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Quality less Quantity

Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on August 30, 2013

Cat Slant pamela quote

“Just make peace and have it mean something.”

“I AM dancing in the wave, and it is okay.”

“If you touch it, it will appear.”

“What great valor in relief.”

Erik Schepers wallpaper Pamela quote

“Don’t worry. It’s just the way it is. This too shall pass, and we’ll get over it.”

“We’re all trying to fit into each others dreams, may we cross creation peacefully.”

~ plr


“When everything’s made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am.”
~ Iris, Goo Goo Dolls

Pamela Dolphins Red Sea quote 8

“What if I do not know your knowledge? How can our hearts be denied a greater truth.”


“Not everyone sees the same, and sometimes you cannot help them.”

“What is remembered by time …
will be nothing but this ladies reflection for others to make of it what they will.”

“Life is like a movie. Don’t play it as an actor, BE it reel as the Assistant Director,
for we are surely not doing this alone.”

“No riddle nor teaching will show me the way, for the way is clear.”

“We can actually accomplish things by peaceful means.”

Pamela quote Egypt Sand Feet blue

“It’s as real as it gets and this lady’s getting real.”

Clark Little Photography

“The finger that points lest be prepared for its purpose. Love has left its furry.”

Pamela quote cougar run sun shadow

“I’m just a vessel speaking silly words.”

“I love you as big as the sky, even if it’s missed in the twinkle of her eye.”


“The point is much bigger than the detail.”

“Firstly, in order to find the answer you must stop asking the question.”
I know, it’s hard to do isn’t it?

“A picture paints a thousand words and recognition sings eternities song.”

“Never judge nor compare.
Have you your’self’ ever been in great despair,
where you had to reach out for something ~ anything,
in order to come to the surface simply to breathe? I have.
So please, if you have not walked in this ladies shoes,
do not speak unless it is done so softly.”

“The truth is always funny as long as one can face it.”

“The mind complicates life and we must get over ourselves.”

Wave Clark Little

“I can see the gentle sweep and won’t get caught up in it.”

“I’m singing but you cannot hear?
I’m singing yet, the sound floats across your mind with no understanding?
Tis’ okay, for our voices will float gently until we all do.”

A Prayer I said after my near death experience in Jan of 2010:
“Every bite I take feeds the hungry.
Every drink I take nourishes the thirsty.
Every breath I take awakens me further along with another.
Every step I take shows me just how much farther I can go.”

“I love what I know. I love more what I’ve yet to know.”

When one gets to know one’self’ tis’ easy.
His’story’ is bound to be repeated unless you learn from it.
I have learned I’m not here to repeat it.
Erase the memory tape.

“We teach, we learn, we live, we know.”
“Life is a game, BE-AweARE of what you ACTivate.”
“Peace it together here. Stop following the clock.
And I do not even have to breathe to speak.”

“Nature is coming IN.”

“It has never been about me, yet, I AM what its all about.
It is about everyONE, including ME. How cool is this equalstanding?
Take care of your’self’ first and foremost,
knowing you are greatly loved,
have purpose and value, meaning and …. imagination to create new beginnings.”

“Let go of EGO [Energy Going Out of control].
Become what you ARE without thought from the Heart.”

“If I’m flying faster than you, please do not tether me to the floor of your mind.
When you are ready, there will be no floor.”


“Stay high on happy.”
“I care not how big your audience is, I care what they know.”
“Life is what you pay attention to.”

Pamela Quote Green Leaf Tree

“Peace is easy. Love knows nothing else.”
“We come, we go, we fall, we stand, we live, we die, we are not alone in life.”
“Don’t waste time. There is no time to waste.”

“What I ‘think’ is coupled with another that ‘thinks’. What manifests is when our Hearts meet.”

“When the disciple and the guru meet, then they will both vanish.”
~ unknown


“There is an opening and a closing. Dance with that which is untouched by it.”

Pamela quote ocean waves

“You can never wake up too late.”

“My hybernation is not quiet. Tis’ filled with many travels as I write.”

“In order to make things right, requires a change of heart and mind.”

