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The Shift Is Within, and Listening

Posted in: Quotes & Poetry by Pamela on February 09, 2011

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
~ William Shakespeare

“That’s why this One’self’ cries. That is why tears fall from these eyes.
The Ocean Waters of the Divine Creator in Action expressing upon one’selfs’ face,
from thy Heart it pours in form. Sea-See-Water. The Philosophers Stone.”
~ pamela leigh richards

Get ready for Contact. Contact with your’self’. Your own Awakening is the Contact.
Be creative! Some’One” else was.

“One of the greatest contributions I have given to Life, Is making up my mind.”
~ pamela leigh richards

“A Sea of You. A Perfect Time For Flying Carpets.
A Perfect Time To Get To Know Life. To Get Out, To Go ‘Within’.
To Turn Your’self’ Inside Out. And do the vastly Different.
Where you Look, There You Are, Your Reality Awaits You.”
~ pamela leigh richards

“I love who I am. I love more who I am not.”
Amo Qui Sum. Magis amo, qui sum non
~ pamela leigh richards

“What Is Your Nature?
No ‘thing’ that you do, not one skill or talent that you have ..
Matters more than the Heart ‘within’, the only thing you need to ‘be’.
Wear it well on your sleave, so others can ‘see’.”
~ pamela leigh richards

“There is nothing one can do that cannot be forgiven. No’thing’.
The thing is, one must forgive one’self’ firstly.
Then One’selfs’ Forgiveness will be united with the Forgiveness of One.”

“In this Ocean of Energy, in a world of density and form of holographic matter …
Where to speak is through the Vesica Pisces of her creative mouth, with words that carry …
The symbols that will flow from her lips wherever they stick,
Like feathers as necessary to be heard, in order to bring about understandings …
Clarities, purities and symphonies of harmonic convergences into balance. So be it.
She is truth-speaking.”

“Life knows the meaning behind these words.
How you interpret them ~ is between you and your creator
If it takes more time for us to be understood
Remember, Life is patient and kind, and has nothing to lose.
For Life has all the time in the world.”
~ pamela leigh richards

“History is bound to be repeated unless you learn from it.
We are not here to repeat it, nor are we here to hurt, harm or confuse.
It is time to change the sequence and equations.
To flow in fractality, to spin in another direction by changing the code.
And re-writing the patterns of ones Environ’mental’ behaviour.”
~ pamela leigh richards

“Our Power is in Our Love. Our Might is in our Passion. Love is an ever flowing energy with no thought. Its understandings are carried through its light. Existing and living in the ever present moments of now, which, the collective mind sees as the end of the minute before and beginning of the hour in the morrow. Love does not. It just flows.” ~ pamela leigh richards

Stillness. The love given to Another. May this love be shared with the All, without thought.
Simply and purely from the free flowing energies of the Heart.
This One’self’ shares the same, even if it might appear not.
For stillness and doing nothing are two very different things.
It is the internal Stillness that radiates this Love most powerfully.
Please pass this stillness on and on and on … in your own unique song.
~ pamela leigh richards

“Know where the power rests ‘within’ you. In the Calm of the Heart.
And when you real-eyes how close it is, one’self’ will awaken to understanding that …
It is in the kind little things we do …
And its effects are far more reaching and bigger than we could possibly imagine.”
pamela leigh richards

“…that there is no ‘right way’ to do anything, there is only the way you are doing it.
Never be afraid to ‘try your hand’ because you don’t want to,
might make a mistake, or not do something right.”
“Success in life comes from being willing to move into Unchartered Territory.
Always remember: Life begins at the end of your Comfort Zone.”
~ Neale Donald Walsch

“Can you hum? Then consider your’self’ a singer. Can you hear an instrument of your liking playing in your mind? Consider your’self’ a musician. When you look at the beauty of nature and feel something, yet, have no words to it? Consider your’self’ a poet. Whatever it is you ‘think’ you aren’t, you already are and the audience is always there.”
pamela leigh richards

Images not defined: Sources unknown at this time
International Space Station Photos: View out of the cupola at Earth
Repeat This
The Event Horizon
Another View of Life

Two Years to begin letting go.

Posted in: Drawings by Pamela on November 10, 2008

I drew this in 1986 two years after the murder of my younger brother, Robert, in October, 1984.

I never knew. It took me for a very long loop.
Something happened at this two year mark, in 1986 where I drew this ~ where things, where my surroundings, were becoming okay to feel and hear again. I was so lost, so devastated, it hurt to breathe. Yet now, my heart was feeling lighter and could breathe more easily. Don’t know why or how, it just happened. My heart was simply enjoying and sensing this emotional release,  dissolving the enormous pain upon my being that seemed never ending. The drawing depicts that moment of releasing. Leaving the dark one walking into the Sunlight.

