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Build What You See

Posted in: A - Her Lucid and Mystical Experiences by Pamela on December 04, 2010

“For every legend there is a New Beginning. Build What You See.”

“I see vibrancy. I see coherency. I see balance. I see Peace is Easy.”

“Build what you see, It is time to shut out irrelevancy.”


A telepathic message came to me very clearly out of the blue
As I was envisioning a world of peace
It was only just some time ago,
The message said:

“Build What You See”.


The next day or two my consciousness was tapped again, as I was sitting at my computer.
Asking me to look outside. I turned my head looking out the sliding glass door.
As soon as my eyes landed on the leaf of the tree.
The voice said:

“God is in everything”.


“If thoughts can come to us to deceive, they can also come to elude deception for truth.”

The problem has always been choice. Time to make up your Mind.

“Where you look there you are, your reality awaits you.”

I believe in what I know to be true in my Heart of Hearts.
This is where knowing thyself comes in handy.
Know thy Heart in what you accept and what you deny.
When to say yes, and when to say no.

We are co-creators.
“I’m building what I choose to see. I’m building a new dream.”
All my life there have been two words coming to me … “Trust” and “Patience”.
I listened.


“The God particle is in everything”


“Everything is perfect. Then came judgement.”


Nature is our Greatest Ally. Nature is our Greatest Teacher.
God is in everything. The god particle. Get to know it. Get to know thy’self’.

Instead of subconsciousness, the lamas use a word that could be translated as superconsciousness
~ consciousness of a higher order.
The job of the superconscious mind is to take thought, which is pure energy,
and give it physical shape in the material world.
Our world is unravelling due to changing ‘thoughts’, changing ‘intentions’, changing ‘minds’.
It is now more than ever the meaning behind the voice that said to me “BUILD WHAT YOU SEE”

Please try to ‘feel’ these words. The depth of meaning is beyond language.
For the true existence of who we really are, what we really are …
Communicates beyond the use of letters, alphabets, sentences and words.
It’s a ‘feel’ thing. It’s a “knowing” yearning to be heard.
We have the power to do anything. The gift has been given and is to be used kindly.

“I am a growing and evolving Soul, just as you are.
We’re just at different stages of our development and we will all get to where we each desire to be.
May we all have patience with ourselves and be sure to make time to enjoy the journey.
Always be aware of your thoughts, and pay attention to their Quality;
Because what you think about …
Is directly related to what you will see around you, and what Life will show you.
It is the difference between conscious, and subconscious Creation.
Keep putting those positive thoughts out.
Every new ‘thought’ adds to Lifes building block.
Persevere, and focus on the positive in everything and everyone with gratitude and love.
It is the Beginning of what is to come.

Then prepare yourself for an “almost magical” transformation of your circumstances.
[Your sphere of influence.]

In all this Life we are being provided with tools. But most do not see them.
It is not what we do, but how we respond to it, that is important.
We all have the Free Will choice in how we will use them. We have to take responsibility.
There is only One of Us here. Understand that, and you will understand the Game.
There was an architect of these current structures in our world. They were Created from Thought.
[I used to say after the death of my brother “Something thought all of this into existence.”]
When one understands and sees that all is Illusion, or Thought …
One can “use ‘The Force” to manipulate the illusions.
All things, seen and unseen, are inter-connected Life-Force Energy.
Once you know what the magician knows, it’s not magic. It’s a ‘tool of Creation’.

“Our job is to provide the Catalyst. Yours is to use it.
Can you look beyond what your eyes are showing you?
To find and express Love and Happiness in a world of Fear and Distress?
If you can, you will be as a Beacon of Light into the Darkness.
Will you succumb to the Darkness, or will you stand and shine your Divine Inner Light?
Only you can make that decision for yourself.

Think about this:
If the One Infinite Creator, is Infinite, and has created everything that Is (which It is, and It has),
Then does the Infinite Creator not reside within all things?
When you can see the Divine spark of the Infinite Creator, even within those who would mean you harm, the strong grip of the illusion will begin to lose it’s power over you.”

Thank you to “The Hidden Hand” for sharing.
Thank you for clarifying my understandings and with honour, I am pleased to share your voice.
I am also grateful to the Infinite Creator ‘within’, that I am becoming, on the journey of remembering.

“Love your ‘enemies’ and pray for those who persecute you”.

“Love those who have lost their way and Love more, those who can’t open the door.”

“We have no enemies, they are created gifts to clear clouded eyes.”

We are the music.
It is time to Sing in Tune.
Build it, Think it, Sing it, and It will come following the song in your Heart.
Your true colours will be shown by the direction of your sight and the very way you walk.
The time for talk and half measures are over. It is time to design. Free Your Mind.
Build What You See. From ‘within’.

“Geometric shapes actually represent the manifest stages of ‘becoming’.
To see and work with unity and wholeness in geometry
can help abolish our false notion of separateness from nature and from each other.
Through Sacred Geometry we can discover the inherent proportion,
balance and harmony that exists in any situation,
all manifest reality and even the circumstances of our day-to-day life.

It was Marcel Proust who said,
“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes.”

Since the flying fall,
Life has been nothing more than validating what my Heart has seen and known all along.
The simplicity of getting out of the way and let Life ‘be’ as it is.
The choices we make, the focus and attention we give is what we get.

“Let go, free your mind of non’sense’ and create the essence of what makes sense.
No fear is what will deliver you here.”

Beyond The Extreme

As I flew over the Mediterranean from England and entered the lands of Egypt,
As clear as day a telepathic message came to me with no words,
just a form of pure energy transferring the message and its translation was this:
“I needed to get grounded. I needed to ground myself. Plant my feet back on the earth”

Next, what ran through me after hearing this initial message on the plane, were overlapping telepathic thoughts, explaining that the reason I had to ground was because …
“You have things to fullfill within yourself.”
“This is a very personal journey.”
“You have to realize your gifts, gain confidence, stand strong”
“You have a Heart to give which would help lift humanity in this physicality”.

The very probable Dream coming true. It is Time for Us to begin Anew.
Remove Fears and Live in knowing, trusting and being … In Love.

“The seeking we each strive for will never be found in the external.
For what is eternal, what has always been ‘in’ternal, can never be lost, only found.”
~ pamela leigh richards

A personal journey? Yes, indeed it is.

“I think we make it up as we go along. Someone else did.”

Images: Credited, otherwise unknown source at this time
Quotes: Pamela Leigh Richards unless otherwise stated.

I’m “Blowing Bubbles” (Chapter in my book OceanHeart)
The Wall of Bliss

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