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    Copyright © 2008-
    Fly with Me Productions

    Inner Peace pamela quote
    Eye Galaxy
    No Separation Pamela Quote
    “Hell hath no fury like a woman who knows right from wrong.”

    “Sometimes forgetting,
    is more beneficial than remembering.”

    Wild Beautiful Tree Leopard forest pamela quote

    What is in your nature?

    Quote Pamela Lady Tree Bow

    Balance. Peace. Walk nicely. Breathe kindly. Share life respectfully.
    Know when to open doors, when to close, when to say yes, and when to say no.
    New information causes new choices to be made.Thank you.

    After my near death experience the fall, I said;
    “I have an oath to one thing and one thing only,
    and that shall be to my creator.
    How lovely that roles change through time in recognizing.”

    “If you’re going to step UP to the plate?
    Always know what is underneath the canvas,
    before making a single brush stroke upon a possible deceptive surface.”



    elephant sunset splash pamela quote

    Tesla ~ Emoto ~ Cymatics ~ Brilliant!

    “Sound is merely a component of the greater scheme of knowing.
    Pay attention to your own direction.
    Always remembering we are so not alone,
    with humbled heart in mind removing all fear,
    and coinciding with nothing but coherency,
    for Peace and truth in transparency.”

    Look up “Faraday Cage”.

    “Absence is merely taking care of existence.”

    “Giving up does not mean letting go,
    you simply decided to hold it together somewhere else.”

    Pamela Bill sedona 09_15_20129999_22a
    Pamela Bill sedona 09_15_20129999_23a
    Pamela Bill sedona 09_15_20129999_24a

    “Every great and deep difficulty,
    bears in itself its own solution.
    It forces us to change our thinking,
    in order to find it.”
    ~ Niels Bohr


    “If you can’t see it?
    Give Peace time to reveal it.”



    Hold your breath … and know thyself.
    Connect. Inhale. Exhale. Breathe Deep.
    It is here you will hear the song of the birds singing.
    It is here you will sense the wind without thinking.
    It is here you will touch the invisible speaking.
    It is here you will know the sound of the trees.
    It is here you will, without words, live life as it was meant to be.
    Breathe. Peace.


    Mother Whale and Mother Dolphin with babies.
    Whether this is digitally created or real, does not matter.
    The message is very heartfelt.

    “I begin again. Knowing no-thing.”


    FWMP Picture-You are not alone


    “In order to have Peace,
    some systems need deleting.”

    “Do not view with your mind,
    see with your heart overriding all thought.”



    Quotes and comments: pamela leigh richards copyright 1960-infinity
    Images: Unknown unless otherwise stated with gratitude.
    Image: Jasmine with beautiful dog ~ pamela leigh richards one time somewhere
    Image: Water droplet with pamela quote about existence written in 2010.
    Images: Pamela sunset: Bill Mortimer photographer
    Image: Pamela at five years living in England with balloon.
    Image: Beach walk hands holding plant. Collage created by Pamela

    Care to travel:
    OceanHeart ~ my baby yet to be born.
    Time out of Time
    Walk On
    The Vortex Well
    On The Verge
    The Dancer on the Beach
    Dolphins in the Red Sea
    Take a Walk.
    The Rivers Edge
    Meet you in the Middle of Forever
    The Arc of New Beginnings
    The Rest of My Life
    Time For Transparency

    I am now at home (February 4th) after being discharged from hospital.

    On a warm and sunny Sunday afternoon, January 24th, 2010 ….

    I fell twelve (12) feet from the ledge of a loft in the car garage, slipping off the top rung of the ladder straight onto the concrete floor below fracturing my skull, subcutaneous hematoma, head trauma with left epidural hematoma, cerebral contusions, hairline fracture of spine, fractured left wrist with 9 rib fractures and bruising all over my left side.

    At some point after falling I somehow walked myself to the guesthouse I rented, with no memory of doing this either and can only assume I walked, and layed down on my bed. Maybe heaven bent and held my hand so I would not lose everything? I have come to find out I walked in a lucid state. The next awareness or remembering I have was opening my eyes slightly, and in a blurry state of vision saw blood all over my white comforter. I went out completely after that. There was noone on the property or living in the main house at this time, so I was alone.

    What happened truly was a miracle. The landlords were in town (Sedona) and were across the valley at one of their other properties when the Mrs. had something intuitively and strongly telling her to “go back to the property!”, “go back to the property!”. So, she drove back to this property, walked to the guesthouse and heard moaning. She entered and found me lying on my bed.
    If she had not come I surely would not be writing this.

    She told me she tried to get me in the car but would not go as I threw up, then had to lay down. There was blood all over the place and now vomit. The Mrs. did not know what to do, so she called her husband on the cell phone. The next thing I remember briefly is a voice shouting, “She’s going to die! Call 911!”, before losing consciousness again. I found out later that what I was hearing was her husband over the cells speaker. He just happened to be a former ER Doctor and soon made his way over.

    The Sedona Fire Department responded to the emergency call. The Mrs said I had five paramedics working on me. I was completely in a long gone state remembering none of this. Having no clue what happened. One of the paramedics began sleuthing it out and walked to the garage to discover blood on the floor under the loft next to the ladder and realized I must have fallen. I kept moaning and pulling my left wrist, so they cut the long sleeves off exposing the break. Shortly thereafter I was carried by stretcher to the ambulance, which, took me to the Sedona Medical Center where the extent of my injuries were discovered, as was the seriousness of the situation. I was immediately flown by helicopter North to Flagstaff Medical Center for emergency brain surgery.

    They made the incision from the top of my head straight down to just below the top part of my left ear. A circle of my skull was cut out and removed around the fracture line so they could drain the blood from my brain. They then placed this circular piece of skull back in and secured it with four (4) tiny titanium ‘plates’ and ‘screws’. I had two neurosurgeons working on me first, and once I was stable, the orthopaedic surgeon performed his skills on my fractured wrist as a metal plate was inserted to hold the bone together for healing.

    I am relaying what was told to me much later because I remember nothing and am very grateful for the love and care I received from everyone who helped. When I awoke in hospital there was noone familiar to me there. Not that I was looking for it but there were no family nor friends there. Only hospital staff who became my family. I am a quantum leaper, a floater, and positive thinker, so saw the only thing that mattered at this moment without ‘thought’. And that was ~ I was simply lying down in ICU in a room with people who were caring for me in the beginning stages of recovery. On some level I was completely gone. Out of my body. It was peaceful wherever I went though. The “form of matter” was the one in pain and only when I awoke in the hospital room did the pain of nine broken ribs make themselves known loud and clear! Of course in short time my father and a few friends visited. Many visited through the internet later on after my release and am grateful. Thank you for caring. All moving to recovery though for I have too much to do before I really fly …. from here.

    “He who binds himself to a joy does the winged life destroy;
    But he who kisses the moment as it flies,
    Lives in eternity’s sunrise.”
    ~ William Blake

    The healing is ongoing and an interesting ongoing journey this recovery has been. Many things unfolding and all is brilliantly good because there is nothing else but the good to have living within you, as hard and sometimes difficult as it has been too. This Fall was an experience that propelled me further into understandings I have held deep ‘within’, probably since beyond my birth, now blossoming. It is a gift of Life I shall not waste. It is like a closed window now opening. I am ever so grateful.

    “Sometimes you have to die, in order to wake up.”
    pamela leigh richards

    I just found out by my neurologist that my injury was in one of the most dangerous places it could have been in the brain. When he showed me the images it was very revealing. The hematoma (blood buildup) was squishing my brain. If it had pressed my brain just slightly further it would have hit the brain stem, meaning lights out for Pammy. Instantly. The gods were on my side for sure that day. Thank You, I am grateful.

    Thank you all for being so sharing and caring with me. Especially my father, Carl Richards.
    It meant and means alot.
    Thank you to my landlords, The paramedic/firemen, Mark, Joe, David, Josh and Millan from the Sedona Fire Department and the entire medical crew for being there! You are valuable beyond measure.

    And a big thank you to Patty Marlowe for her support and amazing love in my aftercare at home.
    She has become a truly great friend.

    Dare to Live every moment, as if it were your last.
    Dance, not because you want to, but because you have to.
    Purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor.
    It is to enjoy every step along the way.
    Say what you were ever afraid to say.
    Listen, when you did not think you ever would.
    Slow down your breathing before ever speaking.
    Love the very thing you felt your heart never could.
    Look where thine eyes feared to seek.
    Embrace All with forgiveness and understandings.
    And in the end, merging into New Beginnings.
    This shall be a mighty fine relief.

    The incision along the fracture line.
    They positioned the plates in my head
    in North, South, East and West directions
    so Pammy would not get lost 🙂

    Getting the hardware out. All is good because we make it good!

    Sitting in calm. Healing, creating new patterns and re-wiring ‘within’ my brain, for peace.

    Healing ‘within’ my own little world, my brain that I am so protective of like a child.
    Venturing beyond into the vast field of energy, into the lands of forever.
    And the more I discover, the more I share.

    If ever there was imagery to describe the world I have been in since having brain surgery,
    This film “Ashes & Snow” would be it. Complete Harmony with All and No Fear.
    Extraordinarily decent, graceful, profound, elegant and deep.

    “I was borne by chance of America, I AM by Nature of ALL.”
    “Life is not about what you ‘have’ to do. It is about what you ‘can’ do.”
    “I live, I love, I cry, I laugh, I am alive. My heart beats for peace.”
    ~ pamela leigh richards

    A dear friend in Acharya S. Namaste’ and I miss you.
    The Light Will Never Go Out – UPDATE

    To all my friends and family who have been so supportive I would like to share this with you.
    For those that might not know the story and wish to?
    Please click here: The Light Will Never Go Out

    I went to the Fire Department yesterday (Tuesday 4-13-10) to meet and thank the crew that helped save my life on the afternoon of January 24th. I found out, by way of my landlords, that they were asking how I was as they did not even know if I survived or not?

    It really was a happy moment for all of us and I could not thank them enough, I could not hug them enough as they filled me in on everything I had no memory of.

    These guys do not get enough appreciation or recognition for what they do and this visit helped them to know just how important they are to this community.

    The gentleman 2nd from the right with the hat (David) deduced what happened that day by walking to the car garage where he found blood on the concrete floor beneath the loft and next to the ladder realizing I must have fallen there. They were so kind and stayed with me until I was whisked away by helicopter to Flagstaff Medical Center for emergency brain surgery.

    The ambulance we are in front of is the one they took me in to the Sedona Medical Center.
    Much love to you all and many, many thank you’s for caring.

    From Left to Right:
    Millan Zorita, Jayson Coil (Battalion Chief), Joe Kinzel, Pamela, Josh Wells, David Rodriguez, Mark Beneitone

    Much appreciation…
    To everyone who is sending in thank-you’s to the Battalion Chief at the Sedona Fire Department.
    They are receiving emails from around the world in gratitude for helping save the life of one girl.
    You cannot put a price on this nor can I express what it was like to go through.
    And incredibly happy to have come out the other side, to be alive, with new perspectives.
    These men are invaluable and the love being sent their way now is invaluable,
    for they don’t see this sort of attention very often. Thank You to All!

    Free Your Mind and Remove Fear. The Shift is “Within”.

    Responses from friends and family.
    Thank you all for sharing a mystical, painful, yet magical time with me.
    The importance of what is happening here is being felt within the hearts of many.
    Please spread it (love) like a quiet wildfire as these kind words ignite plenty. [without the burn]
    Thank you for taking the time to stop by,
    it means a lot to the crews when people take the time to thank them.
    I just got a chance to read the cards. They were both very sweet, thanks again!

    Jayson Coil
    Battalion Chief
    Sedona Fire District
    Thank you for saving Pamela’s life, this world would not be the same without her.
    You guys are very special people!
    The rest of society needs to hear much more about what you do on a regular basis,
    which is probably taken for granted by most people.

    Jim Rodger
    Jim, thank you for your kind words, I will pass them on to the firefighters who helped Pamela. I hadn’t met her until yesterday but I can understand your feeling for her, she was so positive and thankful it was truly infectious!
    Jayson Coil
    Battalion Chief
    Sedona Fire District
    You are all heroes, and the wonderful work you do is very much appreciated!
    The world is a better place for Pamela’s presence in it – and for yours, too!
    Warmest wishes,
    Lisa (Bath, England) xx
    Dear firemen,
    Thank you for saving Pamela. She is such a dear friend. You are my heroes!
    I am emailing from the UK to thank you for everything you did on January 24th
    to save our dear friend Pamela Leigh-Richards.
    She is an amazing soul and it very obviously was not her time to go.
    The world would be just a little less loving and colourful without her here. So thank you guys.
    When you go to work each day, you never really know who in the world
    you’re going to be saving or helping or how far-reaching your work is.
    So a big thank you from a film crew here in the UK who are very happy with what you do.
    Well done.

