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    Copyright © 2008-
    Fly with Me Productions

    “Nothing can ever get in the way of the path when you know which one you are on.”

    “During electrical storms, he would have his black mohair sofa moved in front of a window.
    There he’d sit for hours, privately applauding the bolts of lightning
    with the rapture and relish of one artist appreciating the work of an equal…”
    -Mark Twain reminiscing on his old friend Nikola Tesla.

    “The day when we shall know exactly what “electricity” is,
    will chronicle an event probably greater, more important
    than any other recorded in the history of the human race.
    The time will come when the comfort, the very existence perhaps of man
    will depend upon that wonderful agent.”
    Nikola Tesla

    “When you forget everything you come into being.”
    pamela leigh richards

    WRITTEN IN 2010 after a brain injury: “I have no excuse for what I see.
    And if you cannot see what I see, then I shall leave you to your excuse.”
    “We are spheres of experience.”

    “I care not what you wear. I care what is in your Nature. Wear your god well.”

    “To go through the door you must drop the thought”.
    “You cannot fly with excess baggage.”

    “One Minute to be IN it.”

    “The flute does not produce music unless one blows in it.
    Therefore one is led to the question: who is blowing the pipe?”
    J. C. Pecker —Solar Interior and Atmosphere.

    “Let go of who you ‘think’ you should be in order to be who you are.”

    “When the world gets crazy, remain calm.
    When everything seems to be going mad is when it is time to slow down.
    Be the difference you wish to see in the world no matter what it looks like in the ebb and flow.
    Go with Know.”

    Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart.
    Who looks outside dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.
    ~ Carl Jung

    “Look for the answer in your question.”
    “Procure a resposta dentro de sua pergunta.”
    “Cercare la risposta alla vostra domanda.”
    “Sehen Sie sich für die Antwort auf ihre Frage.”
    ~ Rumi

    “I am not here to answer your question, I am here to help you stop asking them.”

    I wrote this after my near fatal accident involving a traumatic brain injury.
    I say I got rid of all the trash and kept the good stuff. Nature is our greatest friend.
    Remove Fear.

    Top Images Left and Right: copyright 2007 Pamela in the Red Sea Egypt
    All other images: Unless noted sources unknown
    All Quotes: Unless noted, copyright Pamela Leigh Richards

    “Build What You See”

    Check this In! John Byler and brain injury.
    Check this In! Annie Ricketts and brain injury

    The ‘Aha’ Moment

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on July 02, 2012

    Highly recommend the one hour presentation by Mr. Peter Russell. He is speaking about the very things I have been experiencing and puts it Simply and Understandably with added doses of laughter.

    “Wear your God well” and “I care not what you wear, I care what is in your Nature.”
    May your god go with you *giggling*

    “God sleeps in the rock
    Dreams in the plant
    Stirs in the animal
    And awakens in man”
    ~ Ben Al-Arabi

    Light the world with the torch of your own fire.
    Now here is the difference. It is not what you think.

    “I feel we are changing the shape of existence and it is happening all the time.
    And we are just now becoming aware of it.”

    “Love those who have lost their way and Love more, those who can’t open the door.”

    Constructing the Eye.
    I have had this limited print (13/500) for a long time and forgot. Bought it because I was drawn to it. Apparently it is of a rock that dates back millions of years magnified to a degree that you see this. I believe we can see here something speaking. Sacred Geometries/Creation and life itself. I believe Life is beyond what we ‘think’ we will ever see.

    I believe it is something that exists without touch, taste, sight as we know it, feeling, hearing or even language. It is nameless and will never be ‘seen’ by an instrument of this realty. We can’t catch it basically. I feel it is an understanding of what happened to me in the Wall of Bliss. I like to keep things simple and have more to share with an angle of perception that I feel will help many and ever so happy for such good company. I am honoured, grateful, touched, moved, and Thank you all for being a part of this magnificent journey together. Living, learning, experiencing and all sharing. Brilliant!

    “We are co-conductors in the orchestra.
    We are the instrumentalists as well as the instrument.
    Play well.”

    “There is no death, only the seen and unseen. Suffering remains without understanding.
    Nature is not the focus. Humanity is.”
    Together we envision clean waters, clean skies, clean air, clean earth and most of all … clean minds.
    When we change that, our beautiful world will too.

    “Is life about the world we live in? Or Living in the world.
    Change direction and life will follow.”

    Tears flow because when you are dropping a mental habit of thought, a comfort zone, it is no different than losing a loved one. It is one and the same trying to cling to familiarity afraid of letting go. Habits are hard to break and truth is stranger than fiction. Teachings come to us in varying degrees. All the same nonetheless, I understand, and easier said than done. Let the tears flow, they are merely the god particle expressing the heart of compassion and always know that when you push from the edge, calm waters surround you.

    “What do you do when you don’t know? Stop asking the question.”
    “To a mind that is still the universe surrenders.”
    Lao Tzu

    It’s called the In-Terrestrial-Net.
    Caught in the wormhole of the Wire tapping into your mind.
    Inter-Net (enter the net)

    “Go with the flow as the Captain of your ship 🙂 Fly and land where you wish.”
    Nice to know we are not alone.

    “Know when to open doors and when to close. Know when to say yes and when to say no.”
    “When you silence the mind you will find home. What comes from there only you will know.”
    “While here, dip in and dip out knowing that all is impermanent and forgiveness is instant!”

    “Life is so far beyond conversation, as here we sit in silence and speak.”

