

If you wish to travel:
The Dancer on the Beach
In A Dream Close to You.
The Rabbit in the Road
Going Direct
Setting the pace
Simply Dolphins Beauty
The Heart of a Sun
Wild Dolphins in Egypt. Beyond Telepathy.

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The Light Will Never Go Out

Posted in: A - Her Near Death Experiences by Pamela on July 05, 2014

I am now at home (February 4th) after being discharged from hospital.

On a warm and sunny Sunday afternoon, January 24th, 2010 ….

I fell twelve (12) feet from the ledge of a loft in the car garage, slipping off the top rung of the ladder straight onto the concrete floor below fracturing my skull, subcutaneous hematoma, head trauma with left epidural hematoma, cerebral contusions, hairline fracture of spine, fractured left wrist with 9 rib fractures and bruising all over my left side.

At some point after falling I somehow walked myself to the guesthouse I rented, with no memory of doing this either and can only assume I walked, and layed down on my bed. Maybe heaven bent and held my hand so I would not lose everything? I have come to find out I walked in a lucid state. The next awareness or remembering I have was opening my eyes slightly, and in a blurry state of vision saw blood all over my white comforter. I went out completely after that. There was noone on the property or living in the main house at this time, so I was alone.

What happened truly was a miracle. The landlords were in town (Sedona) and were across the valley at one of their other properties when the Mrs. had something intuitively and strongly telling her to “go back to the property!”, “go back to the property!”. So, she drove back to this property, walked to the guesthouse and heard moaning. She entered and found me lying on my bed.
If she had not come I surely would not be writing this.

She told me she tried to get me in the car but would not go as I threw up, then had to lay down. There was blood all over the place and now vomit. The Mrs. did not know what to do, so she called her husband on the cell phone. The next thing I remember briefly is a voice shouting, “She’s going to die! Call 911!”, before losing consciousness again. I found out later that what I was hearing was her husband over the cells speaker. He just happened to be a former ER Doctor and soon made his way over.

The Sedona Fire Department responded to the emergency call. The Mrs said I had five paramedics working on me. I was completely in a long gone state remembering none of this. Having no clue what happened. One of the paramedics began sleuthing it out and walked to the garage to discover blood on the floor under the loft next to the ladder and realized I must have fallen. I kept moaning and pulling my left wrist, so they cut the long sleeves off exposing the break. Shortly thereafter I was carried by stretcher to the ambulance, which, took me to the Sedona Medical Center where the extent of my injuries were discovered, as was the seriousness of the situation. I was immediately flown by helicopter North to Flagstaff Medical Center for emergency brain surgery.

They made the incision from the top of my head straight down to just below the top part of my left ear. A circle of my skull was cut out and removed around the fracture line so they could drain the blood from my brain. They then placed this circular piece of skull back in and secured it with four (4) tiny titanium ‘plates’ and ‘screws’. I had two neurosurgeons working on me first, and once I was stable, the orthopaedic surgeon performed his skills on my fractured wrist as a metal plate was inserted to hold the bone together for healing.

I am relaying what was told to me much later because I remember nothing and am very grateful for the love and care I received from everyone who helped. When I awoke in hospital there was noone familiar to me there. Not that I was looking for it but there were no family nor friends there. Only hospital staff who became my family. I am a quantum leaper, a floater, and positive thinker, so saw the only thing that mattered at this moment without ‘thought’. And that was ~ I was simply lying down in ICU in a room with people who were caring for me in the beginning stages of recovery. On some level I was completely gone. Out of my body. It was peaceful wherever I went though. The “form of matter” was the one in pain and only when I awoke in the hospital room did the pain of nine broken ribs make themselves known loud and clear! Of course in short time my father and a few friends visited. Many visited through the internet later on after my release and am grateful. Thank you for caring. All moving to recovery though for I have too much to do before I really fly …. from here.

“He who binds himself to a joy does the winged life destroy;
But he who kisses the moment as it flies,
Lives in eternity’s sunrise.”
~ William Blake

The healing is ongoing and an interesting ongoing journey this recovery has been. Many things unfolding and all is brilliantly good because there is nothing else but the good to have living within you, as hard and sometimes difficult as it has been too. This Fall was an experience that propelled me further into understandings I have held deep ‘within’, probably since beyond my birth, now blossoming. It is a gift of Life I shall not waste. It is like a closed window now opening. I am ever so grateful.

“Sometimes you have to die, in order to wake up.”
pamela leigh richards

I just found out by my neurologist that my injury was in one of the most dangerous places it could have been in the brain. When he showed me the images it was very revealing. The hematoma (blood buildup) was squishing my brain. If it had pressed my brain just slightly further it would have hit the brain stem, meaning lights out for Pammy. Instantly. The gods were on my side for sure that day. Thank You, I am grateful.

Thank you all for being so sharing and caring with me. Especially my father, Carl Richards.
It meant and means alot.
Thank you to my landlords, The paramedic/firemen, Mark, Joe, David, Josh and Millan from the Sedona Fire Department and the entire medical crew for being there! You are valuable beyond measure.

And a big thank you to Patty Marlowe for her support and amazing love in my aftercare at home.
She has become a truly great friend.

Dare to Live every moment, as if it were your last.
Dance, not because you want to, but because you have to.
Purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor.
It is to enjoy every step along the way.
Say what you were ever afraid to say.
Listen, when you did not think you ever would.
Slow down your breathing before ever speaking.
Love the very thing you felt your heart never could.
Look where thine eyes feared to seek.
Embrace All with forgiveness and understandings.
And in the end, merging into New Beginnings.
This shall be a mighty fine relief.

The incision along the fracture line.
They positioned the plates in my head
in North, South, East and West directions
so Pammy would not get lost 🙂

Getting the hardware out. All is good because we make it good!

Sitting in calm. Healing, creating new patterns and re-wiring ‘within’ my brain, for peace.

Healing ‘within’ my own little world, my brain that I am so protective of like a child.
Venturing beyond into the vast field of energy, into the lands of forever.
And the more I discover, the more I share.

If ever there was imagery to describe the world I have been in since having brain surgery,
This film “Ashes & Snow” would be it. Complete Harmony with All and No Fear.
Extraordinarily decent, graceful, profound, elegant and deep.

“I was borne by chance of America, I AM by Nature of ALL.”
“Life is not about what you ‘have’ to do. It is about what you ‘can’ do.”
“I live, I love, I cry, I laugh, I am alive. My heart beats for peace.”
~ pamela leigh richards

A dear friend in Acharya S. Namaste’ and I miss you.
The Light Will Never Go Out – UPDATE

To all my friends and family who have been so supportive I would like to share this with you.
For those that might not know the story and wish to?
Please click here: The Light Will Never Go Out

I went to the Fire Department yesterday (Tuesday 4-13-10) to meet and thank the crew that helped save my life on the afternoon of January 24th. I found out, by way of my landlords, that they were asking how I was as they did not even know if I survived or not?