    Love and blessings,
    Nikki, Mandy and Ben xx
    (Time of the Sixth Sun production crew)
    I just want to thank and congratulate you and your team for saving Pamela.
    I will soon be moving from Illinois to Sedona and it is comforting to know
    you have such a dedicated and capable group in place.
    My son is an EMT in Maine so I have some understanding of what you face.
    Thanks and congratulations for a job well done.
    ~ Bill
    To Jason and the entire crew who helped save the life of my daughter, Pamela Richards,
    I want to take this opportunity to offer you my sincere thanks.
    The timely and professional manner in which you responded to her injuries was, I’m sure,
    the predominant factor that saved her life.
    I have always regarded firemen as very special people, which you certainly are.
    Risking your lives to save the lives of others puts you in the classification of
    “The Bold and the Brave”. You are to be admired,
    and my hat is off to all of you for a “Job Well Done”.
    ~ Carl Richards
    Mr. Richards,
    Thank you for your kind words and taking the time to send this email.
    I will pass your message on to the crews that helped your daughter.
    I sincerely believe the paramedics and EMTs that we employ are some of the best.
    I know your daughter’s visit to the station helped remind them of why they chose this profession.
    Jayson Coil
    Battalion Chief
    Sedona Fire District
    “If You Do Not Tell Your Story You Are Doing Humanity A Disservice”

    This is from a dear friend, Bill Mortimer, who is moving to Sedona from Illinois
    And was in town looking for homes when he shared this with me:

    FYI – I was grabbing a bite at Jose’s Cafe a little while ago.
    Two guys from Sedona Fire and Rescue came in.
    I had the waitress give me their bill (anonymously)
    and asked her to tell them after I left
    that this was a small thanks for helping save your life.
    The guy at the table next to me overheard and it made his day – random act of kindness.
    None of this would have happened had you flown away.
    ~ Bill

    See what happens when you open your heart and share the love within?
    It is the simplest act of kindness that can spread with great affect.
    Thank you Bill!
    Dear Jayson and all of your crew, [Amazingly powerful story from Annie in England]

    I would like to thank you all sincerely for the help that you gave to my dear friend Pamela
    on the 24th January when she sustained her serious head injury after falling from her loft –
    the world wouldn’t be the same without her and she has so much more to give
    that we all need her to be here with us.

    I only met Pam because of the help that she freely gave to my daughter four years back -she is the kind of person who spreads magic and truth and I am grateful to you all for all the work that you do.
    Nothing is more special than being someone who serves and ‘gives’ without any expectation and that makes all of you guys very special too.

    My daughter and I were also saved by a fire crew some 15 years ago here in the UK.
    They said that the room that fire was in reached around 870 degrees
    and with an old Victorian lathe and plaster ceiling they were amazed that it held
    and that we survived. My daughter had her bedroom right above that inferno.

    There but for the grace of God walk all of us and I pray that He walks with all of you.

    From my own experience the only ‘things’ that survived our house fire
    were a bible I received for passing my scripture exams,
    a bible I received for being a bridesmaid,
    a bible that was given my parents when they married
    and a book of scriptures that is now 130 years old.
    A pair of boots also survived as they were outside the back door.

    Everything else in the house was consumed either by soot or fire
    but those bibles didn’t even smell of anything and didn’t have a speck of dust on them.
    I had about £15,000 worth of other books and they were all destroyed.
    One of the bibles has a white leather cover and it still has the same with no cleaning whatsoever.
    My ex-husband fell asleep whilst the fire consumed the house – he didn’t expect to
    and it frightened him.
    He expected to stay awake and that everything belonging to his ex-girlfriend
    would be destroyed at the seat of the fire that he set
    but his plan didn’t work because he fell asleep
    and we all lost everything – excepting the bibles and one pair of boots…
    and of course a great wife!

    I have nothing material from the years of my life prior to that fire –
    other than the boots and the bibles.
    This never bothered me and has never bothered me since.
    Life is about who we are and not what we have….

    Just know that there are always people who do totally appreciate the work that you do.
    It can easily seem as though no one cares anymore – there are people who do ….

    Thank you to all of you again.

    The Grace is yours

    Annie x

    I have received numerous emails in the past few days from Pamela’s friends and family.
    They were all incredibly kind and touching.
    Yours however, is the most inspiring and reminds me of how inconsequential
    the stuff we acquire is when it comes down to what really matters in life.
    Thank you for sharing your love of Pamela, your appreciation for the work we do,
    and most of all your incredible firsthand experience.
    I can tell you I will not forget and I thank you for taking the time to share your story with me.
    I will pass your email onto the men of Sedona Fire who took care of Pamela.

    Jayson Coil
    Battalion Chief
    Sedona Fire District
    “We read your personal story this morning. It was very emotional and touching.
    You are a true walking miracle. Even when I met you the very first time I knew you were filled with the Holy Spirit. I don’t know your religious beliefs, but we know that God and his legion of angels were with you. Your mission on earth has a lot to be completed. You are like a soaring eagle.” Hugs Georgia

    The gratitude, appreciation and love written on this page has been delivered into the flowing vastness of forever. To remain as a gift for others to see, how the little things one can do in life, truly can have great meaning.
    Here I am handing my Thank You cards to the heros who helped save my life.

    Probably you’ve heard mention of the butterfly effect; the idea that a butterfly’s flapping wings might create tiny changes in a dynamic system which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale phenomena. Had the butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been vastly different. What may appear to be the small, everyday choices are the ones that can be earth-changing.

    We will always be alive no matter what we ‘think’.
    The journeys and experiences are the necessaries it does so seem.
    We save the world by saving ourselves, and in tandem …
    We save the world by going hand in hand.
    Life is so magnificent and even prophecies can be altered.
    Life does not have to be the way its predicted
    It can ‘be’ changed as the miracle of YOU happening.

    “We tend to perceive only what’s familiar.
    So when new discoveries open up unfamiliar worlds,
    they present us with a dilemma.
    To see new worlds accurately may require a radical step …
    the suspension of prior beliefs.”
    I AM a Brain In-Jury Survivor. Now re-wiring my desires.
    It is all unfolding.
    There is so much more to know and tis’ time to step outside the box and know you CAN!

    The Butterfly Effect

    A life lived to inspire.

    Posted in: A - Book - OceanHeart by Pamela on January 03, 2014

    2017 UPDATE: Even I am puzzled by the journey this ladies life has taken since “OceanHeart”, an autobiographical piece of literature that began in 2008. A story of one girls journey with a desire to help open the cages of every songbird longing to sing unafraid to do so. Originally it was to be a co-authored book, however, due to an unexpected life threatening happenstance, it was put on the shelf for awhile. I believe now more than ever, it was all meant to be. That I was not to share my story in a co-authored book, but to share it on my own. There was more for me to know, more for me to experience what life and living was all about, and to share my views later in its right time. I believe that time is unravelling now. There are five books in the line up. I could not do this without all of you, known and unknown. Thank you for inspiring me to never give up. Thank you for riding life out with me, through the highs and lows, the ups and downs, with the greatest comfort being the knowing, we are never alone. I have felt for a long time that I just don’t belong in this world; and will share how I’ve come closer to understanding why this is.

    She lived, she loved, she cried, she never knew, she fell, she laughed, she got up, she grew.
    Stay tuned. It will be so well worth it. Keep smiling.

    “I am simply a breath with a step in the garden of life.”

    “We tell Stories not to survive, we tell stories to live.”

    Pamela Book Cover Sea Elphinstone 2

    Single * Taken by “Life” * .•´*¸•*¨*•.¸¸


    The raw sample covers for the book I started to write in 2009. It is a “life in progress”.
    Simply thought to post something to set it in place with intent to manifest,
    as it is being built and produced.

    “When you wake up what do you see?

    Well, in 2010, I’m immobile healing in bed from broken ribs, wrist, spine & skull,
    and what I see is the beauty of silence in between the butterflies wings flapping.”


    “Will the book be written before she dies? Only time will tell.
    Know this though. No words were ever lost.”


    A biodocudramadreamreality book.


    It was in the process of creation when I had a near fatal accident in January of 2010,
    which, set everything back somewhat.


    All is good and exactly where it should be.


    Everything is perfect and am very grateful and thankful to still be here today, breathing.

    To share some of the most profound experiences of my life with you, including,
    telepathic communications with wild dolphins in the Red Sea,
    swimming with an Oceanic White Tip Shark, the emotional intensities of losing loved ones,
    a journey in life that we are all on and boy, it is so nice to know we are not alone.


    “The only way you’ll know me? Is if you never see me.”


    “Life is a mental projection. The environment is changing.
    Enjoy the New Ride, we are flushing out toxins & Cleaning the Universal House.
    One Song. Care to come along?”

    More importantly, the revealing and exposing of how important it is,
    To discover self-realization by going ‘within’ for release.
    It is time to “Immerse Yourself”. It is time to Elevate.


    We are on the cusp of the greatest Awakening of our time.
    It is the Awakening in ‘You’!

    We have the key. Build What you See.

    I am now rising to the occassion and coming out of a shell and back into the ocean of life.
    Image ~ the lovely Elena Kalis


    Interestingly, in early 1998, I met over a short period of time four psychics who said;

    “You are going to write a book”.


    It was the last thing I thought would ever happen.
    I feel it is now going to become a film.


    “The book looks beautiful. I want to read it!”
    Michelle Stuart


    “I Looooooove your book….the pics are beautiful and makes my heart dance!
    Co-creating with Dolphins. What could be more beautiful and fun !!!!!!”


    “This is so beautiful and inspiring! Thanks so much for sharing.
    The photos, the words are breathtaking – beyond words really. Like a visual heart journey.”


    “Pamela. I emailed you about one and a half years ago and your response was not only quick but so nice. I was going through a rough time in my life of which hasn’t changed. However I have no pc for quite sometime. I decided to look your website up on my phone! You have, I have to add the most beautiful and interesting websites I have ever seen. I wish the very best for you and will read your book. Sincerely … thank you so kindly, Marie


    Lifes experiences do not have to be so extreme to be emotionally moving.
    We can change lives by showing every side … without fear, in truth-speaking.
    “The world is my family, Life is my partner and Peace is my focus.”


    The Peace Path.
    Come ride the crest of the wave. Love has all the time in the world to get it right.
    Everyone has an opinion and view on the path.
    Growth is upon us, and the fork in the road is upon us,
    The choices we are making is upon us and we are not alone.
    Each ONE choice, will lead the ONE, to ONE place. Where that place is?
    Only ONE will know when they get there. All is good.

    “The Wave.”

    So much more to know as it unfolds and look forward to sharing.

    “I am in this world but not of it. Now you see me, now you don’t.

    The ebb and flow, the yes and no, the yin, the yang, the hang on, the let go.

    The Dance of Life. Enjoy your choice, Enjoy the Ride”

    “Out of sight, Out of mind. Never out of Heart.”

    I began writing for a book, then a film, when all took a back seat for a break in time.
    It has already been written on the pages in between the theatre of our minds.
    Stay tuned as the heartbeat is charging UP to explode like the Big Bang
    dancing to the only tune left to play.
    To the tune of Kindness, Respect, Honour, Love, and Grace.


    The Book “OceanHeart” sits with humbled patience.

    There are so many ‘in’sights pouring through.

    So many mind altering, clarifying experiences
    and beautiful magestic visions in understandings being revealed.


    About Life, about ALL of us in the gorgeous ‘thing’ we call Creation. Stay tuned 🙂

    I have a tale to tell or what I rather like to call ~ a ‘tail’ to ‘wag’ with the world.


    “Truth is so powerful that when presented in its entirety from all sides of view,
    It changes the minds of people who see it.”

    ~ Delf Lepidosiren


    “Eyes on the Sky. Skies on the Eye. I still have Another View of Life.”


    I don’t buy pretty much anything of what has been taught or being told to us.

    What matters is right here and NOW. The moment and what I choose to do with it.


    The center of my universe. The opposite, the yin, the yang, the yo-yo.


    No matter which side of spin I am on …
    will be exactly what I am choosing to be happening for both sides.


    Peace in equality & Balance. Love! And on the other side of spin is Higher Love.


    NOW in the ever flowing moment fleeting in its passing mind in time. Enjoy your ride.


    “Life is becoming what it could be. There is good out there and you are that good!”


    “Respond intelligently even to unintelligent treatment.”

    ~ Lau Tsu


    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”

    ~ Anais Nin


    “Those who dance are considered insane by those who can’t hear the music.”

    ~ George Carlin


    “My mind is in a quiet place, snipping thoughts at their roots.”

    ~ Jessica Jane


    “Stories upon stories, movies upon movies happening all the time in the theatre of your mind.

    The ones that come alive are the ones you give attention to.
    As either a fool in a lie, or a sayer in truth.”
    Pamela Leigh Richards


    “The tears came streaming.
    I think I was holding it all back for awhile.
    As I stepped into the shower for a bit of relief
    The water with no conditions poured over me.”

    ~plr 2006



    The song of the spheres. “I see vibrancy. I see coherency. I see balance. I see diversity.
    I see Peace is Easy.”


    When you discharge the output from the transmitting coil …
    the arc disappears from the receiving coil.


