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    Copyright © 2008-
    Fly with Me Productions

    This photo was taken right behind the Sphinx and next to the Giza Pyramids in Egypt.
    I was alone and with a guide who took this photo after he nudged me to sit in the carsophagus.
    It is supposedly the sarcophagus of Queen Hatshepsut, The great Queen of Sheba.
    Either way, this is some background to who she was,
    And to this wee lass’s journey in Life, has some interesting parallels.

    Sheba means; seven; seventh daughter.
    The Queen of Sheba was the “Queen of the Land of Seven or Seven Daughters.”
    “Sheba” … means Egypt. Egypt was the seventh great colony of the Motherland.
    “Daughters of the Motherland” (Mu and Atlantis) represented the seven colonized areas of ancient times.
    Queen Hatshepsut built great palaces and magnificent temples …
    enriched her countries, not by war, but by peaceful enterprises.
    Of Hatshepsut, it is written: “Thy name reaches as far as the circuit of heaven,
    the fame of [Hatshepsut] encircles the sea,” and her fame has encompassed the Great Circle (ocean).”
    The Queen of Sheba was able to take back to Egypt the knowledge that there is a higher understanding
    or a brighter light that, when laid hold of by the body of consciousness,
    will transmute and lift that consciousness to incorruptible spiritual substance.
    This is the beginning of the process by which the mortal puts on immortality.

    Interesting about the number 7 and Great Circle (ocean)?
    The number 7 came up in the Lucid Dream I had with Virginia, Credo Mutwas wife.
    Consciously doing this on the Beach in Egypt for Peace.

    I am very intrigued by this amazing thing we call Life. And is becoming more amazing with every step taken.

    Below is what was said as I flew over the Mediterranean from England and entered the lands of Egypt.
    As clear as day a telepathic message came to me with no words,
    just a form of pure energy delivering it
    and this is what came to mind in its translation:
    “I needed to get grounded. I needed to ground myself. Plant my feet back on the earth.”
    Next, what ran through me after hearing this initial message on the plane,
    were overlapping telepathic thoughts, explaining that the reason I had to ground
    was because I had things to fullfill within myself. This is a very personal journey.
    I had to realize my gifts, gain confidence, stand strong and I had a heart to give
    which would help lift humanity in this physicality.”

    It is what it is, and simply sharing what appears very surreal on this journey in life so far.
    And Peace & Harmony is all I desire. 😉

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    The World is my Family, Peace is my Focus

    Posted in: Photo Gallery Egypt by Pamela on December 10, 2008

    The things some people do, I might with not agree.
    Distractions pulling my heart strings.
    Where do I begin?
    It is true love in the end.
    That will set us free.

    Hossam & Mahmoud, I love you.
    Photo of my Breath’ren in Egypt: © pamela leigh richards

    Siwa, Egypt. The largest sand dunes in the world. Camped out for 4 days. It was a’right cold!
    A Film of the journey surrounding this trip to Egypt is forthcoming.

    Taken off the coast of the Red Sea in Egypt in 2007.
    I am so tired of all the hiding. I am so tired of all the lying, the deceipts and deceptions.
    I wish for transparency and truth.

    It took 5 hours to climb to the top of Red Mountain(?) here. Very, very high!
    Its perch has a 360 degree view of the amazing Arabian Deserts nestled in the arms of Egypt,
    which, were formed some 8 billion years ago (so they say). The Red Sea is off in the distance to my left.
    You could almost say we touched outer space from these heights 😉 It was contageous.
    My friend Petra from Germany, and Karen from Holland were with me. Thank you ladies!

    Interesting? I just read something this morning, am adding it and sharing. (April 2011).

    “This issue about truth was taken to such an extreme that they were not even allowed to wear clothes, because wearing clothes was hiding, and that was a form of lying. No one was allowed to wear clothes during the Eighteenth Dynasty except for ceremonial and other special purposes. The neter Maat [gods at certain levels of consciousness] has a feather on top of her head and became one of the most important neters because of her name, which translates as truth or truthfulness. She was the important issue in everything.

    Everything was to be absolutely truthful and there were to be no distortions, no lies, so that everything could get back into focus. This was an important part of Akhenaten’s teachings.”
    “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melchizedek”

    She embodied the seat of truth, balance and order of the cyclic nature of Life.
    Her name also means “that which is straight”. Implying anything that is true and balanced.
    The symbol of truth was the feather. It was the essence of proper behaviour in Lightness.
    And a persons Heart should not weigh more than a feather on the scale in the Divine Court.

    And I find it further fascinating as yesterday, synchronistically,
    Found this beautiful white fluffy feather in my garden.
    It was a ‘feeling’ I had as if directed to see it? Can’t explain it.
    It’s what it was and simply sharing. Put it in the hand of my Buddha.

    This was my home in Egypt for six months (2007/2008) while swimming with wild dolphins.
    While Dancing on the Beach for peace.

    Beautiful Mohamed Hossam. Going back to Nature. Yes. Thank You.

    Valley of the Kings

    Posted in: Photo Gallery Egypt by Pamela on October 25, 2008

    Landing in Egypt was a very profound and important part of my life.
    I was constantly being told it was forbidden to film the police, yet, I did anyway. 😉
    So interesting to have this shot.
    I had to drop off my camera for none were allowed inside the chambers
    and as I was doing so, this policeman taking my camera wanted a photo?
    See how easy it is for us all to bypass rules and go with the flow?

    I shall not forget how utterly hot it was. Amazing place.

    Amira – From Germany

    Posted in: Photo Gallery Egypt by Pamela on October 16, 2008

    I met Amira from Germany, while in Egypt.
    I was there for six months staying at an EcoVillage on the Red Sea called Marsa Shagra.

    She is such a beautiful soul.

    I was drawn to her T-shirt which says: LIFE IS FOR LOVING
    And it is not about a sexual love but TRUE LOVE for all of life, which, she has.

    I love you so much Amira!
    Ich liebe dich mein freund!