It really was a happy moment for all of us and I could not thank them enough, I could not hug them enough as they filled me in on everything I had no memory of.

These guys do not get enough appreciation or recognition for what they do and this visit helped them to know just how important they are to this community.

The gentleman 2nd from the right with the hat (David) deduced what happened that day by walking to the car garage where he found blood on the concrete floor beneath the loft and next to the ladder realizing I must have fallen there. They were so kind and stayed with me until I was whisked away by helicopter to Flagstaff Medical Center for emergency brain surgery.

The ambulance we are in front of is the one they took me in to the Sedona Medical Center.
Much love to you all and many, many thank you’s for caring.

From Left to Right:
Millan Zorita, Jayson Coil (Battalion Chief), Joe Kinzel, Pamela, Josh Wells, David Rodriguez, Mark Beneitone

Much appreciation…
To everyone who is sending in thank-you’s to the Battalion Chief at the Sedona Fire Department.
They are receiving emails from around the world in gratitude for helping save the life of one girl.
You cannot put a price on this nor can I express what it was like to go through.
And incredibly happy to have come out the other side, to be alive, with new perspectives.
These men are invaluable and the love being sent their way now is invaluable,
for they don’t see this sort of attention very often. Thank You to All!

Free Your Mind and Remove Fear. The Shift is “Within”.

Responses from friends and family.
Thank you all for sharing a mystical, painful, yet magical time with me.
The importance of what is happening here is being felt within the hearts of many.
Please spread it (love) like a quiet wildfire as these kind words ignite plenty. [without the burn]
Thank you for taking the time to stop by,
it means a lot to the crews when people take the time to thank them.
I just got a chance to read the cards. They were both very sweet, thanks again!

Jayson Coil
Battalion Chief
Sedona Fire District
Thank you for saving Pamela’s life, this world would not be the same without her.
You guys are very special people!
The rest of society needs to hear much more about what you do on a regular basis,
which is probably taken for granted by most people.

Jim Rodger
Jim, thank you for your kind words, I will pass them on to the firefighters who helped Pamela. I hadn’t met her until yesterday but I can understand your feeling for her, she was so positive and thankful it was truly infectious!
Jayson Coil
Battalion Chief
Sedona Fire District
You are all heroes, and the wonderful work you do is very much appreciated!
The world is a better place for Pamela’s presence in it – and for yours, too!
Warmest wishes,
Lisa (Bath, England) xx
Dear firemen,
Thank you for saving Pamela. She is such a dear friend. You are my heroes!
I am emailing from the UK to thank you for everything you did on January 24th
to save our dear friend Pamela Leigh-Richards.
She is an amazing soul and it very obviously was not her time to go.
The world would be just a little less loving and colourful without her here. So thank you guys.
When you go to work each day, you never really know who in the world
you’re going to be saving or helping or how far-reaching your work is.
So a big thank you from a film crew here in the UK who are very happy with what you do.
Well done.

Love and blessings,
Nikki, Mandy and Ben xx
(Time of the Sixth Sun production crew)
I just want to thank and congratulate you and your team for saving Pamela.
I will soon be moving from Illinois to Sedona and it is comforting to know
you have such a dedicated and capable group in place.
My son is an EMT in Maine so I have some understanding of what you face.
Thanks and congratulations for a job well done.
~ Bill
To Jason and the entire crew who helped save the life of my daughter, Pamela Richards,
I want to take this opportunity to offer you my sincere thanks.
The timely and professional manner in which you responded to her injuries was, I’m sure,
the predominant factor that saved her life.
I have always regarded firemen as very special people, which you certainly are.
Risking your lives to save the lives of others puts you in the classification of
“The Bold and the Brave”. You are to be admired,
and my hat is off to all of you for a “Job Well Done”.
~ Carl Richards
Mr. Richards,
Thank you for your kind words and taking the time to send this email.
I will pass your message on to the crews that helped your daughter.
I sincerely believe the paramedics and EMTs that we employ are some of the best.
I know your daughter’s visit to the station helped remind them of why they chose this profession.
Jayson Coil
Battalion Chief
Sedona Fire District
“If You Do Not Tell Your Story You Are Doing Humanity A Disservice”

This is from a dear friend, Bill Mortimer, who is moving to Sedona from Illinois
And was in town looking for homes when he shared this with me:

FYI – I was grabbing a bite at Jose’s Cafe a little while ago.
Two guys from Sedona Fire and Rescue came in.
I had the waitress give me their bill (anonymously)
and asked her to tell them after I left
that this was a small thanks for helping save your life.
The guy at the table next to me overheard and it made his day – random act of kindness.
None of this would have happened had you flown away.
~ Bill

See what happens when you open your heart and share the love within?
It is the simplest act of kindness that can spread with great affect.
Thank you Bill!
Dear Jayson and all of your crew, [Amazingly powerful story from Annie in England]

I would like to thank you all sincerely for the help that you gave to my dear friend Pamela
on the 24th January when she sustained her serious head injury after falling from her loft –
the world wouldn’t be the same without her and she has so much more to give
that we all need her to be here with us.

I only met Pam because of the help that she freely gave to my daughter four years back -she is the kind of person who spreads magic and truth and I am grateful to you all for all the work that you do.
Nothing is more special than being someone who serves and ‘gives’ without any expectation and that makes all of you guys very special too.

My daughter and I were also saved by a fire crew some 15 years ago here in the UK.
They said that the room that fire was in reached around 870 degrees
and with an old Victorian lathe and plaster ceiling they were amazed that it held
and that we survived. My daughter had her bedroom right above that inferno.

There but for the grace of God walk all of us and I pray that He walks with all of you.

From my own experience the only ‘things’ that survived our house fire
were a bible I received for passing my scripture exams,
a bible I received for being a bridesmaid,
a bible that was given my parents when they married
and a book of scriptures that is now 130 years old.
A pair of boots also survived as they were outside the back door.

Everything else in the house was consumed either by soot or fire
but those bibles didn’t even smell of anything and didn’t have a speck of dust on them.
I had about £15,000 worth of other books and they were all destroyed.
One of the bibles has a white leather cover and it still has the same with no cleaning whatsoever.
My ex-husband fell asleep whilst the fire consumed the house – he didn’t expect to
and it frightened him.
He expected to stay awake and that everything belonging to his ex-girlfriend
would be destroyed at the seat of the fire that he set
but his plan didn’t work because he fell asleep
and we all lost everything – excepting the bibles and one pair of boots…
and of course a great wife!

I have nothing material from the years of my life prior to that fire –
other than the boots and the bibles.
This never bothered me and has never bothered me since.
Life is about who we are and not what we have….

Just know that there are always people who do totally appreciate the work that you do.
It can easily seem as though no one cares anymore – there are people who do ….