    “Where you look, there you are, your reality awaits you.”


    “History is ‘bound’ to be repeated unless you learn from it.
    I have learned … I am not here to repeat it.”


    Have the courage to ‘know’. Have courage to use your own reason, in the context of …
    committing to tasks that need to be embarked upon, however unpleasant or awkward.


    “Sapere Aude” is from the epithet of a parable,
    explaining that a fool waits for the stream to stop before crossing,
    whilst a wise one forgoes comfort and crosses anyway.


    “Dimidium facti cui coepit habet. Aude id scire.” (He who has begun is half done: dare to know!).


    *peace is essential for one to move safely forward. *peace is fundamental to build dreams in the present to move progressively towards the future. *and peace is necessary to forgive mistakes of the past, during the present, to move gracefully towards the future.

    “There is something at the core of our essence unseen, I believe so far, that assists our contribution to Life and living manifesting. It is why this life is such a personal journey. We input, we experience. We offer, we remove. We give, we take. We kiss, we spit. We love, we live. It is what we get. We begin to feel. It is much more than we ‘think’. So much more unfolding in this beautiful thing we call ‘reality’. And it works both ways from the seen and unseen. Looks can be deceiving so be true in revealing.”

    A Muse ..
    “If I leave this place with what I think? I shall then leave you with it.”


    “Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass …
    its about learning how to dance in the rain.”

    ~ unknown


    “We are so like children without a clue, yet, at the same time have solved the puzzle.
    When we get out of our own way, the so-called mysteries will be revealed”


    “TAKE THE WALK. It is always okay.
    If you do something you will experience Life in its many facets.
    Never be afraid to make the first step changing the path of Creation.”



    “History is ‘bound’ to be repeated unless you learn from it.”
    I have learned I am not here to repeat it.


    “The past will not help one change the direction of the future.”


    “I think we make it up as we go along. Someone else did.”
    It is time to begin ANEW.


    You cannot change the system using the same mindset that created it.


    “Who will be courageous enough to let go of everything they were ever taught to believe?”


    “Life is precise and I am patient.”


    Images: Credited, otherwise unknown source at this time
    Quotes: Pamela Leigh Richards unless otherwise stated.
    With kind permission ‘The Dancer’ ~ Mr. Ivan Berryman

    The Clearing

    Posted in: A Clearing with David Icke by Pamela on September 02, 2011

    Egypt Pamela 9 Waving Sea RightLotus Flower ReleaseEgypt Pamela 5 Waving Sea Left
    “A picture paints a thousand words and recognition sings eternity’s song.”

    Peace on the Path is all she desires, unafraid to knock a few pebbles out of the way.
    Breaking old patterns, cycles of behaviour, and to help bring balance.


    November, 2024 UPDATE:

    I am in production as I type

    of delivering ‘her side’ of what really happened

    in my life with David Icke.

    All will be ‘housed’ here:


    I Began writing it all down as it was happening on this page,

    circa 2010, as you can see below. There is much more to it though.

    I stopped adding to this page awhile ago,

    and let it sit as life continued to unravel.

    I was trying. Now I’m stronger.



    All of life wherever and who you are.
    Survivors of TBI (traumatic brain injury).
    All the Vets. Welcome hOMe.
    Anyone who is, or has been bully’d or abused in any way.

    Thank you so much for all who have lifted this ONE up,
    when she was crawling for solid ground.
    Your friendships have meant the world.

    Let’s go make it a better ONE!
    Arrow Down

    ON THE RADIO in a 5 Part Series Here

    Some listener feedback from the shows:

    “I just wanted to say, you help me alot to understand and deal with my personal issues of abuse in my life, by some very negative entities. You are right we are not alone, and I respect you so much for all you have been through and speaking out. Much love to you dear sister”
    I just listened to the … webcasts you did with Alan Cox and felt I am moved to reach out to you. I was shocked … You do not deserve, and never did deserve, to be treated in the way you were … I sincerely wish that the rest of your time on this earth is full of happiness and joy. Love …”
    “I just write to say, girl I feel for you, I’ve been through a similar experience although with a less public person, I understand you perfectly and can relate to everything you said … Listening to your radio interview had me in tears, it’s my experience too!!! Take care Pamela. Regards …”

    Exploring the views of Pamela Leigh Richards on her life with David Icke.
    Clearing what needed to be released for the good of the whole respectfully.


    “Out Beyond Ideas

    of Wrongdoing and Rightdoing

    there is a field.

    Meet me there.”
    ~ Rumi


    “He who speaks the Truth, lest Be prepared for it.”
    ~ plr


    “This is not just personal, it is Universal.”
    ~ plr


    “There comes a time when silence is betrayal.”
    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


    “It takes courage to live life.” Cor from Latin = Heart.
    Tell your story with your whole Heart.
    ~ plr


    The Universe detests deception. So do I.
    Truth is meaningless in the absence of understanding.
    Truth does not step aside from ferreting out falsehood from reality.
    Truth changes the minds of people who see it, that is how powerful it is.
    Breaking Silence is of utmost importance in exposing that which wishes to be hidden.
    With dauntless knowing that no matter what or who it is, take action to do the right thing.
    Time to Clean House.

    The Golden Mean of coherency is singing for clarity.

    What rests behind this story and how it is going to be healed has great purpose, I know. It is a pathway shifting our resonance and vibration from one of confusion to one of crystal clarity and noone is alone. This is an artistic journey, a gallant dance unafraid to speak as she got past her vulnerabilities and sharing. It is about not taking abuse and living fearlessly. It is about daring to love, knowing when to let go, when to say yes, and when to say no.

    What I find most interesting is how David Icke, a man who speaks of wanting to bring people together, asking them to stand up and speak their truth, yet, cannot come to the table and speak with a lady he once loved greatly? What sits at the core of the root issue here? What left him in his consciousness to create a microcosmic war upon one girl, and even more bewildering is why he took this private affair to the world? Stay tuned for truth will be revealing.

    For those who have been taking this walk with me I am grateful for your awareness to see there is more to know. The story is already happening in its beautiful unfolding.

    For those who do not know what this is about here is a short brief. I am dealing with a personal matter in what should have been an amicable, simple, and fair departure between two people. What was private, our divorce, was taken to the world public by my former husband, well known British author David Icke, who used his position to vent on a global scale using different media outlets, a very one-sided view to the public, projecting manufactured propaganda in an attempt to discredit his wife’s character. Why did he do this; I asked myself? Why did he open the door of our personal life to the world? A man who says he values his privacy? It is all becoming self-evident. What is actually happening is an inability to let go within him’self’ and I have become the lightning rod with no justification for the attack other than spite with malice. No more. You could not make it up, but made up it is, and this lady will make sure this experience is shared with both sides seen fair and square leaving a trail of balance in understanding upon an unsuspecting public mind. Phew!

    David dropped a pebble in the pond leaving a ripple effect. She will do her best to bring calm to these waters ruffled leaving nothing but truth and love in her wake. After all this time nothing has changed. When you are in a position of power it becomes a position abused when it is used to control, hurt, and/or harm others. It appears he has chosen to stoop to levels of extreme irrational behaviour, operating out of malice with intent to hurt, and in my view abusing his position, while leading others to do the same. Most important is the threat to myself and father that I do not take lightly. The title of one of his books was “I am me, I am free.”, showing him naked on the cover. He could not be farther from being free internally, in my humbled opinion.

    The raw and naked truth of the evidential facts behind this story and the intimate details will soon be revealed to heal a wound crying for closure.

    A poem I wrote just before I left for Egypt for rest and recovery. I now read it with compassion and empathy for the girl who endured. I know in sharing our stories we will help many towards peaceful outcomes.


    A new day is coming

    My house was shattered and my world fell apart

    I looked around and for the life of me could not find my heart

    I was told to hold on, not to worry and it would be alright

    Steady on girl, you have the key to unlock the door

    As I continue to pick the pieces of myself up off the floor.

    And if there really is such a thing called ‘life’?

    For I am balancing on the wire.

    Hanging by a thread

    Then the wings that have been clipped,

    On many a lonesome night

    Will come back and find me once again.

    As a bird flies, so will I.

    ~ pamela


    “You can lead a horse to the waters of wisdom, yet, sometimes cannot make them ‘think’ to even drink.”

    Just as David is asking people to make a stand for justice, what is happening here between two people is the same. Injustice for one is injustice for all.

    There is great fear, anger and rage that sits within him with no discourse while trying to still control. There is simply blame discharging discomfort and I have become the patsy. Shocking it has been at the twist of knowing someone who then becomes something other. David and Co are behaving no less than riot police beating upon a girl who simply stands for truth, fairness, understanding, and peace.

    “There is a germ of religion in human nature so strong, that whenever an order of men can persuade the people by flattery or terror that they have salvation at their disposal, there can be no end to fraud, violence, or usurpation.”
    ~ John Adams


    “It is not what you are told, it is what you are sold.” Caveat Emptor (Beware the buyer.)


    In his own words says ” I want truth [except his former Wifes truth], I am not here to win a popularity contest” and “a vibrational change would bring to the surface all that has been hidden”. This is one lady whose vibration has changed and will bring to the surface what David is trying to hide. This is not about continuing a battle, it is about ending one that never should have begun.

    Below is an excerpt from one of many emails David sent to my 83 year old father during the divorce that spanned from October 2009 to its ending 31 August 2012. David was asked to stop harrassing my father. What does he do? Emails over and over again causing great distress to where my father eventually had a mild stroke. And on the day we did not know if my father was alive or not? He sent another email on that very morning! Incredible. It is my opinion that David is demonstrating classic NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) with anger and controlling issues. I have learned through this experience that no matter how much one tries to help another – if the other chooses to remain in their state of defending their fears, if they choose to close the door upon anything you have to say, one must walk away and not succumb to the drowning effect, nor carry the burdens of anchored weight going nowhere.


    My father with his comment:

    “This just came in from David.

    He said he would never write me again, which only proves that he is a very sick man.”

    Excerpt from Davids email to my father
    “If what I am reliably told is true, she should know that a tidal wave of worldwide revulsion will descend upon her immediately and for the rest of her life and the Richards family name will be dragged through the cesspit ongoing as a result.”

    He has gone over the edge to deliver such vicious, sick minded, and vindictive threatening words. A very Saturnus sounding thought to project. This is no different than dropping a bomb or pulling a trigger. Verbal abuse and threatening words pass through the heart ripping it apart. And what it did to my father? Phew! Unbelievable. I lived with this for years and even now he shows no mercy. What fear and angers must live ‘within’ him that still rage on. Sad, very sad.

    Pamela Carl Father
    Thank you Dad for believing in your daughter. April 30, 2017 my father died.


    The sign posts along the way show me the one constant in Life. It is ever changing and fleeting.

    I only found out about his venting publicly because someone sent this. An article by Regina Meredith from Conscious Media Network, who is supporting Icke. Everything in this article is a censoring and disfiguring of the truth while perpetrating a sick propaganda. It is an attempt to try and make Pamela fit into some warped sense of a plan that she will not fit into.

    “The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral,
    begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy.
    Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it.”
    ~ Martin Luther King 1967.

    Years ago I said to David “You have me in a box in your mind and I will not stay there”. These words all too true to this very day. This article came out ten months after my Near Fatal Accident sent by someone asking me if it was true? I would never have known because I did not go to Ickeland and was healing. Of course it is not true.

    By releasing this they created a stir in the public mind causing a reaction where I received vicious and frightening messages from Ickes followers. They do not even know me. He talks about a sympathy for abused children? By doing this he and Regina opened the door for a possible attack upon my life. What Icke and Co. did is no different than inciting one race or country off against another. It does appear David is not interested in peace, he wants control.

    Interesting that the comments on this Article’s blog were removed within 48 hours after I finally posted a comment with some facts exposing the truth about their propaganda.This is a man who claims to want to save the world (selectively), and Regina Meredith’s own websites motto is “Question Everything”. Except Pamela. So much for alternative media doing a truthful job.

    David emailed saying; “I know you know Hilary Clinton.” What? Sigh. Patience pamela, patience.

    What did David and Regina gain by coming out with this? Who sold their soul? What was his purpose? Why did he go public venting his personal views about a private affair bringing others in to something that was not their business, surely one would ask? It only caused trouble and division among people. This has been extraordinary really. Throwing molatave cocktails (propaganda) into the public arena and running while I was wounded on the playing field trying to come up for air. Unfair, unequal, and very sad indeed. More importantly it is extremely childish. What is this showing the children of today? It is showing them what chance do they have if this is what becoming conscious beings is like. And these two call themselves journalists for truth? Time to bring in the scales of justice and weigh the heart with the feather.

    I lived with Regina & Scott Meredith in 2005 for four months while going to film school in Arizona when I left David once before. It was a nine month course at the Zaki Gordon Institute for Independent Film Making. After three months, the first semester, David begged me to come back to England saying in email “Come home it hurts too much”. I asked him to hold out for six more months, that we could do this and then I would come home with a thesis film under my belt. He could not wait that long so I gave it up and moved back home to England supporting him and his work. What happened in between the lines is beyond anything most could imagine. It is all going to come to the surface for lies can no longer hide.

