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    Copyright © 2008-
    Fly with Me Productions

    I Love Lightning The Blue Flash

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on July 26, 2012


    The most amazing moment! Magic is in the air.
    A thunderbolt hit right before me on the telephone pole
    causing a crackling symphonic sound emitting a beautiful blue light with an electrical buzz.
    My favourite time of year. Monsoon season.
    The lightning bolt missed its mark though. I was over here 🙂

    “Matter is Energy. Energy is Light. We are all Light Beings.”
    ~ Albert Einstein

    “Sometimes you have to die in order to live.”
    Nature is crying and has given many signs over long periods of time.
    You can understand a nations people by the way it treats its animals.
    You can understand a man by the way it treats its own kind.
    World Peace Please.

    “I care not who has a realationship with ego.
    I care for the realationship with nature in its purest & simplest form.”
    Pamela Leigh Richards

    “Ere many generations pass,
    our machinery will be driven
    by power obtainable at any point in the universe.
    It is a mere question of time
    when men will succeed
    in attaching their machinery
    to the very wheelwork of nature.”
    ~ Nikola Tesla

    The machinery of a telephone pole has done such a thing.
    Captured the wheelwork of nature and people pay for it when it is free.

    “We are less than whole without it. It is nothing without us.
    We are dancing with life.”

    Smile when you are hurt the most. Easier said than done I know.
    So, when you cannot bring a smile to your face
    may this be a helping hand offering a smile until you are ready.
    You are never alone and there is light at the end of every tunnel.

    Thank you Klaus. Peace and Coherency.
    “A common bond of unity even among our formed differences exists in the Heart without thought.”

    “Humans have been conditioned and just like retraining a wild horse?
    We are retraining the human condition to be kind.
    One heart and mind at a time.”

    Images: Sources unknown unless stated.
    Quotes: copyright 2000-2012 pamela leigh richards
    Image Dolphin: copyright 2007 pamela leigh richards
    Image Golden Geometry: copyright 2011 pamela leigh richards
