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    The “Pamela Conspiracy”

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on August 12, 2023




    to Die

    for Life

    “Life can be a happy Accident,

    If we Let It Be”



    “She lived, she loved, she cried, she never knew,

    she fell, she laughed, she got up, she grew.”

    ~ plr


    When We Unmask Ourselves

    We Unmask everyone else as well.


    If you don’t tell your story

    someone else will tell iit for you.


    “Where there is unity there is always Victory.”

    ~ Publilius Syrus (85 BC)



    Every cover tells a personal story. ~ A Life Worth Lived to Tell.

    Push the limits for reasoning beyond all doubting.

    For those who are unafraid to ‘rock the boat’.

    When through it all she nearly gave up …

    Patience has been her guiding light ..

    Something we call naked truth.

    Care to take a ride?


    Truth begins the way forward.


    Someone told me once as a threat:
    “You don’t know how far I will go …”
    Well, you don’t know how far “I” will go.
    Check mate.
    Peace is easy if we let it be
    with all hands on deck in transparency.
    It’s a personal journey and …
    Laughter is good medicine and healing.
    May our children know truth
    in every aspect of our lives,
    Such a might fine relief,
    Passing down wisdom
    with nothing to hide.
    From the micro to the macro,
    reflecting in kind,
    is the only way to reciprocate.
    FREEDOM = I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you today.

    “If my voice is not heard

    then what is breathing for?”



    With profound self respect,

    we venture towards everything,

    within the slowest part of ourselves.


    Just take a moment

    and look at it

    through her eyes.


    “The powerful play still goes on,

    and you may contribute a verse.

    What will your verse be?”

    ~ Robin Williams, Dead Poets Society


    photo: 1982
    she knew then at 22.
    She knows more Now.


    “There is a realm that exists that once met,

    one will realize just how extraordinary life is.

    In this realm at least from my view,

    tears will be no more,

    for there is no sadness there,

    no war, no nothing of the sort.”

    ~ plr 


    Reframing the experience.

    Honest self-reflection.


    When you change the way you look at things,

    the things you look at .. change.


    Even though the play continues performing,

    never doubt your voice in the orchestra

    singing its versing.


    What was personal,

    went Universal.


    For the longest time I’ve wanted to share,

    the TRUTH about my life with British author,

    David Icke, and writing those memoirs.




    They tried to silence her ~ she said NO.

    To be silent, is consent.

    Where does this intolerable hatred come from?

    The punishment unleashed upon her,

    by ‘Bridge of Love’ was undeserving of the ‘no’ crime.

    An aggressive purposely orchestrated covert push to remove her.

    And you know who you are, all the others who took his side.

    What was private David took public to her surprise.

    And Pamela had three death threats from his followers,

    after the public article was posted by he and Regina.

    As one witness said: ‘it was a ruthless witch hunt’.

    The damage done was left unheard.

    With ALL the evidence to support it.

    Telling the truth = Freedom.

    She survived to tell it.

    One girl unarmed.

    Coming Soon.


    Words are living energies.


    She was healing from a near death experience involving brain surgery, fracturing skull, subcutaneous hematoma, head trauma with left epidural hematoma, cerebral contusions, hairline fracture of spine, fractured left wrist with 9 rib fractures and bruising all over left side when the divorce began. What was to be an amicable departure of marriage? Her departing husband who wrote a book called: “Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion” , said why doesn’t she get a job, and sent this to her father.

    “If what I am reliably told is true, she should know that at tidal wave of worldwide revulsion will descend upon her immediately and for the rest of her life and the Richards family name will be dragged through the cesspit ongoing as a result.”

    And the next day her father had a mild stroke.


    Words have a huge impact

    on your nervous system.

    Words can influence the metabolism

    in parts of the brain

    that are exactly the same

    parts of the brain

    that regulate your heart,

    your lungs,

    your immune system

    and so on. Think about it.