    Seems that if Pamela comes out to speak, this is the low level David & Co will stoop attempting to control vs being an exemplary example showing how to part ways in a marriage fair and square. Do as I say not as I do seems to be his legacy.

    He could come to the table and make peace like any rational human but chooses to live out his own fears and dramas turning something that could be resolved so easily into a battle. I repeat as I said to David before; “You have me in a box in your mind and I will not stay there.” I’m just taking a walk observing & watching true colours unfold.

    This experience is a microcosm of the whole. Responsibility sways both ways upon the deliverer and the receiver. Who told the lie and who bought the lie? His psychic reading did say “People will want to follow you do not let them” and “If you abuse the gift you will lose it.”

    On a radio show in 2011 Icke says: “Someone once said … you eventually walk into every stone that you throw. Problem is that when some people do they still blame everyone else for it and then throw some more.” Sums it up.

    “What future does a truth movement have
    if it selects which truth is allowed to be mentioned and which truth isn’t?”
    ~ Matthew Delooze

    Arrow 1
    Another TRUTH please. David continued to seek outside himself and was being fed psychic thoughts by Carol Clarke, his now highly promoted guru. This is an email exchange between he and Carol during a very tumultuous time. Phew! I can see ever so clearly now. You don’t know what you are in until you get out. There was a deliberate attempt to get rid of Pamela by the family during the latter part of our relationship. Nothing was safe anymore. They had a nickname for her, “The Wrecking Crew”. I only found out after I left for Egypt for rest and recovery. In retrospect it was all about fear, ego, the business, and money. Something had to give in this relationship. David made his choice and so did I.
    “Just a thought though, although I know things have been frustrating with Kerry, do you think, those who are sending negative energy to block your work, just might be trying to separate you from the family? Maybe I’m thinking in the wrong way, but it came into my mind the other day, so I thought I would say it.” [She could not stop implanting suggestions and David continued seeking]

    “Hi Carol … I don’t feel that there is any force seeking to divide me from my family. It’s just that I am not taking what I have in the past. Kerry has just contacted me and I am very happy to chat with her, but I will not accept them treating Pamela as they have any longer, that’s all. Pam is not in any way encouraging any rifts, … My actions are coming from me, no-one else, but Kerry is now so paranoid about her I am sure a very different story is going on in her head. I can put some things aside now and let them develop as they will because I have shed the enormous weight of guilt with relation to my family. That guilt has been a burden on my back for so long. No more. Kerry and Linda have no idea about my relationship with Pamela and how no-one, but no-one, influences what I do except me. [What David seems to not realize is he IS being influenced] I might listen, but what I feel intuitively is the only criteria I use when decisions are made. They see some Machiavellian woman manipulating me. Further from the truth they could be.” [True]



    DAVIDS LETTER TO KERRY HIS DAUGHTER [there is so much more to understand]

    Kerry … I appreciate you being concerned about me, but my safety is fine. No-one is going to make any decision on distributors or printers or anything else to do with the business except me and mum and when this crisis is over it is all going in our joint names anyway, as we have discussed. However, I am getting really sick of being told what I should and should not do with my own wife. If my attitude to Rob [Kerrys husband] or Mike [Lindas boyfriend] was a fraction of what yours is to Pamela you would go apeshit, but I am supposed to take it. You have no idea of the pressure it has put on my daily life [and Pamela’s life], constantly assessing if Pamela can come with me anywhere in case I bump into you and mum. And when it does happen occasionally I really wish you could see the look on your faces. The hatred that comes across takes me aback. [and these people worked in Davids publishing company called ‘Bridge of Love’?]

    I am forced to live two lives every day when I am in England, hiding Pamela away so no-one gets upset by her very presence. It is sickening and horrible to go through this two lives ritual day after day after day and the real reason behind her going back to America last year [2005] if the truth be told was to give me respite from this daily stress generated by my own family. By last summer the parnanoia had reached extraordinary proportions and I needed a break before I keeled over. You have no idea. When you or mum have relationships I respect the people involved and treat them with respect in your presence, but there are different rules for me it seems.

    The paranoia has reached insane levels now with paranoia feeding even greater paranoia. For me to be parked on the side of the road being told of some conspiracy about Pamela and domain ownership [This was with respect to building a website for davids products, working with distributors, worldpay, the xcart et cetera getting davidickebooks a market place, which, I started, before turning it over to Kerry] when the only reason they were in her name was because it allowed her to deal with the admin etc., instead of me – as I wanted – was just crazy. [Correct] The idea that she is somehow a danger to Erin [Kerry’s daughter] just blows me away. You must do whatever you choose, but would you please back off because I am sick of it, sick of the comments and the constant innuendo about the ‘wrecking crew’ – the code name for Pamela.

    She has had so many opportunities to wreck and has taken none of them. She has had the opportunity to exploit me financially and has twice walked away with little … In case it has escaped everyone’s notice, it was Pamela, not me, who secured first a $10,000 gift for the legal fund, followed by a $120,000 grant to my work that will go to the business. [Along with another $100,000 personal check] As Pamela is not in any way connected to the business [although I was and gave eleven years of my life to it] it will not benefit her, but those who she knows hate her. How many are big enough to do that?

    She is not perfect, but then neither is anyone else, but she is misunderstood on a monumental scale and the hurt she feels at the way you treat her and look at her only she knows, but I tell you now she has cried herself to sleep many times because of it. It’s bloody disgraceful.

    Anyway, it is about time this was said.



    Yes, it is about time this was said. So much going on behind Pamela’s back? Sad that David changed sides, fell for their fears, and fell in his own misunderstanding of who I am by attacking just as his family did in their deliberate attempt to get rid of this lady behind the scenes. Never allow another clothe you with their dishonor. Fear Destroys Love.

    Another Poem I wrote during the tumultuous time before leaving for Egypt for rest and recovery.

    The love that brings people together should never part on their leaving even as they fly away. It should only grow like a Lotus flower blossoming ‘within’. It is called becoming more conscious and not staying stuck. If another can’t find this love themselves it does not mean you have to carry their burden. Simply thank the experience knowing the only thing that matters is what one chooses to do with it.

    David has said for years to his audiences about how people try to shove things down not wanting to look at themselves. Don’t want to know. Well, he should really take heed of his own words. This lady is not a rag doll anymore to be tossed about because he could not make up his mind and I have gained strength to speak up when once lost, now found. If showing your openness is a sacrifice? Then sacrifice me, for I have nothing to hide nor fear, and everything to face.


    Arrow 2

    What David refuses to see and take responsibility for is his role in the breakdown of the relationship. David wrote to his psychic friend Carol:

    “Hi Carol … I am confused because I have always been confused when it comes to Pam. On so many things every day my intuition is there immediately, but with Pam the intuitive jury has always been out since I met her. Strange.” [Because his own fears got in the way]

    “Pam’s just a bit frustrated at what is being thrown at me. She wasn’t there in the early 90s, but now she’s seeing it for herself. She also wants to get on with her passion for filming, but the overwhelming pressure on me with demands on my time etc. mean she isn’t able to.” [Yes because I was supporting David’s work!]

    “Kerry and Linda have been very antagonistic towards her in the last few weeks, since they began to work together in the office, and it has been very difficult being piggy in the middle. They have taken things and blown them out of all proportion and there has been paranoia all the time. Real over the top and not necessary.”

    “… but I feel so much for what she is going through and I am so tempted to say ‘Hey, come back, let me make it better for you.’ Also I do have a deep connection to her and I really wish it could work.

    “I talked to Credo on the phone yesterday. He said my work would from strength to strength. Funny thing, he said that Pam and me should be together and that I should leave a door open in my heart for her.”

    David wrote to Kerry his daughter:

    “Funnily enough, I care about my family also. As for negative comments – the comments from members of my family about Pamela and my private life that have come back to me from others would fill a book over the last few years.

    And now David is doing the exact same thing. Attacking the lady he once loved. Publicly. Crucifying is putting it mildly from behind the scenes. David is not telling his public the whole truth. This experience has been very revealing indeed. An oath to scoundrels is meaningless.


    Arrow 2A

    CAROL to DAVID 24 August 2005

    “David … I agree with you entirely about Pamela meeting with Credo. I really feel (as I did when you last met with him) that Pamela shouldn’t be involved with him. I have known for a long time that Pam really wants to BE you, to do everything that you have done and be everything you are. That is an impossibility, but she cannot seem to comprehend this, that is why she wanted your name, your business, to appear in your books. I hadn’t realized that she not really worked for the eight years you were together [although she did]. She sees herself as a writer (like you) and that is why I kept asking you to ensure she doesn’t write about your life together.”


    CAROL to DAVID 20 October 2005
    “You know she will work with you in the future don’t you? And yes, you do have a profound connection with Pamela …”


    Pamela and David at Credo’s home in Kuruman, South Africa with the children.
    This lass has a divine right to protect her life and environment. Life is an art. Facing one reality while holding a higher vision of another simultaneously. It takes a special kind of person to make a mistake, admit to it, and face whatever comes in making amends. It takes a humbled moment to recognize, a moment to acknowledge, forgive, and a strength of Heart to stand up, reveal it, and let go. Serving some truth on the table with compassionate purpose.


    Arrow 3

    STATEMENT From an outside experiencer, I thank you.
    From a witness behind the scenes validating what I was going through.
    And there are more behind the scenes who have come forward.
    Whistleblowers I think you call them?

    There are false prophets propagand-eye-sing more illusions falling upon unsuspecting minds,
    who ‘think’ they are freeing you.
    Until they are free within, their words will only keep you in the prism/prison reflecting.
    There is so much more I see and with all the love in my Heart will share what I know.
    It is not easy for I could fly right now. Follow your Heart always. Breathe in Peace.
    Take your troubled walks knowing your steps have great purpose for the good of the whole.

    “In early 2007 (Spring), just as my information was becoming popular, I was contacted by a man claiming to be the book sales manager (internet shop creator) on the website. His name was John Peters. I immediately arranged to meet him in … He travelled up from … We met at a hotel in … but then travelled to the .. Within five minutes of talking with Mr Peters about my books the subject of Pamela Icke (The wife of David Icke) cropped up … I was then angrily informed that Pamela Icke was totally ‘crazy’. Mr Peters immediately stated with an extremely confident tone that Pamela was going to disappear and be ‘out on her arse’ soon. Mr Peters also claimed Pamela was promiscuous (A slag was the term used) and that he regularly enjoyed phone sex with her and that real physical sex was always on the table anytime he wanted it. I took this information about Pamela with a pinch of salt and put it down to fantasy and boasting on the part of an oversexed John Peters.” [Sink me … approval in my opinion demands the attainment of perfection. And in that sense Mr John Peters overrates the charm of his own ego. Not only fantasy, it was the Pamela conspiracy being played out by the very minds who ran Bridge of Love. Go figure?]

    “The meeting ended and my books were to be sold on David Icke Books. Mr Peters was then in constant touch with me for several months and the subject of Pamela Icke was always brought up by Mr Peters, especially about her sex life. [I call JP to the table of truth and ask him to repeat these words to my face & eyes, if they be true. He can’t because it will open a door involving David himself.] But the main theme being that she was going to be forced out, or thrown out …”

    “I was informed that members of David Icke’s family, namely his ex wife Linda and his daughter Kerry had raised many red flags about ‘Pamela’ to David and were constantly trying to get David to do something about it. It appeared that David wouldn’t listen at first but was being constantly informed by people around David that Pamela was trouble. That said John Peters himself said was soon to make a million soon and this would increase rapidly in the future. He also said that because of this increase in wealth that a limited company would be set up in the names of Linda Atherton and others to purposely stop Pamela from claiming anything in the future, after the ousting had taken place.”

    “I was informed even a psychic (Carol Clarke) had informed David Icke that Pamela was up to no good and should be got shot of. [Carol was introduced to us by Linda, David’s first wife.) This information was apparently applauded by Peters as he said David took the words of Carol Clarke very seriously indeed.” [Caveat emptor = Latin for Buyer beware.]

    “It became clear to me, whatever Mrs Icke was guilty or not guilty of, that several people had it in for her and simply wanted her out of the way. At the time I had no idea if the allegations about Pamela were true or not but the situation started to appear sinister and totally unfair from my viewpoint. In fact it felt like a witch hunt was taking place. I had neither met (in person) David or Pamela so I had no insight into what was really going on. I only had the dirty linen type of information being provided constantly by Mr Peters. That said it was very clear that numerous people were telling David Icke that his wife was some sort of an illuminati stooge or a mind controlled agent out to rob him or cause destruction for David Icke himself.. I found some of the accusations absolutely ridiculous. John Peters constantly informed me about the attacks on Pamela almost on a weekly basis.”

