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12 Seconds For Peace Project

Posted in: Films by Pamela on September 01, 2011

“Man can harness the winds, the waves and the tides
But when he can harness the power of love …
Then for the second time in the history of the world
Man will have discovered fire.”
~ Teihard de Chardin

“Don’t think Life, become Life.”

I just did it for the 2nd time. For Steve Gooch and his wonderful Project 12 Seconds for Peace.

The monsoons were here, I went out as I love thunder storms, I love lightning and danced in the rain. As if on cue when I leaned my head back and spread my arms, the lightning flashed and the thunder rolled, at that very moment. This happened three times as I twirled in the four directions of North, South, East, and West, pouring out love to the whole of existence with my Heart beating for Peace with great intention.

Wishing to wipe away and erase all pain, all sadness and help UPlift all of life to the beauty that it is, no matter what. I hope you get 12 Seconds of something good from it and hope it delivers magnetic charges and sparks of Light to help you build your dreams!

This was also filmed during a period of ongoing recovery from a TBI (traumatic brain injury) with heavy brain pressures. Please visit here for the story. A Near Fatal Fall.

I wish to help inspire others who might be going through a brain injury as well as help others comprehend just what it is like to have one. Unless you have you will never know what it is like, yet, may have compassion in understanding. It is very frustrating to not be understood and looks can be deceiving. To accomplish this simple short video took alot for me at this particular time, yet, being an extreme optimist and quantum leaper I see the experience as my Universe expanding! ahahhahaaa I am blowing bubbles and it might ‘feel’ funny but that is just because I am getting used to the differences between one world and the many others 🙂

“Remove reacting to the web of life and respond to the loving knowing of it.”

“The love on the landscape has its horizon in eternity”
~ Annie Elliott

“Where you look there you are your reality awaits you.”
“Nothing exists where your mind is not.”
“Out of sight, out of mind, never out of Heart.”

“It is not nice to hurt mother nature.”
“Nothing is permanent and everything is possible.”
“Do not stop at the door, open it.”

“I have no judgement on your opinion.”

“If you leave anything, leave everything, and keep the giggle.”
Thank you. Keep it simple.

Here is the first version.

We are all in this together. One heart and mind at a time.
Know that you are never alone.
You are important, valuable, have meaning and purpose, and are deeply loved.

“There is nothing that comes from anything you do, other than recognition and new decisions.
So be brave and just do it.”

“Look with compassion vs. reaction.”

“Beauty is everywhere even in our bleakest moments.”

“The past keeps you in constant servitude of the question.”

“Know thy’self and the questions fade like the sunset in the distance.”

I Believe … that credentials on the wall does not make one’self’ a decent human being, yet see the Heart within.
There are many paths to where we are going.

So much more to say and is now blossoming like an unfolding flower to share.

It is time to Create the Greater YOU!
It is time to come ALIVE
It is time to ‘Be’come Aware of the “Awe’thatyou’Are”

Part of the problem is continuing to ‘look’ at the problem.

“The most destructive thing on this planet are your thoughts. Clean it up.”

“The one spirit does not make choices. Thoughts do.”
Wear it well.

The Secret of the Sea.
“What is beautiful can never be corrupted by a foul mouth.”

“It is not ‘I’ that must clothe my body. Tis’ your’self’ that must clean your mind.”

“I care not what you wear. I care what is in your nature.”

“Whatever befalls your mind, befalls the creation of your thoughts wobbling. Make it up and be precise.”

Always for the good of the whole.

“Each person possesses within himself [and herself] the powers and latent faculties necessary …
to become aware of a multi-dimensional universe.”
~ Paracelsus

“You are the Captain of your water body vessel vehicle ship.
Steer your vessel well to places you have yet to meet in peace.”

“What looks to others going on in the outside,
is usually very different to what is going on in the INside.”

Take the walk. It is ALL okay.

“Belief is a state of repeating thoughts manifesting as a reality.”
Change your thoughts, change your beliefs, change your world.
From the inner comes the outer.
From the outer can become your inner reflecting its repeating into the outer.
“Catch me if you can. I am thought in and out of mind.”

YOU are the center of the Universe. Do not idol-eyes.
When there is nothing to hide there is nothing to be afraid of.
Everything is backwards.
The actions, the gestures and everything in life is precise.
It is Sacred Geometries that form Creation in patterns of belief, if you choose to ‘see’.
“Where you look, there you are, your reality awaits you.”
It is usually not what you have been taught to believe. Go beyond thought.
Listen ‘within’ yourself, remove fear, do the different, and it is here you will take your power back.
“How many does it take to bring truth to Light? ONE.”

Two little mice fell into a bucket of cream.
The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned.
But the second mouse let go of fear and began to swim so fast
That she eventually spun that cream into butter and she walked out.

“For every legend there is always a New Beginning … Build What You See.”

“My will is strong and I know it won’t be long before the truth be known.
That everything outside of this and inside of me clarifies the knowing, I’m not alone.
Somehow I’ll find my way home.”

“There is no destination because once you arrive,
the ending is an illusion as the journey begins again.”

“He who binds himself to a joy doth the winged life destroy;
But he who kisses the moment as it flies, lives in eternities sunrise.”
~ William Blake

“Heartbeat for Peace. Disengage to fly free.”
“I love the Light, I love the night, I’m making up my own mind.”

It is okay to say no.

Be careful not to get mesmer-eyes’d. It is an illusion.
The message is beyond sight and INbetween the lines.
And the answer rests within your own Heart and Mind. Do not follow, yet listen.
To not the voice in the external but the internal. Know when to let go and get to know thy’self’.
The seeking we each strive for will never be found in the external.
For what is eternal, what has always been ‘in’ternal, can never be lost, only found.
A personal journey? Yes, indeed it is.
I feel, and have done for some time, that I am an anomaly. Like many others are.
We do not fit the mold.
An anomaly is a person or thing that strays from common rules or methods.
An exception to the rule.
I am a quantum leaper. An inside thinker. A line in the sand drawer. An over the edge flyer.
A ‘knower’ grower. A ‘thought’ buster.

“Stories upon stories, movies upon movies happening all the time in the theatre of your mind.
The ones that come alive are the ones you give attention to,
as either a fool in a lie, or a sayer in truth.”

“We are ‘thought forms’ floating like bubbles being blown out of Stargates.”
“Life is a tapestry of happenings interwoven into the fabric of existence.”

Time to turn ourselves Inside Out and do the different. Smile.
Nature is our greatest ally, our greatest teacher.
Looks can be deceiving. “Everything was perfect, then came judgement.”

“For a moment look in between the lines. Drop all thought.
Build What You See Internally. Like a Seed. It will grow magically.
It will blossom slowly, yet, ever so quickly. NOW. Life is a beautiful Dream.”

“Never let anothers fears determine who you are.”

The Fire is not to be abused. The Light. Wear it well and shine it bright and kind.
Build What you See. We can learn enough. The knowledge is given to everyone.
It is simple and cannot be de-scribed. It is the Arc of the covenant.
The promise that you make by choosing thought.
Understanding that all mistakes are forgiven as soon as they are made.
Like a breath before you take. This is pure love operating.
We are becoming what we ARE. I see you. I forgive you. I love you. And “I” am part of “you”.

Take a chance you never know how good something can turn out to be.

“The only difference between you and me, is what we ‘think’.”

“The World is my family. Life is my partner. Peace is my focus.”

“You chose to ‘think’ therefore, you are. Choose your thoughts wisely.”

“There are many names for this place, yet, you do not need a name to get here.”

The beauty of pollination …
“I love what I know, I love more what I have yet to know.”

The Lap of Love ~ The Transformation of a Butterfly

“Our thoughts are like a conductors wand to an orchestra.
Creating layer upon layer of circumstances and happenings accordingly.
The symphony is the music of the spheres expanding and contracting with your will.
Peace and harmony is our only viable destiny.”

The song of the spheres. “I see vibrancy. I see coherency. I see balance. I see diversity. I see Peace is Easy.”
When you discharge the output from the transmitting coil … the arc disappears from the receiving coil.
“Where you look, there you are, your reality awaits you.”

“History is ‘bound’ to be repeated unless you learn from it.
I have learned … I am not here to repeat it.”

If you kiss anyone today. First kiss yourself. It is okay.
The inner self, the outer self and from there in repeating this pattern creates new behaviours.
Confidence. Assuredness. Knowing without ego.
Action in unison with the Dance of Life coherently. Letting Go.
Be Free in everything peace. Just Be.
And from there can go into the world without ‘thought’
as the kisses will spread to others and the rest of life,
as easy as silk on a cobblestone road.
It becomes the new you and you are that good. Don’t have spare change, make change.

I am creating a new treaty with Life. It is time to clean house and be courageous enough to do it.
“No amount of intellect or talk can compare to the knowing of the Heart.”

“I have no excuse for what I see.
And if you cannot see what I see, then I shall leave you to your excuse.”

“Sometimes you must leave what you love. And in leaving you are rescuing.”

Images and Music: Credited, otherwise unknown source at this time.
Quotes: Pamela Leigh Richards unless otherwise stated, included in up and coming film and book “OceanHeart

Cinematographer on Dolphin and noted videos: pamela leigh richards
All Sound effects on noted videos: Nature
Voice Over on noted videos: pamela leigh richards
Song on 12 Seconds for Peace: Point of No Return Roger Subirana
Image SunRise: Egypt Red Sea pamela leigh richards
Images Fantasy Woman 126, 128

Dolphins: Click here for link

The Shift Is Within, and Listening

Posted in: Quotes & Poetry by Pamela on February 09, 2011

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
~ William Shakespeare

“That’s why this One’self’ cries. That is why tears fall from these eyes.
The Ocean Waters of the Divine Creator in Action expressing upon one’selfs’ face,
from thy Heart it pours in form. Sea-See-Water. The Philosophers Stone.”
~ pamela leigh richards

Get ready for Contact. Contact with your’self’. Your own Awakening is the Contact.
Be creative! Some’One” else was.

“One of the greatest contributions I have given to Life, Is making up my mind.”
~ pamela leigh richards

“A Sea of You. A Perfect Time For Flying Carpets.
A Perfect Time To Get To Know Life. To Get Out, To Go ‘Within’.
To Turn Your’self’ Inside Out. And do the vastly Different.
Where you Look, There You Are, Your Reality Awaits You.”
~ pamela leigh richards

“I love who I am. I love more who I am not.”
Amo Qui Sum. Magis amo, qui sum non
~ pamela leigh richards

“What Is Your Nature?
No ‘thing’ that you do, not one skill or talent that you have ..
Matters more than the Heart ‘within’, the only thing you need to ‘be’.
Wear it well on your sleave, so others can ‘see’.”
~ pamela leigh richards

“There is nothing one can do that cannot be forgiven. No’thing’.
The thing is, one must forgive one’self’ firstly.
Then One’selfs’ Forgiveness will be united with the Forgiveness of One.”

