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    The Rest of My Life

    Posted in: Quotes & Poetry,The Observation Deck by Pamela on December 15, 2010

    As above, so below.
    We are created holographically.
    Everything is connected. We are not the same yet come from the same.
    The universe is a hologram where every part contains the whole.
    Outside echoing the thoughts and mind inside, reflecting.
    Build it and they will come.
    Change your mind, Change the World.

    “There is consciousness in all that exists on Earth, down to the molecules in your fingertips, and it is all meant to work together. Consciousness communicates continuously by vibrations of electromagnetic frequencies. These frequencies connect and have a cooperative investment in working together so that each benefits the whole.
    [Holograms thrive on constructing frequencies.]
    The difficulty with Earth at this time is that humans believe they are separate from all the energy that is here to work together. Your current belief in separate parts prevents you from seeing and accessing the wholeness of existence.” ~ Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library

    Follow the white thread of love, that which, is in everything in kind.
    Treat it with dignity and respect. With love from the depths of your heart.
    Feel it. Care for it. Love it as if it were your last breathe carrying you home.
    It has meaning. It has life. It is conscious and has feelings.
    No matter how small, it too, that little white thread of love, is something to be seen.

    “…that the salvation of this human world lies nowhere else than in the human heart,
    in the human power to reflect, in human meekness and human responsibility.”
    ~ Vaclav Havel

    “Through the Eye of the Storm, We will always come out Whole.”
    ~ pamela leigh richards

    “Dance, Dance, Dance, in the while the Rain Drops, The falling Snows,
    The Ice Melts and the Flower of Your Heart Grows.”

    Dare to Live every moment, as if it were your last.
    Dance, not because you want to, but because you have to.
    Purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor.
    It is to enjoy every step along the way.
    Say what you were ever afraid to say.
    Listen, when you did not think you ever would.
    Slow down your breathing before ever speaking.
    Love the very thing you felt your heart never could.
    Look where thine eyes feared to seek.
    Embrace All with forgiveness and understandings.
    And in the end, merging into New Beginnings.
    This shall be a mighty fine relief.
    ~ pamela leigh richards

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