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    Our True Nature

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on December 29, 2017

    “Ring out the old, Ring in the new.
    Ring out the false, Ring in the true.”
    ~ John Lennon


    “Solutions to all the worlds problems should not be hidden behind,
    all the money in the world.”

    This website has actually been somewhat of a placemat to offer my life’s journey upon the table of truths. For all who venture over I graciously offer as much as I can for now. It has been extraordinary really as my eyes have witnessed parallel realities happening simultaneously. The emotional, logical, simple, and observational choices are almost never ending. Which brings me to …. stay tuned. With that in mind I do hope everyone has gained something from this blog. It has been delivered from a heart that desires absolute transparency holding nothing back in order for our collective existence to live life in a coherent manner. All the knowledge in the world is nothing without compassion and understanding. Together we go, for we cannot do this alone.

    “Looking forward to another view of life during these incredibly puzzling times,
    gently coming together. All is subject to so many variables,
    so many realities trying to fit into each others dreams.”

    “Focus IN coherency Co~Hear~And~See, to feel without fear.”

    “Reel to reel theater,
    like a fractal repeating.
    Time to change the reel,
    like a new leaf on a tree.”

    “I be~live there is good in humanity.
    I be~live there is good in interstellar beings.”

    “If one does not stand for something, one falls for everything.”

    “Balance has no name. The rest is merely life in play.”

    “I am awakening to many things in this journey we call life?
    I am in awe as I witness us all.
    Tumbling and fumbling trying to figure it out.
    Who or what has all the answers?
    I am humbled no doubt, to whatever does.
    I ask for forgiveness and am grateful for love.
    And can only speak for myself, so it is said.
    I bypass the distractions within the web.
    The illusions and diversions are too much for my head.
    I make a decision and turn attention to calm.
    The power of change happened within a thought.
    Nothing exists where your mind is not.
    It is time to unplug and turn ourselves inside out.
    The power is yours to make the break.
    Freedom depends on the choices we make.
    Know within that if it is peace you desire.
    And a love you deeply admire.
    Whether it be a physical form of matter.
    Or simply the beating of life’s heart.
    As it touches the bending of a branch on a tree.
    In the form of the wind crossing its path gracefully.
    Follow this to the ends of the earth and never let go.
    The birds will sing and smiles will emanate.
    The song we hear.
    All comes down to the choices we make.”
    ~ plr 2008

    Let’s discover together the inner workings of our purpose in life,
    the totality of our reality, how it works,
    and how we interact in it for Peace.

    image: Bill Mortimer

    “I know no-thing, the simplest place to be in explaining no mystery.”

    “Believe in the beauty of who you are without the drama.”

    “True love is beyond form.
    True love is a fundamental vibrational force,
    that requires no thinking.
    True love exists alone without need.
    This is loves true attraction.”

    “I come to the table weak in knowledge,
    strong in morals.”

    “My moral imperative is to be who I am,

    without being a slave to some ideas.”

    May our collective good intentions for Peace,
    BE our way of life and living unhindered for eternity.

    How can I feel safe with my new ideas,
    when they might challenge the system from which I write or create from?

    “Peace is Easy if we let it be.
    And the cost is certainly nothing.”

    “Truth never has a risk.”

    “Vibrational alignment with the soul~u~shaeon.”

    “Don’t always agree with prognosis, choose another way.”

    “And my thoughts are not coming from me alone,
    it is an Amalgamation of coherent thinking,
    due to extraordinary experiencing.”

    “Stability. Focus without fear.”

    “Life is a path to never ending discoveries.”

    Create pathways nurturing coherent thinking and being, living in total harmony all~ways.
    3 6 9
    Light Encodement Attention Reality Now
    I coined this acronym in 2010 after a Near Death Experience involving traumatic brain injury.

    Harmonic Geometry

    “Some traditional thinkings need adjusting.”
    What I mean by this is if we share the same space, it must be coherent in order for all to live harmoniously. Sort of like being in a schoolyard with a big bully. The bully needs some attitude adjusting in order to be a part of the whole in balance.

    “Love life, the whole Universe is dreaming with you.”

    J’adore tout simplement.
    I simply adore.

    “In order for me to truly learn,
    I must practically unlearn, undo, unravel,
    everything I have done, so far.”

    When I am on my last legs of life,
    I shall look around in a gentle pondering way and say;
    “Wasn’t that most interesting … “

    “My focus of being is not how many I get,
    but how many ‘see’ with me.”

    “There is no resistance to resilience.”

    “In order to recognize your knowing,
    you must allow the respected release of your thinking.”

    “Bravery is anyone who is courageous enough,

    to let go of pretty much everything,
    they have ever been taught to believe.”

    “Peace is not a process. It simply is.
    May Universal Peace happen together,
    like an unstained conception.”

    In my vast writings and journaling’s, I wrote:
    “I care so much I must walk away.”

    So profound really in the depths of its meaning,
    as I look back upon it today.

    “Ill deception can never participate,
    with love that exists in octaves beyond its range.”

