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Time for Transparency

Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on April 06, 2010


I am still going through some re-wiring in my brain since the accident. I can feel it and very aware.
Experiencing some insights and understandings and being drawn to certain pieces to read
Which is validating things I am seeing/feeling
About the big pinball machine we are living in.
I like to keep it simple. Nucleitic messages is what I call them.
Beauty lives with the beast on this planet. Nature and illusion.
The power of our thoughts, direction of our hearts
And the will of our intentions … co-creating.

“To a mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders” Chuang Tzu
“The universe is holographic and we “see” it as a reflection of mind.
Holograms thrive on constructing frequencies.
Change your mind. Change the world. Change the universe.”
“Where attention goes energy flows. ”
“You can’t depend on your judgement when your imagination is out of focus” Mark Twain
“History is bound to be repeated if you do not learn from it”
“We are the ones we have been waiting for. ”
It is time to change direction and focus, if one so chooses.

Let us not have history be repeated for the next generations to come,
In the next cycle of life after we have gone
But to leave a legacy of love and peace.
A world in complete harmony.
Keep it simple. You create what you believe.
This is what came to me

And two days later my consciousness was tapped again asking me to look outside.
When I did, as soon as my eyes fell on the leaf of the tree.
The voice said “God is in everything”.


Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on

The principle in neuro science says that nerve cells that fire together wire together.
So, if you keep thinking the same thought, and performing the same actions
and feeling the same feelings for years on end the repetition of that process over time
causes gangs of neurons to hard wire into a finite pattern.
So, one would say you were thinking in the box.

Which path will you choose? Where will you place your heart and attention to?

Bohm (physicist) believes the reason subatomic particles are able to remain
in contact with one another regardless of the distance separating them
is not because they are sending some sort of mysterious signal back and forth,
but because their separateness is an illusion.

He argues that at some deeper level of reality such particles are not individual entities,
but are actually extensions of the same fundamental something.

In a holographic universe [or multi-verse] there are no limits to the extent to which
we can alter the fabric of reality. What we perceive as reality is only a canvas waiting
for us to draw upon it any picture we want. Anything is possible, from bending spoons
with the power of the mind to events experienced by Carlos Castaneda during his encounters
with the Yaqui brujo don Juan, for Magic is our birthright, no more or less miraculous
than our ability to compute the reality we want when we are in our dreams.

Remove the hypnotist from the stage of your mind.
Wake up and out of the trance and connect to your original state.
Free your mind and remove fear. Know you are not alone and keep it simple.
Just another perspective to do with what you will. Peace please.
What happens to us in life is not the focus.
The focus is what we choose to do with the experience.

“Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Light Will Never Go Out

Wild Dolphins in Egypt. Beyond Telepathy.

Posted in: A - Book - OceanHeart by Pamela on January 18, 2010

Below is the story of one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had.
Capturing these experiences on camera and filming for the first time underwater
was not simply for me alone, it was to share. And it gives me great pleasure to do so.

An excerpt from my journals.

“Life is not to be kept but shared.”

Monday, July 9, 2007

It is asked of everyone who swims in the water with the dolphins not to touch them due to a film on their body. If it is rubbed off it could cause skin problems, so I was told? I honoured and respected this always, for I did not know?

Three days before this adventure was about to unfold, I wrote in my journals with deep emotion in my heart saying; “I wish to touch them, the dolphins, and put my arms around them and love them.” This is very relevant to the story and sets the foundation for what I am about to share and what occurred. What happened was something beyond my wildest imagination and will never forget. Something I shall carry with me into the compassion of eternity. Even though I received my diving license, I chose to snorkel the whole six months I was there for it allowed movement to free dive. They both provide different experiences in the water and I love them the same.

Marsa Shagra. An Eco-village.

This was interesting?  Below is a scene from the movie Star Wars. When I arrived at this eco-village the first thing I said was “This looks like a movie set from Star Wars?”. On one side there was this incredible Egyptian desert and on the other, the Red Sea. From what I understand the movie was filmed in Tanzania south of here. I was ever so humbled and grateful to life for everything that brought me here as my heart was coping with so many things.

Okay, back to the story. I left Marsa Shagra, the Eco Village where I was living on the Red Sea and headed to Wadi Lahami, the third of three villages owned by the same family about 120 km South. It is a one and a half hour drive, which meant leaving Shagra at 4:30 in the morning to meet up with a group of divers at Lahami for breakfast by 6:00am. By 6:30am we boarded the Zodiacs (rubber Boats) and were on the move.

Our destination involved traveling on the live aboard boat named “Eagle Ray”, which was our home for two days and one night, at the most beautiful Satayah, a 3km crescent moon shaped reef forty five minutes out into the Red Sea, home to hundreds of beautiful free and wild dolphins.