“You will never learn from anything you have ever been told.”


“She was born to die. The opposite side is knowing you are always alive.”

“What you’re doing is nothing more than what I can think.”


“Sometimes we’re the player on the courtyard,
and sometimes we’re the viewer in the stand.”

“We’re here to change the routine.”

“My strength is not physical, it’s heartfelt.”

“You didn’t owe it to me to be a descent coach. You owed it to me to be a descent human being.”
~ Stick It the movie

“Until one walks in another’s shoes with fact, their opinions are useless.”

“I’m aware and I’m here. It’s what I do with it that matters.”

“I think we make it up as we go along. Someone else did.”

“In the world but not of it. Read between the lines.”

“It’s your view. It does not mean it is true.”

“No fight, all gain.”

Pamela quote Fox in Snow

“Denunciation without inquiry, without recognition, is the height of benightedness.”
“Proper research from an uncorrupted mind will expose and correct falseness in true light.”

Clever Cat puzzled
“When you die? Are there still space ships in your eyes?”

“Even when noone is laughing, if you keep laughing,
they will begin laughing without knowing why? Keep it UP!”

“Creation is all about movement, then rest.”

“When you walk off the playground, there is no game.”

“When you finally leave, noone will understand you, but your’self'”

“How do you deal with a thief holding a gun?
You give him everything and smile as you gently walk away into the sun.”

“I know it is easier said than done sometimes, however,
never let another destroy a beautiful moment together.”

“All truth that has ever died is coming alive.”


“You go to sleep, then you wake up to your real~eye~sation.”

“You can’t help but to know yourself.”

“Do you want to see the world through many eyes, or just yours?
At the same time know when to open doors and when to close.”

“Know me. Do not be afraid of me.”
Compassion. The goddess of it ALL.
As long as there is an equal calibration IN coherency with Peace,
like a petal growing on a flower, or a leaf of a tree?
No need for much teaching to equal~eyes~ing this standing.
Get off my page if you ‘think’ it’s necessary.
Then meet me in the middle of forever.

“Is my dream any different than yours? No. It’s all a dream awakening.” Ha!

“Will my capital letters hit home?
Or will the silence of my Heart do so?”

I believe it works both ways.
For there is no ONE way.
Tis’ simply what you choose to make it.
Neither here nor there, just a way to go.
Keep laughing along and may it be always in Peace 😉

Lady Bengal pamela quote

“There is something NEW going on.”

“I don’t know what I’ll do until i wake up?”

THE GIFT to all of humanity.
Caring for the journey, living it, loving it, and coming out of it.
Peace may it BE for ALL INvolved. Over and out.

Cat Duck walk pamela quote

Pamela quote egg

“Who made up what our world used to be and NOW we’re trying to figure it OUT?”

“For some reason this is happening. Keep laughing. I AM.”

“So your reply to this was fine.”

Nemos Chair Pamela quote Light 2

I am reposting this. Wrote it in 2010 after my near death experience.



Quotes: pamela leigh richards unless otherwise noted.
Images: Unless noted unknown with humbled gratitude in sharing.
Image: Earth Blue magnetic red to reflecting Erik Schepers
Image: Dolphin in Red Sea Egypt Pamela films
Image: Hawaii Sun Wave Clark Little Photography
The I-Ching: Research it yourself.
Image: Rock garden ~ moi

Four Corners Chanting for Peace Centering
Here Comes the Sun
Traumatic Brain Injury
Beautiful children in Africa

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Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on August 18, 2013

I see no matter

“I don’t know how? I guess one begins by opening ones mouth.”

“There are forms of thought added onto the original root of simplicity.”

“Thank god for the god of giggle!”

Soap bubble Pamela quote


“Do not mind me, I’m simply cleaning house in the field.”
“Ne vous occupez pas de moi, je nettoie simplement la maison dans le domaine.”
“Kümmern Sie um mich sich nicht, ich säubern einfach Haus in auffangene.”
“Non selo occupi di, io semplicemente stanno pulendo la casa nel campo.”

“If you care not to enter my view,
how can you ever try to explain it to others,
with your narrow minded thought?”