Thank you to all of you again.

The Grace is yours

Annie x

I have received numerous emails in the past few days from Pamela’s friends and family.
They were all incredibly kind and touching.
Yours however, is the most inspiring and reminds me of how inconsequential
the stuff we acquire is when it comes down to what really matters in life.
Thank you for sharing your love of Pamela, your appreciation for the work we do,
and most of all your incredible firsthand experience.
I can tell you I will not forget and I thank you for taking the time to share your story with me.
I will pass your email onto the men of Sedona Fire who took care of Pamela.

Jayson Coil
Battalion Chief
Sedona Fire District
“We read your personal story this morning. It was very emotional and touching.
You are a true walking miracle. Even when I met you the very first time I knew you were filled with the Holy Spirit. I don’t know your religious beliefs, but we know that God and his legion of angels were with you. Your mission on earth has a lot to be completed. You are like a soaring eagle.” Hugs Georgia

The gratitude, appreciation and love written on this page has been delivered into the flowing vastness of forever. To remain as a gift for others to see, how the little things one can do in life, truly can have great meaning.
Here I am handing my Thank You cards to the heros who helped save my life.

Probably you’ve heard mention of the butterfly effect; the idea that a butterfly’s flapping wings might create tiny changes in a dynamic system which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale phenomena. Had the butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been vastly different. What may appear to be the small, everyday choices are the ones that can be earth-changing.

We will always be alive no matter what we ‘think’.
The journeys and experiences are the necessaries it does so seem.
We save the world by saving ourselves, and in tandem …
We save the world by going hand in hand.
Life is so magnificent and even prophecies can be altered.
Life does not have to be the way its predicted
It can ‘be’ changed as the miracle of YOU happening.

“We tend to perceive only what’s familiar.
So when new discoveries open up unfamiliar worlds,
they present us with a dilemma.
To see new worlds accurately may require a radical step …
the suspension of prior beliefs.”
I AM a Brain In-Jury Survivor. Now re-wiring my desires.
It is all unfolding.
There is so much more to know and tis’ time to step outside the box and know you CAN!

The Butterfly Effect


She Lives Again
3 July 2014

Her world is magical with gratitude. Tis’ the only way she chooses to see it.

Blood sugar was at a critical 21.
Acidosis throughout entire body, malnourished, and dehydrated.

The evening fell quiet at midnight. She went to bed lying on her back having drank the last bit of water at bedside. It wasn’t the thirst that woke her later so much as ~ the right side of her body began to go numb. I could feel the energy vanish from toes moving upward, through arm, further to face leaving the right side of mouth uncontrollable.

If anyone has seen the movie ‘Titanic’? It felt like that scene where the ship was sinking and all lights began to pop off? This is symbolic for all electrical activity was shutting down in Pamela’s vessel, and limbs felt like granite rock. I positively could not move.

I began to hallucinate and was extremely thirsty. All I wanted was water. As this was internally unfolding I picked my phone up from bedside ~ placed it on my left leg pushing buttons with left fingers. Rang my lawyer friend Bill. No answer. I tried to text ’emergency’, however, it came out gobligook. Bill happened to be up writing a brief at this time (1:30am). Saw the text. Rang immediately. Could not understand a word I was saying as half my mouth was not working. All I was trying to get out was ‘water’. He said; “I’ll be over in five”.

My bed at the time was a Tempur-pedic twin mattress on the floor, not very high. When Bill said he would be right over, I hung up and rolled off the bed with the idea of crawling on my left side to the kitchen for water (logic and intent were not in alignment here). I was desperate and literally dying of thirst.

Once I rolled off that was it. She was going nowhere. Right side was like stone and my whole body was shutting down. Talking nonsense and trembling profusely feeling so cold.

Bill was able to enter my glass house due to door unlocked. He brought water! I remember drinking a bottle so fast and he could not understand anything I was saying. 911 was called. In the ambulance she goes and threw up. (Darn all that good water!)

Many tests, x-rays, and cat scans were done at the Emergency Center which was the first stop on this journey. Once they started fluid I.V.’s my trembling began to stop and all systems came back on, on my right side. I could now talk. We did think it might have been a heart attack, yet, it was not.

All results were sent to the hospital I was soon to be arriving at. Once there, I was wheeled in from the ambulance on the gurney into a room, and all I can say is I was so happy to be ‘feeling’ my body again, not trembling, and able to speak.

It didn’t take long before my doctor walked in. Beautiful tall large black South African man. His presence coming around the corner was palpably powerful and resonated assurance I was going to be in great hands. So happy to have him on my side is what I felt immediately. I looked up smiling and said: “I’m a good patient”, and “I heal quickly”. He said: “We’ll see”. This Doctor leaned over the railing of the gurney, paused, and then asked; “So what is going on?” I replied; “Well, you’re the doctor?” All of us had a right chuckle. I knew we were off to a good start.

I learned later that the doctors, four of them on this case, were perplexed due to what the lab results were showing? They thought I was poisoned. Over time my doctor ruled out many things. I could hear him say “Rule Out”, “Rule Out”, “Rule Out”, coming from his chair at the nurses station as my room was in front of it.

At one point when Bill was visiting shortly before I was released, my doctor came in and said he could not understand how I could be so happy? Here he was frantically trying to save her life and I was floating through it all with Pamela’s sense of humor. He has never seen this before. I know, because Pamela is an anomaly of unknown origin *giggling*. Only calming peace and laughter came from my room.

I don’t know how this happens? It just does. The monsoons were coming through (which I love!), and without thought? Went to the window and took this photo from mission control. Keep laughing!

Pamela taking photo from hospital room. Heart Light 1
They had monitors all over my chest, along with this monitor on my finger checking my Heart. I was in such good care.

When I was leaving I asked my doctor if he remembered me saying, “Im a good patient? He smiled, nodding his head: “Yes Pamela, you were a good patient.”

Interesting magical synchronistic life saving points:
Pamela had her phone by bed. (never does but this night it was there.)
Bill was up writing a brief at 1:30am. Caught call. Usually his phone is off.
Door to glass house was unlocked, always it is locked.

If I did not have my phone so close? Pamela would have gone bye, bye.

This was all due to Pamela’s journey and the way she chose to live it. I guess? Experiencing life on the edge, being her own research project and own life’s experiment. She began to drink wine off and on over a period of time. It became too much for her tiny frame and she was not eating enough apparently. Not by choice mind you. It was just what happened while she was working. It creeped up by surprise and very unexpected.

These were my guardian angels watching over saying ‘okay’, now is the time to stop and carry on for you have things to accomplish m’lady.

You see? They have to knock me up the head to get my attention because pammy just wants to fly.

Through tragedy I have come out with more love for life. More compassion.

