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    This reminds me of what happened the other day while driving. I pulled up to the Red Light, first in line. I was in the right lane of a two lane going that way, while the other side was coming from the other direction one way. (you get it). In the intersection, all alone, was a single car that meant to turn left but it was just not moving? The Light was Red. All four corners of people in cars at this intersection were watching this lone car going nowhere. Some honked, shouted, noone did anything. I watched as it was just not moving. I got out and went into the intersection trying to open the passenger door seeing a frail elderly man in the drivers seat. He was fumbling trying to find the button to unlock, so I went to his side where he had opened his door. You should have seen the look in this beautiful beings eyes as he reached out grabbing my hand with a locking grip in panic saying “I’m sorry”. He could have had a mild stroke! Maybe a Diabetic experience. Maybe a brain injury not capable to function in that moment! My heart went out just as quickly saying I UNDERSTOOD! With calm compassion I held his hand saying “It is okay”, putting my other hand on his cheek lovingly. Are you alright? It is okay darlin’ … the light is red is all. Everything is fine. Are you okay? He nodded yes. I looked into his eyes with my hand still upon his cheek saying; “It’s okay, you can go now”. He closed the door and drove the car left. I stood there in the intersection, one girl, not moving, to make sure he did so in Peace. It was silent for that beautiful recognized moment. While all this was happening the four corners of traffic at this intersection just waited in Silence as well. And I wasn’t leaving until this man and his car was safely going where he intended. As I came back to my car, the one beside me had some elderly people in it. They put their hands out the window shouting; “You did a wonderful thing today!” Gave them a thumbs up that the man was okay. All beautiful and what a good feeling. Always follow your HEART. Make a move when noone else does, just because you FEEL TO. Always for the good of the whole.

    “Life is a personal journey. Live it. Love it. Care for it. Share it.
    Let it all BE, to grow like a new branch on the Tree of Life.
    When one sees differently let them go to experience.
    May we teach our children well, as we all eventually meet up in the middle of forever somewhere.”

    BE THE MUSIC. Time to Break Patterns. Let your voice FLOW FOR PEACE from ALL four WAYS.
    Like the winds of change coming in on all sides of Sacred Geometries.
    Nature has a knowingness that has no name flying upon your very word manifesting.
    Speak Kindly, yet, precisely, with grace.

    “Heart to Heart. Hand to Hand. Eye to Eye.
    Once met never forgot forever friends.”

    I SEE YOU.

    “I’ve crossed many paths to be here.
    Dancing with scribes and poets, and sages of young and old.
    Landing upon truth scattered like the song of wind.
    I am that which is ever changing.
    I am that which is becoming.
    It’s raining love from champions composing Silent knowings ”

    “We have no idea, yet, we do.”

    Images: Unless noted unknown with all due respect
    Quotes: pamela leigh richards unless otherwise noted
    New Radio Interview 27 August 2012
    Life is a personal journey
    Pamela Vimeo Videos
    To Japan Please

    “Sending much love, especially to my daughter in Alexandria B.
    And we happen to have been born on a Creative Three in One January.
    Three plus one equals Four. 3+1 = 4 The song of the spheres.
    This is one mom who will do all she can, to de-scribe reality.
    The line in the sand has been drawn and the only thing I will pass down
    Through the connection of DNA so they say, is Peace.”

    “Life is a personal journey. Don’t ever be afraid to live it.”
    “Love has no separation.”

    It is not about size.
    It is about intention of Heart and Mind I do believe so far.
    And we are so not alone in the seen and unseen.
    Never compare, for what works for one might not work for another.
    Again, it is a personal journey for us all.
    As you think, so does someone/something else.
    Have Sympathetic resonance.

    “It’s never too late to be heard.”

    “I lived, I loved, I cried, I never knew, I fell, I laughed, I got up, I grew.”

    “I will live my life through my eyes and you will know me through them.
    I am a child of the god particle, an inheritor of an aspect of the mind that created all worlds.”
    “Grown ups never grow old, only thoughts do.”

    “Some things cannot be taught.
    There seems to be a magical truth that is only met,
    upon the meeting of mind and Heart without thought.”

    “I will call a leaf a leaf, a tree a tree, and any other as I SEA them, as they SEA me.
    The true nature of one cannot hide from them’selves’ once revealed.
    Wear your nature gracefully upon your ever growing sleeve.”

    “In order for something to survive it needs your attention.”
    Can anyone see the balls of light passing through this footage?
    I find it extraordinary.
    “Love does not need to touch …
    for it is an energy of such high vibration beyond time and form.
    It is within you without even knowing.”

    The Key of Life. The Breath of Reality. Get it?
    “Some bubbles you have to pop and some you blow into existence.”

    All Quotes: copyright pamela leigh richards unless noted
    All Images: copyright pamela leigh richards unless noted
    Image Cow Child: copyright John Byler with permission
    Image Eagle: copyright Bill Mortimer with permission
    Image Tree Hugs: unknown with all due respect and gratitude.
    Image Key Bubble: unknown with all due respect and gratitude.
    Image Boy Cheetah: unknown with all due respect and gratitude.

