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    “Everyone has Oceans to fly, If they have the heart to do it.
    Is it Reckless? Maybe.
    But what do dreams know of boundaries?”
    ~ Amelia Earhart


    I share others works and creations on my page because I value what they have to say. I relate to their art, their philosophies, visions, and expertise, that I have yet to acquire. Technology is advancing faster than the speed of sound and light. Therefore, why waste time when a message can be collaborated and shared here between artists born and yet to be born, on the canvas of our ever evolving fractal world.

    If we are all one and connected, then I love the dancer in thee, that is in me, I love the nature enthusiast in thee, in me, I love the painter, poet, writer, musician, gardener, alchemist, astronomer, archeologist, mathematician, physicist, biologist, elementalist, photographer, filmmaker, animal lover, astrologer, lighting expert, holographic explorer, and everything in between that leads us all on the journey towards a collective unity of peaceful living.

    Sometimes I’m the Director, Producer, Writer, Cinemetographer, DP, Editor, lighting director, and all that happens in creation, as I participate, and/or become part of the audience connecting with something I agree with on the screen. Thank you all for this magnificent journey. Humbled and appreciated you are in my heart.


    “It is necessary to create a tension in the Mind,
    so individuals could rise from the bondage of myths and half-truths,
    to the unfettered realm of creative analysis and objective appraisal.”
    ~ Socrates

    “I would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates.”
    ~ Steve Jobs

    “What strategic thinking requires is the ability to contemplate possibilities,
    not immediately present.”
    ~ Terrence McKenna

    “The past occupies the future in informative information so it is like a self fulfilling prediction is what a fractal is. It predicts by virtue of its past states. They define what its future states will be. Exactly in the same way that I imagine the morphogenetic field defines what future states will be. The fractals that have been talked about to date have been used to describe spatial phenomena. Coastlines, molecular arrangements, the distribution of flowers in a meadow, this sort of thing. But if instead you thought of fractals as descriptors for the temporal dimension, replace the notion of a flat or slightly curved manifold, with an actual fractal surface over which events were flowing, and flowing over patterns, which were repeating themselves at many, many levels in resonance with previous similar patterns. Then you would begin to have a mathematical picture of how the morphogenetic field would work, and you would also have found a phenomenon in nature upon which to hang it. By saying ‘time’ is obviously it. It’s just that we are so engrained by Newtonionism to accept time as an abstraction. As something not having equal status in the other three dimensions, that we’ve overlooked this fact. And yet that is obviously the carrier wave. That’s why you would speak of the presence of the past, what then can it be but time. Past time in the present.” ~ Terrene McKenna


    Resonance Science Academy

    “Peace is Eye~see”
    ~ plr 2010

    “Words have meaning in truth, of course.
    However, if stated without heart and mind united?
    They might falter like driftwood,
    on the seas of possibilities allowing intervention.
    Be sured, steadfast in knowing, confident in the journeying,
    no matter what may lie along the path of tither and frowing.
    The sailing to get there will be done,
    no matter what the waters waves attempting to thwart the destiny.”

    “May love turn away rage, may truth turn away hate.”
    ~ plr 2010

    “Seek to be alone much to commune with Nature,
    and be thus inspired by her mighty whisperings within your consciousness.
    Nature is a most jealous god,
    for she will not whisper her inspiring revelations to you,
    unless you are absolutely alone with her.”
    ~ Walter Russell

    “May we together,
    create a world of beautiful feelings ever lasting.”
    ~ plr

    “I have a romance with reality and truth.”
    ~ Dr. John Henrik Clarke

    “In this infinite sea of potentials,
    how come we keep recreating the same realities?”
    ~ Dr. Joe Dispenza

    The past is bound to be repeated unless we learn from it.
    May we all in like kind unite, unbounded.
    May it be so, may it be so, may it be so.
    Thrice is nice, ignite the light.

    Peace of mind is the way to build a relationship with life.
    The point is, be unafraid to change current directions.
    It can never be too late to understand.
    It can never be too late to participate in Peace.
    One must have discernments with ease.
    Integrity within the human institution called consciousness,
    operates with deeply rooted truths non-negotiable.

    “There is always growth in comforting realities.”
    ~ plr

    “Unjust laws exist;
    shall we be content to obey them,
    or shall we endeavor to amend them,
    and obey them until we have succeeded,
    or shall we transgress them at once?”
    ~ Henry David Thoreau

    I feel our timeless creation’s histories, have been recorded quite wrongly.
    All life, is energy, tone, intention, harmonics, frequency, vibration, and light.
    All life, is electrical, magnetic, and then some.
    I value life in birth, and transformations,
    through peaceful journeys in entirety.
    I respect life for its loving, kind understandings,
    and compassionate coherency above all else.