Watch the drinking everyone. It can crawl in quickly, and harm slowly inside, and before you know it. There you are. And what is even more fascinating for this lady, is my heart was fine, my liver was fine, with nothing serious going on as I came back alive, Ha! This is why I say, please, please, do not compare. What works for one, might not work for another. Simple philosophy? Stay Clean on the journey. It is experienced multi-dimensionally. Keep your handle on it as the Captain of your ship.

I’m not addicted to alcohol, my body apparently had issues with it though.
Time to take care of the amazingly beautiful vessel that carries one through life.
All part of the journey.

Another interesting profoundness is My beloved Aunt Marion left us at 4:00am on the 3rd. This was fascinating!
She is my soul mate and isn’t it ironic that as she left her body, I was leaving mine too?
Yet, I came back at nearly the same time on the very same day she left.
And my former mother in law (dear friend), my daughters grandmother, left us on the 4th.
While I was in hospital for the next 7 days.
They simply got out for good behavior in my view. What a trip.

In the picture below? My imagination sees a connection with the tree offering energy.
If you look at the finger wrap?
It looks like a face looking down, with a red lighted cone coming out of its third eye onto the tree?
Way cool! And the tree looks like it is happy with two arms swinging outwards.
So there it is in this lass’ view. We are all singing.
Pamela taking photo from hospital room. Heart Light 2

Inner Peace pamela quote

Quotes: pamela leigh richards unless otherwise stated
Images: with all due respect unknown unless stated
Image: Heart Light moi in hospital

Post tags:

It is not what you think

Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on June 30, 2014

Pamela_Egypt_Doorway1_face0Pamela Cats Window quotePamela_Egypt_Doorway1_face0

“Which song do you follow? Possibly the one that allows all to BE?
As you gently glide away lovingly into another octave.
Can you hear me?”

“When anyone tries to diminish your possibility for living?
Is when the impossible will become reality.”

Pamela Midnight Cat quote

Zen Cat quote

4 Aug 11 Sunset Monsoon Season1

Horses Field Sunset

“There is nothing new under the Sun? We’ll see.”

Eleanor Roosevelt said;
“Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.”

“I highly disagree with this comment in its fluidity upon the mass mind.
How about allowing in a perspective that ‘small minds’,
might be the ones breaking out unafraid to discuss people?
It is deemed empathy for a state of emotion in time.”

Seagulls flying in a setting sky 3

“The less a person knows about a subject when writing a mystery?
The better the mystery they can write.” ~ author unknown

“If life is a dream, I’m playing it out with thee.”

“Can I simply create what I see in peace?”

“The beat is the lure.”

Pamela loving maya and logan

“Love has no separation.”

Lady love deer pamela quote

Lady love Elk Silence pamela quote 4

Pamela Red Rocks Sun 9 edit Lao Tsu quote

“You know where to find me when I’m out of your mind.”

Quotes & Comments: Pamela Leigh Richards otherwise kindly noted.
“OceanHeart” her book. A coming artistic endeavor.
“Her book of Knowing” ~ working title for the other ONE.
Images: Obvious or unknown unless stated, thank you.
Image: Cats at top. moi
Image: Cat on carpet with branches. moi
Image: Sun setting. moi
Image: Pamela with maya and logan Scotties.

The Dancer on the Beach

Grateful all~ways for the collaborations, thank you.

Post tags:


Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on June 15, 2014

Linx connectingPurple mountain pamela simplicityLinx connecting
Lamp post Light pamela quote

“If by words I cannot teach it.
Then I shall do my best to live it.
And in turn by living it.
I shall teach it.”

pamela leigh richards 2010

“Tis’ time to break divides of heart and minds.
Erase and bring forth transparencies revealing hiding.
Safe waters are here for release.
Blowing bubbles in kind through the tree of life.”

“You don’t have to break the branch you are on.
Simply be a leaf that chooses to fly away.
No harm done.”

Pamela Quote I have no judgement on your opinion

Pamela BlueLight

Dog shaking water

“Shake it off. Let it go. Isn’t it lovely we are all so not alone.”

Samadai Dolphin pamela quote

“How can I help if I cannot hear you? The answer? See beyond me and you.”

“Just know you are going in the right direction even without compass.”

“I don’t care what you look like, simply never forget to smile.”

“Don’t think. Simply happen to be.”

Quotes & Comments: Pamela Leigh Richards otherwise kindly noted.
“OceanHeart” her book. A coming artistic endeavor.
“Her book of Knowing” ~ working title for the other ONE.
Images: Obvious or unknown unless stated, thank you.
Image: Pamela in Blue. A day she was not well trying the phone camera. Baby she is *giggling*
Image: Beautiful Dolphin in Red Sea Egypt wild and free. Her fingers poised nicely.

The Dancer on the Beach
Grateful all~ways for the collaborations, thank you.

Post tags:

Les voiles de bateau ~ The Boat Sails

Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on May 31, 2014

Pamela quote 31.5.14 We will get there Someway

Pamela quote which way is that

“Never be offended by that which walks away. Including your’self’.
Hold your grace. All~ways.”

Puppy flower gift

The puppy brought the flower ~ after the garden in kind allowed its releasing.
Get the picture?

“When you wake up what do you see?
Well, I’m immobile healing in bed from broken ribs, wrist, spine, and brain,
and what I see is the beauty of silence in between the butterflies wings flapping.
Now your thoughts can get off my screen, thank you.” ~ plr 2010

It’s not the music, it is what is attached to the music that matters.

Pamela vesica Pisces Fingers

“Stand your place in space attracting good qualities.”

“The only way you’ll know me, is to never see me.”

Pamela Sunrise Surprise Standing

And this is a gentle poetic meme respectfully for life and living upon the journey.
How loved you Are. How can one express it? Out of mind while flowing through heart.

Pamela flex inspired by Samantha

“She does not do routine fairly well, yet putting forth activity.
Arms getting stronger. Could be temporary mind you please?”

“It is not I that must clothe my body, yet you that must clean your mind.”

SnowTrain pamela quote 1

“I’m leaving Monday. Can someone please pick me up someday?
I’m not in a hurry.”

“I stood at the station for a long time giggling with people passing by.
Then I had to catch the train for who knows where? Enjoy the ride.”

“Safety along the way is all that matters in life,
and there is no destination with a free spirit.”

“What are you teaching that I can see before me?
Or what is teaching me that you cannot see?

“Language sparks, never get caught upon its presence.”

“The complication always tries to figure itself out.”

“She looked at the stars differently.”

CatPlayingCork pamela quote

“We appear, we disappear, we teach.”

“If you paint a picture and place it in a gallery,
many minds will pass by viewing.
Leave it alone.”

“Upon thy kiss I erase.”

“I am ‘a’ ~ ‘theos'”

girlkissinghorse.pamela quote 4

“I don’t hold onto anything that I see.”

“Look upon the passage without a doubt.”

“If we’ve been offered to behave in certain ways,
I choose not the choice. I simply choose.”