I shall skip to the following morning where the story begins after an evening on the Boat.

The divers were up at 5:00am and left at 6:00am for the first dive of the day. I always waited for them to leave so I could be alone with the dolphins. I had one of two rooms on the top deck (my favourite) and Suni and Ruth (from Holland) had the other.This was my bed many a’night on board the Eagle Ray.

Sune and Ruth had heard of the experiences I was having with the dolphins and decided to skip the dive and come with me this particular morning. I rolled out of bed and walked onto the deck to video the sunrise as I saw the divers speeding away on the zodiac. I went back to my cabin to wash my face and was brushing my teeth when I heard Suni say “Pamela dolphins!”. I stepped out and sure enough a pod was coming in from the ‘deep’ into the shallower reef right in front of our boat. This was their usual pattern of navigation and path that they normally took.

We grabbed our gear … snorkels, fins and masks, hopped in the zodiac and went to find them as they move quite quickly across the water after an evening of ‘dining in the deep’ as I call it. They eat through the night and play, rest and mate during the day.

By the time we got in the zodiac they were well gone and could be anywhere in this vast area. This particular morning the sea was like glass, like shimmering satin. Being that it was early morning under these conditions and we were heading East directly into the rising sun, the driver could not ‘see’ where the reefs were very well. And just as our concerns were being addressed about this, bam! We hit a reef! They are like towers of coral coming from the bottom and sit just beneath the surface. I know how delicate they are and my heart sank. It takes coral one year to grow one quarter of an inch. So you can imagine how old these precious and ecologically valuable reefs are. We pushed the boat off trying not to damage the reef as much as possible then carried on in search of the dolphins.

Within moments, there they were. The zodiac was gliding towards the pod slowly as these beauties of nature caressed the bow of our boat, riding the waves like a tender leaf falling from a tree with the wind singing a pretty tune before gently cradling it on the ground. The dolphins dance on the stage of the sea, and I the audience watch, from the air they breathe. Only this time, there was no ground, just the endless possibility of the sea and sky above. They enjoyed us greatly among many other things unseen in this moment of no-time and I was sharing that with them. Something that cannot be described for there are no words.

Shazley slowed down and turned the motor off. With great care and compassion we slid in the water to join them for a brief encounter of play where I fell in love over and over again. To become part of their world, our world, intertwining beyond any love you could ever imagine. It is hard to describe but I could feel the pulsing of my heart moving through the waves and beyond the physical form of this wee girls body. I could not get close enough to this unseen energy enveloping my surroundings which was connected to the dolphins, the water and everything in existence. How can you describe eternity in a grain of sand? It’s a ‘feel’ thing.

Then. Well, it’s what they do. They moved away faster than we could keep up so we boarded ourselves back in the boat. Ruth needed sunscreen if we were to be out so long under the hot sun so, we headed back to the Eagle Ray.

While back at the boat I asked to switch drivers to my friend Shazley who knew the area better. All my crew friends, were taking moments to pause with hesitation, saying, it was blinding to go out this early. Yet, something made it happen and without question we were off into the blinding sun with Shazley.

And guess what? We hit a reef again! I mean, two in one morning? This gives you an idea just how blinding it was as the sun glistened on the water hiding the patches of reef just underneath even with a trained eye who knows the area. We all sighed and jokingly thought “Was this a sign?”. Should we go back until the sun comes up higher? I said “The sun is coming out further now. Everything will be fine.” We all agreed and gently pushed off making our way with caution and concern for the reefs. I was at the bow looking ahead to help Shazley. It was an experience filled with something I cannot put my finger on as the magick unfolded.

Within moments of hoisting off the last reef we spotted the dolphins! There must have been about seventy five dolphins maybe more? They were in a very playful mood dancing with the currents of the bow of the boat as we slowed to a comfortable place to stop. Shazley turned the motor off.

The three of us slid in the water and for the next two hours interacted with these magnificently powerful and intelligent beings. Quiety, respectfully, calmy and peacefully we entered their world. It was incredible. Each of us had our own special time with them. I shall never forget watching Sune take a dive down under the water while the dolphins followed and spun with him in play. Sune and water are like ‘one’. He is about 6’4” with a very sleek body so, to watch him dive and spin with the dolphins was like watching a beautiful ballet. I was in awe.

What happened next was the first of four amazing experiences.
As I was playing with these seven dolphins in my own little world something just sort of happened? All of a sudden we entered a formation together. I had three on my left and four on my right. They were so close it was like a hug without touching. I was basically in the middle as we began cruising. I felt very cradled, very loved and released everything that I thought was ‘me’ as we swam eye to eye. I was experiencing their speed, grace and the serenity of a part of their world I humbly was grateful for and lost all track of time. It was like entering a void. Nothing mattered. I could have been heading out into the deep blue sea and I would not have cared. We were moving at such a speed I can actually say we were flying.