    “Never be afraid of the shape,
    simply be aware of the intent within it.”
    ~ plr 2010

    “Well its been a short talk tonight but I’m scratching the surface,
    of something that would take a lot of talks and lectures to give you …
    I do this because I want those who can understand, and have the capacity to understand,
    to look into these things in a much deeper level,
    because the way its going today we are being turned into forms of machines,
    that’s how we’re viewed of course, predictable machines …
    has planned for us all is inhumane …
    it’s not a natural development or progression.”
    ~ Alan Watt

    “When everything speeds up,
    slow down and view with clarity,
    then make a conscious move.”
    ~ plr

    “I think one can do a lot – both:
    Focused towards oneself and towards the world as such.
    Being a part of the solution, not of the problem,
    by becoming more and more a part of a complete order.
    Trying to set an example – balanced and conscious.
    Becoming a sensitive observer of your own life.
    The longing for a life without time ~ in time.”
    Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling

    “Sharing is not immoral, it is certainly a moral imperative.”
    ~ plr

    “They have taught me that the objective world in space and time does not exist
    And that we are forced to deal now not in facts, but in possibilities.
    Breaking the rules doesn’t worry me anymore
    Now that I can see that only one principle really matters.
    And that is rightness.
    If it feels good, if it seems appropriate and meaningful,
    Then it doesn’t matter how absurd it is
    In the light of the established explanation of how things work.
    Establishments are no longer as stable as they used to be.
    They are having to make way for another kind of knowing
    Which is concerned only with harmony, with keeping in touch with Earth’s tune.
    Lyall Watson – “Gifts of Unknown Things”


    This is 1 hour, 10 minutes, and 58 seconds, of two humans ‘being’, speaking some real truths.

    Simple Reminders, Hoisting the Freedom Fighters

    Excerpts from this beautiful transmission:

    “And getting off of society’s theme ride of scripts and narratives,
    and daring to write your own narrative …
    even if you have to play along a little bit, okay?
    You have to play along a little bit.
    I knew a long time ago that I did not want to have to –
    throw rocks at it from the outside, nope.
    Nobody listens to the rock throwers guys …
    And it’s probably a very good thing.
    I think it’s better to figure out a way to get in voluntarily,
    have them invite you in, and sit down at the table of conversation…
    instead of throwing rocks.”

    “It is amazing what you can do in ten years,
    but not if you’ve been scattered by the system.
    Run down, beat down, and distracted.
    Your time used up every day listening to gossip, listening to the entertainment,
    listening to the so-called news, staying [confined] in your bridal [blinders] …
    You know what you are going to do?
    You are going to be remade into the image and likeness of your popular cultural creator.
    They know what they can do in ten years, believe me.
    They know exactly what they can do to you in ten years,
    and that is exactly what they are doing.
    They are going to take you and your time and your eyeballs,
    and they are going to re-make you exactly the way they want you.
    Pour you right into the mold,
    and cast you right into exactly the way they want you.
    They know how to do it in ten years.
    Why don’t you take that ten years, and do something for you instead.”

    “And troublemakers seem to find each other which is a good thing,
    which is why I suspect we have found you, and you have found us.
    And that’s why we love you, and that’s why some of you love us.
    You are going to take down that white flag now,
    and you are going to begin to raise your black flag, join us.
    And we are going to be the right kind of trouble guys,
    the right kind of trouble, with the big picture in mind.”
    ~ Bryant and Jenni McGill

    “There is nothing more spiritual than freedom,
    and it is very spiritual to violate old beliefs for new values.”
    ~ Bryant McGill

    “It seems everything in life ‘lives’ because of sound,
    beginning with a tune wavering in the ‘bliss of mellow’ working it out,
    Awaiting its arrival for eternity’s yet unheard song to be heard,
    a song delivered causing creation from something unknown.
    Animals will know purely … beyond definition in the language of man.
    No need to prepare for it, for is already happening within,
    the silence is deafening, the peace we are is undefinable,
    and the outcome is ours to decide.”
    ~ plr 2010 OceanHeart

    “Maybe you are searching among the branches,
    for what only appears in the roots.”
    ~ Rumi

    “Arise! Awake! and stop not until the goal is reached.”
    ~ Swami Vivekananda

    “Eleutheria Allegoria Holographicticious”
    By: Seth McMahon, Jonathon Solter, Gabriel Welch, E Howard & Luke Brown
    Shared with love from a dear friend, Silvia Polivoy, Ph.D
    Creator of Spirit Vine Retreats

    “The spine and the brain are the altars of God [Life force].
    That is where the electricity of God flows down into the nervous system into the world,
    and the searchlights of your senses are turned outwards.
    But when you reverse the searchlights through (Kriya) yoga,
    and be concentrated in the spine, you will behold the Maker.”
    ~ Paramahansa Yogananda

    “Ninety percent of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain,
    is generated by the movement of the spine.”
    ~ Dr. Roger Sperry 1981 Nobel Prize winner for brain research.

