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    Copyright © 2008-
    Fly with Me Productions

    “Sending much love, especially to my daughter in Alexandria B.
    And we happen to have been born on a Creative Three in One January.
    Three plus one equals Four. 3+1 = 4 The song of the spheres.
    This is one mom who will do all she can, to de-scribe reality.
    The line in the sand has been drawn and the only thing I will pass down
    Through the connection of DNA so they say, is Peace.”

    “Life is a personal journey. Don’t ever be afraid to live it.”
    “Love has no separation.”

    It is not about size.
    It is about intention of Heart and Mind I do believe so far.
    And we are so not alone in the seen and unseen.
    Never compare, for what works for one might not work for another.
    Again, it is a personal journey for us all.
    As you think, so does someone/something else.
    Have Sympathetic resonance.

    “It’s never too late to be heard.”

    “I lived, I loved, I cried, I never knew, I fell, I laughed, I got up, I grew.”

    “I will live my life through my eyes and you will know me through them.
    I am a child of the god particle, an inheritor of an aspect of the mind that created all worlds.”
    “Grown ups never grow old, only thoughts do.”

    “Some things cannot be taught.
    There seems to be a magical truth that is only met,
    upon the meeting of mind and Heart without thought.”

    “I will call a leaf a leaf, a tree a tree, and any other as I SEA them, as they SEA me.
    The true nature of one cannot hide from them’selves’ once revealed.
    Wear your nature gracefully upon your ever growing sleeve.”

    “In order for something to survive it needs your attention.”
    Can anyone see the balls of light passing through this footage?
    I find it extraordinary.
    “Love does not need to touch …
    for it is an energy of such high vibration beyond time and form.
    It is within you without even knowing.”

    The Key of Life. The Breath of Reality. Get it?
    “Some bubbles you have to pop and some you blow into existence.”

    All Quotes: copyright pamela leigh richards unless noted
    All Images: copyright pamela leigh richards unless noted
    Image Cow Child: copyright John Byler with permission
    Image Eagle: copyright Bill Mortimer with permission
    Image Tree Hugs: unknown with all due respect and gratitude.
    Image Key Bubble: unknown with all due respect and gratitude.
    Image Boy Cheetah: unknown with all due respect and gratitude.

    The Key Dream
    New Radio Interview 27 August 2012

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