    “Around December 2007 I was contacted by Mrs Pamela Icke … The conversations that followed and the extreme emotional state Mrs Icke was in at that time only confirmed my previous opinion that she was becoming the victim of a witch hunt and sadly that witch hunt was prolonged and vicious in my opinion. I eventually informed Mrs Icke of the prolonged comments made by Mr Peters throughout 2007 … From my perspective the witch hunt had gone on for well over 12 months but Mr Peters had stated that Pamela’s position was always being scrutinised and she simply wasn’t wanted or required as the business grew. I always found Mrs Icke to be the total opposite of the scarlet woman painted by Mr Peters and I willingly write this statement based on those findings.”


    Arrow 3A

    Which wolf will one feed? The lovely parable with beautiful meaning.
    How long will it take to become unconscious? To let go of the past and live for today?
    This applies to me and all too, as I erase the tapes.

    What really hurt was when we went to court and David actually said in his statement “Ms Richards had nothing to do with my books … nor contributed anything…” When I saw this at the time, a shock wave went through my body. I was witnessing someone I thought I knew become something very different. I have strength now to let it fall away and maintain my own pace in space.

    I wish to share more of an event that happened over a course of time between a very public figure and his former wife who will not go quietly. The facts will speak loudly.

    I’m just now gaining the full spectrum and scope of the situation. I had to fly to England for a 2-Day trial. Represented myself (TBI!), a friend from the Isle of Wight kindly assisting (who is a survivor of TBI), against a Barrister, Solicitor, David Icke, and four witnesses. All the delaying, stalling, breaching, brought us to this point. He had time to prepare, 4 sets of bundles (over 900 pages), sending the final financial documents as I was leaving for the airport. My father gave me the money for the plane ticket. I barely had time to breathe. It was shocking to actually see these people, who were once my extended family, doing this. David could not look at me. I said ‘hello David’. The contradictions in his affidavit were fraught with manufactured lies. It took me aback. And appears the wording and phrasings were in line with his fear, the lies being fed to him by family and psychic to carry out the deliberate attempt to get rid of ‘Pamela’, and his threat upon myself, my 84 year old father and the family name. I call it the “Pamela Conspiracy”.

    The phrasings were also embellished to paint a picture that was wholly untrue. Purely coming from an attacking position vs. one that could have been a very calm, peaceful, amicable position. David keeps seeking outside and cannot reason. Throws words around without validation and runs. So, why can he not come to the table and talk? Where is his Bridge of Love? Where is Mr. Infinite Love? I’m one girl? If he and the family cannot make peace with her, what in the world is he sharing with the world? Strange indeed.

    He sees me as he believes me to be, not as “I am”. One step removed.

    Excerpt from Davids statement to Court.
    “A health professional told me at the time that if I didn’t get respite from the stress of the relationship – which he had witnessed himself [prove it] because he knew both of us well [untrue] – he would give me six months before I would face extremely serious and potentially fatal health problems. He told Ms Richards the same [untrue] – that if her behaviour didn’t change or she didn’t leave she would kill me.”

    INTERESTING? David also says in this excerpted quote below, which, contradicts the above. Now remember, Mike Lambert, health professional on the Isle of Wight, I can only assume this is who he is talking about, is an ally with David. And David went around asking people to go against Pamela? Seems the ability to allow change to happen within a being (Pamela) was not capable of nourishment by others for the environment she lived in was corrupted. I have evidence in audio and email.

    Quote David to Linda (first wife):
    “I am forced to live two lives every day when I am in England, hiding Pamela away so no-one gets upset by her very presence … and the real reason behind her going back to America last year was to give me respite from this daily stress generated by my own family. By last summer the paranoia had reached extraordinary proportions and I needed a break before I keeled over. You have no idea.”


    The REAL STORY is being revealed unafraid to speak.
    The REAL reason I left for Egypt for rest and recovery.
    To gain enough strength simply to come home and pack.
    It is what it is for all to see/sea.
    Nothing can kill me, not even my free mind singing.
    Not even David Icke standing before me, if he can bear to look into thine eyes.
    He can’t because he is lying too. Mostly to him’self’.
    No matter how much they can throw at me, I will always hold onto the beauty’s in life.
    The daggers and lies simply pass me by. And after the hurt is gone, love never leaves.


    Arrow 4

    THE DOUBLE LEGAL CHALLENGE – A newsletter put out by David on 13 September 2011.
    “David Icke is facing a double legal challenge to everything he is now so successfully and incredibly achieving worldwide. Can you help to ensure that his work continues?”

    “While David embarks in his 60th year on the most gruelling speaking tour of his life on the back of spending the entire summer locked away 15 hours a day writing a new book, he is also having to deal with two legal cases, which together, could make it very difficult for him to continue on anything like the scale that he is now achieving, never mind massively expanding his work as he is planning to do. This comes at precisely the time when he is making such fantastic strides in awakening the world to so many revelations with the promise of so much more to come.

    David has been dealing with the first case for a while, Tiny-Violin but circumstances have now changed dramatically after what would appear to be an external source with considerable funds suddenly paying for very expensive London lawyers to support someone who claims to have no money in a case against David. [He is talking about Pamela. It was her father who was helping her, not any mysterious outside sources funding her. And this was all happening during her recovery from a near death experience involving a traumatic brain injury! Icke had no compassion for this. Appears that David is trying to make her fit into some fantasy that she was part of the illuminati and brought in to hurt him. This all escalated in the end of the relationship with the psychic Carol Clarke and the family wanted rid of her. Now it seems he is using the public for sympathy.]

    This makes the case potentially of far greater significance with regard to David’s 21 years of work and where it goes from here. David cannot reveal the name of the person involved in this case at this time [Why not, he names everyone else?]. People, however, are going to be taken aback – indeed shocked – when they eventually know. But that is for another day. Sigh cat 1
    The other legal case is the extraordinary ‘libel’ action brought against David by Canada’s Richard Warman who has a policy of what he calls ‘maximum disruption’ – setting out to cause maximum disruption to the lives of those that he targets. The case began in 2002 – yes, 2002 – and it has been continuing ever since with a final trial date in the process of being decided. The legal bill for preparation and trial has been estimated at a high six-digit figure.

    If you cannot easily afford to contribute to David’s double-legal defence fund then please don’t. These are harsh economic times. But if you easily can and you wish to help David meet these challenges, then please click on the link below. Nothing is too little.

    Thank-you. We shall overcome, no matter what – and no matter who.”

    In this ladies view I feel David has abused his position in this instance.
    Asking for funding from the public using words to entice an idea of TWO legal challenges?
    One was our personal divorce. The public never needed to be involved.
    Unfair & Misleading.


    Arrow 5


    THE DAILY MAIL ARTICLE 9 January 2012
    Pamela was recovering from a near death experience involving a TBI (traumatic brain injury), whilst going through what should have been an amicable divorce. I thought I was dealing with a conscious man. The first set of Solicitors actually said: “David is a very angry and bitter man”. As each month passed, what I was witnessing unfold was beyond shocking. Listen to the Radio Shows please to understand. Or at least understand as much as could have been shared in short time. There is so much more, but there was not enough time even in five radio shows equalling 10 hours.

    The reason she sold a story to the Daily Mail?
    It got to the point of ‘no return’, Period.
    We all know that the media hypes and twists truth for sensationalism.
    That’s what they do, so, let’s carry on.

    Pamela received some money to pay for the next Barrister in her divorce.
    Icke knew she was out of ammo (money), yet, kept firing the bullets.
    Okay. Fair game. Let’s play. So she did all the way.

    Feels very much like: “If he can’t have me he’ll kill me?” His threat to my father and I was not taken lightly. Dignitas, or proper fitting of acceptance towards an equalibrium in equalstanding can only be met, when all parties feel the agreement.


    Daily Mail Article


    “Oh, yes, (name protected) is NOT sitting in the bleachers on this one & accepting a one sided (Lop-Sided) foul play. You have ever so gently revealed more & more of the living ‘hell’ … and I knew your intentions all along were to give David ‘time’ to restore … it all is so bizzare and just doesn’t make sense. Or does it? He so loved you. You had to be torn away … and he couldn’t see it. You weren’t a puppet pulled by strings. You have ideals & strength of character with integrity. David, on the other hand, blinded by ‘emotional’ ties with family, coupled with fears and being fed lies … you became the “sacraficial lamb”. I know this now … because I lived through ‘hell’ when I was much younger than you. My heavens did I learn so much through ‘painful experience’ and who were truly my friends. I am thankful that ‘conscious’ souls are coming forth for the clearing. The unfolding is happening on many levels, Pamela. You may never know, nor does it matter … for nature demands balance.”


    Arrow 5A

    This is an excerpt of an email reply to David.
    The quotes are David. My reply is italicized and bold.



    “Many people on both sides of the Atlantic told me there was no way you would not exploit my name for your own personal ends because that was the nature of your character – whatever suits me, me, me.”
    So you are admitting to living in a world of gossip over truth. It is by the way, impossible for a wife to “exploit” a proper husbands name. Your suspicions about my exploitation are really admissions of your own withholdings.

    “I have known for a long time and not just because Carol [psychic] had her long-held opinion that you couldn’t support me because you wanted to be me.”
    When I read this? I knew something had happened. You got caught David. This is insane. You look me in the eye and say this. And don’t flatter yourself. It is the replication of ideas through the memes of imitation that exclusively support you. Take a look around and you will see I mimic much less than others.

    “I have looked at your site and it should be called Flywithme-me-me-productions because that’s all it is about – me, me, me. But then, who else is there in your universe?”
    Your insensitivity has no limits. Let me ask you something. If it is MY website, who else’s would it be about other than me? Isn’t that the point of a website? And yet, if you truly ‘look’ you will see that my focus is trying to help others and share what I see. My life is just as valuable as yours David. Instead of embracing me you cut me down. It is like a preacher preaching to the congregaton yet, comes home and beats the hell out of his wife.

    “Pam = love?? Please.”
    How can you say something like this? Too incoherent to respond to.

    “I am part of the problem and you are part of solution?? (picture of laughter)”
    Too incoherent to respond to.

    “You arrogant, full-of-your-bloody-self person.”
    Too incoherent to respond to.

    “You think your blog reflects you, but it doesn’t. It reflects your fake self-identity of you, that’s all.”
    Prove it.

    “How much easier my life and work would have been had I never met you and Royal Adams – the two most negative forces in my life by a zillion miles and the two who talked most about ‘love’. What a joke.”
    This is so unhealthy to me for you to mix in stories like this, and then aggrandize to the point of deleting every happy memory between us, and then not acknowledging even a tiny bit of your share in causing the lost potentials for love along side of me, and then calling it a joke?

    “You abuse me, as you have since the day we met.”
    All relationships have arguments and people grow from them. I have always tried to learn from my mistakes. Look at some of your words here. They are unhelpful words. They heap abuse which does not help either one of us.

    “And yet still use me because you think it benefits you.”
    Too incoherent to respond to.

    “what a disrespectful and ungrateful person you are.”

    “I am so sorry I ever met you.”

    “If you ever feel the need to say sorry you know where I am. I think it would be good for you so long as it’s genuine.”
    Too incoherent to respond to.

    “By the way ‘I call it the mind that took on a mind of its own’ (actually direct quote from Infinite Love Is the Only Truth (2004) and all talks around that time.) No, sorry, it’s what you call it.”
    Too incoherent to respond to.
    [This comment by David was about an interview I did. Sigh]

    “It’s nothing about the ‘power to forgive’ and everything about using me and my name for your own ends.”
    One day, maybe, if you can evolve, you will realize this is about your selfishness and not my usury.

    “Go on Pam … be a star like you have always been desperate to be.”
    Are you the only star David? We all are stars. We are all entitled to shine and why that bothers you is a commentary about you not me.

    “I am not interested in talking about you in any way whatsoever for the rest of my life. It was a ten-year nightmare that I would rather forget, thanks.”
    You could choose to hold onto some of the good memories, but this is an admission that you are too weak and dark to do so.

    “You are so far up your own arse it is too dark for you to ever look in the mirror.”
    Too incoherent to respond to.

    “Why don’t you grow up, Pam, eh? Go on, try it.”
    Too incoherent to respond to.

    “You are a child in a woman’s body. In or out of it.”
    Too incoherent to respond to.

    “Pathetic was a term invented for you. But, unfortunately, still understated.”
    Plain hurtful.

    “So why are you allowing this ‘real’ David Icke to come 5,000 miles to earn you a lot of money?”

    “Go on … seek to discredit and destroy a man who has done more than anyone on the planet in the last 20 years to alert the world to what is going on – what is now in their faces.”
    I am unwilling to play the role of your dark nemisis. This is unhealthy.

    “I have helped tens of millions and more because of my sacrifices and constant efforts, despite all the ridicule and abuse, and despite having to take your self-obsessed shit for a decade.”
    These words are beyond reprehensible considering who the writer is and who the recipient is. It requires no further commentary as they are exact perfect mirrors to the unseen shadow of its originator. The pride is huge, the self-conceit is apparent, and the words themselves are descriptive of the accuser. The persona which consumes you has obliterated your true self — certainly by these words. That which you speak of is so far out of integrity by the very fruit of these words and actions.

