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Posted in: Quotes & Poetry,The Observation Deck by Pamela on December 14, 2010

“Our existence in ‘form’ of matter, is merely ‘living art’ by thought”.
~ pamela leigh richards

The next quantum leap in understanding, is what dominates the animation of the art?
The Mind or the Heart?

“Our greatest discoveries will not be found in ‘outer space’, they will be real-eyes’d in ‘inner space’.”
pamela leigh richards

I feel to share with you what I have been experiencing, especially since spending time in Egypt with some of the most highly evolved entities of consciousness called “Dolphins” and then onwards to having brain surgery. I have only recently come into a sequence of profound synchronistic attention grabbers that sparked more of the knowingness held ‘within’, seemingly for a long time, now emerging? I have felt it like a percolating energy just waiting, like a race horse behind the gate before it opens, chomping at the bit as the excitement builds to share. We are on the threshold of an amazing point in time. No matter what is happening, know you are not alone and it is going to be okay.

There is nothing else to hold onto but your’self’. Like a sinking ship that seems to be before us?
It is not until the ship is just about to go under that anyone actually ‘does’ something or makes a move?
Well, we are at that precipice now. Nothing to fear, but fear itself. Nothing to worry about, no matter what.
I know it is easier said than done sometimes which, is why that great ol’ saying comes in handy …
“when one is down the other is up”. We can not do this alone. Nor were we ever meant to.
It was never meant to be difficult nor does it have to be. Humans can complicate things so easily.
Not because they wish to but because they know nothing else or rather, they have simply forgotten,
now remembering. It is easy if you allow it to be. You are the Captains of your water, body, vessel, vehicle, ships.
Your mind & the direction of your Heart will steer you where you choose.
Choose wisely, calmly, respectfully, sacredly, and honourably.
Do not think twice before listening to your Heart.
Wipe your mind free. Take the quantum leap and trust your’self’.
Trust your Heart knowing you will have wings to fly and always soft landings when all is said and done.

“If I teach anything, I desire it to be that I teach myself
To Love her, for that is okay.
For I am not always what you believe and say.”

HARMONY is a state recognized by great philosophers as the immediate prerequisite of beauty. A compound is termed beautiful only when its parts are in harmonious combination. The world is called beautiful and its Creator is designated the Good because good perforce must act in conformity with its own nature; and good acting according to its own nature is harmony, because the good which it accomplishes is harmonious with the good which it is. Beauty, therefore, is harmony manifesting its own intrinsic nature in the world of form.

The universe is made up of successive gradations of good, these gradations ascending from matter (which is the least degree of good) to spirit (which is the greatest degree of good). In man, his superior nature is the summum bonum. It therefore follows that his highest nature most readily cognizes good because the good external to him in the world is in harmonic ratio with the good present in his soul. What man terms evil is therefore, in common with matter, merely the least degree of its own opposite. The least degree of good presupposes likewise the least degree of harmony and beauty. Thus deformity (evil) is really the least harmonious combination of elements naturally harmonic as individual units. Deformity is unnatural, for, the sum of all things being the Good, it is natural that all things should partake of the Good and be arranged in combinations that are harmonious. Harmony is the manifesting expression of the Will of the eternal Good.

Life is a song. Life is harmony in motion.
Life is an ever evolving dance whose steps are not about where they are going,
but the one we are now making.
I had kind tears in the shower the other day and said to myself
“Tears are merely reflections of God in action.”
They are healing and when necessary, shed them for release.
They want to flow just like the waterfalls after the snows.

“There is no death, there is simply here and there and everywhere.”
pamela leigh richards

Lady Bird Image: Background Pictures.
Water Flower Image: SixString

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