I was becoming ‘one’ with everything around me. It was all dissolving. There was no separation between life around me and my body’s resistance to the water had no meaning. I was consciously allowing myself to let go of all ‘thought’ and just fly with these amazing mammals. I can’t describe it enough. Words defy me.

I then became conscious and aware of a very powerful surge of energy entering the top of my head, shooting down my whole body and blasting out through my feet. It was like every gentle yet, powerful kick of each fin, carried with it an enormous burst which, propelled me through no-time and no-space, cruising with these seven dolphins.

It was as if I was their beloved toy and they were sharing something with me. They were showing me a world that exists beyond physicality. I felt extremely honoured and emotionally moved as it was happening faster than rapid. I felt like a butterfly coming out of its cocoon. These thoughts and feelings I am sharing with you here on paper are a rather crude attempt to give a visual of what happened with words. Not easy, when what happened had no words.

I was looking in the eye of the dolphin on my right most of the time and began what can only be described as a communication beyond telepathy. I had never experienced this before? The telepathy I had always heard about and have also experienced uses a form of language (words) from mind to mind. This communication with the dolphins had no form of matter. It was simply a transference of energy and what I can only describe as a “knowing”. With no letters, no words, no sentences. And what was being communicated I cannot tell you. It was just so pure. Fear did not live here. It was full of love, trust and bliss.

I was completely unaware of what was being witnessed by the others on the surface when all of a sudden this bliss was cut short by the sound of Sune shouting to me. I slowly drifted from the world I was in and lifted my head to see Sune and Ruth in the zodiac coming towards me shouting “Pamela, you were moving so fast we could not keep up!”. What I also was unaware of was that the whole pod had moved with these seven dolphins and myself leaving Sune and Ruth so they had to get in the boat to catch up!

What had just happened felt so natural to me. Flying in the water. Beyond all forms of matter called sky, earth, land or sea and everything in between. A place that exists, yes, a place where we truly are one and free.

This is a photo taken by Sune that morning in the water.

So, Sune and Ruth slid in the water where we had another short time with them before they gracefully swam away. It was an amazing two hours.

We were now heading towards the main boat thinking that was enough and so very happy for the experience. I was still not totally in this world yet, after this. And on some level things were going on within myself on a sort of re-calculating the whole mis-guided, taught to us, “life” thing. The journey back took us towards the shallower parts of the reef and happened upon another small pod with two babies. We moved along slowly and I could not help but feel the enormous energetic presence of peace in the ‘now’ of this moment.

The sound of a zodiac coming interrupted our calm. It was from the main boat and pulled up alongside of us. It was Ahmed telling Sune and Ruth that breakfast was ready and they were going on another dive. So Sune and Ruth transferred to the other zodiac and left. Sune gave me a look as if he did not want to leave as he put one foot over into the other boat and I said “you can stay?”. It happened very quickly as he sort of finished his steps and away they went.

I sat there for a moment watching the dolphins going into my own world, as I always do, and knew they were not desiring company so I respected their resting time. I felt fortunate to have spent two hours with them and decided it was time to go back to the Eagle Ray for some resting time too.

I said “Shazley, let’s go home. I am happy, so happy for what we had, as much as I never wish to leave.” His patience for our pleasures was humbling to me. He turned the boat around heading northeast towards the end of the reef where the Eagle Ray was moored. Gaining speed, I turned and looked left out to the sea and in coming from the deep were ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR groups of fins on the surface. There must have been at least one hundred dolphins! I looked at Shazley and nothing more needed to be said.

We went. And as we approached they surrounded us, jumping, riding the waves, and if one could hear what I was seeing it would sound like a stadium of laughter. I could feel their excitement, love and desire to play. It was beyond happy. To watch them having so much fun, to be so free, is always a great feeling and pleasure to see. After a moment we slowed down, stopped, cut the engine off and I slid into the water for what was to be an hour of something my fingers cannot write to express.

I felt that on some higher conscious level, what I was experiencing was permeating the field of energy we are all connected to and sending out something that I struggle to explain. I hope you can feel it though by the words I’m sharing? It was love beyond itself. Try bridging that gap. Phew! Heart-wings are needed for sure, time for lift off! Ready to leave your body?

Surrounding me were at least one hundred dolphins. It did not take long before three beautiful dolphins caught my attention and never let me go. I feel they might have been three of the seven from earlier before. I do not know though, just an intuitive guess.

It was interesting because I could see that the rest of the dolphins had encircled us as if protecting what was going on? Every move I made, they made and vice-versa. It is what they call “mimicking” which, is another form of communication and play. I always felt honoured when they allowed me “in”. I have these three dolphins on film by the way and am so thankful I handed my camera to Shazley!