“What is a quote?
A marginal reference of something you will remember when I’m gone.”

“What are we saving? The moment is cherished here and now.”

“Who is playing off my dreams? I am tired of thinking.”

“Meet you in the middle of a forever.”

“Let it be and love it into place.”


“Remove one idea from the equation and the questions begin to Silence.”

Quotes & Comments: Pamela Leigh Richards otherwise kindly noted.
“OceanHeart” her book. A coming artistic endeavor.
“Her book of Knowing” ~ working title for the other ONE.
The Dancer on the Beach
Images: Unknown unless stated, thank you.
Image: Hand with pencil upon purple writing ~ plr
Image: winding road pamela magic garden ~ plr
Image: pammy’s hands at public event with buddhist monks during a day of peace.
Image: Here comes the Sun

Post tags:


Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on May 22, 2014

Pamela quote OceanHeart A new day

“How can I love you more?
Just float with moi into the misunderstood, yet, known.”

Deva Premal Miten White Feather

“When you remove fear and float within, there is such a beauty beyond thought.”

White Feather Pamela quote

“BREATHE NOW without the past coming along, and the moment ON will become the future.”

“Melt the fire in your heart with a wee bit of cooling water.”

The Benu Bird who landed at her feet in Egypt.
Amazing story in her up and coming book “OceanHeart”.
She has filming of all this as well.
Not just of this precious one. Many flew landing onto the green grasses growing.
The dance in between was beyond my heart of knowing.

Tell your story with your whole heart.
“As I crossed the Mediterranean Sea by flight (airplane) into Egypt for rest and recovery?
I asked for a sign that I was on the right path.
That requested sign was a White Bird.”

“Our lives are not literal. Or belonging to letters of alphabetic scribing.”

Leopard Rings pamela quote

Pamela quote elephant leopard

“Your trek is filled with many, yet, none so close.”

I vow this with assurance. She listens to her will of spirit.

“It Just Happens.”

“I have an oath to only.”

“I’m exercising my right to be who I am every step of the way.”

Foot Water Light 4 pamela quotee

“If you don’t stand for something you fall for everything.
And everything is trying to capture your attention. Even love.
Let Go.
Be true to you in everything. And when you do?
Everything you thought love was to be?
Will come to thee gently.”

“One way to change the worlds mindset?
Is for the media to sum up a thought that provokes a more intelligent design in kind reply.”

“You are never alone in your belief, nor upon your doubt.
And life equalstands both ways.
Even if crooked in your moment, you will be straightened out.”

“Life is no different. It is simply filled with unfamiliar trails.”

Not a Word Quote 5

“Not a word was spoken. I’ll leave it with thee for the moment.”
Kindness and Peace is all she seas/sees and asks please.
‘What is in your nature?’.

Quotes & Comments: Pamela Leigh Richards otherwise kindly noted.
“OceanHeart” her book. A coming artistic endeavor.
“Her book of Knowing” ~ working title for the other ONE.
Images: Unknown unless stated, thank you.
Image: Sun New Day ~ plr
Image: White Benu Bird in Egypt ~ plr
Image: girl quote istock photo ~ plr
Image: Which Way is that ~ plr
Images: White Feather from Deva Premal and Miten’s Meditation Channel.

Wanna travel?
Believe it Beautiful
The Seven Circles
The Dolphins
The ‘A’ and the Circle
Build What You See
Thunder Mountain breaking through illusions
The Wall of Bliss

Post tags:

Aller plus haut ~ To Go Higher

Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on April 27, 2014

Pamela screen shot of film in Northern New Mexico cold and barefoot 4


“I don’t want to tell people what to do.
I just want to share what happened.”


Pamela Mirror Quote
They are renovating the Main House on the property where I rent the guest house.
I brought this mirror over that had broken to put in the pile for removal.
Mike said: ‘you broke the mirror?”
I said: “Do you think I’ll have 7 years bad luck?”
He said: ‘yes’
I said: “Well, in pammys world when one breaks a mirror?
It is good luck because you’ve just broken out of the prizm.”

We are re~scribing life.
I then asked him to put the mirror to the side for the picture.
He smiled happily. It just happens.

BabySeal Pamela Peace Quote

“One cannot get away from living. It is going on all the time.”
“I AM not here to challenge what you know. I AM here to know when to let go.”


“What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us,
are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
~ Henry Thoreau


“If you get the message please do not worry about the wobble of detail.”

Under-water-photography-3386 pamela quote2

“Did I have to know your mathematical numbers in order to realize Peace?
My Heart Sings without question.”

Seagull beauty flying 2

“Am I out of my mind?
Just give me a moment to settle down into your space.”

Tiger Reflecting Green Eyes Pond

Peace is freedom from personal disorder.
The Calm ‘within’ while walking among chaos.

Tiger Holographic Energy Pamela quote

“Can you look me in the eye with no thought?”

Pouvez-vous me regarder dans les yeux avec aucune pensée
Possibile mi guardi negli occhi senza pensare
Você pode olhar-me nos olhos com nenhum pensamento
Können Sie mir in die Augen und ohne Gedanken

Pamela on Red Rock

“The song has more purpose than money”.


“Those whom have walked the ground, have yet to hear her sound.”
“A kind Heart of the feather can outweigh any mind of steel.”

“Can you tell me something of your belief now, that is not repeating history?”


“It’s not where I’ve been. It’s where I AM.”
No need to seek peace. Be Peace.

Sailing the Seas large 2

“Sailing the seas while the world goes by. Keep smiling.”

“When you sit in the seat of indifference (want of difference, similarity),
the tail you catch is going to carry you beyond word, beyond thought.
For all of whatever has been a mere step,
when you could have punched through it ALL without thought.”

“Calming Waters flow upon thy thinking,
for a simple matter called Peace in the instant.”

Pamela quote collage lady blue dolphin dream

Pamela quote lady elk love

Pamela quote deer lady love

“The day is not distant when the very planet which gave him [her] birth will tremble at the sound of his [her]voice; he [she] will make the sun his [her] slave, harness the inexhaustible and terribly intense energy of microcosmic movement; cause atoms to combine in predetermined forms; he [she] will draw the mighty ocean from its bed, transport it through the air and create lakes and rivers at will; he [she] will command the wild elements; he [she] will push on and on from great to greater deeds until with his [her] intelligence and force, he [she] will reach out to spheres beyond the terrestrial.” ~ Nikola Tesla

I find this interesting because after my fall, I came out saying that I could see floating rivers filled with marine life. We could project ourselves into it freely at will, becoming and experiencing in kind, the forms of creation with no harm done. Floating in and out, knowing no death, simply the coming and going of the ebb and flow of life.

stars purple  blue and white

Pamela quote Cat beautiful Eyes

Pamela quote lady with  leopard love

“The great spirals… apparently lie outside our stellar system.”
~ Edwin Powell Hubbell

“Magic is in the air ~ Never landing.”