    I am happy to share the stage of life with those in equilibrium and coherency.
    Those that share a voice uniquely independent, yet …
    A voice that is welcome in the diversity of the living,
    for the good of the whole with respect to Peace eternally.

    “Be it nationality, religion, or brand of clothes –
    people identify themselves with just about anything.
    In trying to bring stability to their lives,
    they only celebrate their limitations.
    That is not the way of life.” ~ Sadhguru

    In 2010 during recovery from my Near Death Experience I wrote:
    Clean Earth
    Clean Water
    Clean Air
    Clean Skies,
    Clean Hearts
    Clean Minds.
    We need food, water, resources, and shelter.
    Nature provides all freely.

    “The great Tao flows everywhere.
    All things are born from it,
    yet it doesn’t create them.
    It pours itself into its work,
    yet it makes no claim.
    It nourishes infinite worlds,
    yet it doesn’t hold on to them.
    Since it is merged with all things,
    and hidden in their hearts,
    it can be called humble.”
    ~ Lao tzu
    Excerpt from “The Warrior Within – Philosophies of Bruce Lee”

    “I believe that Nature does not speak English. What Nature tells us is what must be honored. It has been talking to us on many domains and we have data sets that we’re still trying. And I can’t talk to all the theoreticians because there doesn’t exist theories where I am. What we have is wonderful. And it comes from miracles occurring, but that what we will see, will not be what we have. And I therefore tell my team, if you know anything, I really don’t want to talk to you because everything we know is already gone into production. Now if there is something you kind of wonder, or you think of etc … lets take those steps to the future. And thats what we always have to do is walk, literally, kind of a lonely walk, but a very, very, rewarding walk. To listen where language is not taught, and verbalisation is not used. But we have to learn its language.”
    ~ Boyd Bushman, Senior Scientist for Lockheed Martin, the worlds biggest defense contractor.

    “The unspoken language of peace will never relate with a mind filled with deception or hate.”

    Edwin Kats

    “Roaming the landscape freeing the mind to dance unhindered by thought.”
    “The one constant is love has no boundary.”

    “We are ONE when in tune with harmony.”

    “There’s a thread you follow.
    It goes among things that change, but it doesn’t change.
    People wonder about what you are pursuing.
    You have to explain about the thread.
    But it is hard for others to see.
    While you hold it you can’t get lost.
    Tragedies happen; people get hurt or die;
    and you suffer and get old.
    Nothing you can do can stop times unfolding.
    You don’t ever let go of the thread.”
    ~ William Stafford, from The Way It Is, 1998

    “No matter how brilliant our attempts to inform,
    it is our ability to inspire that will turn the tides.”
    ~ Jan Phillips

    Robin Wood Disappearing Animals

    Robin Wood is a nationwide nonviolent action group in Germany,
    focusing on environmental activism around climate, energy, forests, mobility.
    The Robin Wood Disappearing Animals advertising campaign developed at Grabarz & Partner,
    featuring three disappearing animals, a deer, capuchin monkey and polar bear,
    affected by habitat destruction, has won Gold for illustration at the 2016 Clio Awards.
    A polar bear’s back is eaten away by the effects of,
    deep sea oil rigs and refineries on melting ice caps.
    A deer’s back is eaten away by deforestation.
    A capuchin monkey’s back is eaten away by forest fires.
    “Destroying nature is destroying life”, is connected with forest fires,
    deforestation and melting ice caps.
    The photo-realistic illustration style,
    the 3D presentation and the wealth of information provided,
    highlight the various causes of the decimation of the animal kingdom.
    If we destroy nature, we destroy life.

    “If you have life in you, you have access to the secrets of the ages,
    for the truth of the Universe resides in each and every human being.”
    ~ Morihei Ueshiba

    “We are the nodal point,
    the zenith in the celestial sphere of time.”
    ~ plr

    “Confidence is what we need,
    love is what we are,
    peace is easy,
    and truth has no enemy.”
    ~ plr

    “Peace shall be our journey,
    the rest is nonsense.”
    ~ plr

    “If one cannot recognize their own gifts,
    one cannot share them.”
    ~ plr

    “Adore the beauty in thee, then reflecting in kind,
    the beauty in me. See how lovely we are.”
    ~ plr

    “There’s more to life than being a passenger.”
    ~ Amelia Earheart, pilot

    “Great wisdom coupled with impeccable patience,
    leads to loving guidance.”
    ~ plr

    With love I highly recommend:
    So beautiful this kind way of living together in respectful harmony.
    The Trust Technique
    The ISCP
    Trees, Forests, & the Human Brain, what they have in common.
    Natures Internet – Powerful Ted Talk with Suzanne Simard
    Pamela’s Tree Story
    Sedona 6:32 minutes of … Calm in Chaos

    All Quotes and writings: copyright pamela leigh richards, plr, 1960 to now;
    otherwise respectfully stated.
    Images: noted, or unknown at this time.
    Image: Pamela in back of truck in South Africa, with quote.
    Image: Pamela in green dress at a friend’s burial ground 2012. Hollywood producer Manny Fox
    Top image collage by Pamela: upper Desert Lightning with permission by Bill Mortimer

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