“In this Ocean of Energy, in a world of density and form of holographic matter …
Where to speak is through the Vesica Pisces of her creative mouth, with words that carry …
The symbols that will flow from her lips wherever they stick,
Like feathers as necessary to be heard, in order to bring about understandings …
Clarities, purities and symphonies of harmonic convergences into balance. So be it.
She is truth-speaking.”

“Life knows the meaning behind these words.
How you interpret them ~ is between you and your creator
If it takes more time for us to be understood
Remember, Life is patient and kind, and has nothing to lose.
For Life has all the time in the world.”
~ pamela leigh richards

“History is bound to be repeated unless you learn from it.
We are not here to repeat it, nor are we here to hurt, harm or confuse.
It is time to change the sequence and equations.
To flow in fractality, to spin in another direction by changing the code.
And re-writing the patterns of ones Environ’mental’ behaviour.”
~ pamela leigh richards

“Our Power is in Our Love. Our Might is in our Passion. Love is an ever flowing energy with no thought. Its understandings are carried through its light. Existing and living in the ever present moments of now, which, the collective mind sees as the end of the minute before and beginning of the hour in the morrow. Love does not. It just flows.” ~ pamela leigh richards

Stillness. The love given to Another. May this love be shared with the All, without thought.
Simply and purely from the free flowing energies of the Heart.
This One’self’ shares the same, even if it might appear not.
For stillness and doing nothing are two very different things.
It is the internal Stillness that radiates this Love most powerfully.
Please pass this stillness on and on and on … in your own unique song.
~ pamela leigh richards

“Know where the power rests ‘within’ you. In the Calm of the Heart.
And when you real-eyes how close it is, one’self’ will awaken to understanding that …
It is in the kind little things we do …
And its effects are far more reaching and bigger than we could possibly imagine.”
pamela leigh richards

“…that there is no ‘right way’ to do anything, there is only the way you are doing it.
Never be afraid to ‘try your hand’ because you don’t want to,
might make a mistake, or not do something right.”
“Success in life comes from being willing to move into Unchartered Territory.
Always remember: Life begins at the end of your Comfort Zone.”
~ Neale Donald Walsch

“Can you hum? Then consider your’self’ a singer. Can you hear an instrument of your liking playing in your mind? Consider your’self’ a musician. When you look at the beauty of nature and feel something, yet, have no words to it? Consider your’self’ a poet. Whatever it is you ‘think’ you aren’t, you already are and the audience is always there.”
pamela leigh richards

Images not defined: Sources unknown at this time
International Space Station Photos: View out of the cupola at Earth
Repeat This
The Event Horizon
Another View of Life

The Rest of My Life

Posted in: Quotes & Poetry,The Observation Deck by Pamela on December 15, 2010

As above, so below.
We are created holographically.
Everything is connected. We are not the same yet come from the same.
The universe is a hologram where every part contains the whole.
Outside echoing the thoughts and mind inside, reflecting.
Build it and they will come.
Change your mind, Change the World.

“There is consciousness in all that exists on Earth, down to the molecules in your fingertips, and it is all meant to work together. Consciousness communicates continuously by vibrations of electromagnetic frequencies. These frequencies connect and have a cooperative investment in working together so that each benefits the whole.
[Holograms thrive on constructing frequencies.]
The difficulty with Earth at this time is that humans believe they are separate from all the energy that is here to work together. Your current belief in separate parts prevents you from seeing and accessing the wholeness of existence.” ~ Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library

Follow the white thread of love, that which, is in everything in kind.
Treat it with dignity and respect. With love from the depths of your heart.
Feel it. Care for it. Love it as if it were your last breathe carrying you home.
It has meaning. It has life. It is conscious and has feelings.
No matter how small, it too, that little white thread of love, is something to be seen.

“…that the salvation of this human world lies nowhere else than in the human heart,
in the human power to reflect, in human meekness and human responsibility.”
~ Vaclav Havel

“Through the Eye of the Storm, We will always come out Whole.”
~ pamela leigh richards

“Dance, Dance, Dance, in the while the Rain Drops, The falling Snows,
The Ice Melts and the Flower of Your Heart Grows.”

Dare to Live every moment, as if it were your last.
Dance, not because you want to, but because you have to.
Purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor.
It is to enjoy every step along the way.
Say what you were ever afraid to say.
Listen, when you did not think you ever would.
Slow down your breathing before ever speaking.
Love the very thing you felt your heart never could.
Look where thine eyes feared to seek.
Embrace All with forgiveness and understandings.
And in the end, merging into New Beginnings.
This shall be a mighty fine relief.
~ pamela leigh richards

“The Self is ever the Master,

however much the forms inhabited by the Self may be bound.

The Self is the essential principle

of the existence of all those forms,

always remaining one and unchanged.

He alone who beholds the Self in/as the core of his being

possesses eternal bliss.”
~ Braham


The good news is that because we are in a hologram, the quantum effect of even a small number of beings
Achieving the higher level of integration will resonate throughout the realm
And afford many others a level of assistance in dealing with the process they are undergoing.
Therefore it is of paramount importance that those who are aware of this action
Work diligently to focus on what is real rather than to engage in that which is built of illusion.
We can change ourselves and the world in which we choose to give our creative energies.
As we do this, ironically, without having intended to change the world,
We will establish a level of higher resonance around which the releasing energies
From the implosions of the old institutions shall accrue. This is a key and important point.
Do not focus on changing the old world. It is dying so let it die.
That which is broken cannot be fixed and that which is real cannot be broken.
Focus on what is real and the rest shall fade away.

With the overlay now removed … All is merging into a singularity of consciousness in the integrated wholeness
Of our divine selves as perfectly reflected in the forms that we now occupy
Should we so choose this as the reality we wish to create for ourselves.
The nature of a morphogenetic field is such that when one individual or a group
Begin to resonate at a certain level of energy and frequency,
It permeates out through the rest of the matrix, lifting all up in the process.
As we do so the reality we find ourselves in will progressively transform itself
And a new reality will begin to adhere to our resonant forms vibrating at an ever higher frequency
Built on a foundation of Love and undifferentiated Light.

As we stand at the precipice of the ending we are perched on the threshold of a new Beginning
As we return to ourselves and thereby come to know ourselves for the very first time.

Now, as the final clause of the treaty is enacted and the fourth dimensional overlay is removed,
It will not take much to move the third dimensional control systems out of our way
To begin to literally dissolve the frequency zone of control.
Since reality as we know it is holographic, then each part of the hologram
actually contains all of the information of the larger whole.
This is the morphogenetic field by which the two original cells
form a human being, or a frog, or horse, or any other whole living organism
inherent in the morphogenetic blueprint. The whole is contained in each part.
Thus, one conscious point of awareness, when the inhibitors are removed,
will begin to resonate outwards, and like ripples in a pond, affect the entire matrix of the whole.
As this begins to pick up momentum by many such points of emanation,
meaning individual human beings or small aggregations of such,
the majority of the human consciousness, still asleep,
but only controlled by third dimensional technology of entrainment
without the 4D containment overlay, will begin to lose their grip on that reality construct.
We will begin to be the masters of our own reality, and form it around us.
And what now might appear to most to be an impossible task, will happen in the twinkling of an eye.

It Is Time to set our sails for Another View of Life. Hang on for the adventure and the ride.

From another friends point of view …
Though it might not be unusual to see new crop circles still being created
in the month of September, it certainly is unusual to see the concept
of a mind virus being discussed in any form of media –
let alone in the context of an end-of-days scenario.
Our simulated reality is presently being corrupted by a mind virus
that I refer to as SIL/ORG (silicon organism)
and it is causing something similar to a mass psychogenic/sociogenic illness.
We have become obsessed with its technological toys
and the virus is spreading through the programming of our simulation without resistence.
Our simulated holographic reality extends to the outer limits of our solar system.
It is a closed program. Whatever exists does so within those boundaries.
Instead of being elated on the discovery of a habitable planet,
we should be suspicious of the motivation behind the illusion.

Supporting documentation: Ken Cousins; Holographic History
Images: Milky Way Galaxy & iStock Brain Electric

Excuse me. I have a few sails to repair.
Occupation: Breathing

I am my own Research Project.
I am my own Lifes Experiment.
“Living” is a virtual movie and we are all the projectors in it.
Take back your heart and mind, if you don’t like what you ‘see’.
And certainly do not feed someone else’s dream, if it feeds pain and suffering.

Thoughts contain many paradoxes running side by side and when they meet others,
it’s highly probable they will either collide or harmonize.

In my research, experiences, witnessing and investigations, so far,
I have come to this real-eye-sation, that the latter is the best solution, for peace.

Thoughts can co-create confusion or calm.
In my research, experiences, witnessing and investigations, so far,
I have come to this real-eye-sation, that the latter is the best solution for peace.

The entity/expression named Pamela, has discovered and real-eyes’d …
Her consciousness knows better
Her mind is awakening
Her existence is a journey
Her understanding is never ending
Her heart is open wide and growing
Her love is immortal & permeates everything

And nothing is black & white other than the writing on the wall.
And my signature is etched upon my heart seen by all.
To change the world change your mind environment.
To do so is your inate right.
The blueprint is being drawn out, the art is being envisioned
and the next phase is now formulating towards a New Beginning.
Remove Fear. Free your mind. Take out the trash and remove the past.
Forgive and Let Go.
Carry love in your heart like a flame without the fire.
And all that is good will meet you in the middle of forever.
Know your power, and know thyself.
Know what awaits you from beyond your imaginative intellect,
for it is listening and waiting for you not to be afraid to go there.
Take the quantum leap and do not think twice before you follow your heart.
If you are afraid of anything … be afraid of what you ‘think’.
Keep your thoughts clean.
For ‘thoughts’ co-create.
We are inately pure energy created to vibrate at high frequencies.
The seals are breaking, the veil is lifting and the illusion is fading.
Love your intelligent and divinely created self, and the rest will fall into place.

“Have you ever felt that there is something about reality that isn’t quite random as it should be? Something a little too organized, a little too planned, a little too programmed?”
–Jim Elvidge in ‘The Universe Solved’

“Whatever one wishes for in the world tomorrow live it in your heart today.”

~ plr


Posted in: Quotes & Poetry,The Observation Deck by Pamela on December 14, 2010

“Our existence in ‘form’ of matter, is merely ‘living art’ by thought”.
~ pamela leigh richards

The next quantum leap in understanding, is what dominates the animation of the art?
The Mind or the Heart?

“Our greatest discoveries will not be found in ‘outer space’, they will be real-eyes’d in ‘inner space’.”
pamela leigh richards

I feel to share with you what I have been experiencing, especially since spending time in Egypt with some of the most highly evolved entities of consciousness called “Dolphins” and then onwards to having brain surgery. I have only recently come into a sequence of profound synchronistic attention grabbers that sparked more of the knowingness held ‘within’, seemingly for a long time, now emerging? I have felt it like a percolating energy just waiting, like a race horse behind the gate before it opens, chomping at the bit as the excitement builds to share. We are on the threshold of an amazing point in time. No matter what is happening, know you are not alone and it is going to be okay.