“The phallic enters the dome after leaving the baggage at the gate of her open presence.”

“Leave the trash at the door before entering.
For where we go from here is beyond thought, beyond everything you’ve been taught.”

“I Am not here to answer your question. I Am here to help you stop asking them.”

“Never allow the outside world determine who you are.”

“I connect with the All Seeing Eye in thee coherently ~ peace.”

Pamela Sun Magic Garden face forward 5

I was stung by a scorpion a month ago.
Lying in bed it crawled upon my left hand that was resting upon my face.
As quick as I realized it, the flash happened.
I actually saw the sting upon my left thumb in my inner eye.
I jumped out of bed, turned on the lights, pulled the covers off.
And there it was. Still upon the white pillow. Three inches long tail curled.
I picked the pillow up, spun around into the bathroom, placed it on the toilet.
It dropped in. With blessings I flushed. Talk about a three pointer!
Then it hit. Venom raising like lightning up my arm through my armpit and throat.
I tried to read about these things on the internet, but it was happening faster than I could read.
Called 911. Two o’clock in the morning. All Good.
My heros, paramedics arrived, surrounded by comforting words and deeds.
Nothing could be done. Let it be. And be it was.
My legs and feet are still slightly numb. Focussing on removing the cause.


“Dance with moi upon the sands of time seeing no’thing’ albeit the spiraling winds of silence.”


“You can try to deny me, yet, you cannot erase me.”

Quotes & Comments: Pamela Leigh Richards otherwise kindly noted.
“OceanHeart” her up and coming artistic endeavor.
“Her book of Knowing” ~ working title for the other ONE.
Images: Unknown unless stated, thank you.
Photo: Pamela on Red rock, in Sedona, Arizona. Bill Mortimer an angel in life itself.
Photo: Lady holding wolf Thoreau quote. This was a print Pamela has. Precious indeed to her. The story behind how she got it? Upon arriving in Sedona, she did some work in the film/audio/ industry. When asked how much for her services? She saw this print on the wall and said, can I have that? Keep smiling!
Photo: Space and Sails. Collage created by Pamela Leigh Richards from internet.
Photo: Sun pamela leigh richards sitting on her crystal rock.
Photo: White Feather from Deva Premal and Miten’s Meditation Channel

Wanna travel?
Believe it Beautiful
The Seven Circles
The Dolphins
The ‘A’ and the Circle
Build What You See
Thunder Mountain breaking through illusions
The Wall of Bliss

Post tags:

All The Knowledge In The World

Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on April 07, 2014

“All the knowledge in the world is of no use to fools.”
A soft answer turns away wrath, however, a harsh word stirs up anger.
The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly, yet, the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness.
Time to go within, where all the answers begin.

“If there’s no world ‘out there’
What are you reacting to?
Ask yourself that question every moment
Of every day When your peace is disturbed.”
~ Kenneth Wapnick

“Hope you are having a wonderful day no matter where the winds blow,
as the experience always leads to home.”

The Kiss Pamela quote

Peace Train 2


“Reflecting life through thine eyes.
Erase Doubts, Fears, insecurities, and life itself if not nurturing.
For the good of your knowing.”

“I will sit with you making up my right mind.”

“There is always a way. Be kind to nature, every animal, every step you make,
every moment you breathe, spread kindness and peace.”

“Peace crosses many lines in order to make it BE so.”

I saved a wee moth this morning from the bird bath.
It was drowning and spread its wings on my finger.
I blew a warm breath upon its being.
If you could have seen the look in its beautiful eyes.
Rising upon mine glistening.
Life speaks when you thought you could never hear.

Pamela quote Owl and Tree

“Life is just too big for my head.”


My body was once a part of me
but now my body’s dead.
The only thing that’s left to see
is this piece now called the head.

This poet he did not kill me,
he took me from a grave
to restore a form of beauty
and his soul to try and save.

I sat there in my forest
with my roots so strong and deep
until people chasing money
they’ve sold their souls for keeps.

The stuff we all call money
we chase it till we’re ill.
Some people steal it or print it
some people even kill.

I think you’ll all be sorry
this can’t be my God’s will
as you live in your society
where the doc says ‘take the pill.’

Are we all so stupid
that none of us can see
this paper stuff called money
really was a living tree

So humans, look amongst yourselves
and see what you can see.
Does the knowledge that is in this world
come from humans or from a tree?

Magi McGlynn Stewart, Bard of Scotland, Bard of Glastonbury Tor

Tree lined forest path fairies
“Sometimes you have to follow your heart,
and not wait for knowledge.”

Tiny Dancer

Alexandra K. Trenfor

“The strength of ones heart wielding a feather is more powerful,
than one wielding a thought of steel.”

Tigers Eye to Eye Pamela Quote
Birds two in speak pamela quote
Dog shaking water

“Being refined by the struggle.”

“We live in a monetary world I wish to erase.
Life and living should be Free in totality.
No suffering. No hunger. No homelessness. No Pain. No illness.
Free minds. Free living. Free Breathing. Free Life ….”


“Life appears very strange to me.
Words and history have changed over time.
Then the moment comes where we relate.
And have no idea where the meaning came from?
One word in the 2nd century, was changed to mean something else today.
Which lie will one buy?”

aurora-borealis-svalbard_58917_990x742 Pamela quote

Manny pamela quote Heart

“When you read between the lines of life,
nothing is there albeit a silent word waiting to be heard.
Stop and do not look upon listening.”


Ana-h’opta po
Hear my words!
Chief Arvol Looking Horse
19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe Bundle

“Somewhere deep within I believe the Peace train began in all of us.
Now coming to the surface to be heard.”


This is the trajectory of the moon over my home currently.
The Moon Over My Pammy *giggling*
“If we are reflections of each other,
then what are you trying to teach me,
and what do you think I’m trying to teach you?
When does the teaching end and all parties to the idea come together,
without having to ‘think’ about it?”

Tesla lightning

TESLA IS FREE: A third approach for wireless power transmission was to transmit electrical power to the area 80-kilometers above the earth known as the ionosphere. Tesla speculated that his region of the atmosphere would be highly conductive and again his suspicions were correct. What he needed was the technical means to send electrical power to such a high altitude.

One night in his laboratory, Tesla noticed a repeating signal being picked-up by his transmitter. To his own amazement, he believed that he was receiving a signal from outer space. Tesla was widely ridiculed when he announced this discovery, but it is possible that he was the first man to detect radio waves from space.

“Why am I here speaking to you that cannot hear?
Never be afraid to shed your tears.”

“If I never said a word, would you hear me?”

Lady siloughette

“He tried to silence her … yet, she knew the music.
He tried to remove a free thinker.
yet, she knew more as a quantum leaper.
He tried to remove her from life.
yet, she had the gods on her side.
They would not let him take away her soul.
For her heart was here for the good of the whole.”
pamela leigh richards 2010

The Phoenix of Pamela and friends with the moonlight for PEACE. Photo.

