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    Fly with Me Productions

    2021 Forever Human

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on October 31, 2021

    Thank you Mei-Lan, Ali Pervez Mehdi, and James Gibson


    “I am one of a kind, you are one of a kind, 

    we carry one thing in common. 

    The thread of love,

    With like heart in mind.” 

    ~ plr


    Do a 180 and invert the current stream.

    Time to NOW shift the narrative.

    Is that an order?



    image: plr rose in sedona 2014


    “Just because I’m not there,

    does not mean I do not care.”


    There’s a reason for it.

    There has to be, because it’s happening.


    Her work is unseen,

    yet gratefully goes unnoticed alone.


    Thank you life for sharing the dance,

    one point at a time for balance.


    Opening eyes to new horizons.

    Nature is empty and illuminating ….


    “Every breath I take is a prayer”

    ~ plr eternity sharing


    “If you speak the truth over and over, and over,

    the lie becomes mute.”


    “All the love she knows

    continues to grow

    upon her healing heart.

    Shadows on the playground

    Dancing with the light.”


    “Monopoly” ~ A Documentary

    Above is a link. Click it.


    Dr. David Martin ~ EXPLOSIVE! 

    Above is a link. Click it.


    Trial Participant Speaks OUT!

    Above is a link. Click it.


    Not New. Not Novel. No Pandemic.

    Above is a link. Click it.


    “The few who understand the system,

    will either be so interested in it’s profits,

    or so dependent on it’s favors,

    that there will be no opposition from that class.”

    ~ Mayer Amschel Rothschild


    Severe Reaction Fraudulent Trials EXPOSED!

    Above is a link. Click it.


    Part I United States of Secrets

    Above is a link. Click it.


    Part II United States of Secrets

    Above is a link. Click it.


    Breaking the spell ~ can’t hide it anymore.

    Above is a link. Click it.


    Dr. Robert Spalding – China took Over while Elite Asleep

    Above is a link. Click it.


    “… and you begin to realize ..

    that people that don’t look deep at their surroundings

    and begin to think about what they are actually seeing?

    My biggest pet peeve, I’ve had it for a long time,

    is that people that have an opportunity to think, but don’t actually do it.” 

    ~ Brig. Gen. Robert Spalding, USAF (Ret)

    You can’t escape a prison if you don’t know you are in one. 

    You don’t know what you are in until you get out.


    Dancing with Ink on Paper

    Above is a link. Click it.


    This is what is going on and then some. 

    Above is a link. Click it.


    I wrote when it all began:

    “Never get used to 2020”


    “Truth is freeing, it is the unafraid key.”


    ANY kind of abuse,

    whether verbal or physical

    can destroy lives.

    Everyone has value.


    “The truth hurts, but ignorance is worse”

    ~ plr


    “I am at a fork in the road looking around,

    So many thoughts dancing in my head,

    Decisions to make,

    What to do?

    Clarification became, 

    so clearly evident.

    When I stopped wondering,

    And made the first step.

    The answer,

    Was like lightning striking,

    An instant knowing…

    Keep going.”

    ~ plr 



    “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted,

    to a profoundly sick society.”

    ~ Krishnamurti



    “It may take years to learn rightful knowledge, yet …
    tis’ something one can learn quickly by instinct.”

    ~ plr 2010


    “Money is an abstract human happiness, 

    so who is no longer able to appreciate,

    the true human happiness, 

    is completely dedicated to it.” 

    ~ Arthur Schopenhauer





    The Trust Technique

    Resonance Science Foundation

    Post tags:

    2021 Unfolding Reality

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on October 28, 2021

    Thank you Porangui and all family


    “Like a minnow knowing, in an Ocean.”

    ~ plr


    Continue communicating with one another 

    and as long as we do this 

    the tide will turn 

    and the choirs voice will grow 

    to a point it becomes 

    the sympathetic resonance

    Of peaceful coherence. 


    “It’s the habit that hurts to break, not thee.”


    “Turn the Tide and naturally become a New Wave of Life”


    Evil wants to kill, and the reverse of that is Life that Desires to LIVE.

    We are playing in an unbounded field of potentials and possibililities.

    Nurture Peace and kindness.


    “When we recognize a ONEness there is no war.”


    The Romanov Royal Martyrs

    Above is a link. Click it.


    “If you speak the truth

    over and over, and over,

    the lie becomes mute.”

    ~ plr



    “Creation does not require work, it requires love,

    And the rest will unfold denying gravity.

    No matter what you have to let go of,

    Let it begin with you.”

    ~ plr







    The Trust Technique

    Resonance Science Foundation

    Post tags:

    2021 Make Waves

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on October 24, 2021


    One way through is together en masse.

    Another way is a personal journey.

    With like heart and mind.

    You are a human being with value and importance.

    Our upbringing did not teach us the true nature or our reality.

    Yet right now our potential is staring each of us eye to eye

    Awaiting our arrival.



    “What do you think awaits our civilization?”

    “In the long term, a realization of the futility of the technocratic path
    of development and a movement back to our primal origins.”

    “You mean to say that all our scholars are immature beings
    who are leading us into a dead end?”

    “I mean to say that they are accelerating the process,
    they are bringing you closer to the realization
    that you are on the wrong path.”

    Vladimir Megre – Anastasia



    Above is a link. Click it. 


    Who are you? Know thyself. 

    Above is a link. Click it.


    Children are being programmed through Media. 

    Above is a link. Click it. 