There is nothing else to hold onto but your’self’. Like a sinking ship that seems to be before us?
It is not until the ship is just about to go under that anyone actually ‘does’ something or makes a move?
Well, we are at that precipice now. Nothing to fear, but fear itself. Nothing to worry about, no matter what.
I know it is easier said than done sometimes which, is why that great ol’ saying comes in handy …
“when one is down the other is up”. We can not do this alone. Nor were we ever meant to.
It was never meant to be difficult nor does it have to be. Humans can complicate things so easily.
Not because they wish to but because they know nothing else or rather, they have simply forgotten,
now remembering. It is easy if you allow it to be. You are the Captains of your water, body, vessel, vehicle, ships.
Your mind & the direction of your Heart will steer you where you choose.
Choose wisely, calmly, respectfully, sacredly, and honourably.
Do not think twice before listening to your Heart.
Wipe your mind free. Take the quantum leap and trust your’self’.
Trust your Heart knowing you will have wings to fly and always soft landings when all is said and done.

“If I teach anything, I desire it to be that I teach myself
To Love her, for that is okay.
For I am not always what you believe and say.”

HARMONY is a state recognized by great philosophers as the immediate prerequisite of beauty. A compound is termed beautiful only when its parts are in harmonious combination. The world is called beautiful and its Creator is designated the Good because good perforce must act in conformity with its own nature; and good acting according to its own nature is harmony, because the good which it accomplishes is harmonious with the good which it is. Beauty, therefore, is harmony manifesting its own intrinsic nature in the world of form.

The universe is made up of successive gradations of good, these gradations ascending from matter (which is the least degree of good) to spirit (which is the greatest degree of good). In man, his superior nature is the summum bonum. It therefore follows that his highest nature most readily cognizes good because the good external to him in the world is in harmonic ratio with the good present in his soul. What man terms evil is therefore, in common with matter, merely the least degree of its own opposite. The least degree of good presupposes likewise the least degree of harmony and beauty. Thus deformity (evil) is really the least harmonious combination of elements naturally harmonic as individual units. Deformity is unnatural, for, the sum of all things being the Good, it is natural that all things should partake of the Good and be arranged in combinations that are harmonious. Harmony is the manifesting expression of the Will of the eternal Good.

Life is a song. Life is harmony in motion.
Life is an ever evolving dance whose steps are not about where they are going,
but the one we are now making.
I had kind tears in the shower the other day and said to myself
“Tears are merely reflections of God in action.”
They are healing and when necessary, shed them for release.
They want to flow just like the waterfalls after the snows.

“There is no death, there is simply here and there and everywhere.”
pamela leigh richards

Lady Bird Image: Background Pictures.
Water Flower Image: SixString

When I arrived in Sedona, Arizona on February 3rd, 2008
there was one day, 27th of February,  while driving around,
I pulled over and decided to hike up “Thunder Mountain”.
The picture is Thunder Mountain, courtesy of Guy Schmickle.

I did not have hiking shoes.
Do not ever let what you are wearing stop you from an experience like this.

Beautiful it was, as is everything here in the Red Rocks.
The land is extremely powerful and speaks loudly.

As I was walking up the mountain about the time the sun was setting around 4:30pm,
looking down at this beautiful Red Earth beneath my feet I said:
“Thank you for carrying me”.


What happened next was immediate.

As soon as I said those words,

a BOLT of energy hit me so powerfully

in the heart chakra area:

I dropped to my knees with my hands falling upon the earth..
Tears rolled from my eyes while this energy was pouring through me.
Traveling through every part of my body as I became and felt almost cloud-like or fluid.
It was intense!

Everything around me was connecting and communicating with me all at once,
with a very loud sound as if I broke through some kind of dimensional portal or barrier.

I became ONE with the leaves, the dirt I was kneeling on, the rocks,
the birds, the trees, the wind, the sky, the sun, the moon, EVERYTHING!

The communication was not in a language that we know of.
It was in a form of energy I understood as I felt it with the dolphins in Egypt.
It was a transference of “knowing”.
It was as if an excitement was there saying “we have one that can see!”.
And it was so happy.
I now know, or rather feel, that what I was experiencing was the song of the spheres.
Each Creation has its own Song. The birds, the leaves, the rocks, the trees …
They were all singing to me, which, is why it sounded so loud.

It was way beyond what we call love and indescribable.

The POWER of it left me with an undeniable truth
that there is something far greater and we are not alone, ever.
The earth beneath our feet is a living breathing organism with a heartbeat.
She is alive, as we are. We must change our ways, turn ourselves inside out and do the different.
We must change direction and path now.
We must live in kindness with this earth and each other.
And as we respect her, it in turn, reflects respect, into our collective, connective Universe.
Her heartbeat will resonate in balance, in coherence and in harmony with ours.

The tears were not of sadness but of a knowing that touched my heart deeply.

We truly are all connected to the thread of love that exists within all of life that never left us.
It is people who choose to leave “love”.
And we have all done this as we dip in and out through experiences.
Diving to the depths of despair and rising to the heights of ecstasy within our heart and minds.
Alternating between the two at the speed of light.
And pretty soon, the valleys of despair become shallow, fewer and farther between.
You begin to ‘live’ in the Heart with understanding, compassion and gratitude. Never give up.
The world will thank you!

The pathway that I feel happening for all of us, is becoming ever so directed and clear.
What is being stated by Drunvalo blew me away, as it truly entered my heart when I heard.
For his description of the heart and mind is exactly what I have been experiencing
and sharing with a few close to me since The Fall,
although without the fine details for I did not know them in language. Just experiencing it.
So will share what I mean.
This is a personal journey I’m sharing, yet, at the same time,
because we are all connected, it is a collective journey.
And when a ‘singulars mind environment’ becomes aware of something
that can help the ‘plurals mind environment’, then share it from the heart with good intentions.
There is a very strong feeling that what I am awakening to,
and what I feel is the most important and relevant parts in the NOW,
have, and is, coming through what has always been an inate ‘knowing within’,
through experiences, through the fall and brain awakening, and tapping into the connection
between the heart and mind without polarity ‘thinking’.
We all have this ‘knowing’, it just gets muddied in the waters of ‘thought’.
It’s a ‘feel thing’ and has always been a challenge to put my finger on it to explain with words.
Now, it is unfolding before my very eyes, being validated and further becoming aware,
as I have been saying to people, that when you think about something,
as a desire from the mind, it must come from the heart.
For when the TWO come together as ONE, ‘meaning it from the heart’ and ‘intention from the brain/mind’,
is when you have, what I have considered and called, the 3rd Force of manifestation.

If we’re going to get there … we’re going to get there with a change of Heart”

Build What You See
The Wall of Bliss


This was an incredibly lucid dream I had and felt to share.

Life talks to us in many ways. I have learned to pay attention.

When I was snorkeling or diving in the Red Sea in Egypt, 2007, if I was not paying attention I could have missed the magnificent beauty of a school of Manna Rays flying under the water to the left of me, or a large turtle coming up for air behind me, or even a shark passing quietly beneath me.

Because that actually happened. This is how poets come about.

I earned my diving license while there as well, at Marsa Shagra, a diving and dolphin Mecca in Egypt on the beautiful coasts of the Red Sea with the never ending Egyptian deserts and mountains breathing life on the periphery.

And through sharing these intimate experiences seeing with new eyes, when never they would have, the story unfolds like never before told. The signs are everywhere now.

It is time to listen to the voice “within” and what you have been asking for.

21 August, 2011
“I have recently discovered something that resonates highly. What I feel this experience was, was Brahman. For everything it describes is what I have been saying without knowing of this explanation or its existence. Brahman seems to be the ultimate supreme Reality. Brahman is eternal. Brahman is beyond words. It is beyond names and forms. Brahman can not be perceived nor can it be described by words. It is beyond senses and intellect. It is indefinable. However, if at all it has to be described; Brahman can be considered as Pure Consciousness.”


The Self is ever the Master however much the forms inhabited by the Self may be bound. [thought Creates form of matter.] The Self is the essential principle of the existence of all those forms, always remaining one and unchanged. He alone who beholds the Self in/as the core of his being possesses eternal bliss.


The Dream


Imagine standing in the middle of the universe. Complete blackness with stars all around.

I was standing there, or rather floating, looking straight ahead. All of a sudden slowly coming down above my head was a thin wall, like a sheet of paper. Peripherally I could see that the left and right edges went on forever. It was a wall of a shimmering fluidic like energy. It was sort of a cloudy white but a whiteness that was beyond what I can speak about. These words are frail to what it was in its true description and the only thing I can say is that it was pure energy.

This flowing down sheath of shimmering energy touched the top of my head moving like a slow breath ~ and as it got to the level just below my eyes, it was instant.

I slipped into the most wonderful bliss. And at that very moment everything I sensed or knew was erased. All thoughts, feelings, senses, memories, all mind … GONE!

Yet, I was completely aware of everything. I was so free is all that I can muster to describe.

It was like diving into the ocean only the ocean was coming into me … the ocean representing the purest form of energy, beyond energy. It was formless. Indescribable because this existence is non-descriptable here. It was Silent in its no-thing-ness, yet was filled with everything.

So, it moved down through my head stopping at that point just beneath my eyes as I slipped into bliss with all lights going off basically.

Then the wall lifted ~ moving over my eyes and above my head ~ and when it did?

All systems came back on in full feeling and memory like a switch had been turned on.

Then again, it moved back down through my head and I experienced the same thing. It was here a message came to me very clearly and direct.

It felt like I was deliberately being shown something which is becoming more clear by the day. The telepathic message that I received was beyond language once again. I call it a transference of energy like I had with the dolphins in Egypt, 2007. This is the best translation I can muster in taking something so powerful and bringing it into this realm. It said: “It is going to be alright” AND “None of this matters”.

I know this is so simple in Earthly terms, or in the language of man, yet, the personal journey is the only one that can see to read between the lines.

We all have that personal journey. I hope to meet in the middle of forever.

Our minds are opening to ‘see’. The Multiverse is ‘within’.

Please see here for The Dolphins

The Hologram

I had another amazingly profound lucid dream where I got up from my bed,
walked over to the wall, put my forehead against it with my feet at the baseboard.
There was some ‘mass of energy’ to my left, (only way I can describe it,) that was very conscious.
I began to move through the wall about four inches then came back out.
Then back in and out. I did this twice.
The communication between this energy and myself is beyond primitive language.
What was being shown is that it is not the wall that changes but myself. Incredibly real.
These are the things we can all do. It is what has been wiped from our eyes yet, now returning.
Paint Peace Please.


“In each person lies the pearl of the highest potential,
if developed it is a treasure to all existence visible and invisible.
This wondrous Metamorphosis was possible of the Human creation, however,
as you see in some parts of nature, not every creation has been given this ability.
Thus there arose a challenge from lower forms of consciousness that manifested as Jealousy
and thus Spirituality and Religion were created, these are the ‘Limits’.
Once again at the close of this time segment the masses will have an opportunity
to discover their true form which is not a Word and comes before even thought.
It is the Highest. If you but knew.”

Build What You See

Posted in: A - Her Lucid and Mystical Experiences by Pamela on December 04, 2010

“For every legend there is a New Beginning. Build What You See.”