Don’t even think about it.
Gain control of your ship without thought.
Float freely in calm singing softly.
Erase the non-sense. Set it aside like passing a plate of indifference.
Coming hOMe to a place of knowing.
Meet moi there, otherwise, I do not care.

“How much do you need to know,
before you realize you never had to know anything?”

“I was born in a land called America, however, I am by nature of all.”
Je suis né dans un pays appelé Amérique, cependant, je suis par nature de tous.
SONO nato in un paese chiamato America, però IO per carattere sono di tutti.
Eu nasci numa terra chamada América, no entanto, eu sou, por natureza de todos.
Ich wurde geboren in einem Land namens Amerika geworden, aber ich bin von Natur aus alle.
Jeg ble født i et land kalt Amerika, men jeg er av natur for alle.

Pamela Sunlight Garden 1

“What is life? It’s the seed that grows and noone knows.”
Has nothing to do with sex. Get over it. Calm. No need to do anything.
Love me without the idea. Peace within one’self’.
Calm, soothing, no thought, gentle touching, even in passing.
Find the place you feel alone in, and love IT.
Life did not teach this in school. We are here to rewrite history.
The big bang? A distant memory.

“Do I have to spend the rest of my life trying to sort things out?
I, you, me, what are we? Then WE wake up doing the same routine. Pretty much.

“In the beginning was the word. So what do you have to say?
She says hear without thought and get off the ladies screen,
as she walks in the garden of Peace.”

“I cannot deny life as it pours through me speaking in translation,
to the mind of mankind in the only way I know how.
Am I real? Yes. Do I feel? Yes. So where does one go with it?
I cannot say unless you sit with moi,
for the messages coming through is beyond form and matter and space and time.”

“I think we should all go to sleep before we wake up together.
Meet her in her dreams.”

“Her words are like whispers in the night,
sailing the seas of cruising knowing no-thing.”

“If I gave nothing I know that I left you with everything.”


Swim Bonnie Swans Swim!
“This lady dances on the surface with one foot beneath and above it wondering,
like a carpet weave dipping in and out of life itself.”
“When one loses temptation is when we meet not looking.”
“I’m happy for happy happening.”

White Swan reflection pamela quote

“There is a place I long to be
Like some distant memory haunting me
A void of nothing, yet, everything
Where only kindness matters
In the joy of infinity.”

Elena Shumilova Pamela Quote copy

Lady Desert White Wings Pamela Quote copy

All quotes: pamela leigh richards unless otherwise stated.
I am so grateful for the collaboration of all artists allowing the sharing.
VISION forthcoming: OceanHeart and her book of “Knowings”.

Images: unknown unless stated with all due respect & grateful for sharing.
Image: Peace Train by David Dees. Pamela played with photoshop on it and voila. 2005-ish.
Image: Pamela camera mirror 2008
Image: White Buffalo ~ moi
Image: The three ladies under the Full Moon
Image: Dog and young child: Elena Shumilova
Image: Lady Desert. Unknown edited by moi
If you wish to travel:
Bonnie Portmore
In A Dream Close to You.
One Looks
The Rabbit in the Road
Going Direct
Her Clearing

Good to Let Go

Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on April 03, 2014

Pamelas White Rose 2Pamela silhouette QuotePamelas White Rose 2

“Nature is her guiding light.”

“Never let another determine who you are.”

Diving to the depths of despair and rising to the heights of ecstacy,
in between the two beyond the speed of light.

Dolphin flying

“Pardon moi,
I did not know about Einstein in that moment of recognition.”

“I see everything when I’m lost now found.”

“Who is the kind guiding fool?
Whoever it is, love them dearly, thank you.”


“Know the goal. Do not seek it.”

“Life is not serious. Make light of it.”


Eye to Eye Cat Horse pamela quote

“May we all take the walk in Peace through our personal journeys.”

All quotes: pamela leigh richards unless otherwise stated.
I am so grateful for the collaboration of all artists allowing the sharing.
Images: unknown unless stated with all due respect & grateful for sharing.
Image: White Roses pamela leigh richards
Image: silhouette of pamela taken by Bill Mortimer, thank you dear friend.
Image: White Buffalo ~ pamela
VISION forthcoming: OceanHeart
Travel if you wish:
Break Out
All together now
Did you look at it?

Post tags:


Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on March 25, 2014



Fractality of Life quote copy


You did not owe it to me to be a decent coach.
You owed it to me to be a decent human being.


Life living freely 3

“Can I love you out of your misery? No. It’s a personal journey.”


Pamela quote Sun rock

kittiemirror pamela quote

pamela first phone

“If one has lost their way with no guiding light?
They might crash on the shore.
Either way they will always merge with the ocean.
No matter how bumpy the ride.”

“The calmest place is right through the middle.”

“I am grateful for the pace.”

Swan Rainbow Pamela Quote

“Mass confusion
in the peoples’ minds
as they strive and search
whilst they try to find.
Most bring goodliness , they think –
but with words and kind –
are the people really blind?

The bees carry pollen
from flower onto flower,
as people carry gossip
from hour onto hour.
Which one is sweet and natural,
which one is man-made and sour?
The taste of nice clean honey
or your personal ivory tower?”
Magi McGlynn Stewart, Bard of Scotland, Bard of Glastonbury Tor



“In order to stop the house from falling apart,
the Heart must come out of the clausum (closed space or closet).
It only takes a moment to be here, then not.
Make every moment count. Make every moment worth it.
Every’one’ is important, Every’one’ has worth, Every’one’ is beautiful,
Every’one’ has meaning to be here, Every’one’ has purpose.”


“I came to your earth, just to see
the body I took. Humans call it a tree.

Who I am, very few of you know
and where I have been no human can go.

The message I bring is very hard and it’s cold.
Stop your evil, mad ways or none will grow old.

There is good among bad, and bad among good,
but now is the time to be understood.

You are only a race with a very small brain.
If you mess it up now you can’t go back again.

So please do not listen to the governments that hold.
Look deep in your souls.

At least some be bold,
and carry the message of what you have been told.”

~ Magi McGlynn Stewart, Bard of Scotland, Bard of Glastonbury Tor

Bard = poet, singer,” from PIE root *gwer- “to lift up the voice, praise.
Poetic use of the word in English is from Greek bardos, Latin bardus, both from Gaulish.


Universe Stairs Ocean

“As above so below don’t you know.
In the middle of space that isn’t at all.”




“I feel as if I’ve had many lives in the one I’m recognizing.”


Faithfulness by Akiane pamela quote

The child has a mother
who also has a mother
called the grandmother
who has a mother grander than her,
called Mother Nature.
Magi McGlynn Stewart, Bard of Scotland, Bard of Glastonbury Tor


“Encompass this notionem (concept) that you are not alone.
There is good in the world.

