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    Copyright © 2008-
    Fly with Me Productions

    Peace is Strength Within Heard

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on October 13, 2024


    In all of creation,
    may this moment encompass,
    forever lasting peace.


    There is a thread
    in the tapestry of my life
    with a knot
    and I am
    unravelling it.

    One other thing ..
    There was ‘Life”
    before money ever existed.

    We are all in this together. Breathe Peace.


    Mistakes are merely growth patterns
    leading one towards an existing life
    that knew long before we were born ..
    to live in harmony.


    Destiny? A thought form
    trying to happen
    or cause a new direction.
    Life is precise.

    The elegance of the dance in between the lines,
    the riffs, the notes, yourself amongst it all ~
    creating balance as best we can on this planet ~
    in between the ebbs and flows.
    Balance is the key.
    Calm & Kindness in D minor.

    “I think we make it up as we go along, someone else did.”
    ~ plr circa 1960



    Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu, verse 4: 

    The Tao is an empty vessel;

    it is used, but never filled,

    It is like the eternal void filled,

    with infinite possibilities,

    it is hidden but always present.

    I don’t know who gave birth to it,

    it is older than God.


    Another version:

    The Tao is an empty vessel;

    it is used, but never filled.

    Oh, unfathomable source

    of ten thousand things!

    Blunt the sharpness,

    Untangle the knot,

    Soften the glare,

    Merge with dust.

    Oh, hidden deep

    but ever present!

    I do not know

    from whence it comes.

    It is the forefather

    of the emperors.




    “We know who we are,
    in this chord of life,
    and once danced upon,
    can be seen,
    and witnessed by all,
    yet, holds no bearing,
    upon my heart,
    for I travel
    upon a very fine thread
    that knows no other
    than peace and harmony
    within itself that carries life,
    of endless time.”
    ~ plr



    “A picture paints a thousand words,

    and recognition sings eternity’s song.”

    ~ plr 2010



    “I will leave nothing but truth and love in my wake.”

    ~ plr



    When we all turned the corner into 2020,

    I experienced this:

    “Never lose your humanity.”

    Above is a link. Click it.


    Manufactured Enemy

    Above is a link. Click it.

    “Manufactured Enemy”
    back in 2006
    when all hell was breaking loose
    in my own home on the Isle of Wight, England,
    where I lived with my former husband,
    British author David Icke.
    I had nowhere to go,
    no~one to talk with about it all ..
    I was learning too,
    a child lost in the arms of ..
    “Mr Infinite Love is the Only Truth
    Everything Else Is Illusion”.
    For those that do not know,
    this was the title to one of his books.
    The back story of what really happened
    is in progress as I type this
    for my own healing.
    There was a ‘witch-hunt’
    going on behind my back
    by his family and others
    to remove me from David’s life,
    and I did not know the depth of it all
    until I got out and looked back on it. Phew!
    Hypocrisy abounded.
    Yeah, this is real too.
    I am still recovering from body memory
    and trauma from it all.
    The ‘manufactured enemy’ in this poem
    was just that .. I later on called it:
    “The Pamela Conspiracy”.
    The family conspired to make me out
    to be an enemy of David,
    including outside influences,
    psychics and such, which sadly
    David listened to those lies.
    David’s daughter Kerry
    after the birth of her daughter, Erin,
    said she did not want me near her
    thinking I was going to harm her?
    It was so bewildering to me?


    There is no way

    any of what I endured

    made any sense?

    And David also did not face
    what he did to me,
    nor did the family
    know what he did,
    which the family
    knew nothing about.
    Let’s get into truth speaking.


    This is the other side of:

    “And the Truth Shall Set You Free.”



    SHOUT OUT .. remember that old man in the house, near Ipswich, England, that you took me to Mr. David Icke, my former husband and British author. You sat there and watched with dark glasses on, a baseball cap and disguised, and I was your wife. I ran out terrified and crying before it went any further. I was not going to do that! I think this was my breaking point to finally speak up for myself to say ‘no more’. I ran and ran and hid in the bushes beside a house just sobbing and terrified. I saw your car driving by looking for me. And when I finally came out to get in the car, your yelling began upon my withering soul, there was no understanding, no solace, no empathy ~ I did not have the strength back then to face you to say ‘no’. But I do now. What a journey and what a life.


    Face me again David,
    and until then,
    this girls voice
    will be heard
    and your voice
    speaking of love
    is shallow.


    To this day
    anyone getting too close to me
    is uncomfortable.


    Shaking the tree.