“I see vibrancy. I see coherency. I see balance. I see Peace is Easy.”

“Build what you see, It is time to shut out irrelevancy.”


A telepathic message came to me very clearly out of the blue
As I was envisioning a world of peace
It was only just some time ago,
The message said:

“Build What You See”.


The next day or two my consciousness was tapped again, as I was sitting at my computer.
Asking me to look outside. I turned my head looking out the sliding glass door.
As soon as my eyes landed on the leaf of the tree.
The voice said:

“God is in everything”.


“If thoughts can come to us to deceive, they can also come to elude deception for truth.”

The problem has always been choice. Time to make up your Mind.

“Where you look there you are, your reality awaits you.”

I believe in what I know to be true in my Heart of Hearts.
This is where knowing thyself comes in handy.
Know thy Heart in what you accept and what you deny.
When to say yes, and when to say no.

We are co-creators.
“I’m building what I choose to see. I’m building a new dream.”
All my life there have been two words coming to me … “Trust” and “Patience”.
I listened.


“The God particle is in everything”


“Everything is perfect. Then came judgement.”


Nature is our Greatest Ally. Nature is our Greatest Teacher.
God is in everything. The god particle. Get to know it. Get to know thy’self’.

Instead of subconsciousness, the lamas use a word that could be translated as superconsciousness
~ consciousness of a higher order.
The job of the superconscious mind is to take thought, which is pure energy,
and give it physical shape in the material world.
Our world is unravelling due to changing ‘thoughts’, changing ‘intentions’, changing ‘minds’.
It is now more than ever the meaning behind the voice that said to me “BUILD WHAT YOU SEE”

Please try to ‘feel’ these words. The depth of meaning is beyond language.
For the true existence of who we really are, what we really are …
Communicates beyond the use of letters, alphabets, sentences and words.
It’s a ‘feel’ thing. It’s a “knowing” yearning to be heard.
We have the power to do anything. The gift has been given and is to be used kindly.

“I am a growing and evolving Soul, just as you are.
We’re just at different stages of our development and we will all get to where we each desire to be.
May we all have patience with ourselves and be sure to make time to enjoy the journey.
Always be aware of your thoughts, and pay attention to their Quality;
Because what you think about …
Is directly related to what you will see around you, and what Life will show you.
It is the difference between conscious, and subconscious Creation.
Keep putting those positive thoughts out.
Every new ‘thought’ adds to Lifes building block.
Persevere, and focus on the positive in everything and everyone with gratitude and love.
It is the Beginning of what is to come.

Then prepare yourself for an “almost magical” transformation of your circumstances.
[Your sphere of influence.]

In all this Life we are being provided with tools. But most do not see them.
It is not what we do, but how we respond to it, that is important.
We all have the Free Will choice in how we will use them. We have to take responsibility.
There is only One of Us here. Understand that, and you will understand the Game.
There was an architect of these current structures in our world. They were Created from Thought.
[I used to say after the death of my brother “Something thought all of this into existence.”]
When one understands and sees that all is Illusion, or Thought …
One can “use ‘The Force” to manipulate the illusions.
All things, seen and unseen, are inter-connected Life-Force Energy.
Once you know what the magician knows, it’s not magic. It’s a ‘tool of Creation’.

“Our job is to provide the Catalyst. Yours is to use it.
Can you look beyond what your eyes are showing you?
To find and express Love and Happiness in a world of Fear and Distress?
If you can, you will be as a Beacon of Light into the Darkness.
Will you succumb to the Darkness, or will you stand and shine your Divine Inner Light?
Only you can make that decision for yourself.

Think about this:
If the One Infinite Creator, is Infinite, and has created everything that Is (which It is, and It has),
Then does the Infinite Creator not reside within all things?
When you can see the Divine spark of the Infinite Creator, even within those who would mean you harm, the strong grip of the illusion will begin to lose it’s power over you.”

Thank you to “The Hidden Hand” for sharing.
Thank you for clarifying my understandings and with honour, I am pleased to share your voice.
I am also grateful to the Infinite Creator ‘within’, that I am becoming, on the journey of remembering.

“Love your ‘enemies’ and pray for those who persecute you”.

“Love those who have lost their way and Love more, those who can’t open the door.”

“We have no enemies, they are created gifts to clear clouded eyes.”

We are the music.
It is time to Sing in Tune.
Build it, Think it, Sing it, and It will come following the song in your Heart.
Your true colours will be shown by the direction of your sight and the very way you walk.
The time for talk and half measures are over. It is time to design. Free Your Mind.
Build What You See. From ‘within’.

“Geometric shapes actually represent the manifest stages of ‘becoming’.
To see and work with unity and wholeness in geometry
can help abolish our false notion of separateness from nature and from each other.
Through Sacred Geometry we can discover the inherent proportion,
balance and harmony that exists in any situation,
all manifest reality and even the circumstances of our day-to-day life.

It was Marcel Proust who said,
“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes.”

Since the flying fall,
Life has been nothing more than validating what my Heart has seen and known all along.
The simplicity of getting out of the way and let Life ‘be’ as it is.
The choices we make, the focus and attention we give is what we get.

“Let go, free your mind of non’sense’ and create the essence of what makes sense.
No fear is what will deliver you here.”

Beyond The Extreme

As I flew over the Mediterranean from England and entered the lands of Egypt,
As clear as day a telepathic message came to me with no words,
just a form of pure energy transferring the message and its translation was this:
“I needed to get grounded. I needed to ground myself. Plant my feet back on the earth”

Next, what ran through me after hearing this initial message on the plane, were overlapping telepathic thoughts, explaining that the reason I had to ground was because …
“You have things to fullfill within yourself.”
“This is a very personal journey.”
“You have to realize your gifts, gain confidence, stand strong”
“You have a Heart to give which would help lift humanity in this physicality”.

The very probable Dream coming true. It is Time for Us to begin Anew.
Remove Fears and Live in knowing, trusting and being … In Love.

“The seeking we each strive for will never be found in the external.
For what is eternal, what has always been ‘in’ternal, can never be lost, only found.”
~ pamela leigh richards

A personal journey? Yes, indeed it is.

“I think we make it up as we go along. Someone else did.”

Images: Credited, otherwise unknown source at this time
Quotes: Pamela Leigh Richards unless otherwise stated.

I’m “Blowing Bubbles” (Chapter in my book OceanHeart)
The Wall of Bliss

Ayahuasca Experience

Posted in: A - Her Lucid and Mystical Experiences by Pamela on December 03, 2010

Through every rift of discovery some seeming anomaly drops out of the darkness,
and falls, as a golden link into the great chain of order.
~ Edwin Hubbel Chapin


I do believe that this experience I had in Brazil is part of what is happening in our world right now. When you begin to unplug from ‘thought’ and just ‘be’, you open the door for the miracles of all possablity. Ask and you shall receive and it begins with ‘thee’. When you change ‘within’ you have great affect on the whole. No matter where you are or what you are doing, In action or non action.For whether you are in Movement or in Silence, Life is always ‘happening’.

I feel we carry an Inner Sun. The pulsating Heartbeat with a rhythm that manifests the world seen. Light carries information. Light encodes reality. Open your eyes and spread what you be’live’ acting accordingly.

In 2003 I went to Brazil to partake of ayahuasca. This is one of the profound visual experiences. What I am going to share here also reminds me of this passage from the “Peaceful Warrior”, one of my favourite books about Infinity. A MILLION PATHS.

I could not believe it when I saw this picture a few years after the Brazil experience (see above), because it is a very close representation to the vision although different.

I was lying on my back floating in the universe with silver stars all around looking up into space with a massive steel grid above me. To the left, and on the other side of this grid was a hairy monster, sort of like a squatting bear, looking down at me with his claws on the frame. As I looked up I noticed the grid was hinged to the right of this furry guy. All of a sudden it began to slowly open – like an ‘A’ frame. The monster sat there and did nothing but watch, as I did, as a beautiful thin white stream of cloud came swirling through this opening.

The message passing through me, was that this white thread was going into the tops of the heads of every man, woman and child. It was pure energy. It was the pureness of what we might call ‘love’, yet, it was even more pure and powerful than this. It is something you won’t understand until it touches you.

The monster could do nothing because this energy is the highest level of existence or that is what I was receiving mind to mind or telepathically. Some might call it god, oneness, source, the unspeakable, the formless or whatever. I know my Heart and the journey is just beginning. The streamy white cloud from this vision could possibly be what The Wall of Bliss was? Pure coherent free energy. It was beyond describing.

We have the power to change the world that we ‘see’ outside by freeing the mind and clearing the holodeck. With ‘intent’, and the will of your heart, ‘what you feel inately’, are most important in my view. When these two come together (intention in line with the full spectrum of the heart), they create what I consider the “Third Force” of manifestation. Ask and you shall receive? Be direct and focussed about what you choose to ‘think’. Be protective about what you allow into your entire environment. This is your inate right.

Free your minds, empty the trash, open your hearts, remove fear, focus on peace, kindness, forgiveness, and ride the crest of the wave that is upon us. Transform.

In my view I will not take on the “only” choice we seem to have, which is to either sink or swim.
There is another way. It is a neutral place of flying straight through the middle and leaving all the ‘left’ and ‘right’, for it only holds ‘one’ in perpetual confusion like a yo-yo. Yes, it must be dealt with and is being done so, one mind at a time. We are bringing balance and it is a very personal journey for each and every one of us. You are the one to make the choices in your life. Noone else. Once one has enough information to ‘get it’, then it is time to change direction, focus and attention. It is time to change course.

Change your mind. Change your world. Do not be afraid to untie the chord.

You have the right to what enters your sphere of existence.
You have the right to decide who and what you surround yourself with.
You have the right to create an environment around you that is only for the higher good.
Where attention goes energy flows.

Remember in the Matrix movie and what Neo said? “The problem has always been choice”.
Remember, you don’t always have to answer every question posed.
It is time to calm the waters of polarity, steer our water/body/vessels/ships straight down the middle sailing through the illusion of separation and bring harmony back home.

It is time to do the different. To get to know thy’self’.
There are more ways to get to where we are going than just billions. You couldn’t even count them.
“The greatest gift I have given to Life, is making up my mind.”
“There is no greater Freedom than Truth in Love.”
“There is no greater love than truth without fear.”

I recommend this place for anyone who wishes to journey further within. It is where I went and will return. Thank you Silvia and Zoe. The land has turned into a paradise. You are beautiful people and hold a very special place in my Heart, always.



Spirit Vine Retreats

Images: Credited, otherwise unknown source at this time
Quotes: Pamela Leigh Richards unless otherwise stated.

The Heart Of A Sun

Posted in: A - Her Lucid and Mystical Experiences by Pamela on November 17, 2010

Years ago, sometime around 2002 or 2003,
I remember walking home one day where I lived on the Isle of Wight in England.
The Sun was setting on the left side of my walk, about the time of 4:30ish in the late afternoon.
All of a sudden the Sun began to tap my consciousness, like an awareness getting my attention.
This is the only way I can describe it.
It was the same sort of communication I had when in Egypt swimming with wild dolphins.
As I turned to look at the Sun, it was low enough that I could stare straight into it.
What was being shared is not something I could even begin to speak using our language.
When I got home, this is all I could say, as I attempted to share it with my husband at the time;

“The Sun was talking to me and I can’t tell you exactly what it was saying
other than there is more to know about that Sun in the sky. It is not what we are told it is.”