“Do not compare your life. Tell it like it is.”

Rock of Courage

Rock of Courage

From Old French corage (French: courage), from Latin cor (“heart”).

“Tell your story with your whole heart and soul.”

“A great part of courage is the courage of having done the thing before.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Courage is not the absence of fear. It is acting in spite of it.”
~ Mark Twain

“Who is directing who? Knowing we are not alone in life.”
INTENT … someone sent Tom. Thank you.
He is speaking to this lady’s choir using words I experienced,
and know to be true without having to go to any school to learn.
Let us make it easy ALL.

“Never take anything to the extreme for thee.
Accept the experience, and take it only as far as you can see.
Then let go knowing you are always free to be.”

Puzzled Cat pamela quote

“If I could take the place of all suffering in order to release it,
I would do so in a heart beat.”

splashwater_istock pamela quote

“Simply love what you love without the fine print.”

“You won’t know YOU until we get somewhere together.”

Tiger Temple Water Sacred Pamela Quote

The leat of love

“I care for the stars, the light reflecting on earth providing information,
the past no needing, for the moment of NOW can erase.”

“If the shoe fits wear it, if it feels good share it.”
“Don’t judge ~ laugh and love”

“If you just stop ‘thinking’, we’ll get there.”

“There is more to life than what’s been told.”

“Life is energy in motion, care for it along its journey.”

“I’m not worried about what I don’t know. I love what I do know.”

“We are repeating the past purely by behaviour.”
Know when to delete 🙂

“Nothing exists but NOW.”

“If you want to meet me, step inside.”

“When you get over your’self’, is when ONE will meet itself.
Albeit thank you for the journey of love.”

PEACE. tis’ not something to seek, it is already happening waiting for you to KNOW IT.

“Life and living should be perfect. No flaws necessary in the EYE of one projecting it.”

“Wipe the slate clean. Nothing happens without inFORMation happening. Stop forming it.”


“PEACE is EYE-See”

“If everyone got on HIGH, density would become irrelevant.”

“Nature is our greatest ally, knowing there is no enemy.”

“If you point the finger be prepared to face it.”

“Fools lest be known.”

“No Fear Hear”

The point is mute if not heard.
I rest my case.


We are ONE. Come HOME.
These arms welcome you with love no matter what.

“Home is a place beyond sadness. Easier known than said.”

Lightning Twain Tesla

“I’m here to deliver and receive equally in PEACE.”
“The finger that points, lest be prepared for its purpose. Love has left its furry.”
Patience has been my guidance in the NOW.

The Path pamela quote

kittiemirror pamela quote

“He who binds himself to a joy does the winged life destroy;
But he who kisses the moment as it flies, Lives in eternity’s sunrise.”
~ William Blake

The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home …
If one feels it safer to not speak ones truth,
If one feels afraid that in doing so might cause great changes,
If ones heart and soul cannot bear the consequences,
Then keep quiet.
Like a sword and a stone we sharpen each other along the way.
If one cannot hear the other ~ then maybe they will someday,
After one has flown away.
Noone changes anything by playing it safe.

Quotes: pamela leigh richards unless otherwise noted.
Images: Unless noted unknown with humbled gratitude in sharing.

If you wish to visit?
Fly for the Love of It

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Celestial Space Builder

Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on August 14, 2013

Galileo quote Truths

“Stop giving life in riddle. Be clear in sight please.”

“They say that the moon controls the tide. I don’t believe that either.”

“What are you holding in your mind that repeats the illusion?”

“We live from life it’self’, the rest is dressing ~ try life without it.”

“I want to remove the word “Work” and replace it with the word “Live”.
We did not come here to work, we came here to LIVE.
Nature will provide everything we need for FREE.
She is our greatest ally in a world without an enemy.”

“When you have no expectations you get to know who you ARE.
Love never changes. It is in all Life. Let it BE.
It cannot be captured albeit within ones mind of limitations.
In order to be free yourself, you must let go of trying to capture Love.”

“I don’t buy anything, not your fear nor even your lie.”