So, here we are playing when one of them began to dive down directly underneath turning and looking straight up at me, as I looked down to him. I went into this ‘beyond telepathy’ world again that I described above. I knew what he was saying! He was asking me to come down under the water to play and he knew I had not done this before and was being very patient and kind. I could ‘feel’ it! This was all a “knowing” that was transferred in communication between us. I cannot explain it any other way.

I had not yet ever gone under the water with a snorkel. I was afraid I would swallow water if I did? It never crossed my mind to even try going under with a snorkel and I am a good swimmer! Certainly not afraid of the water, I just never did the snorkel under the water ‘thing’ (laughing).

He kept communicating with me on a level that transcended all ‘thought’ and continued coming around, going down, turning and looking up at me. He did this about three times when something very powerful overcame me. I lifted my head up out of the water and said “I have to do this”. So, I took a deep breath (common sense took over) and dove straight down with these dolphins surrounding me as I twirled and danced with them under the water. I felt as if I could hold my breath forever and never wanted to come up. When I did, they came with me. And as I went “phooof” to blow the water out of my snorkel they were right beside me and went “phoof!” out of their blowholes.

This is when I became a dolphin.

From this moment on all I wanted to do was hold my breath, dive down and dance like a ballerina alongside these majestic beings which, is exactly what I did and could have done into the mists of forever. I have reviewed the film that Shazley took with my camera and all I can say is it was like making love intertwined in the milky way with my three friends. The gentle connection, the love beyond love, the understanding between us, the release of all fear and simply living ‘the knowing’. Words do not exist here so please ‘feel’ this, as I desperately try to share the experience.

Sadly, we had to surrender our flight of bliss as something broke the tranquility of the world we were living in.

I heard Shazley saying “Pamela, can we go now?” Raising my head out of the water there was Shazley having been in the hot sun all this time for three hours. I looked at him in the boat, then turned to see these three dolphins who positioned themselves side by side in stillness waiting as if they were very aware of what was happening, looking right at me. It was ripping me apart.

I was now caught in the middle of something that one heart cannot bear to take. The pain that flashed through me was instant. Shazley wanted to leave, the dolphins did not move and I did not wish to go.

I looked at Shazley – then to the dolphins – and with my breaking heart swam to the zodiac and looked up at Shazley as these three dolphins were waiting for me, still in position and not moving saying “Please, I have to say goodbye to them”.

So, I pushed off from the zodiac and put my right hand out in front of me towards them saying in my mind “goodbye”. Then said “no, until we meet again’. This was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. They did not want me to go. Nor did I wish to leave. Again, we were communicating on a level that one would have to experience to understand.

As soon as my hand went up, as quickly as my thoughts went out, all three, powerfully, with what appeared to be one quick stroke from their tails flew right towards me and I thought they would put their noses to the palm of my outstretched hand but they blew right by me on either side.

Before I could turn around, before I could even ‘think’ or do anything one came up from behind me on my right side and could not have gotten any closer without touching … and stopped.

Our eyes met with intent, a sort of gentleness and purpose that moved me within. And again, time stood still as I was frozen in awe. I mean he just stopped! He looked me directly in the eye and I knew what he was communicating.

He was allowing me to touch him.
[remember, three days before this I wrote in my journals that I wished to touch the dolphins?]

There was a brief moment of silence as I floated beside him, looking into each others eyes. It was so beautiful. Words defy me.

I slowly put up my right palm so he could see it … and he stayed.
I then placed it gently and softly on his side. He did not move.
He stayed.
I ran my hand down his body gently petting him as our eyes remained locked in love with absolute trust.
And he stayed.

What was happening was one of the most intensely beautiful moments of my life.

Then one of the other dolphins came kindly in between he and I, gently nudging him as he moved aside, and this one stopped too. He was asking me to pet him. He was allowing me, and I did. Then the other dolphin came to my left side and did the same thing. Stopping for me to pet him as our eyes met with a depth that released all illusion making this moment as real as it gets. It was beyond the physical realm and we must speak about these things and share them.

“Thought” was not something I remembered to do during this whole time for it was timeless. The connection we shared here proves to me there is definitely something more to all of us and may we all be so kind to one another.

We continued to play and while all this was going on the whole pod of over one hundred dolphins had remained encircled around us as if to protect this beautiful encounter.

I will never forget the last moment when it was over. The vision I will carry forever of all the dolphins, the pod, swimming out to the deep sea as if leaving a moment in time knowing something happened here with purpose. Then like on cue, my three friends left as they trailed behind at the very end. Swimming in synchronicity with their large tail flukes moving up and down gliding them through the water like feathers in a breeze away from me, heading out into the deep blue sea.