    “If you treat someone as though they will recover,
    they will recover more than if you treat them,
    as though they will not recover.”
    ~ Jill Bolte Taylor

    “The pervasive influence of bias in our lives is largely ignored or defended, at greater cost than we can afford to sustain. We need to completely revise the way we function, by actively applying adaptive perspectives that allow us to constantly recalibrate ourselves within the subtle dynamics of every moment we are confronted with. This fluid awareness will assist in illuminating the areas of our life that are not being noticed, so we can observe within our emptiness what is truly manifesting around us.” ~ Naomi Jean

    “The essence of void consciousness cannot be located via our prejudice, for as we covert light through the bias of our perception we lose contact with the true source of our spirituality. This is the major issue that we are contending with, and the most jealously guarded secret that does not want to be discovered.

    The engineered consciousness we have arrived upon via the states of awareness that we are confronted with within this three-dimensional illusion seems so substantially concrete within the exquisite complexity delivered. Our unwavering devotion to this continuous interaction creates a gravitational eddy that can be difficult to escape.

    We are simultaneously subject, at this present time more than ever, to external influences that understand the applications of resonance focused upon our bioelectromagnetic field. This invisible interaction is only possible because we are all empathically inclined.

    Our internal process of fractal osmosis automatically accommodates the entrance of light into the toroidal field of our DNA matrix, which switches genes on and off in response to frequential infiltration.

    In most cases we have difficulty identifying the source point of these alterations for their application is automatically cloaked, beyond sensorial recognition by our ears and eyes. Yet, nevertheless, we are adjusted incrementally via the fact that our body naturally recalibrates itself to unseen and inaudible frequencies, with profound effect that we are only peripherally aware of.”
    ~ Lujan Matus

    “Dancing with self discovery.
    You get burned, you get enlightened?
    Life should be self-sustaining, unhinged as a freely living entity without suffering.
    Suffering is not necessary in order for life to live.
    Whatever created the idea that we must go through some fire for enlightenment,
    I say fire the architect/engineer making up the equation in this matter.”
    ~ plr

    “When you realize the value of all life,
    you dwell less on what is past,
    and concentrate more on the preservation of the future.”
    ~ Dian Fossey

    I wish to offer a page for your perusals.
    Here is a dear friend, Mr Bill Donahue. His story is … well, you just have to read it.
    His videos have risen to almost six million views!
    Check him out to see why, and please enjoy.

    “Human life does not fulfill its promise,
    within the structures and establishments of society.
    Noone comes to true self-hood by being what society wants you to be,
    nor by doing what society wants you to do.”
    ~ Gnostics

    “May we all blossom towards our ultimate nature.”

    The [human] ‘Experience‘ has not become widespread because there is no infrastructure. Neither physical infrastructure, nor human infrastructure. For example this country 150 years ago they tell me over 95% of the people were illiterate. Today 100% literacy. How does it happen? Because somebody built the schoolrooms, somebody trained the teachers.

    That infrastructure for ‘inner experience‘ has been wiped out in the last few centuries. So how do you expect it to happen? One guy talking here, one guy talking there is not going to make it happen. What should be a part of our life from the day we start, because the nature of human intelligence is such. That if you don’t mess it up with belief systems, every human being will find it. Too many concepts, too many ideas, too many belief systems … human intelligence is corrupt from the beginning. If you do not corrupt human intelligence, just leave it. Every human being is capable of knowing this. It is not some superhuman thing. The most important thing to remember is this yoga, this spiritual process is not about becoming superhuman, it is about knowing that being human itself is super.”

    “It is nice to transcend your logic, but it is stupid to give up your logic.”

    “After making a living you don’t know why the hell you are living.”
    ~ Sadhguru

    “One cannot ‘see’ if one has a belief that is so rigid it blocks one from seeing.”
    ~ plr

    “I so greatly appreciate today more than ever,
    the knowing that Time was and is, irrelevant to the moment,
    and that always is forever fleeting.”
    ~ plr

    “Energy is a living entity naturally,
    and should have no second or third party controlling its availability for profit.”

    Enter this equation into the algorithm of life for the good of the whole.

    “It is not about the messenger, it is what is being stated.
    And I feel we make it up as we go along, someone else did.”

    “It is not I that must clothe my body, it is you that must clean your mind.”
    ~plr 2007

    Just a few words in the endless ponderings of a wandering mind …
    “Sitting like a seashell on the sandy beaches of somewhere.
    Going to places spiraling to elsewhere.
    Don’t even think about it.
    Simply meet me in the middle of forever.”
    ~ plr

    “If speaking your truth means leaving it upon your last breath, then so be it.”

    “I have an oath to one thing, and one thing only.
    To the unbounded nature of life,
    before all thought was born.”

    Quotes and writings: Pamela Leigh Richards, ‘plr’, unless otherwise stated. 1960-infinity.
    Images: Noted or unknown at this time with all due respect.
    Love Yourself First
    Trees, Forests, & the Human Brain, what they have in common.
    Natures Internet – Powerful Ted Talk with Suzanne Simard
    Viktor Schauberger – A Deep Understanding of Water being a Sacred organism.
    Breakthrough … decoding immune system’s neural signals.
    Braden, Dispensa, & Lipton 2017
    Covert Passive-Aggressive Narcissist

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