“Thoughts floating upon a guess that can manifest in the ‘chatter that does not matter.”

About a year ago in 2009, I saw 2 Suns next to the 1 in the sky. Throughout my awakening and journey in this life, there’s been a consistent telepathic communication that always expressed two things to me. And as best I can decipher in our language, they were: “Trust” and “Patience”. I have felt comfortable in embracing this and has always put me at ease when life got a bit bumpy. There is some intelligence beyond our current understanding, yet, our expanding awareness, connecting as we speak. And each of us are the ones putting in the call.

Mind your thoughts, heart, and intentions wisely for they are powerful and will co-create.
When one connects with the Infinite Divine Intelligent Creator (I would call this pure energy at the source), is when you become another part of ‘itself’, as a co-creator. And this is when manifestation of form is born into creation.

There is something to all of this Electric Universe, and what that is I could not tell you. I don’t worry about what I don’t know or what I do know. There are so many things to know, I decided to just go with the flow and let go. Enjoy the Moment. Moments can become gravitational and pull you down. Or they can be silent where you fly, even through sound.They are the pendulum swinging neither up nor down. It is the “Stop”, yet, Ever Moving Moment.

When I came to my new home in Northern Arizona many experiences began to unfold as I have posted a few of them in here. I began to feel a pulsating energy pouring through my heart chakra. It feels as if it is coming in through my heart chakra area with a flow out the top of my head and vice-versa. Like phfoom, phfoom,phfoom! Very powerful.

I shared this with a few friends saying that I could actually almost ‘see’ this energy swirling around my heart chakra area with the circumference expanding to about 18″ in diameter. It is so intense that when you experience this energy you cannot help but want to hug and love everyone!
And I mean from the heart not the head! And laugh! Love, love, love, the world needs more of …

“Sit down before facts like a child, and be prepared to give up every preconceived notion,
follow humbly wherever and to whatever abysses Nature leads, or you shall learn nothing.”

T.H. Huxley

Seeing this quote above, is again confirming in my view, how we are so not alone.
For I have been writing it this way with the same theme:
“Would one be so courageous and willing to let go of everything they took years to build and believe in if ‘truth’ facing them denied all that went before?”

Clinging to knowledge. Attached to it so ferrociously. Are you willing to let go of the script you’ve been reading from someone elses dream and co-create your own? Like the Architect said to the character “Neo” in the Matrix movie: “We’ve done this 6 times we’ve gotten pretty good at it.” Cycles, cycles, cycles of time. It is time to stop spinning someone else’s tale.

It is in ones Silence that the Universe surrenders and listens. Know thyself.
Chase away the darkness with everything ‘you are‘. Pure Electrifyingly Potent Love.
Don’t think twice before you listen to your heart no matter what.

Peace has no enemy and Love knows nothing else.

And now I am seeing and reading explanations in language that describe what I am experiencing.
Amazing and this is why it’s important we share to help others.
I never knew until a few years ago, that our bodies have more than one brain?
It made sense to me though. And based on experiences and what is now in front of me through the research of others, I feel it is true, that the heart has its own brain. It seems to be a huge portal of connection to higher realms of existence? If not a direct link to source? The heart is the major centre of intelligence in human beings. We think with our hearts, the most important endocrine gland. The heart not only sends messages to the brain, but before the brain can think the heart causes changes in the physical and emotional bodies! Biophysicists have discovered that the heart is a powerful electromagnetic generator. This is why one can alter the physical and health of oneself purely by loving every cell in your body.

We are truly in epic times of an end to a cycle that appears chaotic, yet, know there is good reason for these dark periods. Not something I am happy to endure, however, understanding its reasons makes the ride much easier. I desire to help bridge the gap between humanities fear of what is before us, to let go with ease, to trust of our own hearts and know that we are surely not alone. The chasm between what we all have sensed to be true and what is actually true, is so vast, yet, the division between the past and what is to come is like a reaching hand getting closer and closer. Be prepared for the touch. For it will be an electrical surge of monumental proportions. Do not think about it, relax and go with the flow of energy. It is the source of who and what you really are. Magnificent, powerful, possibly plasmatic, energetic, beings of pure coherent light?

“It is a strange thought, but I believe a correct one, that twenty or thirty pages of ideas and information would be capable of turning the present-day world upside down, or even destroying it. I have often tried to conceive of what those pages might contain, but of course I am a prisoner of the present-day world, just as all of you are. We cannot think outside the particular patterns that our brains are conditioned to, or, to be more accurate, we can only think a very little way outside, and then only if we are very original.” – Fred Hoyle, Of Men and Galaxies

Try defining a word? It is a construct used to communicate. In order to understand the ‘knowing’ of energy, well, when I go into a state of what I call a quantum leap? I reach a place where I experience the understanding that it has no reason to be explained? It just is. It, whatever that is, laughs at the mind trying to figure itself out when it already knows itself. This is a challenge, as words defy my ability to translate, yet, I know it. It is weird really because on the other side it is so simple. Very hard to explain because there is no other side. I’m trying and I’m laughing!

“We can only discuss or make intellectual advances by passing through the existing body of learning. This is such an enormous task, made even more enormous by the multitudes of specialized gate keepers, that no one can produce integrated thought … we are faced by a crisis in language and communication. This crisis is being accentuated, not eased, by the Universities.”
– J R Saul, The Unconscious Civilization

If you don’t stand for something, you fall for everything. Keep it simple. Free your mind and Remove Fear. I am so grateful for these amazing times we are in and feels like life rafts are being thrown out into the collective “mind fields” for us all to take hold of and share. It is time for transparency in ‘truth-speaking’.

“We stand on the verge of a vast cosmical discovery such as nothing hitherto imagined can compare with.”
~ Sir John Herschel in 1850.

Upon the discovery of a link between magnetic storms on Earth and sunspots,
to Michael Faraday, the vaunted experimentalist,
who was investigating the links between electricity and magnetism.

On Sunday, 27 February 2011
A friend, Bill Mortimer, took these photos of a Sedona Sunset in Arizona.
Two Suns in our Arizona skies? You decide.
Life is magical. Get used to it!

First Photo

Second Photo taken less than a minute later.

Our Misunderstood Sun
Build What You See

Beyond the Extreme & Moving On

Posted in: Films by Pamela on

It is what it is … Egypt spoke to me.
She experienced, she journeyed, she quantum leaped beyond the Extreme.
A quick visual, I call these creations my “Short & Sweets” … just because.
I popped some images in randomly, a song, and let animoto do the rest in 30 seconds.
What is behind the video and its meaning is deep.
Telepathic communications with dolphins in Egypt which,
began one of the most spectacular parts of the path I have been on. Life is amazing.
More to come, with more meaning, clarity, and depth of understanding in a book forthcoming.
To share with others, as one of the greatest comforts I have found in Life,
is knowing One (1) is never alone.

The beginning photo is my dear beautiful friend Amira,
whom I met in Egypt, from Germany, wearing the shirt that says Life is for Loving.
For those who do not know …
Pamela is dealing with her ability to focus on ‘tasks’ in 3-D world
due to a Fall involving brain surgery.
It has been one of the greatest gifts in this ladies life.

“Never have remorse or guilt. Quickly forgive your’self’, and simply ‘learn’.”
“If you follow anything, follow your Heart.”
~ pamela leigh richards

April 2011.
The quote below crossed my path, blew me away, and am sharing due to its synchronicity,
to the very beginning line of this simple video above saying “Seeing With New Eyes
Geometrical patterns which, crossed my lap last night co-in-siding (coinciding) circum-stance.
The Left & Right hemi-spheres in the middle of getting along in harmony. It is called “Balance”.

“Geometric shapes actually represent the manifest stages of ‘becoming’.
To see and work with unity and wholeness in geometry
can help abolish our false notion of separateness from nature and from each other.
Through Sacred Geometry we can discover the inherent proportion, balance and harmony that exists in any situation, all manifest reality and even the circumstances of our day-to-day life.
It was Marcel Proust who said, ‘The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes.'”

Build What You See

Quote from The Awakening

Music on Both Videos: Shockwave-Sound
Images & Film:Taken by Pamela in Egypt, Red Sea, Spinner Dolphins
Image: Vesica Pisces Hand/Blue Rose-unknown source


“Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass … its about learning how to dance in the rain.”

“You will never find your’self’ if you keep looking outside of it”

“It is not what happens to us in Life, it is what we choose to do with the experience.”

This film is merely a visual diary made as a tasking project in the healing of a severe brain injury. Also to share with close friends around the world who have been through some of this with me by phone, yet, have not seen the imagery that went with the stories. So, this is to them, they know who they are. I thank them for being my friends in this lifetime. It was just after this experience with the construction that I had “The Fall”, which, I consider to be one of the greatest gifts Life could have offered. Even through its pains.

One girl, one wee lass and her personal journey in sharing. So much more to know and whilst I like to keep things simple, I do know this, “Peace has no enemy and Love knows nothing else.” We are never, ever alone. Ride the Crest of the Wave towards a higher understanding of your’self’, drop the baggage, remove the trash, clean house, let go and do what you never thought possible! Make it happen because you CAN.


Simultania Project

Posted in: A - Her Lucid and Mystical Experiences by Pamela on November 16, 2010

Participating in the 1 minute Simultania Project with Erin Cooney, Creator.

“The Simultania Project is an attempt to experience simultaneous realities by gaining a many-layered perspective of a single moment in time. It’s about our impossible wish to break free from the isolation of a singular sense of consciousness, while at the same time possessing the imaginative power to realize that there are other experiences of consciousness occurring right now besides our own. The project is about our fundamental desire to be special on the one hand, while realizing that it’s this very desire that makes us utterly common on the other. And it’s about how new technologies are changing the way we directly experience the world, and the sheer sense of wonder that results when we realize that simultaneous realities are unfolding around us at all times.”

“The man who speaks with primordial images speaks with a thousand tongues.” ~ Carl Jung

I real-eyes’d I went over the time limit but posted the whole thing here.
It was truly an amazing venture for myself on a personal level as I am just now coming over the edge into another phase of recovering from a near fatal accident involving brain surgery. You see, I lose track of all sense of ‘time’ and begin to sort of fly ‘within’ which, is why this turned out to be 8 minutes long, seeing the world through my eyes in a moment in ‘time’ 🙂 This project was my first attempt at seeing how well I would do on a particular focus. My brain is like a child to me and am very protective of her. I love the neurons, the cells, proteins, peptides and atoms spinning all about just waiting for further instructions from my heart. During this filming there were brilliant coloured patterns of light like Sun Fractals that came in as if from the unseen world, dancing with the 3-D world, communicating without words. Merging from this to that, like the attention you give is what you get back. The power of this energy I have been feeling is to be shared. The Universe and beyond is definately responding in kind to us all. I had a right laugh when my camera decided to lean over at the exact same time I was leaning over! Only proves creation has a really good sense of humour and knows how important laughing is! Thank you so much Erin for the therapy that your lovely project has given me and it was incredibly joyful to do so! Hard to describe what it feels like so all I will say here is “It is what it is” and the only thing worth living for is the good! Be happy, get out of the thinking mind and into the loving heart of life!