    “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

    ~ Martin Luther King Jr


    Your work is to take care of the spiritual interior of the language.” And he said in Japanese this word we use, kotodama, means that each word has within it a spiritual interior. The word is like a vessel that carries something ineffable. And you must be the caretaker for that. You must be careful when you use language to look at every part of the word and make sure that you’re showing respect for it in the place that you’ve given it to live in the sentence.”  

    ~ Kazumasa Hirai ~ Japanese novelist


    Sapere aude = Dare to Know

    In 2010, January 23, I had a near death experience.

    During that INlightINmental period of recovery and healing,

    I was attracted to this phrase I saw in Latin.

    Dimidium facti, qui coepit, habet; sapere aude, incipe. 

    “He who has begun is half done, dare to know, begin.”

    Slowly, this lady is beginning to fly.

    What an amazing journey this life.



    David has four children and grandchildren.

    I have one child, Alexandria.

    We both care about them all and their future.


    I am still healing.


    FREEDOM = I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you today.


    AN OPEN LETTER with Compassion.



    “Cowardice asks the question, is it safe?

    Expediency asks the question, is it politic?

    Vanity asks the question, is it popular?

    But conscience asks the question, is it right?

    And there comes a time when one must take a position

    that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular,

    but one must take it because it is right.”

    ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. 


    Many things were confirmed through having a relationship with David Icke, much more than I could ever have learned in his books, although they do compliment one another at times. It truly is a personal journey, and look forward to sharing the other side of it with respect to this human experience on Earth.


    “A publicly revealed lie

    is as important for the

    good of humanity

    as a clearly stated truth.”

    ~ Leo Tolstoy


    She almost died

    many times in her life.

    Twice by choice ..

    Still here,

    now finding her voice.


    Telling the truth will always,

    either be accepted or attacked.

    So what, say it.


    He who knows enough is enough

    will always have enough.

    ~ Lao Tzu


    “It is good to have an end to journey towards; 

    but it is the journey that matters ~ in the end.”

    ~ Ursula Leguin


    Trauma can be passed on …

    I will not let a dark moment in time

    move through any generation forward.

    I’m here to clear it, and release.

    Breathing life fully in peace.


    “There is no greater Freedom than Truth in Love.

    There is no greater love than truth without fear.”

    ~ plr 2010



    Problems only require Solutions,

    and “grace” is extended

    to those that ‘stop and correct’.


    The Universe abhors deception,  so do I.


    “You’ll never see the Big Picture,

    Until you have every piece of the puzzle.”

    ~ plr


    Nothing can be achieved

    unless you try.


    As long as we are separate,

    we are a doddle to manipulate.


    We are living in a plague of corruption.


    We’re born then we die.

    May we nourish the tender moments

    in between.


    You know the really great thing about love?

    Is its door is always open.


    When she takes her last breath in this Earthly realm,

    She will leave nothing but truth and love in her wake.

    Prepare to flip your perceptions to see more clearly,

    open your mind and further your awakening.

    Nurturing knowledge and conversations.

    I’d rather face it all now,

    than live in fear.

    No more.


    Point of Destruction


    Point of Creation



    I documented PART of the journey.

    And I mean ONLY PART as it was happening.

    May PEACEFUL MEANS reign supreme.

    If only to be heard. All will be revealed.


    “Never allow someone else’s fears,

    cause you to disappear.”

    ~ plr


    If we are all going to stand together

    we must stand together .. informed.


    I totally agree!

    Image: plr


    We can do better than this.

    We are not just mere mortals,

    we are made up of star dust and stories, many of them.

    And they are not there to tell us how brilliant we already are,

    but they are there to tell us who we CAN be.

    Our stories are there to feel, touch, and let go of,

    as well as inspire and empower us to our higher better selves.


    Transcribed from David Icke interview above. 

    “ … and the point that needs really expressing is [to think] that these people have power to ban. Well, don’t .. let’s look at it as if those behind it are all powerful. They are censoring for a reason because they are weak. Strong people that are confident of what they say do not want to censor anyone. I don’t want to censor anyone. [ except Pamela ] I want the free flow of information, and all opinion and then people can make their minds up on the totality of it, what they themselves want to believe ~ it’s called freedom.”


