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    Fly with Me Productions


    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on May 28, 2020

    “Humanity is merely a product of imagination,
    enduring something unimaginable.
    We are now the shift of light,
    in-between the left, and the right.”
    ~ plr OceanHeart

    Now here’s a change of pace in a story I call GEESE BABY BEAUTIFUL.
    I’ll share something I experienced,
    that happened on Memorial Day, Monday, May 28, 2018.
    The brain has ‘mirror neurons’, which reflect.
    May we teach our children well by our actions.

    If anyone asked me a question such as this:

    “What gives you the most pleasure in life?”

    My answer would be:

    “When humans do compassionately kind deeds,
    towards our two, and four legged, furry and feathered friends.”

    “LOVING GEESE in a living dream. Time Stood Still in taking time out for nature.
    It’s the little things in life that mean so much.
    Setting the scene, this is what happened:

    There were Two lanes going North, Two lanes going South, with a manicured meridian dividing them in between, in a lovely neighborhood with a lake on one side.

    I was heading South and traffic was slowing down ahead of me in both lanes. I was wondering what the cause was for the intermittent pausing? Well, one car was stopped to turn left into the neighborhood, and as I moved over into the right lane, THIS WAS THE REASON! I quickly noticed some Geese and their babies were on the right trying to cross to the other side. On the other side (where the lake was), were the rest of the family, and traffic was busy!

    Something spoke to my heart deeply, and as quick as I recognized the situation in passing it, I took the next opportunity to turn around and head North back to this crossing. I stopped my car in the far right lane, and put my car ‘flashers on’ – got out, turned around putting my hand up to oncoming traffic in the other lane (please stop) – waved the lady who was previously in front of me still trying to make her left turn, to make her turn, which she did. Another car was coming out of the neighborhood to my right, so I waved them on.

    Geese on both sides waiting and watching. I walk toward the Southbound traffic, lanes lining up in a patiently waiting holding pattern, with my hand up (please stop for a moment), as my other hand was still up towards the Northbound traffic. To my amazement and relief, EVERYONE stopped, no honking of horns, nothing. All four lanes in each direction waited patiently.

    The Geese began to cross with their babies on this hot pavement. I had to walk a bit behind them, to let them know that life is standing still in this one moment just for them to cross safely, which they did, on towards the lake to be with the rest of their family.

    Once safely across I turned to all 4 lanes of traffic bowing in a prayerful “Namaste” gesture, with gratitude, thanking them for this moment of human kindness. No-one honked, no-one did, or said anything out of order, in fact, the elderly couple in the front car gave me a smiling thumbs up, along with many others praising this act of kindness with thumbs up. It was like a vortex of time that stopped for this precious moment to occur, in the time space continuum, and all who were present, were united in peace for it to happen.

    May we all take time out to do simple kind deeds and things, with grace, as we share life with natures miracles breathing the same air as we, on this special Memorial Day. In line with this and looking back on it – it reminded me of my Veteran A.F. Officer Fighter Pilot father who is no longer with us. He shared many stories of his flying days, with the most important being he simply LOVED to FLY! He did not like war. This Geese story kind of reminds me of an analogy?

    As a pilot in war, my father was part of the team that would go in and fire upon a ‘so-callled’ enemy, to clear the way for the Jolly’s (Army Search and Rescue Helicopters), to come in and pick up our boys who were wounded or not. So I sort of felt like both a Pilot, and the Jolly Helicopter . I “cleared the way”, and instead of the need for a helicopter to pick up the soldiers (geese), they were able to walk to safety across the busy streets to a happy NEW BEGINNING.

    Thank you to everyone who participated in the wonderful GOOD DEED today!
    No matter how small it was. Fly for the Love of it, Not the fight.

    This is the view to the road we crossed. I’m standing on the side of the Lake.
    You can see some of the Geese to the right,
    about to slide into the Lake so peacefully.
    My heart sings!

    Another View of the Geese happily in the water and safe,
    after experiencing some human who did something in kindness,
    they have never seen before but the trust was there, and grateful for.

    The final few Geese sliding and gliding into the water to meet up with their tribe,
    after safely crossing a busy 4 lane hot paved road with the help of a human “Being”.

    “Love is our guiding light.”
    ~ plr

    “When nature speaks with you outside of form,
    Is when the true nature within us gets along.
    Meet me there before all was born.”
    ~ plr

    “Time is a label of infinities.”
    ~ plr

    “Follow yourself integrally, in doing so others will follow.”
    ~ plr
    in·te·gral = 1. Essential or necessary for completeness.

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