Another thing I find interesting? At 3:05 minutes on the video, the colourful lights coming out of the Sun looking like a circle of beautiful prismatic patterns eminating from the center and some of them looked like bells? The synchronistic timing of the background music that was random, dancing with the lights and pretty much in sync with the manifestations of colours and geometric shapes. My heart was flying when I saw these lights and the communication going on was beyond this 3-D world. Then I come to read something called the 12 Around 1. Reminds me of the Flower of Life.

Creation begins as a source of sound, light and color emanating from a pulsating orb of consciousness. 12 spiraling cones (horns, tones, harmonics) burst forth forming a circle around the source consciousness, connecting with it and each other to create endless grid programs of experience following a geometric blueprint we call sacred geometry. Soul sparks of light spiral from the central source, randomly moving into the grids to consciously experience. The “12 around 1 pattern” (12 = 1+2=3) or third dimension references physical reality as nothing more than a biogenetic experiment based on linear time to experience emotions. Our thoughts create a blueprint that is then co-created into form or manifestation. The love that was surrounding me during this filming was powerful. It is an energy that is growing in intensity as I described coming through my heart chakra area. It is what makes me want to hug everyone no matter where I am. To talk to everyone wherever I go and laugh, laugh, laugh alot! All I can say is, we have access to the ‘source’ of all ‘sources‘, follow your heart, know thyself and with intent one can manifest a new reality and the one I’m focussing on is absolute harmony for all of creation. With many, we are going to love this world back into balance. Build what you see.

“When the Egyptians chose to depict the name of God and the creative Word, they did so by encapsulating both in the hieroglyph of the mouth – in essence a vesica piscis – a symbol similar to the shape a vibrating string makes. Just as the forms of sacred geometry emanate from the womb of the vesica piscis, so it is said that emerging from the one tone of creation were seven gods, such as the Biblical Elohim, each of whom was associated with a specific task in the creation of the Universe. These gods were often depicted as rays emanating from a triangle of white light, a principle echoed in diagrams such as the tetractys, where the threefold nature of white light gives birth to the seven colours of the visible spectrum and the notes of the diatonic music scale. By 4000 b.c. geometry and sound were inextricably linked, at which time it was already established that the laws of geometry governed the mathematical intervals that made up the music scale. The inseperable bond was certainly taught in the Egyptian Mystery schools, since many of the temples associated with knowledge and transformation structurally encode the same harmonic ratios found in music. In fact, the relationship of form and substance to tone was understood to such a degree that structures such as the colossal statues of Memnon used to emit an audible tone when struck by the rays of the rising Sun.”
Freddy Silva – Secrets of the Fields


“Remove the ‘awe’ and know the ‘yes’. It is here where all possibility manifests.”

“Sometimes you just gotta follow your heart and not wait for knowledge.”
~ plr


The overlay is lifting. We are remembering.
The darkness that embraces our planet is the accumulation of human discord.


The components of darkness are entities unto themselves. So there is an entity of War, an entity of Greed, and so forth, but these entities are becoming, every day, a little weaker, less potent. And what is getting stronger is the collective consciousness of humanity. There will come a time when the collective intelligence of humanity subdues the entities of War, Greed, Racism, and Fear and essentially evicts them from the plane(t) of the individual mind from whence all creation happens and all creation emerges from.


Change your mind, change the Multi-verse. It is already happening.


“… that you cannot make a mistake, you can only make a decision that will be your next best step.
There is no reason to hesitate when you know, that you have nothing to lose.
And losing is not an act of Creation, it is a thought in the mind of humans.
Get rid of the thought and you get rid of doubt.
Ride your Wisdom to the next best outcome for the good of the whole.
You will not have to ‘think’ but a second to ‘know’.”
~ plr,  inspired by Neale Donald Walsh


Do not think twice before you listen to your heart.
Let go of all attachments, fears and misguided belief systems.
Remove the names, names, names for ‘things’ and simply listen to your ‘within’ and follow the Light of your Heart.

How far does one think deception can go? As far as you allow it.
That is why it is vital to wipe your slate clean. Remove Fear.
“Be” the change you want to “see” in the world. Stop ‘reacting’ to it.
It is possible to live in heaven or bliss, while those around you live in torment.
This has little to do with your location in time and space, but more to do with your vibrational state.


“If you have an empty mind, it is here your heart can begin to re-design.”

~ plr


You have it in YOU. You are brilliantly designed and if there is turmoil ‘within’ there will be turmoil ‘without’.
You are no good to the ‘whole’ if you don’t become selfish and heal thyself first.
This life is a very personal journey for all of us. It is individual and collective. They go hand in hand.
So let’s stand strong together and help lift this world and all in it to the heights of ecstacy,
to a new timeline, a new earth-world-multiverse of harmony! You can do it, I can do it, everyone can do it.
Do it for the heartbeats of the deer, the whales, dolphins, sharks, turtles, fish, bears, mountains,
rabbits, snakes, birds, bees, trees, rocks, earth, flowers, the air we breathe, clouds, stars and skies …
Do it for everything.

In order to enter the next phase of ‘life’ we must be naked and remove
the deceptions and the overlay of this current system from our mind/body and soul.
Where one can go is an individual choice. Please choose wisely now.


The earth is a duality planet with the complete requisite electro-magnetic spectrum in 3-D …
That contains by definition, a positive and negative Field. We live in an Electric Universe.
Each and every one of us is a conduit of electrical magnetism. We are sparks of Light.
The shape of things to come is determined by your very ‘thoughts’.
The cells in your body take direction from your mind (Thought) and heart.
Stop allowing someone else’s “Thought Forms” to be your guide in Life.


Travel with eternity in the knowingness of wisdom, while at the same time,
not denying the insanity of the current world, which, is causing difficulties for many to manage.
Hold dearly and pay close attention to the visions and vibratorial signatures of the life you wish to live. Focus.
There will be many distractions and deceptions. All you have to do is deny them. Just let go.
Follow your heart and remove guilts, doubts or anything emotional of the kind that hinders your directional intent.
Maintain and be the owner of your emotions always, with love being the Captain of your ship.
It is important that we do this together.

The more of us that walk away with love in our hearts the more we heal those that don’t ‘see’ what we ‘see’
and are not ready to make the quantum leap.
Some might say; “But don’t you care? How can you just walk away?”
To this I will say; “I care so much, I must walk away.”
In doing so we are connecting to the timelines of higher vibrations/frequencies as co-creators.
I hope the path I choose to walk is filled with many.

It was interesting because I have been saying and written “Nature is our greatest ally.”
And this is what happened when I thanked the Earth for carrying me: Thunder Mountain
Then I come to read this by the “Hathors” and it feels right so will share.


“Every person who believes in the timeline of doom, destruction and horror, will add to its reality. Everyone who holds as real the timeline of the New Earth, will add to its reality. You hold in your very nature the power of radical change for yourself and the planet – especially humanity. The reality that will prevail is being anchored through the choices we are now making, both as individuals and as a collective. Enter the timeline of the New Earth and prepare yourself for the miraculous. Finally—let the Earth speak to you. Let her caress you and transfer to you her deepest knowledge and wisdom. She shall be a great ally in the coming changes. As always, even in the midst of such great difficulties as you now face. We hold a higher vision for you, the human family. We see your hidden greatness, even though you may not see it yourself. We hold a light in this hour of darkness. It is just a reminder of the great light you hold within yourself. It is time to free this light within you. Future generations will be blessed by your ascent. May it be so.”
~ The Hathors


We are here to stewardship the planet and all in it, on it and around it, including humankind, towards balance.
For its mind environment has fallen far below the threshold and tis’ now time to inspire it back into focus.
This is one of the challenges. To push the limits beyond anything you thought you ever could.
To believe what you “know” to be true vs. to believe what all the others believe.

I see the existence of ‘bliss’ being pure energy. The tree of life?
Eating from the Tree of good and bad you become like god?
Which god created the idea/meme of polarity? The possibility of how opposite One could go?
How extreme it could take itself? It is time to bring balance of Our’selves’ back to One.
Fear is a creation in the emotional field. Everything is merely creation. It began with Love in its heart.
From there the branches splintered off into the many. The problem has always been choice.
Names, names, names, were co-created by the many. On and on and on it goes.


Out Beyond Ideas of Wrong doing and Right doing, There is a Field.
Meet me There.

When you own your power and know the power of love,
truly, it is here you will walk through fires without getting burned.

Love does conquer all.
It is the most powerful feeling of ALL emotion.
It is the beginning of creation. It is the ONE. It is the Infinite Creator.
Ride the crest of the wave to the Eternalness that YOU ARE.

Whales don’t sing because they have an answer. They sing because they have a song.

I feel as if today the gifts of many are falling upon our path.
The heartbeat of Life Is Listening to our collective calling. Know thyself and keep go, go, going!

“According to the laws of aerodynamics, the bumblebee can’t fly either,
but the bumblebee doesn’t know anything about the laws of aerodynamics,
so it goes ahead and flies anyway.”
~ Igor Sikorsky

Artist: Ivan Berryman

There are many paths on the road to real-eyesation.
Live in kindness.
Meet you all in the middle of forever!

“I am not here to answer your questions, I am here to help you stop asking them.”
~ plr


Let go of confusions. Stop ‘trying’ to make up your mind, and just make it.
This state of ‘being’ envelopes all with a loving energy that has no thought.
It is the formless ‘knowing’. It is living bliss.
Be protective of your environment. You can do it and our world needs it.
Collectively we become the ‘new idea’ that is the love that conquers all.

“A meme is an idea that behaves like a virus– that moves through a population,
taking hold in each person it infects. Memes can replicate vertically or horizontally,
within a single biological generation.”
Malcolm Gladwell


“Sit down before facts like a child, and be prepared to give up every preconceived notion,
follow humbly wherever and to whatever abysses Nature leads, or you shall learn nothing.”
T.H. Huxley


“Slow down, Listen to your heartbeat. Now we can feel. Now we can hear.”
~ plr


“Sometimes you just gotta follow your heart and not wait for knowledge.”
~ plr


Turn off your televisions. They are only there as a meme to “Tell-a-Vision”.
To indoctrinate your mind into believing a version of reality that does not have to be yours.
Yet, yours it is, as long as you keep paying attention to it.

The problem has always been choice 😉

Technology is not progress but regress. Go ‘within’ yourself. Get to truly ‘know thyself’.
The greatest and wisest teachers one could ever have is in nature.
Humanity has lost touch with it and themselves.

Clinging to knowledge. Attached to it so ferrociously.

Are you willing to drop all the knowledge you worked so hard for,
and took all that time to learn,
be willing to let it all go,
if the “truth” that resides “within you” appeared?
Are you willing to let go of the script you’ve been reading from someone else’s dream.
and co-create your own?