Screen shot 2011-03-26 at 10.15.11 PM

“Every day is painting a picture.
Make sure you paint it as you see it, and not what someone else tells you to believe.”

“I don’t make this stuff up, it just happens. Deal with it at your own pace.”

“I cannot help everyone. If I can help ‘me’, I help thee.”

“Our consciousness is here to awaken everyone. No matter what it takes.”

“What is your moment all about? Be at ONE with it and realize nothing else was necessary.”

“When people walk away do not think about it. Simply look within and know it is all okay.
Life happens as crazy as it is. Be good with it knowing you are never alone.”

“Stop thinking and tis’ here, I believe, one will feel the freedom of Light.”

“Talk is cheap. Put me face to face with my opposer. Then we shall see reality.”

“How do we correct corruption? Stop living in it.”

“The only reason you are living is to make a point. Make it count along with others.”

“Is life the mystery? Or is what you believe the mystery.”

Elephants pamela quote

“Humans are ‘trying’ to BE something. When you stop trying doors open to life it’self’.”

“i’m not afraid to share who I was and who I became.”

“If you are going to be bewildered don’t do so alone.”

“Never get lost in the moment, just know where you are going.”

“Time will tell … for knowing truth will walk across your door whether you ask for it or not.”

Pamela quote green water droplet


“Nothing is greater than the freedom of blowing bubbles.”

I could talk physics, science, religion, sacred geometries (adore!), lightning, electromagnetics, plasmatic behaviour, the Sun, Moon, planets, celestial movements, Earth breaking occurances, water (another adoration!), air (well, what can I say about that except oxygen comes to mind?), deception on a grand scale to get over and …. I feel you get the point?

“Are you insane by watching, or am I by writing?”

Palm over Cool Water

“Stand for what you know to be true or fall for your surroundings.”

“I have so many perspectives in the house of mirrors, choosing won’t take long.”

splashwater_istock pamela quote

“I’m sharing a whole book here that I could sell but can’t be bothered!
Meet me in humbled space.”

“What is life but a thought.”

“When money is removed from the mental equation, which seems to be a lead?
Living will appear freely asking for nothing in return.”

“I feel god (all of them!) is truly wanting to know who IT IS.
At the same time what we call god has never left it’self’. We’re just playing it out.”

“Love, but know when to let go, for your love never leaves.
What leaves is that which is not nurturing.”

Ecstacy lives within, not without.

“There is a higher ORDER and it holds no thought.”

Okay! How does ONE share no thought?
“ONE must share through eyes of NO-thingness.”

“You know a sage, saint or seer sometimes spends a so-called lifetime meditating to get to a place of KNOWING, where books are written, poetic nuances are postulated, others see them only to review upon convoluted libraries of minds before realizing what? It is what it is. Make your choice as to which, you follow.”

Free Spirit White Horse

“Shadows at every light.”
Yeah and I’m chomping at the bit to expose!

Tree Sunlight

“Talk is cheap, roots are deep.”

Just my god’self’ speaking. Did you catch the light?

“The universe is make believe.”

Lioness Pamela quote

“Everything is alive, listen.”
When life speeds up, tis’ time to slow down.
“I’m planting no thought, between thought.”
“Numbers do not matter in the count, not even in the maths.”
“Where another cannot go in peace, go yourself and walk the way.”
“Sometimes you forget your tears are not just about others, they are about you.”

Horse Tree Listen pamela quote

“Ahhhh yes, that is what has happened, yet, does not mean that is what has to happen.”

“Time will tell.
I’m putting one foot in front of the other and taking one breath at a time.”

“If you always pushed a button in your life, then felt the rest of life?
Which would you choose to push?”

“We are all ghosts appearing real.”

“Life is a star scribed.”

Forest Mist Green
“I am grateful to have someONE on my side.
And I’m very particulate(r) about who that is.”

Quotes: pamela leigh richards unless otherwise noted.
Images: Unless noted unknown with humbled gratitude in sharing
Image: Splashwater

If you wish to visit:
The Shark
TBI Strategies
Nikola Tesla
Gaston Naessons
I spoke with his son Andre and was cured using Rife technology.

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