Pamelas White Rose 2


Carpe Diem ~ Seize the Day
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.
Old Time is still a-flying.
And this same flower that smiles today,
tomorrow will be dying.


Linx connecting


“Each step one takes make it with grace.
Knowing in heart to leave thought.
For no matter, it is all okay.”


Pamela Red Rocks Quote


“I would give my life to life with exception to the rule.”
“Get over the reflection and paint a new picture.”
“Obtenir au cours de la réflexion et la peinture une nouvelle photo.”
“Andare oltre la riflessione e la vernice una nuova immagine.”


Exception here being “action of excepting” someone or something from the rule in question, not the person or thing that is excepted. To take exception is from excipere being used in Roman law as a modern attorney would say objection.




“I think we make it up as we go along, history did.”

Pamela Leigh Richards Facing Life 2


“Never be afraid of your’self’.




“Never get pulled into word.”

“I care not what you wear and cast no judgment upon your free mind.
Just don’t mess with mine as we pass by.”



All quotes: pamela leigh richards unless otherwise stated.
I am so grateful for the collaboration of all artists allowing the sharing.
Images: unknown unless stated with all due respect & grateful for sharing.
Image: White Roses pamela leigh richards
Image: Children laughing
Image: Girl on Earth created by the amazing Akiane

Dance with no borders
Remove Fear and Fly

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Effortless Rising

Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on March 19, 2014

Effortless = ‘effort’ + ‘less’ meaning “easy”. Life does not have to happen with force.

“If your words are not true from the core?
I will guarantee, that which does not fit the coherency of this ladies sphere of life and direction,
will be removed off her screen swiftly saying no more.”

“You can try to deny me, yet, you cannot erase me.”

Mermaid Silouhette on Rock Ocean

Climbing unencumbered. It happens externally and internally.
Never judge for the walk is outward and inward.
Allow life to flow naturally in Peace.
It begins with thee.


“We are all soldiers making our rising way home.
Dear friends all over the world, nice to know we are not alone.”

“I might not have been in the war, but I travelled with it.”

“If you miss ‘it’? Let it go because you never needed to know it.”

“How many times can one look at the question,
when the answer is in plain sight without thought?

“In order to understand some of my writings?
One must sit and look her in the eyes.”

elephant sunset splash pamela quote

“There is no enemi (12c) at hOMe in the house you dwell in.”

Girl hugging herself
“Love yourself always, no matter the journey.
For one step left, leaves another to be made.”

Climbing ladder

“No~thing can cover her with false words. If you wish to dance with her?
Sing clearly without the past. Notes rising ON a new octave be’cause’ we can.”
Let’s at least give it a try and see how high we can climb.”

“I’m trusting in life it’self’. What else is there?”

After her fall involving a TBI, she came out seeing with new eyes.
And said among many new insights pouring through?
“I am my own life’s experiment, and my own research project.”

“We cannot speak, unless you climb the ladder with she.”

Girl Fox Mountain View Eragon movie quotes pamela

Pamela quote Foxes Heart Touch 2010

The Dreamer is the Dream Pamela quote 5

Pamela quote Dreams

“If someone compliments the seed they compliment the garden.”

All quotes: pamela leigh richards unless otherwise stated.
I am so grateful for the collaboration of all artists allowing the sharing.
Images: unknown unless stated with all due respect & grateful for sharing.
Image: Mermaid. Purchased on
Video: Arlo Guthrie: Dedicated to all the fallen Service men & woman, those still serving, and those making their way home. Open Arms here for you all 🙂
Sharing the Travel:
OceanHeart ~ a book being written from a life lived to inspire.
Fly For The Love of It
The Flight of Life
The Dancer on the Beach

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Curiosity Caused the Light

Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on March 17, 2014

“Those who wish to be ~ must put aside the alienation ~
get on with the fascination ~ the real relation ~
the underlying theme.”
~ excerpt from Limelight by Rush

For moi, this is in line with removing divisions.
And bringing in Peaceful resolution.
Great editing on the video by the way. Loved it!

quote compassions 2

Quote Cassiopaean Sessions

Pamela quote Girl Green Meadow Calm

Pamela S.A 2006 Pamela quote



“Words are like seeds planting ideas.
I’m going to live my life as I see fit.”

“Call me what you like. I’ll tell you how I AM.”

“How can you take my feelings and put a note to it?
That reflects the song I’m singing?
You cannot because the deepest meaning is beyond form.”

“We are all living the real trip in its many facets as conduits.”

All quotes: pamela leigh richards unless otherwise stated.
I am so grateful for the collaboration of all artists allowing the sharing.
Images: unknown unless stated with all due respect & grateful for sharing.
Image: Wings and Dog ~ Artist Kim McElroy
Sharing the Travel: OceanHeart ~ a book being written from a life lived to inspire.

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A Bird in Hand ~ Timing is everything

Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on March 06, 2014

  • I just fly

“It is a strange arrangement. Keep smiling with compassion.”

The Present pamela quote
Pamela owl right to decide mirror quote

“Her silence is her university.”

“There is a knowing that transcends ‘thought’.
Stop thinking about it and I assure you, it will go away.”

Pamela quote mushroom golden glow
Bird in hand

“The chatter does not matter. Stay INs~eyed and keep walking toward your goal.”

“I went from here to there and back again. What I learned?
The beauty in life is never ending.”

“Sometimes you are in the bleachers watching the game,
and sometimes you are on the court playing it.”

“There is no mystery. It was all made up.”

“Life is happening. I’m not attached to it.”

“I’m laughing all degrees away.” quote

“What is life, living, and teaching? What you ‘see’.”
Know when to say ‘get off my radar.

I have had many, what I call, transmissions come through,
that I feel are relevant and positive for the whole of life itself.
As I asked life itself; “How does seeing begin?”
The answer: “A force beyond recognition.”.

I could not stop laughing.

Elena Shumilova son with duck

“There cannot be any false agenda towards this lady.”
“Il ne peut y avoir de faux ordre du jour vers cette dame.”
“Non vi può essere alcuna falsa agenda verso questa signora.”

“The pen is mightier than the sword?
The heart is mightier than the pen.
Life begins before it is written.”

“I have humbled heart for all of living, however ….
will close the doors on any form of matter,
that is not coherent with this lassies tree of life growing.”

“The external journey is not the same as the internal.”

“I know no-thing. I simply know sOMe-thing.”

Thank you Nic Askew
All quotes: pamela leigh richards unless otherwise stated.
I am so grateful for the collaboration of all artists allowing the sharing.
Images: unknown unless stated with all due respect & grateful for sharing.
Image: owl in mirror pamela leigh richards
Image: porcupine Edwin Kats Photography
Image: Son with Duck Elena Shumilova
Sharing the Travel: OceanHeart ~ a book being written from a life lived to inspire.

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