    You can’t have ‘no-go’ areas if you are investigating truth.

    What was private, David took public from a one sided perspective,

    which is not representative of the WHOLE truth.



    When I finally left David, February 3, 2008, I said:

    “This has got to be one of the greatest love stories never told.”

    Until Now.



    “May love turn away rage, may truth turn away hate.”
    ~ plr 2010


    “It is not because things are difficult

    that we do not dare,

    but because we do not dare,

    that makes things difficult.”

    ~ Seneca


    The voice told David this will be talked about in 100 years.

    Yes, I do believe it will be, and it will include her side of the story.

    Uncensored in a time capsule for the future.


    “Truth first then love, Otherwise, One is just loving the lies.”

    When the dam breaks – be water my friends.


    In the above clip, it was December 2005 in London.

    David was doing an interview

    on the “Chat Show”.

    I was filming as I always did.

    We waited, then I opened the door.

    Laughter is Good Medicine!


    Next scene entering the “Chat Show”


    “..I want to put information into the public arena

    that people aren’t told.”

    ~ David Icke 1997 BBC interview with Oliver James 


    “So do I, so let’s crack the eggshells of false perceptions.” –  says pamela


    February 27, 1998 Chicken Itza.

    David and I were touring an underground cave in Mexico,

    where we encountered bats,

    and the lack of oxygen

    due to the depths we entered,

    along with a great sense of humor.

    The ride was only beginning for us both.

    And really, the rest of the world collectively

    on a global scale in the coming years.


    A healing journey, ending the madness.

    TRUTH truly be told with evidence by being bold about it.


    2006, London.

    Being interviewed for the Documentary “David Icke was he right”.

    So here’s what happened.

     I  wanted to buy some of Bill HIcks’ recordings.

    So I  reach out to his publishing company.

    When I did, the lady who answered was Bill’s mother, Mary.

    Lovely lady and we talked for a bit

    and she told me she could send me his whole catalogue.

    Which she did and I still have them on disc.


    ” .. there is consciousness anywhere that is ‘ I ‘

    you then in a way look out through all eyes,

    and that perhaps is the secret of,

    the great virtue of compassion.”

    ~ Alan Watts



    A Few Clips from years of life together

    Apologies for quality. Filmed clips from my phone.

    Editing the story properly is in the works.

    2006 was a very interesting year for her. 


    June 7, 2006 London, England.

    Filming by pamela

    This is Brian Haw, who was protesting the wars in front of Parliament Square for many years.

    Another incredible man I was honored to meet whilst on my travels with David.

    There is a whole story surrounding Brian whose billboards were destroyed,

    and confiscated by the police in the wee hours of the morn on a raid @ 3am.

    Warring will end one way or another in our lifetime.



    2003 Christmas on the Isle of Wight.

    Pamela commissioned a painting for David by the artist Ivan Berryman.


     2006 Filming David in front of Parliament


    2006 Filming and just happened to turn my camera at Noon o’clock on Big Ben.


    2006 at Regina Merediths home where David and I were staying on a visit.

    Regina is creator of Conscious Media Network now with Gaia TV.

    More to this story later!


    2006 at Regina Merediths home where David and I were staying on a visit.

    Regina is creator of Conscious Media Network now with Gaia TV.

    More to this story later!


    I am grateful to David for this one specialty for I too, love steam Trains!

    I am grateful to David for this one specialty for I too, love steam Trains!


    I am grateful to David for this one specialty for I too, love steam Trains!


    I am grateful to David for this one specialty for I too, love steam Trains!
    Jaymie and I trying to get in the engine.


