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    Copyright © 2008-
    Fly with Me Productions

    A Personal Path It Is

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on November 02, 2023


    Chantress Seba


    Maybe the key to LIFE

    is not being afraid to say goodbye?


    Can you imagine if there was an election,

    and NOONE voted?


    Can you imagine if they called for war,

    and NOONE put on a uniform?


    Can you imagine someone trying to coerce you to say Yes,

    As you kindly turn around and firmly say … NO.


    When you stop seeking,

    maybe this is where you truly begin to know?


    I AM, you ARE, here to guide the timelines of choice towards a more coherent and natural peaceful wave of energetic vibrational frequencies for those of this particular calling. The ride is easy when the breath is in sync with this song.



    Stop supporting a false projection of lies.

    Real~eye~sing your Peace within

    advancing the emanation of coherency,

    with intelligence of a higher order in love.

    Stop participating in anything other than.


    Those who are at peace in their hearts

    Are already within the great shelter of life. 


    “Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself;

    but talent instantly recognizes genius.”

    Arthur Conan Doyle


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