Like the Architect said in the Matrix movie: “We’ve done this 6 times, we’ve gotten pretty good at it.”
Cycles, cycles, cycles of time. It is time to stop spinning, someone else’s tale.
It is in ones Silence that the Universe surrenders and listens.
Chase away the darkness with everything ‘you are‘. Pure Electrifyingly Potent Love.
Don’t think twice before you listen to your heart, no matter what.

I feel part of chaos is accumulated energy of “information overload”.
It is time to relax, let go and fly with the flow.
In Chi, In Understanding, In Love, In Forgiveness, In Gratitude, In Respect, In Honour.

I am a growing and evolving Soul, just as you are.
We’re just at different stages of our development and we will all get to where we each desire to be.
May we all have patience with ourselves and be sure to make time to enjoy the journey.
Always be aware of your thoughts, and pay attention to their Quality;
Because what you think about …
Is directly related to what you will see around you, and what Life will show you.
It is the difference between conscious, and subconscious Creation.
Keep putting those positive thoughts out.
Persevere, as we all may have a bit of negative work to undo first, but keep catching yourself.
And focusing on the positive in everything and everyone with gratitude and love.

Then prepare yourself for an “almost magical” transformation of your circumstances.


Logic brings you from A to B , Imagination brings you anywhere.
Albert Einstein


Photo Courtesy Of: The lovely Elena Kalis
Over to Build What You See

The Beauty Of Your Heart

Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on October 13, 2010

There is nothing wrong with all of creation. There is simply something wrong IN IT.
And that means your mind environment.
Yet, all things are perfect as they are, because you determined it.
To receive knowledge, wisdom, experiences, understandings, insights, awareness
and navigating the shamanic landscape, has embellished an even deeper knowing
of gratitude and honour ‘within’, showering my soul feelings,
and wish to experience more to share with others, in this glorious awakening.

“I do not walk my path laying down pebbles or ribbons to find my way back.
I walk as best I can, unattached.”

“Nature is our greatest ally. Be kind to all Life.”

“I speak my truth in comfort, knowing it can change in a heartbeat.
And more importantly, not being afraid to do so.”

“Everything in your behaviour that you do or say, ask yourself,
would you wish for your loving creator to be acting, behaving or saying the same to you?”
~ pamela leigh richards

Each and every one of us is contributing to either destruction or living.
The enemy is not “out there”. The enemy is ‘within’.
Enemies are created, bought and sold on the mind market.
If peace is truly ones focus then remove the manufactured enemies.
It is time to take out the mental trash.
Remove all ill-thoughts, mis-guided behaviours and break the habits.

Wipe the slate clean, free your mind, and build what you see, internally.
I call what we are all doing right now, ‘reality shifting’. Do not think twice before listening to your heart.
Change your internal Universe and existence by letting go of polarity thinking.
Let go of thinking at all. Know your heart. It’s a really, really, massive energetic, ‘knowing’ thing.
Fuse everything into one. All that is not necessary will dissolve and melt away.
Leaving behind the only thing that matters. Keep it simple.
Without words or physicality or explanation, it is simply a heartfelt ‘knowing’.
Get out of your head and into your heart.
And this will then be reflected outwardly. As above, so below. Or, as ‘within’, so ‘without’.
What you ‘think’, co-creates your reality. Think Peace Please.
Live, Breathe, Act, Walk Sacredly with ALL in Harmony.
This does not need lengthy explaining.

“My worth is not based on what I am doing in the eyes of the world,
but what I am doing ‘within’ the ‘eye’ of my heart.
And if I sit just loving all that is, It is here, I have done alot.”
~ pamela leigh richards

The sensitivity of life will present itself in its entirety
When it knows it will be respected and treated with kindness.
Like walking into a library of wisdom ~
Knowing it is here, with grace, we walk in our true essence in sacred silence.
The highest realms of Life will not throw itself as a pearl, to be abused before swine.
Yet, at the same time, the pearl and the swine are merely sitting on opposite ends of the same stick.
They come from the same mother. The same father. They are inseparable, in love.

The depth of True Love,
Has no words to speak of,
Albeit it can be recognized,
In a word that is kind.
~ pamela leigh richards

The Unseen: Be open to believe in more than you can see.
The Unknown: Be open to knowing more than you ‘think’ you know.
The Untold: Be open to exposing that which, was never said.
Free your mind, to bring truth to light.
Just Another View of Life?

Bend like a branch in the wind, in all situations.
Yet, know when to snap back, so as not to be walked on.
Don’t waste your mind or your time. A waste is a terrible thing to mind.
And in doing so, make it swift with a humbled heart.
Doing such a required action with no glee, knowing it was done only as necessary.
I feel it is all a reflection here in the big bubble called our Universe.
Remove all the names, names, names and detach from ‘thought’
and live more visually from the heart.

Take away Time, the movie ends, and we fall into the bliss of pure energy in the ocean of silence,
Yet a deafening paradox of loudness. Of knowingness. Of everything.
Hard to describe in words what I have seen and felt
That exists in the shimmering ocean of the thought-less Knowing.

This is the ‘knowing’ place I have struggled to find words to describe?
For I feel words can sometimes pin one down, like a butterfly on a collectors board.
And collectively, generationally, we have all been taught to some degree, to be afraid of this place.
The Silence. The Calm and Quiet Vestibules between thought in the Ocean of Bliss.
Through insecurities, guilts, not being good enough, doubts, misguided and misinforming voices,
Our ears were hearing and eyes were witnessing. Confusing.
They were nothing more than guards at the door.
And now we have eyes to see, ears to hear, and minds awakening, as we say no more.
Now, it is time. The palace of peace is longing for us all ~ to not be afraid ~ to go there.
This place of knowingness ‘within’ you, has merely been shrouded through raised fears.
And the guards are now falling away at this time in the forever year.
Knowing has never left you. It is within you waiting to be found again.
Once entering this valuable knowing library,
“Respect” is the pass and “Freedom” comes with the territory.

Life sometimes hides what you want and reveals what you need.
Courage is not the absence of fear. For fear could be there to experience the energy of fear itself, which,
will motivate an action that takes us to the point of overcoming that fear and not be stopped by it.
It is also what enables us to do what is ‘right’, even with pressure from others around, to do otherwise.
Or even the pressure from within your own doubting mind, slowing down a decision when you know it’s right.
Decide by following your heart. And out the other side you will emerge.
After the action into the unknown is crossed and where new frontiers reveal …
That nothing was to be afraid of and the beauty of your heart is shown.

May you take a moment aside from the chattering mind and calm it down to real-eyes,
Just how valuable your focus and attention is to bringing your world into a state of peace.
Let go of comparisons, judgements, subtle thoughts and comments
That only lead one down the path of confusion and never ending non-sense.
Keep your mind environment clean and take out the trash.
It is time To remove all fears. To remove false beliefs … and do the Quantum Leap.

When one follows the heart, questions start to fall away.
An unedited excerpt from my up and coming book “OceanHeart ~ Immerse Yourself
“Victimhood. It is about getting out of victimhood and treating everything in a sacred manner.
It is about looking at each experience not as something being done To Us,
but rather something being done For Us. Not like dying in any given situation,
but rather view it as if the gift of the experience is with you to shed the old and re-birthing anew.
To begin anew by shedding old habits, thoughts, patterns of behaviour and old views.
Anything from the past that is not nurturing.
Anything that in the very second before has lost value in the moment of NOW. Quiet and unwind the mind.
Letting go of the dead weights, the balls and chains of emotional bondage that are burdening.
NOW add beautiful light feathers one by one, and before you know it,
you will have full wings to spread and fly freely. It might take some time and it does so seem.
Yet, when it begins to happen you will say to others, It really is that easy.”

Our bodies are Temples. Our minds, hearts and voices are precious and will be heard. Treat everything sacredly.
It is time to Sing. To Unite. And I have a dream. A dream to build a Place of Peace.
It begins ‘within’ and then ‘without’ it shall be.
This “Place” starts in the heart, mind, body and soul. It is A New Sacred Temple. A Palace of Peace.
Like the parable of the mustard seed, the tiniest of seeds, so brilliantly showed me,
that the kingdom of heaven is not in the skies outward. It sits in the everywhere skies ‘within’. In ‘self’.
The All Seeing Eye, is within each and every one of us, in my view. The pineal gland comes to mind.
What are we really? We have determined it. What are we ultimately?
We have determined it as the ‘observer’, alternating out of the NOW or zero point to discover ourselves.
We are each our own universes. Like the universes in the creations of a leaf or tree or planets.
The awakening is so brilliant and exciting as the disguise is coming down.
Stay focussed. Remain on track, never lose sight nor give up on yourself and the focus.
Peace has no enemy and love knows nothing else.
I envision a place with vast forested Lands with many rivers running through it.
By clean and pristine Ocean waters full of life. A place that exists in a higher form that seems formless.
Nature and all of existence purely living and enjoying the ecstasies of harmony.
Animals of all kinds will gather and also live in harmony, for they too,
Will be surrounded by love, And safe to live freely without fear. There is no eating here as know it on Earth.
Our living and sustenance is received in a manner that exists in the ‘just as we are’.
We will know it when we get there 🙂
A Sanctuary of living and opening up to to receiving the gifts of experiencing what life was meant to be like.
Where we move about and fly for there is no gravity as we know it.
Where our forms are more shimmering because we are in a higher frequency.
And where this place will be, in the eyes of immortality, is the next big surprise! Hang on for the ride.
No one is an island unto themselves, therefore, with the vision being held, I open up the door.
Asking for a new beginning, to not re-invent the old, but to co-create anew.
A New View of life and Living. The call is out and building the vision has begun.

It amazes me to hear Mr. Eckhart Tolle speak like this, because it is exactly what I am experiencing and have been writing about in the time since my accident. For those who do not know of the accident and wish to? Please see here for “The Light Will Never Go Out” I just said to a friend last night from a great quote I have heard before, that I strongly see as true; “Part of the problem is continuing to look at the problem.” This is what has been happening in my world and what I am ‘seeing’ and have explained to a few close friends who have been near over these last months helping me during this healing and recovery time. I am simply here existing and observe with wonder, awe, intrigue, and very much aware of an unravelling in our collective world. My mind shuts down sometimes, as if telling me, that what I am looking at or listening to, is no longer relevant. My brain and its purpose as the conduit, between something far greater in consciousness or pure source of energy, and myself, have a real ‘thang’ going on and I am ever so grateful. All that I receive and become aware of that will help the good of the whole, I shall with honour, share. The more I look around, the more physicality seems to be disappearing. The past, the parroting of mis-guiding thoughts, is being removed. I can see the hologram breaking down and what I would consider the overlay disappearing.

