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Aller plus haut ~ To Go Higher

Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on April 27, 2014

Pamela screen shot of film in Northern New Mexico cold and barefoot 4


“I don’t want to tell people what to do.
I just want to share what happened.”


Pamela Mirror Quote
They are renovating the Main House on the property where I rent the guest house.
I brought this mirror over that had broken to put in the pile for removal.
Mike said: ‘you broke the mirror?”
I said: “Do you think I’ll have 7 years bad luck?”
He said: ‘yes’
I said: “Well, in pammys world when one breaks a mirror?
It is good luck because you’ve just broken out of the prizm.”

We are re~scribing life.
I then asked him to put the mirror to the side for the picture.
He smiled happily. It just happens.

BabySeal Pamela Peace Quote

“One cannot get away from living. It is going on all the time.”
“I AM not here to challenge what you know. I AM here to know when to let go.”


“What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us,
are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
~ Henry Thoreau


“If you get the message please do not worry about the wobble of detail.”

Under-water-photography-3386 pamela quote2

“Did I have to know your mathematical numbers in order to realize Peace?
My Heart Sings without question.”

Seagull beauty flying 2

“Am I out of my mind?
Just give me a moment to settle down into your space.”

Tiger Reflecting Green Eyes Pond

Peace is freedom from personal disorder.
The Calm ‘within’ while walking among chaos.

Tiger Holographic Energy Pamela quote

“Can you look me in the eye with no thought?”

Pouvez-vous me regarder dans les yeux avec aucune pensée
Possibile mi guardi negli occhi senza pensare
Você pode olhar-me nos olhos com nenhum pensamento
Können Sie mir in die Augen und ohne Gedanken

Pamela on Red Rock

“The song has more purpose than money”.


“Those whom have walked the ground, have yet to hear her sound.”
“A kind Heart of the feather can outweigh any mind of steel.”

“Can you tell me something of your belief now, that is not repeating history?”


“It’s not where I’ve been. It’s where I AM.”
No need to seek peace. Be Peace.

Sailing the Seas large 2

“Sailing the seas while the world goes by. Keep smiling.”

“When you sit in the seat of indifference (want of difference, similarity),
the tail you catch is going to carry you beyond word, beyond thought.
For all of whatever has been a mere step,
when you could have punched through it ALL without thought.”

“Calming Waters flow upon thy thinking,
for a simple matter called Peace in the instant.”

Pamela quote collage lady blue dolphin dream

Pamela quote lady elk love

Pamela quote deer lady love

“The day is not distant when the very planet which gave him [her] birth will tremble at the sound of his [her]voice; he [she] will make the sun his [her] slave, harness the inexhaustible and terribly intense energy of microcosmic movement; cause atoms to combine in predetermined forms; he [she] will draw the mighty ocean from its bed, transport it through the air and create lakes and rivers at will; he [she] will command the wild elements; he [she] will push on and on from great to greater deeds until with his [her] intelligence and force, he [she] will reach out to spheres beyond the terrestrial.” ~ Nikola Tesla

I find this interesting because after my fall, I came out saying that I could see floating rivers filled with marine life. We could project ourselves into it freely at will, becoming and experiencing in kind, the forms of creation with no harm done. Floating in and out, knowing no death, simply the coming and going of the ebb and flow of life.

stars purple  blue and white

Pamela quote Cat beautiful Eyes

Pamela quote lady with  leopard love

“The great spirals… apparently lie outside our stellar system.”
~ Edwin Powell Hubbell

“Magic is in the air ~ Never landing.”

“The phallic enters the dome after leaving the baggage at the gate of her open presence.”

“Leave the trash at the door before entering.
For where we go from here is beyond thought, beyond everything you’ve been taught.”

“I Am not here to answer your question. I Am here to help you stop asking them.”

“Never allow the outside world determine who you are.”

“I connect with the All Seeing Eye in thee coherently ~ peace.”

Pamela Sun Magic Garden face forward 5

I was stung by a scorpion a month ago.
Lying in bed it crawled upon my left hand that was resting upon my face.
As quick as I realized it, the flash happened.
I actually saw the sting upon my left thumb in my inner eye.
I jumped out of bed, turned on the lights, pulled the covers off.
And there it was. Still upon the white pillow. Three inches long tail curled.
I picked the pillow up, spun around into the bathroom, placed it on the toilet.
It dropped in. With blessings I flushed. Talk about a three pointer!
Then it hit. Venom raising like lightning up my arm through my armpit and throat.
I tried to read about these things on the internet, but it was happening faster than I could read.
Called 911. Two o’clock in the morning. All Good.
My heros, paramedics arrived, surrounded by comforting words and deeds.
Nothing could be done. Let it be. And be it was.
My legs and feet are still slightly numb. Focussing on removing the cause.


“Dance with moi upon the sands of time seeing no’thing’ albeit the spiraling winds of silence.”


“You can try to deny me, yet, you cannot erase me.”

Quotes & Comments: Pamela Leigh Richards otherwise kindly noted.
“OceanHeart” her up and coming artistic endeavor.
“Her book of Knowing” ~ working title for the other ONE.
Images: Unknown unless stated, thank you.
Photo: Pamela on Red rock, in Sedona, Arizona. Bill Mortimer an angel in life itself.
Photo: Lady holding wolf Thoreau quote. This was a print Pamela has. Precious indeed to her. The story behind how she got it? Upon arriving in Sedona, she did some work in the film/audio/ industry. When asked how much for her services? She saw this print on the wall and said, can I have that? Keep smiling!
Photo: Space and Sails. Collage created by Pamela Leigh Richards from internet.
Photo: Sun pamela leigh richards sitting on her crystal rock.
Photo: White Feather from Deva Premal and Miten’s Meditation Channel

Wanna travel?
Believe it Beautiful
The Seven Circles
The Dolphins
The ‘A’ and the Circle
Build What You See
Thunder Mountain breaking through illusions
The Wall of Bliss

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