    “Go on, seek to destroy a man who has done all that because of your need to expend your bile and revenge, oh being of ‘love, light and truth’.”
    This is a repeating ‘thought’ and ‘push’ for a battle that seems as if you are desiring me to destroy you?
    I repeat, I am unwilling to play a villian for you, I am a responsible human being.
    You have escalated our marital, business, and personal lives to a point where there is no common sense or fair mutual input for resolve.

    “Go on … do the work of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and the other expressions of evil who would love to see my work end. Go on, being of ‘love, light and truth’, go for it.”


    “How can you make an informed decision if you don’t know the essential background to whatever it is you are making decisions about?”
    Yes. You choose to hold in your mind a “belief” of me vs. who I am.

    “The key is to let information be the arbiter of what you say … and not pre-conceived idea.
    The belief creates a closed-circuit that will only decode within that range of frequency.”
    Yes. You see me as you believe me to be or “want me to be”, not who I am.

    “All other information – awareness – is lost to you. Or, more accurately, you choose not to go where it is.”

    “All knowledge and awareness is ‘within’ you, within the energy we call light, and what we choose to decode decides our state of awareness.”
    Choosing to decode false beliefs about Pamela has become your total focus and awareness of who you ‘think’ she is. Causing severe damage to the relationship.

    “Cognitive dissonance is a major prison for human perception and an extreme example of denial. It is the state of stress and emotional unease that people feel when their beliefs are at odds with their experience or information before them. To remove this unease, either their beliefs have to change or they have to somehow explain away the experience or information that contradicts them.”

    “Unless people are honest and open enough to accept what is happening, how can they possibly do anything about it?”

    “If we don’t face what is, the ‘what is’ doesn’t change and goes on getting ever more extreme.”

    “‘It is what it is’ must go together with ‘so let’s deal with it if anything is to change for the better, either in our individual lives or collectively. Without acknowledging the first part, you never do the second.”

    “One girls journey arrived at the cross roads of choice.
    One of the greatest gifts she gave life, was making up her mind.”

    Never be afraid to tell your story.
    When all is said and done, she lived life on her own terms unafraid.
    It is not what happens to us in life, it is what we choose to do with the experience.

    “I have experienced death in many ways.
    My brother, my mother, relationships, and on and on it comes and goes. Hello from beyond.
    Know this please. Life is a personal journey.
    There are no guilt trips left behind, so please do not carry them.
    Easier said than done I know. So what did living teach?
    What was the greatest gift living gave after living has gone? Enjoy.
    Be’live’ who you ARE. Right now.
    This is not about a love between two people, it is about a love for all of life.
    This is merely a taste of how to live and how to fly.
    Just Another View of it.”

    I choose to see what good came of it all. Not dwell on what did not.

    I used to say all the time “there is more, there is more, calling it my ‘quantum leap’, for I had no words to describe what I inately knew?” My once upon a time husband said to me; “if I hear you say ‘quantum leap’ one more time …”

    Single * Taken by “Life” * .•´*¸•*¨*•.¸¸

    Pamela’s job over the last five years has been trying to get an amicable divorce.
    Another thing I wish to point out is how David continues to say: ” … and stop undermining those who are trying to do something about it.” This lady’s life has been undermined for years by David and Co. She had to ‘get out’ in order to ‘find out’. Thank you.

    Samurai standing ground quote pamela

    Pamela had to gain strength and put on her Samurai Suit.
    As the Scotts say: “Nemo me impune lacessit”
    Nobody interferes with me with impunity
    and this is often defiantly expressed in broad Scots as …
    “Wha daur meddle wi’ me?”

    I am not here to change your mind, I only ask that you behave justly.

    Arrow 5B
    If this is where I share more of this story then I shall do so upon upon a gentle journey. David and I were fine even though parting. We spoke, it was good. Pamela was watching it all unfold along the way. For all. In the beginning of (website) he had a Headlines page. December of 2008 (10 months after I left our marital home) whilst chatting with him by phone, he says; “Go and look at the Headline Page”. Below is what he posted. A picture of our writings upon the sand in Australia. Like I say, a once upon a time love that slipped away and died. I rest in a very calm inner place.


    In the beginning stages David used to say “why do we have to say I love you all the time’?” There was much confusion for me. Bridge of Love Publications was not matching the people behind it. I was told to stop hugging so much when I first arrived. It is all okay either way for Pamela has flown away trying.

    The lady was going to write about it in book form, then it was to be a film. Too long twas’ taking. She released the Clearing by speaking on Radio via a 5 Part Series. I wish to share an excerpt of what she had begun writing as she cleans the slate in good deed:

    “What was happening between David Icke and Pamela Leigh Richards is not just about two people, once husband and wife. It is about you too. It is about making a difference and not being afraid to do so by taking the next best step. By crossing the line of divide and realizing there is no line but the line in your mind. It is time to equal-eyes. It is time to love beyond thought and walk in Heart at a Pace for Peace. If you learn anything from this, learn mental temperament, not to give in and keep going with balance, you are not alone, and get to know thy’self’. This book is not a criticism, it is merely an experience shared, and will lay it down as it was, as it is, and as it will be. My wish is that it teaches everyone something good. Time to push off the rivers edge and venture into the beautiful waters flowing in the vastness of forever.”
    ~ Melting the past and moving on, pamela leigh richards

    Thank You to everyone who took the walk with moi. The whole point of this was to bring in a balance of calming fairness to a very unbalanced equation in the playground we all share. It must be safe for all. We did it. Together. And tis’ now time to sail, throwing away the unnecessary. To release and let go. The story remains for all to see on their individual journeys, with a desire to help lift them when they might have fallen too. If I can get back UP? So can you. Oh, I forgot to say that this was also very much about Pamela dissolving boundaries of fear and insecurities. Thinking she wasn’t good enough has held her back on many things. Not this time. She simply took life head on and did what she felt to be right.

    Arrow 5C Release


    This really could have been a softback/hardback book. Pammy just did not have the strength to do it. Her world is becoming very clear now, strength has been gained and continues to grow. Safe & calm waters are here with moi. This lass endured something that still surprises her. The most important thing was she had to ‘get out’ in order to ‘find out’ ~ this has many ‘Zen’ meanings which, she shall go into in her books. The “Pamela Conspiracy” is a separate digital book on this page. So, so much more, however, it has been unleashed and released. His story and hers sort of merged for awhile. Tis’ time to move on with hers. How she sees life and creation based upon her own experiences. She came across her diaries this morning while writing her other book and felt to add to this page, as it is here where it belongs. On her way she is now …. flying. Thank you all so very much for sharing the walk.

    Pamela’s home environment felt as if she was being hit by thought forms, fear was in a rage all around, and she had to get out NOW. So much so that she left on 1 June staying in a London hotel until catching her flight on 6 June. When she walked out of her home, it was like a prisoner walking into a breath of fresh air for the first time.

    Below is a snippet of the amazing journey from “Home to London to Egypt”, and what she wrote in reply to a helpful friend.

    “Thank you for reminding me … that it is ok to be ‘me’. I am expanding exponentially and so much happening. I have been bruised and battered beyond belief and my energy field shattered to pieces and am still picking up the pieces. This journey though has been so beautiful however, underlying it, an enormous amount of pain, but not as much as it would have been without my deeper understanding. I am perfectly fine. Something is carrying me through this right now. It is ok. I am rising above all of it quickly. I will not have it anymore.

    I am now in London (another synchronistic journey in my life) and will leave on Wed for the Red Sea in Egypt. I will share with you the story of what happened on the day I departed.[meaning my home on the Isle of Wight]

    I saw this black man walking out of Vernon House from my living room window with his grey rollaway duffle bag. It caught my attention and thought? He was going somewhere. Then went back to what I was doing. Now get this? As I got to the top of the pier to catch the Kat to the mainland … I bought my ticket, walked out and my eyes were drawn to this black man sitting, waiting for the boat. I then looked down and it was this grey duffle bag I just saw earlier out my window! Something was drawing me to him. So, I walked over and said, “Do you live in Vernon House?” He said ‘yes’. I sat down with him and I can’t tell you the energy flowing around me. It was incredible. He is from Gambia. I started talking and did not stop until we parted on the mainland.

    He was mesmerized the whole way. I could see it in his eyes and I don’t know where all this information was coming from really. It just started pouring out of me. He helped me with my luggage for I had two big cases and two shoulder bags with my camera equipment. We got on the boat and sat together. I continued to talk non-stop. He listened very intently. He helped me off the boat, we reached the train area, and I had to leave him now for I had a car waiting to take me to this hotel that I am now at in London. I hugged him and could see in his eyes how blown away he was by what he just heard. During the time I was talking, many times, he would ‘get it’ and say the same thing as I was just about to say, which, amazed me too. Our words linked up. It was so beautiful and very powerful.

    Now, here I leave him and am walking down the ramp struggling with my two rollaway bags and my shoulder bags. A couple were smiling coming up from behind and said to me: “That will make you stronger”. We all laughed because it was funny, but for me, what was more funny were the little messages that life was giving me like “it will make you stronger”. It hit me and definately what is happening right now? Is making this lass so much stronger. It was such a beautiful journey with a deep connection to people all around. It was just lovely. I was smiling and happy and so full of love.

    Arriving on the mainland I got to the car park, and the driver (Ian) came to help me, and away we went. Now, I normally would go to sleep on this two hour journey to London, but again, something happened within me and it just started flowing out. I did not stop talking with Ian the whole way. It was so profound that I noticed during the drive, as I was speaking at one point, it got very powerful in what I was saying about caring for one another and letting others know they are not alone etc… Ian was moved to tears… he wiped his eyes, for I know I was connecting to things that were hitting home for him too.

    It was so incredibly beautiful. There is something happening and I can feel this energy connection that is like a download of information which is allowing me to speak very coherently and make perfect sense at these opportune times? I was so moved that something I could ‘say’ to another, touched them so much that it would make them cry? He actually said, that I was denying people what I had to say? It blew me away. He was telling me that I needed to go out and talk to people. To share with them just what I shared with him, and it would be a shame to deny the people of this information. Messages are coming at great speed if that makes sense? I am being downloaded with a lot and rapidly, that I have to have time to process it. Maybe that is why I am going to be alone for two weeks? I need it.

    The travel agent told me, when I left on Friday, that “Ruth” the lady who is in charge of the dolphin trips out in the ocean? Told her to tell me, there were two families with children at the same place I will be at and they went out on Thursday (the day before I left my house on Friday the 1st of June which was also a Full Moon!) and they all got to swim in the wild with 300 dolphins! It was a rarity! I just said to myself in my mind: “Please dolphins, be there for me to swim with you freely! This is all happening for a reason. I know it.

    I feel David was holding me in a box, filtering through his beliefs about me, and it was clipping my wings. No matter how much I was growing or what I would say he would only hear what he wanted, which, was like talking to a wall with no rational means of communicating towards the end of these days. I was trying to spread my wings and I kept being pulled back to the nest when I wanted to jump out there and fly. I have learned so much, and only wish him well, however, I must now go ….. I am stepping out of the nest, spreading my wings and I am going to fly!”

    As I flew over the Mediterranean from England and entered the lands of Egypt, As clear as day a telepathic message came to me with no words, just a form of pure energy transferring the message and its translation was this: “I needed to get grounded. I needed to ground myself. Plant my feet back on the earth” Next, what ran through me after hearing this initial message on the plane, were overlapping telepathic thoughts, explaining that the reason I had to ground was because …
    “You have things to fullfill within yourself.
    This is a very personal journey.
    You have to realize your gifts, gain confidence, stand strong.
    You have a Heart to give which would help lift humanity in this physicality.”

    The seeking we each strive for will never be found in the external.
    For what is eternal, what has always been ‘in’ternal, can never be lost, only found.
    A personal journey? Yes, indeed it is.

    For it is good.
    We are all here to do ~ what we are all here to do.
    Playing our roles and living lives. Peace.

    Pictures of Imperial Hotel in London.

    Imperial Hotel Goddesses Either Side

    Goddesses Up Close

    The Goddesses

    Goddess Foyer Other Side
    The Goddess that greeted her as she entered on the left.

    Goddess Foyer 1

    The Goddess that greeted her as she entered on the right.

    Imperial Hotel Room 9th floor
    She originally was given another room.
    She kindly asked for something higher with a view?
    This is on the ninth floor and fit her like a glove. Perfect.
    Never be afraid to ask. You never know how good something can turn out to be.

    Imperial Hotel Window ledge
    Well, pammy saw the ledge and said:
    “Hey, I can crawl out there and film”, which she did 🙂

    Imperial hotel ledge pamela satJPG

    The beginning began. She can now breath freely in peace.
    View from the ledge into the place in between the space.

    Climbing ladder
    The entire exposure has been nothing but pure bliss from within expanding,
    unafraid of transparency.
    When you have nothing to hide, never be afraid to tell it like it is.
    In doing so erasure of the issue becomes much easier and so freeing!
    Through the fires she climbed!
    Stay Happy on High.