    The Key Dream
    New Radio Interview 27 August 2012

    Time out of Time

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on August 18, 2012

    Nothing is what it seems.

    “My song and the instruments I play are singing loudly in the unseen patiently waiting to be heard.”

    “Do not be too surprised by the inexplainable.”

    “We are all prophets.
    The more minds that believe what you say,
    the more likely the prophecy is to come true.
    Yet, truth in the plural mind,
    doth not make it truth in the eyes of the One mind.”

    Coming together and whatever. The song of the spheres are WE.
    Hearts open wide for the living love of your life.
    Remove Fear and Free your Minds.

    As I flew over the Mediterranean from England and entered the lands of Egypt,
    As clear as day a telepathic message came to me with no words,
    just a form of pure energy transferring the message and its translation was this:
    “I needed to get grounded. I needed to ground myself. Plant my feet back on the earth”
    Next, what ran through me after hearing this initial message on the plane,
    were overlapping telepathic thoughts,
    explaining that the reason I had to ground was because …
    “You have things to fullfill within yourself. This is a very personal journey.
    You have to realize your gifts, gain confidence, stand strong.
    You have a Heart to give which would help lift humanity in this physicality.”

    I further will add: The seeking we each strive for will never be found in the external.
    For what is eternal, what has always been ‘in’ternal, can never be lost, only found.
    A personal journey? Yes, indeed it is.

    “I got to where I am because of experience, yes.
    Yet, I do not need the experience to teach or show me what I have already known.
    I do not need suffering to bring me back to home.”

    “I am not here to answer your question, I am here to help you stop asking them.”

    “Im not getting lost, I’m getting found.”
    “I love the feeling of just deleting.”

    “There are no unnatural or supernatural phenomena,
    only very large gaps in our knowledge of what is natural.”
    Edgar D. Mitchell, astronaut Apollo 14

    The Royal Library of Alexandria or the Ancient Library of Alexandria in Egypt was supposedly burned down by Julius Caesar sometime in 48 BC when he set fire to his own ships to frustrate Achillas (Egyptian general), or was it Achilles (the Greek hero)? I guess it depends on your point of reference or timeline or cycle of time to de-scribe it. Phew! Which view does one wish to see it from? Names, names, names, how many offers on the table of life will accommodate your mind right now? Bottom line today is did any of us miss anything? I don’t think so and have much more to share on this understanding with conciseness as best I can.

    “I donate to life all the time with my Heart and Mind.”

    “I am protective of how much I feed the machine world the benefits of my mind.
    For all higher consciousness, may we meet in the middle of forever.”

    “Nature has a natural way of living on the first take.”

    “Some things cannot be taught. There seems to be a magical truth that is only met,
    upon the meeting of mind and Heart without thought.”


    “Do not let history get in the way of your today.”


    So it is said we come from ONE, yet, I believe there are many ONE’s.
    And we are different leaves on the many trees.

    “Wear your god well”

    Live life respectfully.

    Nature lives in coherency, may humans learn from it.

    “I care not what you wear, I care what is in your Nature.”


    All quotes: Copyright 2010-2012 pamela leigh richards
    All images: unless noted source unknown with all due respect.
    Image Snow Birds: Copyright 2010 pamela leigh richards

    I Love Lightning The Blue Flash

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on July 26, 2012


    The most amazing moment! Magic is in the air.
    A thunderbolt hit right before me on the telephone pole
    causing a crackling symphonic sound emitting a beautiful blue light with an electrical buzz.
    My favourite time of year. Monsoon season.
    The lightning bolt missed its mark though. I was over here 🙂

    “Matter is Energy. Energy is Light. We are all Light Beings.”
    ~ Albert Einstein

    “Sometimes you have to die in order to live.”
    Nature is crying and has given many signs over long periods of time.
    You can understand a nations people by the way it treats its animals.
    You can understand a man by the way it treats its own kind.
    World Peace Please.

    “I care not who has a realationship with ego.
    I care for the realationship with nature in its purest & simplest form.”
    Pamela Leigh Richards

    “Ere many generations pass,
    our machinery will be driven
    by power obtainable at any point in the universe.
    It is a mere question of time
    when men will succeed
    in attaching their machinery
    to the very wheelwork of nature.”
    ~ Nikola Tesla

    The machinery of a telephone pole has done such a thing.
    Captured the wheelwork of nature and people pay for it when it is free.

    “We are less than whole without it. It is nothing without us.
    We are dancing with life.”

    Smile when you are hurt the most. Easier said than done I know.
    So, when you cannot bring a smile to your face
    may this be a helping hand offering a smile until you are ready.
    You are never alone and there is light at the end of every tunnel.

    Thank you Klaus. Peace and Coherency.
    “A common bond of unity even among our formed differences exists in the Heart without thought.”

    “Humans have been conditioned and just like retraining a wild horse?
    We are retraining the human condition to be kind.
    One heart and mind at a time.”

    Images: Sources unknown unless stated.
    Quotes: copyright 2000-2012 pamela leigh richards
    Image Dolphin: copyright 2007 pamela leigh richards
    Image Golden Geometry: copyright 2011 pamela leigh richards


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