Moving Forward Fearlessly

Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on September 10, 2010

Flight, more than anything is the most profound metaphor,
Of pushing our boundaries, reaching beyond ourselves and freedom.
Not only in the physical worlds,
For we all relate to reaching for the sky, reaching to the stars, but within us,
For we all relate to flying in our dreams and soaring in our imagination.
To me our fascination with this fantasy of flight is simple.
Something draws us beyond what we think we are, for more of what we truly are.
For each and every one of us, at any point on our journey, has an opportunity to look within
And take a step beyond ourselves.
And the metaphor of flight will always be the most profound expression of this.
Flight is also the most profound expression of freedom.
And this freedom gives us an opportunity to see our world and this experience we call life,
From an even greater perspective.
For as we cruise along from our lofty perch, we get to look down on the world, our world.
And see it from a higher perspective.
And as we look off to a distant horizon,
We can’t help but wonder what might lie beyond that horizon.
And then as we look up into a seemingly never ending sky
We can’t help but wonder what it might take to go beyond our current perception.
And climb even higher.
This is the magic and the power of flight. And the freedom it presents.
To the clouds … to the stars.
The opportunities of flight are endless, and they are also timeless.
For we were drawn beyond ourselves in the past.
We are drawn beyond ourselves in the present.
And we will be drawn beyond ourselves in the future.
The metaphor of flight and the freedom it expresses, Has the power and the potential
To touch each and every one of us, In very profound ways.
Not only as individuals, but as a society and as a planet.
We’ve seen the last 100 years. Let’s create the next.
Flight, more than anything on this planet Symbolizes our deepest desire.
To push our boundaries and to reach beyond ourselves.

Let’s use it to inspire humanity to take the next step on its journey.

Thank you dear friend, Kermit Weeks.

“Since the dawn of time, man has been fascinated by flight.”

“That fascination is a physical reflection of what we all long to return to.”

“We all fly in our dreams and when we awake, we long for that inner freedom.”

“I hope the fantasy of flight will help light that spark within,

to continue you on your journey.”

~ Kermit Weeks


“Once you have tasted flight
You will walk the earth
With your eyes turned skywards
For there you have been
And there you will long to return.”

~ Leonardo Da Vinci

Click the link below to view the acceptance speech. It will move you to ‘feel’, something good!
Living Legend of Aviation Kermit Weeks Receives the Bob Hoover Freedom of Flight Award.

Feel Your Essence Build Peace

Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on September 03, 2010

“One of the greatest contributions I have given to Life, is making up my mind.”
~ pamela leigh richards

Open your heart and feel the power of love that has been sown.
That needs to be shared across the universe we have ever known.
The magnificent power of the energy of light that is free and abounds
That flies and its movement is everywhere awaiting your awakening
To unleash it and put an end to all pain.
May all be enveloped with this heart of change
So false infractions never do what they did before, and could never do again.
Bring the purity of love that is ‘formless’ into this ‘form of matter’.
In sympathetic resonance, through ones imagination, ‘thought’ and harmony.
With gratitude, honour and respect, I am truth-speaking.

History is bound to be repeated, unless you learn from it.
The Architect said to Neo in the Matrix movie “We’ve done this six times already,
We’ve gotten pretty good at it.”

History, [cycles of time] as we currently “know” it …
Is a revised edition, revisionist reconfiguring of linear events to a pre-determined destination
And thus is a pre-determined mind set for the largely unthinking mass consciousness
As we observe it today.

Upon closer scrutiny, when real thinking and inquiry is applied to this revisionist text, we must first discard all the usual signposts that we have been “taught” to view history through and within.
One of these signposts that we take as “normal,” but is really just another revisionist trick of the magicians and spin-doctors, is the linear nature of history and of time itself.
Time is not linear, it is spherical and holographic.

History, therefore, is not linear, and the revised editions are not only written forward towards a
pre-determined destination, it is also written backwards, revised from the back end,
starting from the pre-determined conclusion and being filled in accordingly all the way to the beginning.

The real question we must then ask is why and how did the spin-doctors
know the destination in the first place from which to spin their tale both forwards and backwards?
The answer is quite simple, and when considered objectively and without the mind-set of the spin,
is painfully obvious. The answer is simply that the destination was inherent in the inception.

You see, we humans are much more than we allow ourselves to be.
We are indeed partners with creation, partners with our Divine Source…
we are co-creators in this ongoing and eternal game of creation.
As such, we are literally bio-crystalline, virtual reality projecting units that can indeed
be the Cause and not at the effect of our own creation. But we can be controlled.
We can be entrained by a simple law of mechanics known as sympathetic resonance
in which, like a hundred pendulum clocks that begin their mechanistic timing at random
but quickly entrain to each other if placed together in an enclosed environment,
we can also be entrained to project our reality projections into a predetermined construction
based on fear and separation. We can be divided and thereby conquered,
entrained to believe that there is an enemy that is keeping us from ourselves.
The fourth dimensional overlords know this fact very well, and they have been working
with their third dimensional counterparts for these last 13,000 years,
because they knew one very important fact that we were kept in the dark from.
That fact was that there would come a time when the fourth dimensional overlords,
by divine law and legally binding contract, would have to leave,
so they have spent all these years working and training those on the ground in 3D
to achieve an artificially maintained hologram into which the six billion incarnate forms on the planet would continue to project the reality of lack and limitation, fear and survival, and thereby be controlled.

But now the treaty is over…and those of us who are awake in the game are free.
But in order to be free, one must be truly free of all things that bind…
fear, belief in lack and limitation, belief systems of all kinds, belief in limiting sciences,
limiting religious forms, beliefs that beliefs are real.
For, you know, the animal that is domesticated and trained to live on a leash or in a cage
will not be able to leave the cage even when the bars are removed.
It is only the one who knows that the bars were never there in the first place
who can walk free from the illusory cage first.

In the age-old image of the Ouroboros lies the thought of devouring oneself and turning oneself
into a circulatory process, for it was clear to the more astute alchemists
that the prima materia of the art was man [physical thought form] himself.
The Ouroboros is a dramatic symbol for the integration and assimilation of the opposite, i.e. of the shadow.

This ‘feed-back’ process is at the same time a symbol of immortality, since it is said of the Ouroboros
that he slays himself and brings himself to life, fertilizes himself and gives birth to himself.
[birth=co-creation by thought-intention-encoded-blueprinted-projected-holographically]
He symbolizes the One, who proceeds from the clash of opposites, and he therefore constitutes
the secret of the prima materia which … unquestionably stems from man’s unconscious.
We are a planet of Freewill and we are a creation of love.
Fear and deception will destroy us, whereas the love vibration
and an understanding of who we are will bring peace and harmony to the entire galaxy.
[The 1 symbolizes the Alpha, The Beginning. The 9 symbolizes the Omega, The End.]
[The number 19 is the number of the Sun. 19=(9+1)=10 10=(1+0)=1. The Father and Sun are 1.]
[We are the 1’s we have been waiting for. The inner light we all carry. Lighten up!]
[The illusion is that all flames are hot. They are not.
[Light picks up code and carries information.]
[Cycles of ‘time’ reflecting, repeating and fulfilling itself again and again, history, his-story, his-lie.]
[Polarity began when darkness entered the equation.]
[It is time to Light Up. It is time to Wake Up and Open Your Eyes to a new Reality in Harmony]
Some supporting documentation: Ken Cousins, Holographic History

The Big Bang was the marriage of Light and Dark?
Polarity began when darkness entered the equation. Co-creating forms of ‘matter’.
The original ‘thought’ that ‘thought all life into existence, was living in peace and harmony.
My view is that the Sun is the original Source. The coherent Light. The original ‘thinker’.
Which is why it was worshipped so much through Sun-worship. I feel it could be a Stargate as well.

I also feel this Stargate or Inner Sun is within each and every one of us to co-create.
We are co-creators and have the power ‘within’ to do this.
“Source”, call it god, oneness, infinite all, or whatever name, name, name you give it,
the pureness energy of ‘life’ is in everything, and I feel, is there to be used wisely and kindly.
Keep it Simple!
It does not ‘matter’ what “Form of Matter” one is in, be it the clothes one wears or the colour of ones skin.
What ‘matters’ is where ones Heart sits. Where ones Intentions sit.

Light picks up ‘thought’, as this generates information and encodes it.
Then manifests it as your co-creation. Thoughts create.
It is time to be coherent. Bring balance in. It is time to wipe the slate and thoughts clean and begin anew.
The devil’s in the detail. Keep them busy on the farm. Keep them in constant confusion. The polarity.
The back and forth, the yo-yo, the yin yang, the left right, the up and down. The who you going to vote for?
No more.

The darkness said to the Light “I offer you all the kingdoms of the world, if you bow to me”. The Light said;
“They are not yours to give for they only exist because of the Light I give you, holographically speaking.”
“I am in this world (the Light) but not ‘of’ it”. Of course not.
The Light is here and there and everywhere, what I call the white thread of love in truth-speaking.
It permeates everything, for it is the Source of Creation. Get it? No name. Just is what it is.
Do not get lost in the distractions of names, names, names, for there are many, many to capture your mind.
Some co-creators have abused the Lights powers for its own greed and eventually will be its own self-destructing.

And it too, can be re-born again to come back in another cycle of ‘time’.
I simply choose not to support this timeline.
Change your mind, change the world. Change direction and focus? Change your life.
The darkness can appear as an Angel of Light? Of course it can.
For in a holographic universe many, many pictures can be contained within the same picture frame.
The wolf in sheep clothing? The darkness in human form? Yes, indeed it can be.
Remember, it is not the clothes one wears to look at, it is the heart ‘within’ to pay attention to.

Do not get caught in the web of deceipt. Follow your heart, stop ‘thinking’ so much and keep it simple.

And whoever/whatever, encoded/wrote/entered into the equation
that women must bear pain on childbirth forgot one thing … It is not nice to fool Mother Nature.
Love is All. Our greatest ally is Nature and we are all a part of it.
Be kind to yourself. Love yourself. Love Life.
Protect your environment and what enters your eyes/ears/mind/body and soul. All your senses.
Free Your Mind, Remove Fear, Wipe the Slate Clean and Know Thyself.
Stop intellectualizing everything and go ‘within’.
Rise, Awaken, and become the powerful loving being you are.
Remember you are the Captain of your water/body/vessel/vehicle. You are the Captain of your ship!

“Where you look, there you are. Your reality awaits you”

“One of the most interesting definitions of enlightenment I have ever heard described
Was having ones Heart and Mind Rise to the Heights of Ecstasy
And then Sink to the Depths of Despair
Alternating at the Speed of Light Between the Two.”

When one sees the truth, the world turns out to be a dream, a fiction in ones mind.
We are fully real-eyes’d beings, saying that we are not.
One will come to see that this is a fiction of ones imagination, a dream.
And when one lets go of it, what is left over is the infinite one in all.
Then it is here one is fully real-eyes’d and totally free.
Learn to act, not react. Let outer events be a reflection of inner action:
solve problems inwardly, as the gods do, and outer events will follow.
Walk in a sacred manner.

“When we have absolute ‘nothingness’, then, we will be free.”
Just Another View of Life.

Do not think twice before you listen to your heart.
Let go of all attachments, fears and misguided belief systems.
Remove the names, names, names for ‘things’, and simply listen to your ‘within’

and follow the Light of your Heart.


quotes and writing: © pamela leigh richards, plr.

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