I took this as a sign to get in the boat now. It was time to go. I had been in the water for over three hours at this point so it was ok, even though I could have stayed forever.

As I was hoisted into the zodiac, I looked at Shazley and was just speechless. I gave him the biggest hug, thanking him so much! He will forever hold a special place in my heart for he witnessed this and was simply there. As we pulled away and sped off I turned around and to my absolute amazement two of the dolphins were coming after us jumping high up out of the water travelling at great speed. I had not seen the dolphins do this before until now. It was beautiful. I was asking Shazley to please slow down! I felt for them trying to catch up to us. He did not slow down but they did catch up to us and rode/played with the bow of the boat for a moment then pulled off to the side as we sped on.

I watched as they stopped in one place jumping out of the water over and over with what appeared to be extreme joy. I shared it as my heart was breaking again. It was a living torture because I wanted to be with them. I thought to myself … were they wanting me to come back or were they simply saying “…goodbye, until next time?”

It could have been a movie. The only difference is this was ‘real’ and the dolphins were wild and free.

This is one chapter of many about the dolphins in an up and coming authored book called OCEANHEART.
I learned so much on this trip about the oceans that surround our world, the eco-system, dolphins, sharks and all marine life that swim in it. I would rather have gone out to enjoy these magnificent mammals in a sail boat with no motor to meet them safely and quietly in their world. Now I can bring this information back and share it with you. Another point of view from experience. I used to pick up plastic bags when snorkelling along the North Reef and stuffed them in my bathing suit. It broke my heart. One of the darknesses on this planet that needs to be lifted is humanity’s way of thinking and where it chooses to take its mind and heart. It is time to co-envision, co-communicate and co-create a balanced, harmonious new earth, if this is ones desire.
Something is looking to us for honour. Wake up and look around you.
What you see is a collective reflection of ‘thought’. Which wolf will you feed?
It is time to change direction. It is time to place attention on what is good and kind.
It is time to do the different. Peace.

Funny thing happened on the way to eternity … back in 1998 when travelling about the world,
I saw four different psychics over a short period of time who each said;
“You are going to write a book”. Well, it was the last thing I thought would ever come true and now it is. Surreal.

I would gladly leave if it sent a message for Peace.
To bring unity among all living things in coherent Light encoding a voice in speak.
It is so simple really and this is the song I shall sing.
I remember a time when in the waters of the Red Sea in Egypt with the dolphins …
I could have so easily taken my last breath then and there, and was on the verge of doing so …
When something intervened and said ‘no’.
I am sure many feel this way.
And I say never give up the precious breath that you hold and expel each and every day.
It is all going to be okay! It is all so beautiful and your breath is important, valuable and much needed.
For we all here yearn to feel the wind of your voice speaking its truths,
which, assist in the freeing of all life in our collective universe.
Dont’ get caught in the detail, open your heart to the vastness of who you are!
You are not alone and we are all here to hear your song!

“Dolphins”. It is not about being different. It is about not being afraid to be different.
If you listen to what the guide is saying to the humans in this scene,
look at it as a message to humans themselves about captivity of their own mind and what they are feeding.
“Where you look, there you are, your reality awaits you”.
Time to change direction and turn ourselves inside out.
Most people are so addicted to their comfort zones and afraid to venture out of time and mind.
Sometimes you have to lose it (mind) in order to wake up.
Nature is not the one that needs to be understood. Humans are.
This scene depicts the position 3 dolphins took in the Red Sea with me on one of the most magical experiences of my life.”Beyond Telepathy”. Do not support captivity of any kind including the human mind.
Much love in Simplicity.

All pictures: pamela leigh richards
Except: dolphin world & star wars
Quotes: Pamela Leigh Richards unless otherwise stated

Another View Of Life

Posted in: A - Another View of Life by Pamela on January 17, 2010

“I believe that a knowledge of that perfect life sits inside you as the North Star sits in its unalterable spot. You may think you’re utterly lost, that you’re going to die a bewildered death in the Dark Wood of Error. But brush away the leaves, wait for the clouds to clear, and you’ll see your destiny shining as brightly as ever: the fixed point in the constantly changing constellations of your life.”

Finding Your Own North Star – claiming the life you were meant to live.
Martha Beck

The Event Horizon

Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on January 08, 2010

This is Powerful! Like the awareness that has been growing ‘within’ me for so long with no words. Stretching the boundaries. Crossing the line. Co-creating with pure energy. Where attention goes energy flows. Ask and you shall receive. I feel this could possibly be what the energy message meant that came to me and said “Build What You See”.
I knew that many things we have been told throughout our lives are so untrue.
Sort of goes along the lines of this quote?
“Do not go where the path may lead;
go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”

Do the quantum leap, follow your heart and know,
that you will always have solid ground to land on or wings to fly.


Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on January 04, 2010

“The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.”
~ Voltaire

The thread of love permeates all life.
In the leaf on a tree. In the breath that you breathe.
In the heart that beats. How powerful it can be.
And more compelling is when another shares this with thee.
Self love yes, but mirroring is magical.
~ pamela leigh richards


Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on January 01, 2010

The world has become too robotical, too mechanical, too computerized and too mesmerized.
We have lost touch with nature. We have lost touch with who we truly are.
Your mind is made-up. What did you choose to use? Beliefs.
Change your mind. Change the Multi-verse.


Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on December 01, 2009

I have an agreement with something …
That was never meant to be broken.
A ‘knowing’ from deep ‘within’.
Then, an intervention appeared.
Which, brought with it; Fear.
Fear no more and all that you can be, and ever will be;
Becomes ever so clear.
~ pamela leigh richards ‘7-2010’


Posted in: A - Another View of Life by Pamela on October 17, 2009

This sister site was created in 2008,
It was designed and fulfilled its purpose.
The time has come to redirect it to here @
This site too, is in the throws of its own evolution and I thank you for your visits.
Wishing that everything you read, see, hear and experience, has been of help to you in some way
on your own personal journeys, in the extraordinary thing we call ‘life’.
I’m on to building a Love dream. Uniting the endless skies within the body of the Seas in me.
To the depths of the Earths Heartbeat, and everything in between.
Build what you see, Build a Love Dream, if you please?

“One of the greatest contributions I have given to Life, is making up my mind.”
pamela leigh richards

As I flew over the Mediterranean from England,
entering the lands of Egypt,
as clear as day a telepathic message came with no words,
just a form of pure energy transferring a message,
and its translation was this:

“You need to get grounded. You need to ground yourself. Plant your feet back on the earth”

Next, what ran through me after hearing this initial message on the plane,
were overlapping telepathic thoughts explaining,
that the reason I had to ground was because …

“You have things to fulfill within yourself, this is a very personal journey.
You have to realize your gifts, gain confidence, stand strong.
You have a Heart to give which would help lift humanity in this physicality.”

“The seeking we each strive for will never be found in the external.
For what is eternal, what has always been ‘in’ternal, can never be lost, only found.”

A personal journey? Yes, indeed it is.

“Through every rift of discovery,
some seeming anomaly drops out of the darkness,
and falls as a golden link into the great chain of order.
Edwin Hubbel Chapin

“Sometimes you just have to follow your Heart and not wait for knowledge.”

“Nature is our greatest ally, for God [the god particle] is in everything.”

“We are each here for something, we must find what that something is,
on this very personal journey.”

Images: Credited, otherwise unknown source at this time
Quotes: Pamela Leigh Richards unless otherwise stated.
Photo SunLight Geometries: Sunset in Sedona from my garden across to Airport Vortex
Video: Almadrava granted permission to use her video.



This is probably one of the more extreme ‘out of body’ dreams I have ever had.
For those who don’t recognize the two on either side of myself in the middle picture?
It is High Sanusi Baba Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa (the high holy man), the official storyteller of the Zulu nation, a Sangoma (traditional healer) and his wife, High Sanusi Virginia Nkagesang Rathele Mutwa, also a fellow Sangoma. They are both authors in their own rights of many books including “Indaba My Children”, “Zulu Shaman” and “Woman of Four Paths: The Strange Story of a Black Woman in South Africa“.

I was there visiting for about two weeks in 2006, with my then husband, British author David Icke.
Credo calls on all human beings to awaken the mother mind, that part of human consciousness
that feels what is happening in the world. He describes the African philosophy, Ubuntu;
“I am because you are”, as the root of humanity’s interconnectedness, a sense of unity
between people through which we each discover our own strengths and virtues.

Many awakenings and visions have happened in my life since this time.
I am not the same and this is a good thing and used to say growing up
“If I am the same tomorrow, as I am today, I will not be happy”.
I was aware of something back then that I’m now beginning to understand what it means.

I mentioned to Virginia, that prior to coming, I had three vivid dreams with she and Credo.
When she heard this she said, as we were sitting in the Ancestors House,
“Pamela, please let us know if you have any more dreams like this”.

Amazingly, the following dream occurred on the very night after leaving Kuruman heading back home to England.

I first found myself walking into this room, as if I simply appeared there?
In such a profound lucid state ~ It was so beautiful.
I stood there as Virginia approached and had a long mesh dress in her hands for me to put on.
There was no verbal communication. All was understood telepathically.
It was draped over both of her arms in an extended manner as she placed it in front of me
and I knew to put it on, without question. I could actually feel myself ‘thinking’ that it was not something I would wear but this ‘thought’ evaporated immediately and I slipped into an awareness that did not ‘think’.

