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    Fly with Me Productions

    The Shift Is Within, and Listening

    Posted in: Quotes & Poetry by Pamela on February 09, 2011

    “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
    ~ William Shakespeare


    “That’s why this One’self’ cries.
    That is why tears fall from these eyes
    The Ocean Waters of the Divine Creator in Action
    expressing upon one’selfs’ face,
    from thy Heart it pours in form.
    The Philosophers Stone.”
    ~ plr


    Get ready for Contact. Contact with your’self’.

    Your own Awakening is the Contact.

    Be creative! Some’One” else was.


    “One of the greatest contributions I have given to Life,
    Is making up my mind.”
    ~ plr


    A Sea of You. A Perfect Time For Flying Carpets.


    A Perfect Time To Get To Know Life. To Get Out, To Go ‘Within’.


    To Turn Your’self’ Inside Out. And do the vastly Different.


    Where you Look, There You Are, Your Reality Awaits You.


    “I love who I am. I love more who I am not.”
    Amo Qui Sum. Magis amo, qui sum non
    ~ plr



    “What Is Your Nature? No ‘thing’ that you do, not one skill or talent that you have ..
    Matters more than the Heart ‘within’, the only thing you need to ‘be’.
    Wear it well on your sleeve, so others can ‘see’.”
    ~ plr



    “There is nothing one can do that cannot be forgiven.


    The thing is, one must forgive one’self’ firstly.
    Then One’selfs’ Forgiveness will be united with the Forgiveness of All One.”


    “In this Ocean of Energy, in a world of density and form of holographic matter …
    Where to speak is through the Vesica Piscis of her creative mouth, with words that carry …
    The symbols that will flow from her lips wherever they stick,
    Like feathers as necessary to be heard, in order to bring about understandings …
    Clarities, purities and symphonies of harmonic convergences into balance. So be it.
    She is truth-speaking.”


    “Life knows the meaning behind these words.
    How you interpret them ~ is between you and your creator
    If it takes more time for us to be understood
    Remember, Life is patient and kind, and has nothing to lose.
    For Life has all the time in the world.”
    ~ pamela leigh richards


    “History is bound to be repeated unless you learn from it.
    We are not here to repeat it, nor are we here to hurt, harm or confuse.
    It is time to change the sequence and equations.
    To flow in fractality, to spin in another direction by changing the code.
    And re-writing the patterns of ones Environ’mental’ behaviour.”
    ~ pamela leigh richards

    “Our Power is in Our Love. Our Might is in our Passion. Love is an ever flowing energy with no thought. Its understandings are carried through its light. Existing and living in the ever present moments of now, which, the collective mind sees as the end of the minute before and beginning of the hour in the morrow. Love does not. It just flows.” ~ pamela leigh richards

    Stillness. The love given to Another. May this love be shared with the All, without thought.
    Simply and purely from the free flowing energies of the Heart.
    This One’self’ shares the same, even if it might appear not.
    For stillness and doing nothing are two very different things.
    It is the internal Stillness that radiates this Love most powerfully.
    Please pass this stillness on and on and on … in your own unique song.
    ~ pamela leigh richards

    “Know where the power rests ‘within’ you. In the Calm of the Heart.
    And when you real-eyes how close it is, one’self’ will awaken to understanding that …
    It is in the kind little things we do …
    And its effects are far more reaching and bigger than we could possibly imagine.”
    pamela leigh richards

    “…that there is no ‘right way’ to do anything, there is only the way you are doing it.
    Never be afraid to ‘try your hand’ because you don’t want to,
    might make a mistake, or not do something right.”
    “Success in life comes from being willing to move into Unchartered Territory.
    Always remember: Life begins at the end of your Comfort Zone.”
    ~ Neale Donald Walsch

    “Can you hum? Then consider your’self’ a singer. Can you hear an instrument of your liking playing in your mind? Consider your’self’ a musician. When you look at the beauty of nature and feel something, yet, have no words to it? Consider your’self’ a poet. Whatever it is you ‘think’ you aren’t, you already are and the audience is always there.”
    pamela leigh richards

    Images not defined: Sources unknown at this time
    International Space Station Photos: View out of the cupola at Earth
    Repeat This
    The Event Horizon
    Another View of Life

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