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    Copyright © 2008-
    Fly with Me Productions


    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on March 08, 2010

    “Inside each one of us a warm heart abides.
    Oh if only each one of us could open it wide to everything!
    All reality could then be transmogrified into a magnificent pristine garden.
    Its not just a relationship between two beings,
    it is two beings existing with nature and life itself.
    Don’t get caught in the personalization of it,
    dance in the joy of letting go freely,
    into the flow of alone, yet together.” ~ plr

    Quotes: pamela leigh richards


    Posted in: Quotes & Poetry by Pamela on July 09, 2009

    “I didn’t speak much, but I laughed often, because every time I looked around
    at the earth, the sky, the sun, the trees, the lakes, the streams
    I realized that it was all Me – that no separation existed at all.”

    peaceful warrior by Dan Millman

    The only separations, or rather transitions happening,

    were in the choices I made in where to look

    and bring that vision into focus.

    And that becomes the canvas

    upon thine eyes reflecting I AM.


    Posted in: Quotes & Poetry,The Observation Deck by Pamela on November 21, 2008

    “There once was a people who lived their entire lives
    within a Cave of Illusions.

    After generations, they came to believe that their own shadows,
    cast upon the walls, were the substance of reality.

    Only the myths and religious tales spoke of a brighter possibility.

    Obsessed with the shadow play,
    The people became accustomed to and imprisoned by
    Their dark reality.”

    “I didn’t speak much, but I laughed often,
    because every time I looked around –
    at the earth, the sky, the sun, the trees,
    the lakes, the streams –
    I realized that it was all Me –
    that no separation existed at all”

    Excerpt from THE PEACEFUL WARRIOR by Dan Millman


    The only separations, or rather transitions happening,

    were in the choices I made in where to look

    and bring that vision into focus.

    And that becomes the canvas

    upon thine eyes reflecting I AM.


    Posted in: Quotes & Poetry by Pamela on November 09, 2008

    Peaceful settlement is my wish for our world.
    An individual becomes that which it fights.
    Forgiveness is Freedom.
    Thoughts, intentions with heart are our might.
    © pamela leigh richards

    Artist of Image unknown.
    If anyone knows where it came from
    I would gladly like to credit this beautiful work of art.
    I added the text and do hope it is agreeable
    with the original artist.