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    Copyright © 2008-
    Fly with Me Productions

    What Else Is There?

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on July 23, 2022



    “The more one is censored,

    the bolder one becomes.”

    ~ plr



    It just Happens my friends. And she wrote:



    the past keeps

    the presence going.

    A kinda’ spark,

    that lifts one up,

    with confidence to say,

    In any given moment:

    “Hell No More”,

    For the gift,

    of humanity’s future,

    Singing out loud now.

    We have eyes to see,

    Ears to Hear,

    And truth






    “The Good news is TIME flies.

    Even better news?

    You are the co-pilot!”

    ~ plr


    After the Gift of a Fall in 2010,

    I said:

    “If I believe

    the same tomorrow,

    As I do today?

    I won’t be happy.”

    ~ plr


    You can grow up with a hard life,

    suffer injustice, sorrow, and pain,

    and still be a beautiful and kind person.



    Let’s Remember! 

    Above is a link. Click it.


    White Coat Summit

    Above is a link. Click it.


    Let’s Be DONE with it!  

    Above is a link. Click it.


    Below is an excerpt from a gathering of friends,

    with Dr. David Martin and his wife Kim.


    “..if we look at principles in nature, 

    we can suddenly 

    move from a world 

    in which we saw 

    that we had problems, 

    to a world 

    in which we saw 

    that we had power, 

    that we were not harnessing 

    appropriately.” [Tao]


    “.. none of us 

    have a problem to fix .. 

    because it isn’t 

    a problem to fix, 

    it is energy to steward.”


    “And by repositioning ourselves, 

    repositioning our stories, 

    repositioning our perspectives, 

    we’re able to enter 

    into the powers of observation 

    to say the Universe 

    has richly provided us, 

    with all the energy we need 

    to LIVE and LIVE fully.”


    “I just want to make sure you realize .. 

    that you are not alone. 

    We are here with you, 

    you are here with us ..”


    “They stood 

    for their homeland, 

    their values, 

    their families, 

    their lives, 

    and most of all 

    for the ideal 

    that was in fact 

    bigger than any 

    individual one of them at all. 

    And the reason 

    300 stood against a million, 

    and prevailed against a million, 

    is because 

    they did the work 

    to know that we 

    are not the sum of individuals, 

    we are not the chained 

    and the shackled, 

    we are not those 

    without a home, 

    WE are HUMAN.”


    “And the power of tyranny 

    can never hold a candle 

    to a human fully enlivened.”

    ~ Dr. David Martin


    Treasure Map

    Above is a link. Click it.


    See The Techniques Used on Humanity

    Above is a link. Click it.


    Time to Listen!

    Above is a link. Click it.


    The Healing Thread 

    Above is a link. Click it.




    “As you heal ~ 

    Your attractions

    Change too.


    Toxicity stops

    Looking like





    Peace stops

    Looking like 


    ~ author unknown


    May Peace Reign Supreme



     Science has been infiltrated! 

    Above is a link. Click it.


    Celebrity Frontmen

    Above is a link. Click it.



    There already EXISTS

    Technology ~

    That could heal the world,

    from poverty,



    and every lack

    humanity seems to have.





    CLEAN Hearts & Minds.

    One breath at a time.

    Break the Divide



    Teach our children well,




    Remember the importance 

    of nurturing your first 

    few followers as equals

    So it’s clearly 

    about the movement, 

    not you.

    The biggest lesson, 

    Have you noticed,

    Did you catch it?

    Is that leadership 

    Is over glorified.

    Yes it was the shirtless guy first,

    And gets all the credit.

    But it was really

    the first follower

    That transformed 

    The lone nut

    Into a leader. 

    Have the courage to follow

    And show others

    How to follow.

    When you find a lone nut 

    Doing something great?

    Have the guts 

    to be the first one

    To stand up 

    And join in. 



    “ .. and the reason 

    why it’s important 

    to tear apart 

    the idea of belief?

    Is I’m not special

    in my insight,

    I just look differently.”

    ~ Dr. David Martin


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