    This Netflix original children’s show.
    “Stretch Armstrong and The Flex Fighters”,
    threw it all out there back in 2017-2018. 
    Truth in plain sight shown to a fan base
    of clueless children under the guise of fiction.


    Doctors Have Died For with Dr. Carrie Madej

    Above is a link. Click it.


    Far Smart Matrix

    Above is a link. Click it.


    The DataVerse

    Above is a link. Click it.


    Private Planes in Switzerland

    Above is a link. Click it.


    We were not brought up and trained to know what is going on now.

    Others were. A long planned agenda unfolding before our very eyes.

    Time to let go of pretty much everything you’ve been taught to believe.

    Do not be fearful, be FREE and AWARE.

    All together now.







    The Trust Technique

    2021 December Comes

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on October 22, 2021

    Life is precise.

    Time to step away from current alignments.

    “I float with unbending intent.”



    Our human species is on the precipice of its own distinction. Why?

    We must become undivided. Recognize our uniqueness.

    Recognize our value for even being here.

    Recognize it without EGO, or thinking.

    It is there ~ and empty ~ awaiting our arrival,

    Beyond all social conditionings that taught us,

    to do the opposite of what is possible within us.

    Time to unlearn. The field of life is vast and obtainable.

    Humans need food, water, shelter, and resources.

    Nature provides this availability freely.

    And all animals require innately, love, kindness, and understanding.

    We are here to Do No Harm. Yet remove harm when necessary.

    We are Bio~Electro~Magnetic~Water~Body~Vessel~Vehicles.


    YOU have value.

    YOU are important.

    Together with intention we can eradicate the evils on this planet.

    Only with like heart and mind.




    the words above are a LINK. Click it.

    In Order to Break the spell truth must be told.

    Regarding the ‘link’ above:

    I lived with Sue Ford for one month in December, 1999.

    This was an attempt to recover missing time or memories I might have had.

    So far, I have no recollection of ever being mind controlled in the manner she was.

    Her daughter Kelly was there along with Ted Gunderson, special agent in charge of the L.A. FBI.



    “Thank you life for sharing the dance, one point at a time for balance.”

    Opening eyes to new horizons. Nature is empty and illuminating …. 

    “Every breath I take is a prayer” 


    I earned a PhP ~  purely by breathing. Doctor of Phew!

    I have been my own University all along.

    My own research project

    My own life’s experiment.

    Am grateful for the lessons along the way.

    Am grateful for those that participated in the journey.

    A never ending one at that. Lighten UP!

    “Do not try to explain, just be.”




    Jon Rappoport

    The Corbett Report

    The Trust Technique

    Resonance Science Foundation


    Post tags:

    2021 Uncensored Ideas

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on October 16, 2021

    Humans are EARTHS IMMUNE SYSTEM coming ALIVE.

    ANY kind of abuse,

    whether verbal or physical,

    can destroy lives.

    Everyone has value.



    “The truth hurts, but ignorance is worse.” 

    quote above is a LINK. Click it.


    “Even when I held my breath, the truth still came through.

    Breathe my friends.”

    ~ plr


    “If the the brain is the radio’s receiver then the heart is the dial,

    tuning the radio to the frequency of your choice”

    ~ Nassim Haramein


    “When you lose all sense of self,

    the bonds of a thousand chains will vanish. 

    Lose yourself completely.

    Return to the root of the root of your own soul.” 

    ~ Rumi


    “Behind every unknown is the known.

    Beyond the mystery is the never ending truth

    that will challenge everything you were ever

    taught to believe.

    It truly is a …

    good thing.”

    ~ plr 


    “Heartbeat for Peace. It is that Easy.”

    ~ plr 2010


    “Love hate out of its own existence.”


    “You’ve got the instruments,

    You’ve got the words, 

    I’ve got the experience,

    We are a collective 

    That writes the song. 

    Without each other 

    it won’t be heard.” 

    ~ plr 2010





    Jon Rappoport

    The Corbett Report

    The Trust Technique

    Resonance Science Foundation




    Post tags:

    2021 Never Lose Your Humanity

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on October 09, 2021


    ” COVIDLAND” ~ A Documentary


     “I do believe worlds among many worlds exist

    that have never heard of war.

    A place my soul yearns for.” 


    The only way to remove war,

    is to adopt the philosophy,

    of logic and reason.


    “You are not the darkness you endured,

    you are the light that refused to surrender.”

    ~ John Mark Green


    “Money is an abstract human happiness,

    so who is no longer able to appreciate

    the true human happiness,

    is completely dedicated to it.”

    ~ Arthur Schopenhauer



    “Enter with empty mind,

    and only coherency arrives.”

    ~ plr



    This just came to me this morning as a possibility?

    Sir Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist,

    created the World Wide Web in 1989.  

    W.W.W. – acronym for World Wide Web. 

    It was 2020 that the world turned a corner,

    into what I would consider to be World War 3.

    WWW = World Wide Web

    WW3  = World War – 3 is a sideways W.

    The Roman III could easily be arranged into a W. 

    The creation of the internet began WWIII. 


    Image: Eye Within


    A Spiritual War Indeed.

    For it involves maths, geometries, sigils,

    music and tonalities with intention.

    Time to break the spell.



    “Behind every atom of this world

    hides an infinite universe.”

    – Rumi

    “Secrecy being an instrument of conspiracy,

    ought never to be a tool of the teacher.”

    ~ plr 10.14.2010





    The Bard Code

    Jon Rappoport

    The Corbett Report

    The Trust Technique

    Resonance Science Foundation