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    Fly with Me Productions

    2021 Never Lose Your Humanity

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on October 09, 2021


    ” COVIDLAND” ~ A Documentary


     “I do believe worlds among many worlds exist

    that have never heard of war.

    A place my soul yearns for.” 


    The only way to remove war,

    is to adopt the philosophy,

    of logic and reason.


    “You are not the darkness you endured,

    you are the light that refused to surrender.”

    ~ John Mark Green


    “Money is an abstract human happiness,

    so who is no longer able to appreciate

    the true human happiness,

    is completely dedicated to it.”

    ~ Arthur Schopenhauer



    “Enter with empty mind,

    and only coherency arrives.”

    ~ plr



    This just came to me this morning as a possibility?

    Sir Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist,

    created the World Wide Web in 1989.  

    W.W.W. – acronym for World Wide Web. 

    It was 2020 that the world turned a corner,

    into what I would consider to be World War 3.

    WWW = World Wide Web

    WW3  = World War – 3 is a sideways W.

    The Roman III could easily be arranged into a W. 

    The creation of the internet began WWIII. 


    Image: Eye Within


    A Spiritual War Indeed.

    For it involves maths, geometries, sigils,

    music and tonalities with intention.

    Time to break the spell.



    “Behind every atom of this world

    hides an infinite universe.”

    – Rumi

    “Secrecy being an instrument of conspiracy,

    ought never to be a tool of the teacher.”

    ~ plr 10.14.2010





    The Bard Code

    Jon Rappoport

    The Corbett Report

    The Trust Technique

    Resonance Science Foundation