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    Copyright © 2008-
    Fly with Me Productions

    Another View Of Life

    Posted in: A - Another View of Life by Pamela on January 17, 2010

    “I believe that a knowledge of that perfect life sits inside you as the North Star sits in its unalterable spot. You may think you’re utterly lost, that you’re going to die a bewildered death in the Dark Wood of Error. But brush away the leaves, wait for the clouds to clear, and you’ll see your destiny shining as brightly as ever: the fixed point in the constantly changing constellations of your life.”

    Finding Your Own North Star – claiming the life you were meant to live.
    Martha Beck


    Posted in: A - Another View of Life by Pamela on October 17, 2009

    This sister site was created in 2008,
    It was designed and fulfilled its purpose.
    The time has come to redirect it to here @
    This site too, is in the throws of its own evolution and I thank you for your visits.
    Wishing that everything you read, see, hear and experience, has been of help to you in some way
    on your own personal journeys, in the extraordinary thing we call ‘life’.
    I’m on to building a Love dream. Uniting the endless skies within the body of the Seas in me.
    To the depths of the Earths Heartbeat, and everything in between.
    Build what you see, Build a Love Dream, if you please?

    “One of the greatest contributions I have given to Life, is making up my mind.”
    pamela leigh richards

    As I flew over the Mediterranean from England,
    entering the lands of Egypt,
    as clear as day a telepathic message came with no words,
    just a form of pure energy transferring a message,
    and its translation was this:

    “You need to get grounded. You need to ground yourself. Plant your feet back on the earth”

    Next, what ran through me after hearing this initial message on the plane,
    were overlapping telepathic thoughts explaining,
    that the reason I had to ground was because …

    “You have things to fulfill within yourself, this is a very personal journey.
    You have to realize your gifts, gain confidence, stand strong.
    You have a Heart to give which would help lift humanity in this physicality.”

    “The seeking we each strive for will never be found in the external.
    For what is eternal, what has always been ‘in’ternal, can never be lost, only found.”

    A personal journey? Yes, indeed it is.

    “Through every rift of discovery,
    some seeming anomaly drops out of the darkness,
    and falls as a golden link into the great chain of order.
    Edwin Hubbel Chapin

    “Sometimes you just have to follow your Heart and not wait for knowledge.”

    “Nature is our greatest ally, for God [the god particle] is in everything.”

    “We are each here for something, we must find what that something is,
    on this very personal journey.”

    Images: Credited, otherwise unknown source at this time
    Quotes: Pamela Leigh Richards unless otherwise stated.
    Photo SunLight Geometries: Sunset in Sedona from my garden across to Airport Vortex
    Video: Almadrava granted permission to use her video.