    “People in positions of global attention today who cannot come to peace I say,
    may the children of tomorrow know when to walk away.”

    “If the so-called leaders of our world are supposedly Grown UP, yet, can’t get along?
    If they as adults didn’t learn anything as a child growing up,
    then how on earth can they be in a position to teach or lead?”

    Top Left and right images: Screen shots from Pamelas films
    Top Center Ocean Image: Source unknown at this time.
    Image of Sun Snow Lake: Mark Adamus
    Image of Forest Lane: Arjan Noordman
    Image of Child and Labrador: Michael Crouser
    All other images: Unknown at this time.
    All quotes: Pamela Leigh Richards unless noted

    “Build What You See”

    20 May 2012 A Total Solar Eclipse occurred. What it means?
    I don’t think anyone really knows. We won’t know until we get there. Simply Remain Calm.

    Here is PART TWO

    This is raw footage. Set the camera up and let her roll. Birds singing and white lights flying in and around the Sun, watch for them. Very interesting. I feel they are charged particles, light encoded information packets dancing with life.

    The early evening was magical. I was drawn to go outside to witness the surprise and could see the Sun being embraced by the Moon as she danced across her presence. Even though from some distance the celestials are, the effect had great meaning. I set my camera up and filmed for the next fifteen minutes or so sitting in silent awe. The seen/scene was resonating beyond babylon for it was a knowing feel thing. There was a constant fear being passed around saying do not look at the Sun. I stared into it for long periods of time and can still ‘see’. My camera was focussed upon it and still works. Go figure?

    “Nature does not need to ‘think’ in order to live in coherency. It just IS Peace.”

    “Dance, dance with me beyond your mind thinking.
    You are never far from understanding who you really are.”

    ALL THAT IS LEFT IS LAUGHTER! Laughter is good medicine!
    “I am not here to answer your questions, I am here to help you stop asking them.”

    Feathered Inspiration. What We can Learn From Geese.
    I am finding this part of my life’s journey becoming the most extraordinary and most uplifting.

    “We are merely ‘thoughts happening'”

    “Never doubt your’self’ that you can achieve what you might have ‘thought’ was unachievable. Observe and go with the inner flow of know as you let go. You do not have to answer every question posed. I’m listening to the greatest teacher.”

    PAMELA – (Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics)
    *giggling* This is Funny!

    “The Space Mission Pamela represents a state-of-the-art of the investigation of the cosmic radiation, addressing the most compelling issues facing astrophysics and cosmology: the nature of the dark matter that pervades the universe, the apparent absence of cosmological antimatter, the origin and evolution of matter in the galaxy.

    Pamela, a powerful particle identifier using a permanent magnet spectrometer with a variety of specialized detectors, is an instrument of extraordinary scientific potential that is measuring with unprecedented precision and sensitivity the abundance and energy spectra of cosmic rays electrons, positrons, antiprotons and light nuclei over a very large range of energy from 50 MeV to hundreds GeV, depending on the species.

    These measurements, together with the complementary electromagnetic radiation observation that will be carried out by AGILE and GLAST space missions, will help to unravel the mysteries of the most energetic processes.”
    ~ Earth Changes Media

    Still Shots with kind permissions: Bill Mortimer
    All Quotes: pamela leigh richards unless otherwise stated
    Part I & II Videos Background Music: The lovely Vibhas Kendzia
    Part I & II Videos Background Sound: Nature at its finest with birds singing
    Part I & II Videos Background Sound: The natural sound of cars passing by below my perch.

    Dream ~ Two Keys

    Posted in: A - Her Lucid and Mystical Experiences by Pamela on October 11, 2008

    Another amazingly real and lucid dream I had.
    It was incredibly beautiful and intensely profound in some deep meaningful way.

    I would love to draw and paint it some day.

    In this dream my former husband, British author, David Icke, and I,

    were both standing, or rather floating in the middle of this vast expansion of the Universe.

    It was brilliantly dark, yet there was light illuminating our forms and the near space around us.

    We were facing each other with a large wooden door floating to my right and his left.
    Nothing was said. We just stood there in silence.
    I was looking down at my left hand carrying two barrel keys,
    as he was looking at me.

    With my right hand I picked one of them up.
    Turning to the door I leaned over and placed it through the keyhole,

    turned it and pulled it out.

    (This image of the light coming through the keyhole,
    was almost identical to the one in this experience.)

    The door did not open I just pulled the key out.

    I knew it was not meant to open.


    I turned to face him and without ‘thought’, it was already understood what was to happen next.
    He extended his right hand to me palm up.
    I placed the key in his hand and gently folded it while cupping my hands over his.
    Then looked up, eye to eye, and smiled.
    There were no words said. It was all very deep in its meaning, extremely powerful.
    So loving with its intentions and understandings. On some level what this means is known.
    For now, it remains simply a beautiful moment.

    There are many keys that open many doors to many gates.
    Life seems to be a very personal journey indeed.

    For I real-eyes’d that as the parable of the mustard seed the tiniest of seeds,
    so brilliantly showed me, that their is a key ‘within’ each of us,
    so uniquely coded, malleable and open to be rewritten at any time.
    It is also I believe, a co-hear-and-see reality.
    The kingdom of heaven is not alone in the cosmos.
    It is vastly alive holding hands with each and every one of us.
    It sits as well in the everywhere skies ‘within’, of ‘self discovery’.

    “Peace has no enemy and love knows nothing else.”
    Dream ~ The 7 Seals