I just knew things. It was an elevation of understanding beyond our 3-D world.
I experienced this same understanding with the dolphins in Egypt.
She helped put it right over my head and what I was already wearing, as it slipped down my body. It was hand made from very natural materials. There could have been tiny beads very sparcely interwoven?

Sort of like this picture below, only it went down to my ankles in length and not a halter but over my shoulders. This was close to the colour as well. Creamy/Golden/Tanish.

We then walked to these windows in the room placing our hands upon them laughing so happily!
A very tall black man was coming up from the left towards the windows on the outside.
To give you a visual: Imagine you are standing in a small room with two large windows.
Outside is a grassy area, like a front yard, with a street and a streetlight. Like a neighborhood?
It was night time with only the light of this street lamp.
As he walked to the window he placed his hand upon it matching up with mine on the other side.
We looked into each others eyes and it was only for a moment really.
This picture is almost exactly what it was like.

Virginia was standing on my right with her left hand on my window too.
She and I were looking at each other as well, laughing. It was so beautifully fun!
The 2 windows were closer together though. Not so much division between them.
After he did this, he turned and skipped/danced away very happily as he was now laughing too!

Next, I found myself standing in this same room facing a door
and to my left was a very wide panoramic length window.
What was out the window reminded me of a hotel that had an open atrium sort of area
with the sky above and some trees and plants were there and a sidewalk
where Virginia was briskly walking with great purpose to her step and intent. Very focused.
I knew she was coming to the door in front of me.
I turned to look at the door and she opened it coming directly towards me.
At that very moment of walking towards me,
it was very purposeful with determination, she looked up and said;

“It Is Time … The Seven Circles (sounded like the word Circles?) something, something, something, The Seven Circles something, something, something, the Seven Circles something, something, something … “

She repeated this three times that I could hear.
At that very moment, it all happened so quickly and words are difficult to find to describe.
I began to leave energetically upward and out, like a wave pulling me backwards
as I watched her below speaking and my entire being leaving.
Then boom! I was back in my body. It was abrupt.
Saying “oh my god, oh my god, oh my god” over and over, which, woke my husband up
because I was trying to find something to write it all down with in the dark.
I finally found my way to the computer and just began typing.

The next morning my husband heard the whole story and said he felt I might go back and study with Virginia. I did not feel that though. There was more to my path that was unfolding and has led me to where I am right now and find the journey getting more and more profoundly beautiful.

Maybe Truth for humanity is just a signpost that you traverse in your attempt to interpret the reason for your existence, and there are an infinite amount of signposts ready and prepared by your Creator for you to experience? Maybe this is the role and purpose of mankind? To constantly dynamically advance and choose new signposts, integrate the lessons, and forge ahead towards Oneness. Be open to completely letting go of past systems, letting go of old scars and resentment, and look forward towards the great adventure that life really is meant to be.

I am now realizing the probable meaning of this 7 Circle Message.
So beautiful.

‘Our plans miscarry because they have no aim.
When a man does not know which harbour he is making for, no wind is the right wind.’
~ Senecca

“It may take years to learn rightful knowledge, yet,
tis’ something one can learn quickly by instinct.”
pamela leigh richards

I wish to share something that happened some time ago.
It was a highly lucid tangible dream and very profound.
I do feel that I am understanding its meaning much clearer now.
And whatever it is, I am the Captain of this water, body, vessel, vehicle Ship.
Life is Precise.

As I went to sleep I had this image of what appeared to be very clearly …
An “A” in a Circle hovering over me all night.
It was floating in the Universe or what I would now consider the vacuum of darkness.
The Black Hole, the Event Horizon, the Void, the Silence, the point of beginnings.
It was beautiful really and had this feeling that it was watching over me. All night.
I woke up 3 times and every time I went back to sleep this image was just ‘there’.
No fear, no anything. Very neutral in its presence. Just watching over me observing.
Others came up with their versions of what it might be, yet, I stayed ‘within’ my own knowing.
This falls right in line with a theme occuring in my life where people would look at me and say; “We have never seen anyone like you before?”
It has happened more often than not. I just know my Heart and its meaning. No comparing here. No ego. It is what it is and I have something to share unafraid to do so.

I feel the Dream had to do with Creation.

Dealing with a brain injury has been one of the most important challenges of my life for it has opened up doors. What I ‘see’ goes way beyond what I speak of here. My gratitude is there always to life for this amazing journey, and honoured to be able to share.

“I am my own Life’s experiment. I am my own Reserch Project.”

“There is a song I’m singing you cannot hear, yet.”

“I’m dealing with so much and only so much I can deal with.”

It is time to Clean House.
The internal and external House. The mental, emotional, and environmental House.
It is time to Let Go.

