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    Fly with Me Productions

    Moving Forward Fearlessly

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on September 10, 2010

    Flight, more than anything is the most profound metaphor,
    Of pushing our boundaries, reaching beyond ourselves and freedom.
    Not only in the physical worlds,
    For we all relate to reaching for the sky, reaching to the stars, but within us,
    For we all relate to flying in our dreams and soaring in our imagination.
    To me our fascination with this fantasy of flight is simple.
    Something draws us beyond what we think we are, for more of what we truly are.
    For each and every one of us, at any point on our journey, has an opportunity to look within
    And take a step beyond ourselves.
    And the metaphor of flight will always be the most profound expression of this.
    Flight is also the most profound expression of freedom.
    And this freedom gives us an opportunity to see our world and this experience we call life,
    From an even greater perspective.
    For as we cruise along from our lofty perch, we get to look down on the world, our world.
    And see it from a higher perspective.
    And as we look off to a distant horizon,
    We can’t help but wonder what might lie beyond that horizon.
    And then as we look up into a seemingly never ending sky
    We can’t help but wonder what it might take to go beyond our current perception.
    And climb even higher.
    This is the magic and the power of flight. And the freedom it presents.
    To the clouds … to the stars.
    The opportunities of flight are endless, and they are also timeless.
    For we were drawn beyond ourselves in the past.
    We are drawn beyond ourselves in the present.
    And we will be drawn beyond ourselves in the future.
    The metaphor of flight and the freedom it expresses, Has the power and the potential
    To touch each and every one of us, In very profound ways.
    Not only as individuals, but as a society and as a planet.
    We’ve seen the last 100 years. Let’s create the next.
    Flight, more than anything on this planet Symbolizes our deepest desire.
    To push our boundaries and to reach beyond ourselves.

    Let’s use it to inspire humanity to take the next step on its journey.

    Thank you dear friend, Kermit Weeks.


    “Since the dawn of time, man has been fascinated by flight.”

    “That fascination is a physical reflection of what we all long to return to.”

    “We all fly in our dreams and when we awake, we long for that inner freedom.”

    “I hope the fantasy of flight will help light that spark within,

    to continue you on your journey.”

    ~ Kermit Weeks


    “Once you have tasted flight
    You will walk the earth
    With your eyes turned skywards
    For there you have been
    And there you will long to return.”

    ~ Leonardo Da Vinci

    Click the link below to view the acceptance speech. It will move you to ‘feel’, something good!
    Living Legend of Aviation Kermit Weeks Receives the Bob Hoover Freedom of Flight Award.

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