With never ending love in my heart, goodbye.

So freeing.

This was the first break in recovery from grief.

It took another three years before the magical moment happened.

Something out of the ether completely unexpected ~ and if it didn’t I would not be writing this.

Five years to the month, from October of 1984, to October of 1989,

it happened unbeknownst to me.

October, 1989.

Living in my apartment still trying to breathe in life and living, for it made no sense to me and wanted out of this emotional misery and grief. It was excruciating. I had it all planned out, and how I was going to do it. I could not take it anymore.

As clear as day I remember this moment.

I dropped to my knees and prayed to God (whatever that is) saying:

“Please let my heart stop.”

The very moment I said that?

You could not put a cigarette paper between me saying it and what happened next.


Something energetically, as I call it, came up and slapped me up the backside of my head.

That is what it felt like.

The dark world I lived in for five years slammed shut!

And Pamela came back. Just like that.

I set goals and attained every single one of them.

Everyone around me were saying “What happened to you?

One minute you want to die, the next you are happy to live!”

Yes I was very happy! And have no idea what happened. It just did.

And on we go to another Chapter of this amazing life we live.

Robert came to me telepathically in 1998 in Cancun.

2020: All in more detail in one of the four books I’m writing.

Love to ALL.

Dream ~ Two Keys

Posted in: A - Her Lucid and Mystical Experiences by Pamela on October 11, 2008

Another amazingly real and lucid dream I had.
It was incredibly beautiful and intensely profound in some deep meaningful way.

I would love to draw and paint it some day.

In this dream my former husband, British author, David Icke, and I,

were both standing, or rather floating in the middle of this vast expansion of the Universe.

It was brilliantly dark, yet there was light illuminating our forms and the near space around us.

We were facing each other with a large wooden door floating to my right and his left.
Nothing was said. We just stood there in silence.
I was looking down at my left hand carrying two barrel keys,
as he was looking at me.

With my right hand I picked one of them up.
Turning to the door I leaned over and placed it through the keyhole,

turned it and pulled it out.

(This image of the light coming through the keyhole,
was almost identical to the one in this experience.)

The door did not open I just pulled the key out.

I knew it was not meant to open.


I turned to face him and without ‘thought’, it was already understood what was to happen next.
He extended his right hand to me palm up.
I placed the key in his hand and gently folded it while cupping my hands over his.
Then looked up, eye to eye, and smiled.
There were no words said. It was all very deep in its meaning, extremely powerful.
So loving with its intentions and understandings. On some level what this means is known.
For now, it remains simply a beautiful moment.

There are many keys that open many doors to many gates.
Life seems to be a very personal journey indeed.

For I real-eyes’d that as the parable of the mustard seed the tiniest of seeds,
so brilliantly showed me, that their is a key ‘within’ each of us,
so uniquely coded, malleable and open to be rewritten at any time.
It is also I believe, a co-hear-and-see reality.
The kingdom of heaven is not alone in the cosmos.
It is vastly alive holding hands with each and every one of us.
It sits as well in the everywhere skies ‘within’, of ‘self discovery’.

“Peace has no enemy and love knows nothing else.”
Dream ~ The 7 Seals

The Signposts

Posted in: A Clearing with David Icke by Pamela on September 29, 2008

This website contains merely “post it notes” of my life.
In a holding pattern for now, assisting memoirs being written.

“It’s not just personal, it’s Universal.”
~ plr

I am assuming those reading this will know what and whom it is about.
If you don’t ~ you soon will.
So will I.

So when I arrived in Sedona, Arizona,
after leaving my home in England,
and husband David Icke, on February 3rd, 2008,
I had this idea to help spread the message David is sharing in a creative way.

You see, we parted amicably, all was good,
as it always should be in a coherent manner.

And three months later,
I received a lovely email from David May 14, 2008, saying:

“The signs gave me a laugh.
love, David”

So when I arrived in Sedona to begin a new life,
I was seeing all these barricades up.
It had a feeling of prison walls as they were widening the roads while under construction.
I thought to plant some seeds in the minds of all those people passing by?
I took photographs then went back the following day for some daylight shots.
So here goes with a loving heart and great sense of humor.
The world needs a giggle, and we are coming in with the tickle!







I walked across the street to take this photo,

Under a Full Moon.

It was my headlights shining on …

“Peace is Easy, and Truth is not Dangerous.”

~ plr

The Moment Matters.

“I’ve lived, loved, cried, fell down, laughed, died, got up, I never knew, I grew, to love more.”

All photos © pamela leigh richards

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