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    Copyright © 2008-
    Fly with Me Productions

    The flight of life

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on November 27, 2013

    sailingPamelas White Rose 2sailing

    Her White Rose.
    A photo she took when the journey changed direction in her life.
    She flew with the petals expanding not knowing where they would lead her.
    However, life is magical. They drew her back to the garden she adored upon high.

    “Peace is graceful.”
    “Never let the outside world influence your inner knowing.”
    “Stand up for what you believe in, even if you stand alone.”
    “When you doubt yourself you open the door for another’s interpretation.”

    Be clear in heart, mind, body, soul, and everything you have yet to know.
    Knowing when to say yes, and when to say no.
    Always for the good of the whole.
    Knowing when to let go.

    White Swan reflection Gandhi quote

    “I cannot teach you violence, as I do not myself believe in it.
    I can only teach you not to bow your heads before any one
    even at the cost of your life.”
    ~ Mahatma Gandhi

    With Gratitude and Love. Thank you.
    Namaste’ I see thee.
    May we all do the same equally in Peace.

    Isn’t it nice to share space and time in flight?

    “I love what I know. I love more, what I’ve yet to know.”


    Pamela screen shot of film in Northern New Mexico cold and barefoot 3

    Someone has to do it.
    “The whole world is a garden. Live not for any doubt.
    Live the line in between the lies.”

    Magick Garden Monsoon 1 Aug 11 The Doves of Peace pamela quote

    Squirrel Pamela quote magic garden
    I’m a dreamer
    Always have been. No thing can stop her.

    Magick Garden Monsoon 1 Aug 11 The Brilliance seeing after a TBI
    Pamela magic garden rainbow 1
    Her simple magic garden

    Eyes and mind like a hawk.
    A dancer makes sure they make their point 😉

    “When you walk in the forest …
    what is the difference between the life of a tree growing freely,
    and your mind thinking?
    Know when to shut up.”

    Fractality of Life quote copy

    “Someone started the train and everyone got on board.
    When you can laugh is when war and peace finds the door.”

    Ocean Walkway pamela quote

    No Separation Pamela Quote

    Whale Mountains Pamela Quote

    Another may try to kill me, yet, they shall never insult me.
    Un autre peut essayer de me tuer, et pourtant,
    ils ne sont jamais m’insulte.

    RAINBOW Sedona 1 Dec 2013 pamela quote

    Lady Water Floating pamela quote

    “Life is not about living forever.
    It is about living with yourself forever.”

    “There is no greater Freedom than Truth in Love.
    There is no greater love than truth without fear.”

    quotes and sayings: pamela leigh richards unless otherwise stated with respect, thank you.
    The Light Will Never Go Out
    The Dancer on the Beach
    Here Comes the Sun
    images: unless noted unknown with all due respect, thank you.
    image: white rose ~ pamela leigh richards
    image: sailing ship ~ purchased
    image: pamela walking in snow barefoot
    image: pigeons copyright pamela
    image: squirrel copyright pamela
    image: garden copyright pamela
    image: rainbow hummingbird feeder copyright pamela
    image: rainbow one way ~ dear friends upon a happenstance shared. Thank you!
    quote: on the fractality picture from “Stick It” the movie

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    Swimmingly Lovely

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on November 11, 2013

    Bill Mortimer white bird left 1Forest Path 2Bill Mortimer white bird right 2

    “Imagine a forest with many paths. Step away from one path and walk your own.
    We live, we learn. We come, we go. We see, we don’t.
    We choose ~ knowing we are never alone.”

    The Dreamer is the Dream Pamela quote 5

    “If you think
    you’re too small
    to make a difference,
    you haven’t spent time
    with a mosquito”
    ~ African proverb

    Life living freely 3

    “You’ll find more danger,
    in one day,
    in any city in the world,
    than you will ever find,
    in those forests.
    Do you understand that?”
    ~ Film ‘Instinct’

    “All scholars out there,
    please meet me,
    in the middle of forever,
    look me in the eye,
    and say nothing.”

    “Timing is everything.
    Actually it is not about time,
    it is about the beat.
    Make it count.”

    squirrel pamela quote 2

    Pamela quote love has left its fury

    When you have no budget and A TBI (traumatic brain injury).

    You work with what you have.

    The Pause Pamela Quote

    “How do you know unless you SEE?”

    If you are missing a coordinate?
    You will continue to be lost at SEA.
    Floating in an ocean of confusion.

    Life is not about your religion.
    It is about who you ARE.
    Become aware of the AWE that you ARE.
    So beautiful.

    Beach wave blue pamela quote

    “We are all a living purpose. From the seen and unseen.
    Treat yourself well and the rest of life will smile with thee.”

    “You never lose anyone or anything.
    Mind game while we all walk through the pain.
    Comfort is knowing you are not alone.
    What is apparently gone shows us the beauty of who we are.
    Get out of mind and never lose heart.”

    “My honour is in truth.
    May my last breath be in it.”

    “It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare,
    but because we do not dare, things are difficult.”
    ~ Seneca

    White wolf white wolves totem animal wolf
    “Never defend an irresponsible thought.”

    Wolf beautiful

    “All the knowledge in the world,
    holds not a candle,
    to one precious moment.”

    Hand Grass
    “OM Have Merci”

    Pamela Egypt arch ocean 4

    “When I hear things in this world,
    I cant help myself but to think outside of it.”

    Time to blow out some candles.
    Burst some bubbles maybe?
    I think so 🙂

    “The worst thing that can happen to me,
    is to continue living in the world as it is.
    The best thing that can happen,
    is to say what I have to say before I leave.”

    Rain Flower pamela quote

    Lady Butterfly in the fields of green

    quotes: pamela leigh richards copyright beginning to never ending, unless otherwise noted
    images: unless noted unknown with all due respect.
    image: white egret flying – bill mortimer with gratitude and appreciation.
    image: pamela lightning original film screen shot edited by Diego, with gratitude and appreciation.
    image: The Garland ~ Shiela Wolk
    image: hand in grass

    If you wish to travel: From The Heart Life Will Know
    The Move
    Celestial Space Builder
    Invisible Light
    Become Aware of the Awe that you ARE

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