“I’m dropping a pebble in the pond of thought.”

“No matter what my heart can weep still
There is a place that calls from deep within
All the wisdom in the Multiverse is a sonnet
Every cell and soul of yours knows this
Don’t let anyone or anything intellectualize it
Leading you astray to follow, for indeed
This song of yours is a most important thing.
I feel nature inside on a ride to bursting.”

“We are all boarding different trains going in different directions, that is all.
Where they originate from, the station is still the same.
Where they end up, only you will know.”

Life is a personal journey. Get to know thy’self’.
At the same time remember, you are never, ever alone.

“Your words are like scenery outside the window of my train. I don’t have to bring it in.”

Build What You See
The Shift is Within and Listening.
Once You Have Tasted Flight
The Wall of Bliss
The Ayahuasca Experience
Thunder Mountain ~ Ripping Through the Matrix
It is Time. A Global Clearing. Over Here For A Word.

Images: Credited, otherwise unknown source at this time
Quotes: Pamela Leigh Richards unless otherwise stated.


Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on August 06, 2009

Create the world you wish to see
Remember a place of blending sensories
Where peacocks sing in purples and blues
And shades of orchids leave lips quivering
There is a place within all of us and you know
Inviting a dance to express the colour of your soul.
pamela leigh richards

There are more than thirteen thousand islands in the Indonesian Archipelago,
scattered like stepping stones between the continents of Asia and Australia;
but you will not find Nus Tarian marked on any map. Nevertheless, it exists.

“All sounds have colors?”
“Astaga! You did not know?”
“How can you listen to talk or music without color?”
Her eyes were full of pity.
“When the drums talk, they lay a carpet of brown, like soft sand on the ground.
A dancer stands on this.
Then the gongs call in green and yellow,building forests through which we move and turn.
And if we lose our way,
there is always the white thread of the flute or the song to guide us home.”
Gifts of Unknown Things – Lyall Watson

Sail Away

Posted in: Music Gallery by Pamela on July 27, 2009

David Gray – "Sail Away" from Michael Coleman on Vimeo.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed

by the things that you didn’t do

than by the ones you did do.

So throw off the bowlines.

Sail away from the safe harbor.

Catch the trade winds in your sails.

Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Mark Twain

Single … Taken by “Life”.

Free the mind from chains that bind

Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on July 12, 2009

We have the illusion of all and the truth of all.
Take responsibility for the world you see.
Make the changes that are necessary.
Your thoughts either assist in someone elses dream
Or they can co-create a new reality.


Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on March 16, 2009

I feel something growing inside of me
As I peel away the onions of programming
The knots in the rope of my life are untying
The chains at my feet are unbinding
I am becoming more secure with sense of self
As I let go of all that went behind me
Isn’t “life” what we are here to achieve?
It’s what you make of it and all you believe.

Poem: pamela leigh richards
Image with kind permission: “THE GREAT ILLUSION”

Channel 5 Documentary

Posted in: Films by Pamela on March 12, 2009

“David Icke Was He Right.”

Please google this title if you wish to view.

For those who do not know,
this is a very personal/public journey.

The making of this film holds a very special place in my heart.
The crew had come to the house and as they were setting up I brought out my camera to film them filming David. I was ‘filming’ the making of the ‘filming’ of this documentary. The Director, Norman Hull, who has a brilliant creative mind, saw me walk in the front room with my broadcast quality camera and asked if I would be in the film? So, this is how I was in front of the camera, as well as behind it.

David wanted me in it.

I received a Final Edit copy of the film and noticed one spot where the transition between two scenes was incongruent. I wrestled between saying something or letting it go? Insecurities were kicking in. Was there enough time to edit this suggested change? Because it was quite clear to me and in viewing it from the audiences perspective, I thought, I must say it without ‘fear’, speak my mind, and let them decide. I was humbly surprised and very happy that they did make the change suggested and do feel it made a significant difference in the flow of the film at that point.

Doing this taught me to follow my heart first, before thinking twice.
To never give up and never not speak your truth, no matter what.
I was removing insecurities too, as we all have them.
Take a chance because you never know how good something can turn out to be!

Linda, David’s first wife, said in this film,
which, I found relevant for all to take heed with?

I can remember Gareth [son] coming home one day saying some boy had said:
“Your dads mad.”
So Gareth said: “So’s yours.”
And this boy said: “But you don’t know my dad.”
And Gareth said: “Exactly”

And Pamela says “Exactly”.
For what this former extended family did to one girl.

Condemnation without investigation. A true height of ignorance.
To believe anything based soley and purely,
on what anyone simply says is frightening.
And believing in another so much so,
that their very words are received without question,
is damaging.


Filming in London for this documentary.

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