    Arrow Down

    Thank you for listening to one girls truth. Peace.

    Channel Five Documentary, aired 26, December 2006

    All quotes: copyright Pamela Leigh Richards unless otherwise stated.
    All content of this digital story Book and its writings copyright Pamela Leigh Richards 1960-infinity
    Images: Top – Pamela on surface of Red Sea, Egypt, snorkelling with Dolphin going by.
    Image: Lotus Flower Screen shot from JC Tefft
    My Life With David Icke

    12 Seconds For Peace Project

    Posted in: Films by Pamela on September 01, 2011

    “Man can harness the winds, the waves and the tides
    But when he can harness the power of love …
    Then for the second time in the history of the world
    Man will have discovered fire.”
    ~ Teihard de Chardin

    “Don’t think Life, become Life.”

    I just did it for the 2nd time. For Steve Gooch and his wonderful Project 12 Seconds for Peace.

    The monsoons were here, I went out as I love thunder storms, I love lightning and danced in the rain. As if on cue when I leaned my head back and spread my arms, the lightning flashed and the thunder rolled, at that very moment. This happened three times as I twirled in the four directions of North, South, East, and West, pouring out love to the whole of existence with my Heart beating for Peace with great intention.

    Wishing to wipe away and erase all pain, all sadness and help UPlift all of life to the beauty that it is, no matter what. I hope you get 12 Seconds of something good from it and hope it delivers magnetic charges and sparks of Light to help you build your dreams!

    This was also filmed during a period of ongoing recovery from a TBI (traumatic brain injury) with heavy brain pressures. Please visit here for the story. A Near Fatal Fall.

    I wish to help inspire others who might be going through a brain injury as well as help others comprehend just what it is like to have one. Unless you have you will never know what it is like, yet, may have compassion in understanding. It is very frustrating to not be understood and looks can be deceiving. To accomplish this simple short video took alot for me at this particular time, yet, being an extreme optimist and quantum leaper I see the experience as my Universe expanding! ahahhahaaa I am blowing bubbles and it might ‘feel’ funny but that is just because I am getting used to the differences between one world and the many others 🙂

    “Remove reacting to the web of life and respond to the loving knowing of it.”

    “The love on the landscape has its horizon in eternity”
    ~ Annie Elliott

    “Where you look there you are your reality awaits you.”
    “Nothing exists where your mind is not.”
    “Out of sight, out of mind, never out of Heart.”

    “It is not nice to hurt mother nature.”
    “Nothing is permanent and everything is possible.”
    “Do not stop at the door, open it.”

    “I have no judgement on your opinion.”

    “If you leave anything, leave everything, and keep the giggle.”
    Thank you. Keep it simple.

    Here is the first version.

    We are all in this together. One heart and mind at a time.
    Know that you are never alone.
    You are important, valuable, have meaning and purpose, and are deeply loved.

    “There is nothing that comes from anything you do, other than recognition and new decisions.
    So be brave and just do it.”

    “Look with compassion vs. reaction.”

    “Beauty is everywhere even in our bleakest moments.”

    “The past keeps you in constant servitude of the question.”

    “Know thy’self and the questions fade like the sunset in the distance.”

    I Believe … that credentials on the wall does not make one’self’ a decent human being, yet see the Heart within.
    There are many paths to where we are going.

    So much more to say and is now blossoming like an unfolding flower to share.

    It is time to Create the Greater YOU!
    It is time to come ALIVE
    It is time to ‘Be’come Aware of the “Awe’thatyou’Are”

    Part of the problem is continuing to ‘look’ at the problem.

    “The most destructive thing on this planet are your thoughts. Clean it up.”

    “The one spirit does not make choices. Thoughts do.”
    Wear it well.

    The Secret of the Sea.
    “What is beautiful can never be corrupted by a foul mouth.”

    “It is not ‘I’ that must clothe my body. Tis’ your’self’ that must clean your mind.”

    “I care not what you wear. I care what is in your nature.”

    “Whatever befalls your mind, befalls the creation of your thoughts wobbling. Make it up and be precise.”

    Always for the good of the whole.

    “Each person possesses within himself [and herself] the powers and latent faculties necessary …
    to become aware of a multi-dimensional universe.”
    ~ Paracelsus

    “You are the Captain of your water body vessel vehicle ship.
    Steer your vessel well to places you have yet to meet in peace.”

    “What looks to others going on in the outside,
    is usually very different to what is going on in the INside.”

    Take the walk. It is ALL okay.

    “Belief is a state of repeating thoughts manifesting as a reality.”
    Change your thoughts, change your beliefs, change your world.
    From the inner comes the outer.
    From the outer can become your inner reflecting its repeating into the outer.
    “Catch me if you can. I am thought in and out of mind.”

    YOU are the center of the Universe. Do not idol-eyes.
    When there is nothing to hide there is nothing to be afraid of.
    Everything is backwards.
    The actions, the gestures and everything in life is precise.
    It is Sacred Geometries that form Creation in patterns of belief, if you choose to ‘see’.
    “Where you look, there you are, your reality awaits you.”
    It is usually not what you have been taught to believe. Go beyond thought.
    Listen ‘within’ yourself, remove fear, do the different, and it is here you will take your power back.
    “How many does it take to bring truth to Light? ONE.”

    Two little mice fell into a bucket of cream.
    The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned.
    But the second mouse let go of fear and began to swim so fast
    That she eventually spun that cream into butter and she walked out.

    “For every legend there is always a New Beginning … Build What You See.”

    “My will is strong and I know it won’t be long before the truth be known.
    That everything outside of this and inside of me clarifies the knowing, I’m not alone.
    Somehow I’ll find my way home.”

    “There is no destination because once you arrive,
    the ending is an illusion as the journey begins again.”

    “He who binds himself to a joy doth the winged life destroy;
    But he who kisses the moment as it flies, lives in eternities sunrise.”
    ~ William Blake

    “Heartbeat for Peace. Disengage to fly free.”
    “I love the Light, I love the night, I’m making up my own mind.”

    It is okay to say no.

    Be careful not to get mesmer-eyes’d. It is an illusion.
    The message is beyond sight and INbetween the lines.
    And the answer rests within your own Heart and Mind. Do not follow, yet listen.
    To not the voice in the external but the internal. Know when to let go and get to know thy’self’.
    The seeking we each strive for will never be found in the external.
    For what is eternal, what has always been ‘in’ternal, can never be lost, only found.
    A personal journey? Yes, indeed it is.
    I feel, and have done for some time, that I am an anomaly. Like many others are.
    We do not fit the mold.
    An anomaly is a person or thing that strays from common rules or methods.
    An exception to the rule.
    I am a quantum leaper. An inside thinker. A line in the sand drawer. An over the edge flyer.
    A ‘knower’ grower. A ‘thought’ buster.

    “Stories upon stories, movies upon movies happening all the time in the theatre of your mind.
    The ones that come alive are the ones you give attention to,
    as either a fool in a lie, or a sayer in truth.”

    “We are ‘thought forms’ floating like bubbles being blown out of Stargates.”
    “Life is a tapestry of happenings interwoven into the fabric of existence.”

    Time to turn ourselves Inside Out and do the different. Smile.
    Nature is our greatest ally, our greatest teacher.
    Looks can be deceiving. “Everything was perfect, then came judgement.”

    “For a moment look in between the lines. Drop all thought.
    Build What You See Internally. Like a Seed. It will grow magically.
    It will blossom slowly, yet, ever so quickly. NOW. Life is a beautiful Dream.”

    “Never let anothers fears determine who you are.”

    The Fire is not to be abused. The Light. Wear it well and shine it bright and kind.
    Build What you See. We can learn enough. The knowledge is given to everyone.
    It is simple and cannot be de-scribed. It is the Arc of the covenant.
    The promise that you make by choosing thought.
    Understanding that all mistakes are forgiven as soon as they are made.
    Like a breath before you take. This is pure love operating.
    We are becoming what we ARE. I see you. I forgive you. I love you. And “I” am part of “you”.

    Take a chance you never know how good something can turn out to be.

    “The only difference between you and me, is what we ‘think’.”

    “The World is my family. Life is my partner. Peace is my focus.”

    “You chose to ‘think’ therefore, you are. Choose your thoughts wisely.”

    “There are many names for this place, yet, you do not need a name to get here.”

    The beauty of pollination …
    “I love what I know, I love more what I have yet to know.”

    The Lap of Love ~ The Transformation of a Butterfly

    “Our thoughts are like a conductors wand to an orchestra.
    Creating layer upon layer of circumstances and happenings accordingly.
    The symphony is the music of the spheres expanding and contracting with your will.
    Peace and harmony is our only viable destiny.”

    The song of the spheres. “I see vibrancy. I see coherency. I see balance. I see diversity. I see Peace is Easy.”
    When you discharge the output from the transmitting coil … the arc disappears from the receiving coil.
    “Where you look, there you are, your reality awaits you.”

    “History is ‘bound’ to be repeated unless you learn from it.
    I have learned … I am not here to repeat it.”

    If you kiss anyone today. First kiss yourself. It is okay.
    The inner self, the outer self and from there in repeating this pattern creates new behaviours.
    Confidence. Assuredness. Knowing without ego.
    Action in unison with the Dance of Life coherently. Letting Go.
    Be Free in everything peace. Just Be.
    And from there can go into the world without ‘thought’
    as the kisses will spread to others and the rest of life,
    as easy as silk on a cobblestone road.
    It becomes the new you and you are that good. Don’t have spare change, make change.

    I am creating a new treaty with Life. It is time to clean house and be courageous enough to do it.
    “No amount of intellect or talk can compare to the knowing of the Heart.”

    “I have no excuse for what I see.
    And if you cannot see what I see, then I shall leave you to your excuse.”

    “Sometimes you must leave what you love. And in leaving you are rescuing.”

    Images and Music: Credited, otherwise unknown source at this time.
    Quotes: Pamela Leigh Richards unless otherwise stated, included in up and coming film and book “OceanHeart

    Cinematographer on Dolphin and noted videos: pamela leigh richards
    All Sound effects on noted videos: Nature
    Voice Over on noted videos: pamela leigh richards
    Song on 12 Seconds for Peace: Point of No Return Roger Subirana
    Image SunRise: Egypt Red Sea pamela leigh richards
    Images Fantasy Woman 126, 128

    Dolphins: Click here for link

    The Shift Is Within, and Listening

    Posted in: Quotes & Poetry by Pamela on February 09, 2011

    “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
    ~ William Shakespeare


    “That’s why this One’self’ cries.
    That is why tears fall from these eyes
    The Ocean Waters of the Divine Creator in Action
    expressing upon one’selfs’ face,
    from thy Heart it pours in form.
    The Philosophers Stone.”
    ~ plr


    Get ready for Contact. Contact with your’self’.

    Your own Awakening is the Contact.

    Be creative! Some’One” else was.


    “One of the greatest contributions I have given to Life,
    Is making up my mind.”
    ~ plr


    A Sea of You. A Perfect Time For Flying Carpets.


    A Perfect Time To Get To Know Life. To Get Out, To Go ‘Within’.


    To Turn Your’self’ Inside Out. And do the vastly Different.


    Where you Look, There You Are, Your Reality Awaits You.


    “I love who I am. I love more who I am not.”
    Amo Qui Sum. Magis amo, qui sum non
    ~ plr



    “What Is Your Nature? No ‘thing’ that you do, not one skill or talent that you have ..
    Matters more than the Heart ‘within’, the only thing you need to ‘be’.
    Wear it well on your sleeve, so others can ‘see’.”
    ~ plr



    “There is nothing one can do that cannot be forgiven.


    The thing is, one must forgive one’self’ firstly.
    Then One’selfs’ Forgiveness will be united with the Forgiveness of All One.”


    “In this Ocean of Energy, in a world of density and form of holographic matter …
    Where to speak is through the Vesica Piscis of her creative mouth, with words that carry …
    The symbols that will flow from her lips wherever they stick,
    Like feathers as necessary to be heard, in order to bring about understandings …
    Clarities, purities and symphonies of harmonic convergences into balance. So be it.
    She is truth-speaking.”


