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    Copyright © 2008-
    Fly with Me Productions


    Posted in: Music Gallery by Pamela on November 29, 2008

    Photo: pamela leigh richards
    Video: Sara Hickman ~ Mad World

    When “ONE” embraces the EMOTIONS of fear, sorrow and pain
    ONE will find
    The nightmares were gifts gained
    They all disappear, leaving behind
    The only thing that ever mattered
    For it exists below, around, within and above
    It permeates everything
    It is the “ONE” called LOVE.

    © pamela leigh richards
    Photo: Google Search


    Posted in: Quotes & Poetry by Pamela on November 27, 2008

    I was once told that I cry too much.
    I say the world does not cry enough.
    The tears that flow are not always of sadness
    But remembering who I really am.
    Remembering how beautiful life is and can be.

    May the world drown in our tears for PEACE.

    © pamela leigh richards
    Photos: Google Search


    Posted in: Quotes & Poetry by Pamela on November 26, 2008

    As humans desire to be FREE
    So does all of LIFE
    When one respects ‘LIFE’
    One deserves to be FREE.

    © pamela leigh richards

    Photo: Google search


    Posted in: Quotes & Poetry by Pamela on

    ONE’S vision will become clear

    When ONE looks within ONE’S heart.

    When ONE looks outside,

    ONE plays a part

    When ONE looks inside

    ONE finds there is nowhere to hide.

    © pamela leigh richards

    “Using this image needs the permission of KAGAYA Studio,
    so you can not re-use it without our permission.”

    The Mirror

    Posted in: Quotes & Poetry by Pamela on November 25, 2008

    You are not what is reflected in the mirror.
    Each and every one of us is so much more
    and do not let anyone tell you differently.
    Follow your heart and go within,
    this is where all the answers begin.

    On November 22, 2008, my friend Christopher O’Brien and myself,
    drove 20 miles north of Flagstaff, Arizona, just below the Grand Canyon,
    to film a promotional video he wished to create to help these buffalo.

    The story is incredibly moving with the journey of the Riley family,
    from Wyoming to South Dakota to Arizona,
    the births of now eleven Sacred White Buffalo,
    the unexpected death of Dena’s husband Jim, in April of 2008,
    and the love they carry for these beautiful animals.

    In the Spring of 1997, a female white buffalo was born
    on the edge of the black hills of Wyoming.
    At the time of her birth, a young bull in the pasture
    tried to kill her by flipping her fifteen feet in the air.

    Jim Riley was there and witnessed the event.

    Risking his own life,
    he rushed to save the newborn from the bull
    which, flipped her a second time.

    She did make it thanks to Jim and her name became “Miracle Moon”.

    Only one in ten million buffalo is born white.

    This is Miracle Moon with her baby Rainbow Spirit.

    The White Buffalo are sacred to many Native Americans.
    The Lakota (Sioux) Nation has passed down
    The Legend of the White Buffalo
    a story now approximately 2,000 years old
    at many council meetings, sacred ceremonies,
    and through the tribe’s storytellers.
    There are several variations, but all are meaningful,
    and tell of the same outcome.

    Have communication with the Creator through prayer
    with clear intent for Peace, Harmony and Balance
    for all life living in the Earth Mother.

    I had never seen a wild buffalo in person.
    All I can say is they are incredibly powerful in their spirit.
    You can feel it and see it in their eyes.
    Very majestic and magical.

    Wherever the signs for peace come in
    Through a legend or an intention
    Is more important than anything
    Peace is rising and growing.

    The buffalo are now in Oregon!
    They still need any support you can offer to help feed them.

    Jessica Schab and Pamela with a beauty of a beast.



    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on November 22, 2008

    “I am so tired of all the mental clutter and distractions
    Pulling my mind this way and that
    In a world full of hypocracy and contradiction
    It is time to cut through all the crap
    And GO DIRECT with focus and intention.
    When you remove fear
    can get in your way”
    May it be so.

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    Posted in: Quotes & Poetry,The Observation Deck by Pamela on November 21, 2008

    “There once was a people who lived their entire lives
    within a Cave of Illusions.

    After generations, they came to believe that their own shadows,
    cast upon the walls, were the substance of reality.

    Only the myths and religious tales spoke of a brighter possibility.

    Obsessed with the shadow play,
    The people became accustomed to and imprisoned by
    Their dark reality.”

    “I didn’t speak much, but I laughed often,
    because every time I looked around –
    at the earth, the sky, the sun, the trees,
    the lakes, the streams –
    I realized that it was all Me –
    that no separation existed at all”

    Excerpt from THE PEACEFUL WARRIOR by Dan Millman


    The only separations, or rather transitions happening,

    were in the choices I made in where to look

    and bring that vision into focus.

    And that becomes the canvas

    upon thine eyes reflecting I AM.

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