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    Copyright © 2008-
    Fly with Me Productions

    I Love Lightning The First Take

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on September 03, 2012

    The secret of Aikido is to harmonize ourselves with the movement of the universe
    and bring ourselves into accord with the universe itself.
    He who has gained the secret of Aikido has the universe in himself
    and can say, ‘I am the universe.’

    The quality or condition of being sincere;
    genuineness, honesty, and freedom from duplicity.
    No waxing nor waning here, I am complete.

    What happens is LIFE begins to pour out as our reflecting reality playing on the ground.
    And there is much more to equalstand about that!

    This is just a snippet of pammys brain reflecting. *can’t stop laughing!*


    “Sincerity spontaneously happens like a river flowing and does not require modesty to do so.”
    pamela leigh richards

    “The merit of originality is not novelty; it is sincerity.”
    ~ Thomas Carlyle

    Rose and Water.
    “A thousand pages could be written and never touch the beauty.”


    The word Sincere in its etymology so far as I know from Latin:
    Sine = ‘without’
    Cera = ‘wax’

    Simply put as best I can decribe it ~
    “If you hear my words and see my actions,
    they will not be a pot full of wax covering any cracks.
    It will be a peace of pottery with nothing to hide having no leaks.”


    “As waters of wisdom are shown to us we can be led to see,
    only by deciding are we led to drink.”

    “Don’t teach me. Inspire me.”

    “I believe heros are the Waters that nourish, the Winds singing by, the Trees that shade, the Birds that remind us we can fly, the Breathing Nature of ALL Life, and the ever changing Hearts and Minds. One at a time … may Peace BE.”

    “Better angles (angels) of Light.
    We are creating new realities and never worry about leaving the past behind,
    if it does not fit through the windows of thine eyes.
    Simply with love, wish it adieu with kind goodbyes.”

    All Photos: Source unknown with all due respect unless otherwise noted.
    All Quotes: copyright pamela leigh richards unless otherwise noted.
    Top images left and right of video: copyright pamela leigh richards