    2003 Kent Sussex Railway. I love steam trains!


    1 TOURING David’s ol’ stomping grounds when he played for Coventry.


    2 TOURING David’s ol’ stomping grounds when he played for Coventry.


    3 TOURING David’s ol’ stomping grounds when he played for Coventry.


    4 TOURING David’s ol’ stomping grounds when he played for Coventry.


    2006 In South Africa on a private safari one evening.


    2006 In South Africa on a private safari one evening going home.

    2006 In South Africa on a private safari one evening going home.


    2006 While visiting Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa in South Africa,

    we toured Credos community.


    2006 While visiting Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa in South Africa,

    we toured Credos community.

    And she danced. So much fun learning with these young ones!


    2006 While in South Africa visiting Credo Mutwa we stopped the car
    to go over and speak with these lovely children
    playing soccer or football as they call it in the UK.

    I wanted to get the children on film to all HUG each other, which they did.

    Then David says: “Wouldn’t it be great if we did that all over the world,

    then there would be no war.”

    Yes, that would be great if we all did this David.


    2002 Early days with Kerry, Jaymie and Gareth, David’s children,
    for David’s 50th Birthday Party at our favorite restaurant on the Isle of Wight, Salvatores.


    2006 David wanted me in the Documentary “David Icke was he Right”.

    I was filming ‘them’, filming David, while they were filming me filming David.

    Which I always did ever since meeting him

    because  I never went anywhere without a camera.


    2003 on our way to the Brazilian rainforest for Ayahuasca.

    At this moment we thought I was pregnant with our baby.


    2003 On our way to Brazil to do ayahuasca via the Arizona Deserts.


    Sedona skipping rocks, could life be more simple David?


    Sedona skipping rocks, could life be more simple Pamela?


    1999 Early days at Cathedral Rock in Sedona, Arizona


    The Amusement Park! David wanted to win something for Pamela.


    The Amusement Park! David wanted to win something for Pamela.

    She won it ~ so funny!


    UPDATE: JUNE 4, 2023

    As I continue writing my memoirs to be published,

    here are a few more snippets to share of travels from January 6, 2007.

    Rome, Italy, where David was invited to be interviewed with Bill Maher.

    And a side note: The hotel was to be paid for by the inviting group,

    but to our surprise upon check out?

    We were left with the bill.


    Waiting for Bill Maher for the interview. Two ladies part of production team.


    Speaks for itself.


    I was saying my peace … yet .. no, not possible because my camera was professional.


    Bill Maher arrives.


    Polizia says no filming.





    Behind the Scenes

    A few clips from behind the scenes during the filming of

    the Documentary “David Icke Was He Right”,

    which aired December 26, 2006 Boxing Day in England.


    2006 During the filming of the Documentary “David Icke Was He Right”.

    Our home on the Isle of Wight, making tea and coffee for the crew.


    2006 During the filming of the Documentary “David Icke Was He Right”.

    Apologies for sound.


    2006 During the filming of the Documentary “David Icke Was He Right”.

    Our home where David still lives. The wall of pictures now gone.

    How interesting this life where we come and we go from.

    Are we all ONE?





    A screen shot from my films. February 1998. 

    Pamela and David taking a walk
    in a Cave, Chichen Itza, Mexico, laughing and in love.
    The journey for us both was just beginning. 


    “We see the goal. It’s the journey that needs remedy.”
    A screen shot from my films. 2006
    At a football match during the filming of the Ch5 Documentary:
    “David Icke ~ Was He Right”
    On a Global scale, yes he was!


    David took this photo. Early 2000’s.
    We used to go to Las Vegas alot.
    I dreaded these trips,
    and has effected me to this day.
    Let the healing begin.


    2010 Seeing with New Eyes.


    A screen shot from my films. July 2006
    Event Backstage Mt. Shasta, California


    “May we learn to live without regrets. 
    To live with Peace in Understandings.
    To behave in rightful manners.
    To look in the mirror and reflect.
    To see ourselves as we are,
    Growing, dissolving, accepting, re-emerging,
    As fully potentized realized beings. 
    To admit face to face where we went off balance.
    To see that the journey was …
    I AM that I AM.” 
    ~ plr  2010

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