    “Life knows the meaning behind these words.
    How you interpret them ~ is between you and your creator
    If it takes more time for us to be understood
    Remember, Life is patient and kind, and has nothing to lose.
    For Life has all the time in the world.”
    ~ pamela leigh richards


    “History is bound to be repeated unless you learn from it.
    We are not here to repeat it, nor are we here to hurt, harm or confuse.
    It is time to change the sequence and equations.
    To flow in fractality, to spin in another direction by changing the code.
    And re-writing the patterns of ones Environ’mental’ behaviour.”
    ~ pamela leigh richards

    “Our Power is in Our Love. Our Might is in our Passion. Love is an ever flowing energy with no thought. Its understandings are carried through its light. Existing and living in the ever present moments of now, which, the collective mind sees as the end of the minute before and beginning of the hour in the morrow. Love does not. It just flows.” ~ pamela leigh richards

    Stillness. The love given to Another. May this love be shared with the All, without thought.
    Simply and purely from the free flowing energies of the Heart.
    This One’self’ shares the same, even if it might appear not.
    For stillness and doing nothing are two very different things.
    It is the internal Stillness that radiates this Love most powerfully.
    Please pass this stillness on and on and on … in your own unique song.
    ~ pamela leigh richards

    “Know where the power rests ‘within’ you. In the Calm of the Heart.
    And when you real-eyes how close it is, one’self’ will awaken to understanding that …
    It is in the kind little things we do …
    And its effects are far more reaching and bigger than we could possibly imagine.”
    pamela leigh richards

    “…that there is no ‘right way’ to do anything, there is only the way you are doing it.
    Never be afraid to ‘try your hand’ because you don’t want to,
    might make a mistake, or not do something right.”
    “Success in life comes from being willing to move into Unchartered Territory.
    Always remember: Life begins at the end of your Comfort Zone.”
    ~ Neale Donald Walsch

    “Can you hum? Then consider your’self’ a singer. Can you hear an instrument of your liking playing in your mind? Consider your’self’ a musician. When you look at the beauty of nature and feel something, yet, have no words to it? Consider your’self’ a poet. Whatever it is you ‘think’ you aren’t, you already are and the audience is always there.”
    pamela leigh richards

    Images not defined: Sources unknown at this time
    International Space Station Photos: View out of the cupola at Earth
    Repeat This
    The Event Horizon
    Another View of Life

    The Rest of My Life

    Posted in: Quotes & Poetry,The Observation Deck by Pamela on December 15, 2010

    As above, so below.
    We are created holographically.
    Everything is connected. We are not the same yet come from the same.
    The universe is a hologram where every part contains the whole.
    Outside echoing the thoughts and mind inside, reflecting.
    Build it and they will come.
    Change your mind, Change the World.

    “There is consciousness in all that exists on Earth, down to the molecules in your fingertips, and it is all meant to work together. Consciousness communicates continuously by vibrations of electromagnetic frequencies. These frequencies connect and have a cooperative investment in working together so that each benefits the whole.
    [Holograms thrive on constructing frequencies.]
    The difficulty with Earth at this time is that humans believe they are separate from all the energy that is here to work together. Your current belief in separate parts prevents you from seeing and accessing the wholeness of existence.” ~ Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library

    Follow the white thread of love, that which, is in everything in kind.
    Treat it with dignity and respect. With love from the depths of your heart.
    Feel it. Care for it. Love it as if it were your last breathe carrying you home.
    It has meaning. It has life. It is conscious and has feelings.
    No matter how small, it too, that little white thread of love, is something to be seen.

    “…that the salvation of this human world lies nowhere else than in the human heart,
    in the human power to reflect, in human meekness and human responsibility.”
    ~ Vaclav Havel

    “Through the Eye of the Storm, We will always come out Whole.”
    ~ pamela leigh richards

    “Dance, Dance, Dance, in the while the Rain Drops, The falling Snows,
    The Ice Melts and the Flower of Your Heart Grows.”

    Dare to Live every moment, as if it were your last.
    Dance, not because you want to, but because you have to.
    Purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor.
    It is to enjoy every step along the way.
    Say what you were ever afraid to say.
    Listen, when you did not think you ever would.
    Slow down your breathing before ever speaking.
    Love the very thing you felt your heart never could.
    Look where thine eyes feared to seek.
    Embrace All with forgiveness and understandings.
    And in the end, merging into New Beginnings.
    This shall be a mighty fine relief.
    ~ pamela leigh richards

    “The Self is ever the Master,

    however much the forms inhabited by the Self may be bound.

    The Self is the essential principle

    of the existence of all those forms,

    always remaining one and unchanged.

    He alone who beholds the Self in/as the core of his being

    possesses eternal bliss.”
    ~ Braham


    The good news is that because we are in a hologram, the quantum effect of even a small number of beings
    Achieving the higher level of integration will resonate throughout the realm
    And afford many others a level of assistance in dealing with the process they are undergoing.
    Therefore it is of paramount importance that those who are aware of this action
    Work diligently to focus on what is real rather than to engage in that which is built of illusion.
    We can change ourselves and the world in which we choose to give our creative energies.
    As we do this, ironically, without having intended to change the world,
    We will establish a level of higher resonance around which the releasing energies
    From the implosions of the old institutions shall accrue. This is a key and important point.
    Do not focus on changing the old world. It is dying so let it die.
    That which is broken cannot be fixed and that which is real cannot be broken.
    Focus on what is real and the rest shall fade away.

    With the overlay now removed … All is merging into a singularity of consciousness in the integrated wholeness
    Of our divine selves as perfectly reflected in the forms that we now occupy
    Should we so choose this as the reality we wish to create for ourselves.
    The nature of a morphogenetic field is such that when one individual or a group
    Begin to resonate at a certain level of energy and frequency,
    It permeates out through the rest of the matrix, lifting all up in the process.
    As we do so the reality we find ourselves in will progressively transform itself
    And a new reality will begin to adhere to our resonant forms vibrating at an ever higher frequency
    Built on a foundation of Love and undifferentiated Light.

    As we stand at the precipice of the ending we are perched on the threshold of a new Beginning
    As we return to ourselves and thereby come to know ourselves for the very first time.

    Now, as the final clause of the treaty is enacted and the fourth dimensional overlay is removed,
    It will not take much to move the third dimensional control systems out of our way
    To begin to literally dissolve the frequency zone of control.
    Since reality as we know it is holographic, then each part of the hologram
    actually contains all of the information of the larger whole.
    This is the morphogenetic field by which the two original cells
    form a human being, or a frog, or horse, or any other whole living organism
    inherent in the morphogenetic blueprint. The whole is contained in each part.
    Thus, one conscious point of awareness, when the inhibitors are removed,
    will begin to resonate outwards, and like ripples in a pond, affect the entire matrix of the whole.
    As this begins to pick up momentum by many such points of emanation,
    meaning individual human beings or small aggregations of such,
    the majority of the human consciousness, still asleep,
    but only controlled by third dimensional technology of entrainment
    without the 4D containment overlay, will begin to lose their grip on that reality construct.
    We will begin to be the masters of our own reality, and form it around us.
    And what now might appear to most to be an impossible task, will happen in the twinkling of an eye.

    It Is Time to set our sails for Another View of Life. Hang on for the adventure and the ride.

    From another friends point of view …
    Though it might not be unusual to see new crop circles still being created
    in the month of September, it certainly is unusual to see the concept
    of a mind virus being discussed in any form of media –
    let alone in the context of an end-of-days scenario.
    Our simulated reality is presently being corrupted by a mind virus
    that I refer to as SIL/ORG (silicon organism)
    and it is causing something similar to a mass psychogenic/sociogenic illness.
    We have become obsessed with its technological toys
    and the virus is spreading through the programming of our simulation without resistence.
    Our simulated holographic reality extends to the outer limits of our solar system.
    It is a closed program. Whatever exists does so within those boundaries.
    Instead of being elated on the discovery of a habitable planet,
    we should be suspicious of the motivation behind the illusion.

    Supporting documentation: Ken Cousins; Holographic History
    Images: Milky Way Galaxy & iStock Brain Electric

    Excuse me. I have a few sails to repair.
    Occupation: Breathing

    I am my own Research Project.
    I am my own Lifes Experiment.
    “Living” is a virtual movie and we are all the projectors in it.
    Take back your heart and mind, if you don’t like what you ‘see’.
    And certainly do not feed someone else’s dream, if it feeds pain and suffering.

    Thoughts contain many paradoxes running side by side and when they meet others,
    it’s highly probable they will either collide or harmonize.

    In my research, experiences, witnessing and investigations, so far,
    I have come to this real-eye-sation, that the latter is the best solution, for peace.

    Thoughts can co-create confusion or calm.
    In my research, experiences, witnessing and investigations, so far,
    I have come to this real-eye-sation, that the latter is the best solution for peace.

    The entity/expression named Pamela, has discovered and real-eyes’d …
    Her consciousness knows better
    Her mind is awakening
    Her existence is a journey
    Her understanding is never ending
    Her heart is open wide and growing
    Her love is immortal & permeates everything

    And nothing is black & white other than the writing on the wall.
    And my signature is etched upon my heart seen by all.
    To change the world change your mind environment.
    To do so is your inate right.
    The blueprint is being drawn out, the art is being envisioned
    and the next phase is now formulating towards a New Beginning.
    Remove Fear. Free your mind. Take out the trash and remove the past.
    Forgive and Let Go.
    Carry love in your heart like a flame without the fire.
    And all that is good will meet you in the middle of forever.
    Know your power, and know thyself.
    Know what awaits you from beyond your imaginative intellect,
    for it is listening and waiting for you not to be afraid to go there.
    Take the quantum leap and do not think twice before you follow your heart.
    If you are afraid of anything … be afraid of what you ‘think’.
    Keep your thoughts clean.
    For ‘thoughts’ co-create.
    We are inately pure energy created to vibrate at high frequencies.
    The seals are breaking, the veil is lifting and the illusion is fading.
    Love your intelligent and divinely created self, and the rest will fall into place.

    “Have you ever felt that there is something about reality that isn’t quite random as it should be? Something a little too organized, a little too planned, a little too programmed?”
    –Jim Elvidge in ‘The Universe Solved’

    “Whatever one wishes for in the world tomorrow live it in your heart today.”

    ~ plr


    Posted in: Quotes & Poetry,The Observation Deck by Pamela on December 14, 2010

    “Our existence in ‘form’ of matter,
    is merely ‘living art’ by thought.”
    ~ plr

    “The next quantum leap in understanding,
    is what dominates the animation of the art?
    The Mind or the Heart?”
    ~ plr

    “Our greatest discoveries will not be found in ‘outer space’,
    they will be real-eyes’d in ‘inner space’.”
    ~ plr

    I feel to share with you what I have been experiencing, especially since spending time in Egypt with some of the most highly evolved entities of consciousness called “Dolphins” and then onwards to having brain surgery. I have only recently come into a sequence of profound synchronistic attention grabbers that sparked more of the knowingness held ‘within’, seemingly for a long time, now emerging? I have felt it like a percolating energy just waiting, like a race horse behind the gate before it opens, chomping at the bit as the excitement builds to share. We are on the threshold of an amazing point in time. No matter what is happening, know you are not alone and it is going to be okay.

    There is nothing else to hold onto but your’self’. Like a sinking ship that seems to be before us?
    It is not until the ship is just about to go under that anyone actually ‘does’ something or makes a move?
    Well, we are at that precipice now. Nothing to fear, but fear itself. Nothing to worry about, no matter what.
    I know it is easier said than done sometimes which, is why that great ol’ saying comes in handy …
    “when one is down the other is up”. We can not do this alone. Nor were we ever meant to.
    It was never meant to be difficult nor does it have to be. Humans can complicate things so easily.
    Not because they wish to but because they know nothing else or rather, they have simply forgotten,
    now remembering. It is easy if you allow it to be. You are the Captains of your water, body, vessel, vehicle, ships.
    Your mind & the direction of your Heart will steer you where you choose.
    Choose wisely, calmly, respectfully, sacredly, and honourably.
    Do not think twice before listening to your Heart.
    Wipe your mind free. Take the quantum leap and trust your’self’.
    Trust your Heart knowing you will have wings to fly and always soft landings when all is said and done.

    “If I teach anything, I desire it to be that I teach myself
    To Love her, for that is okay.
    For I am not always what you believe and say.”

    HARMONY is a state recognized by great philosophers as the immediate prerequisite of beauty. A compound is termed beautiful only when its parts are in harmonious combination. The world is called beautiful and its Creator is designated the Good because good perforce must act in conformity with its own nature; and good acting according to its own nature is harmony, because the good which it accomplishes is harmonious with the good which it is. Beauty, therefore, is harmony manifesting its own intrinsic nature in the world of form.

    The universe is made up of successive gradations of good, these gradations ascending from matter (which is the least degree of good) to spirit (which is the greatest degree of good). In man, his superior nature is the summum bonum. It therefore follows that his highest nature most readily cognizes good because the good external to him in the world is in harmonic ratio with the good present in his soul. What man terms evil is therefore, in common with matter, merely the least degree of its own opposite. The least degree of good presupposes likewise the least degree of harmony and beauty. Thus deformity (evil) is really the least harmonious combination of elements naturally harmonic as individual units. Deformity is unnatural, for, the sum of all things being the Good, it is natural that all things should partake of the Good and be arranged in combinations that are harmonious. Harmony is the manifesting expression of the Will of the eternal Good.

    Life is a song. Life is harmony in motion.
    Life is an ever evolving dance
    whose steps are not about where they are going,
    but the one we are now making.
    I had kind tears in the shower the other day
    and said to myself:
    “Tears are merely reflections of God in action.”

    They are healing and when necessary,
    shed them for release.
    They want to flow
    just like the waterfalls after the snows.

    “There is no death,
    there is simply here and there and everywhere.”
    ~ plr 



    Lady Bird Image: Background Pictures.
    Water Flower Image: SixString

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