    The letter David wrote to his daughter Kerry during that time:
    “Kerry … I appreciate you being concerned about me, but my safety is fine. Apart from the pressure of making sure everyone’s income is secured and earning money for lawyers with my talks here, I am actually having a great time and gathering fantastic information for my next book. I am very optimistic about the future, but dealing with lawyers and their crazy bills presses my buttons big time. It hurts me to see hard earned money handed over to them on such a scale and for the donations of decent people to be going the same way.
    [ Yet, David paid lawyers for two and a half years to divorce Pamela, while she was recovering from brain injury! None of this ever had to happen.]
    No-one is going to make any decision on distributors or printers or anything else to do with the business except me and mum and when this crisis is over it is all going in our joint names anyway, as we have discussed.
    [Due to the family thing .. I suggested to David that we make ‘wills’ to put them at ease. We did. I gave everything to them, it was very clear I was not there to hurt them in any way. I left everything to David and his family]
    However, I am getting really sick of being told what I should and should not do with my own wife. If my attitude to Rob [ Kerry’s husband ] or Mike [ Linda’s boyfriend ] was a fraction of what yours is to Pamela you would go apeshit, but I am supposed to take it.
    You have no idea of the pressure it has put on my daily life, constantly assessing if Pamela can come with me anywhere in case I bump into you and mum. And when it does happen occasionally I really wish you could see the look on your faces. The hatred that comes across takes me aback.
    How about if you said you were going to see Gaz at a gig or playing beach football and Rob had to say to you – ‘Can I come or will David and Jaymie be there?’
    That’s what I hear all the time: ‘Can I come or will Linda and Kerry be there?’
    I am forced to live two lives every day when I am in England, hiding Pamela away so no-one gets upset by her very presence. It is sickening and horrible to go through this two lives ritual day after day after day and the real reason behind her going back to America last year if the truth be told was to give me respite from this daily stress generated by my own family. By last summer the parnanoia had reached extraordinary proportions and I needed a break before I keeled over. You have no idea.
    When you or mum have relationships I respect the people involved and treat them with respect in your presence, but there are different rules for me it seems.
    The paranoia has reached insane levels now with paranoia feeding even greater paranoia. For me to be parked on the side of the road being told of some conspiracy about Pamela and domain ownership when the only reason they were in her name was because it allowed her to deal with the admin etc., instead of me – as I wanted – was just crazy.
    The idea that she is somehow a danger to Erin [ Kerry’s newborn daughter ] just blows me away. Pinch yourself, David, it can’t be true. Ouch, yes it is.
    You must do whatever you choose, but would you please back off because I am sick of it, sick of the comments and the constant innuendo about the ‘wrecking crew’ – the code name for Pamela.
    She has had so many opportunities to wreck and has taken none of them. She has had the opportunity to exploit me financially and has twice walked away with little, even signing papers saying she is happy with that and everything was settled.
    In case it has escaped everyone’s notice, it was Pamela, not me, who secured first a $10,000 gift for the legal fund, followed by a $120,000 grant to my work that will go to the business.
    [ along with another $100,000, in total $230,000 to Bridge of Love Publications, David’s publishing company ].
    As Pamela is not in any way connected to the business it will not benefit her, but those who she knows hate her. How many are big enough to do that? She is not perfect, but then neither is anyone else, but she is misunderstood on a monumental scale and the hurt she feels at the way you treat her and look at her only she knows, but I tell you now she has cried herself to sleep many times because of it. It’s bloody disgraceful.
    Anyway, it is about time this was said.


    And this is Kerry’s response to her Dad:
    “Hi, Look emails don’t really work, things get misunderstood and taken the wrong way. I don’t know if there is anyway out of this situation, but I did want want to try and find one, but I took from your email that you weren’t really that bothered to be honest, maybe I just misread it.
    I don’t expect us to aggree, but as I said nearly 3 months ago now, I will not say how I feel and will butt out of your life, and I have not interfered or said anything against anyone since and nor will I.
    It would be good to talk properly even if it turns out to be a waste of time, but to be honest I’m very nervous of you getting angry, I don’t deal with aggression well and tend to just fall apart, so I will ask that you don’t shout or swear at me. [ yes, David can be very aggressive ] I don’t really know what else to say, I guess I’m throwing the ball back into your court?”


    “Sometimes the obstacles in your path
    were necessary for you to overcome them.”
    ~ plr


    Kindness and intelligence
    prevails somewhere
    without an agenda upon my body.


    “Truth is only controversial in a world of lies.”
    ~ plr



    I have all the facts in evidence to show what I went through in film, audio, and written papers.

    David put me in very dark places that I am still recovering from. It is called body memory and trauma. Hypocricy abounds in this situation and I will call it out with unhindered heart and mind, thank you.
    No harm done, just truth revealed. ~ Mr. “Infinite Love Is the Only Truth Everything Else Is Illusion.”

    Who to this day still tries to defy my voice.

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