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    Copyright © 2008-
    Fly with Me Productions

    Unafraid to Be Real

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on July 12, 2022



    “We must be skeptical

    of absolutely everything.”

    ~ John Pilger


    “You will find more danger

    in one day in any city in the world ~

    Than you will ever find in those forests.” 

    ~ Instinct the movie


    We all have gifts to give

    Moments to share

    that are relevant

    and necessary

    for the good

    of the whole

    to live.



    you have to

    lose your mind,

    in order to find it.”

    ~ plr



    you have to let go,

    of pretty much everything,

    you were ever taught

    to believe,

    in order to SEE.”

    ~ plr



    Drop the Pebble in the Pond. 

    The rock called your Voice. Do It. 

    Cause the RIPPLE EFFECT

    Break the Current Waves

    That are not nurturing

    For Clarity

    For Truth

    For Peace. 


    “There is no greater Freedom,

    than truth in love.

    There is no greater love,

    than truth

    without Fear.”

    ~ plr 2010


    “Noone needs letters after their name,

    like PhD’s or anything,

    to have a meaningful

    something to say.

    Like, how about

    starting with,


    ~ plr



    You do not need to defend

    your education.

    Or rather,

    the indoctrination.

    Break Free.

    Reverse the narrative.


    image: 2006 Documentary “David Icke Was He Right”. 


    “In a perfect world

    testing would Never

    be necessary,

    for all is known.

    It’s just where

    my mind goes.”

    ~ plr


    “When more than one person,

    focusses on ONE THING,

    it manifests more quickly.

    Like all things in life,

    it works much more effectively,

    if everyONE sincerely,

    believes in themselves.”

    ~ plr



    You are loved.

    You are important.

    You are relevant.

    You have meaning.

    You have purpose.

    You are a human being.

    You are Not Alone!

    You have friends out there,

    even if never met yet.

    You are here and valuable to yourself,

    first and foremost.

    Never Forget THAT!




    There was life before the internet.

    Never lose your humanity.

    Never get swallowed.

    Nature yearns

    to be nurtured,

    coherently on,



    Excerpt below from above video.


    “Listen .. both sides,

    Liberal, conservative ~

    Get RID of the Labels.

    We’re all individuals.

    And the minute,

    We all GRASP that,

    And the minute We realize 

    Were projecting Our energy 

    Into such unnecessary 

    Theatrical Theatre,

    Which is what it is.

    And infiltrating 

    The way you think,

    The way you dress, 

    What your emotions will be.

    It’s controlling you 

    more than you can imagine. 

    You gotta walk away. 

    They go behind the curtain

    And laugh AT US! 

    [‘they’ being the ones creating all this mind BS]

    And when they say it’s a party,

    This party, that party, 

    They’re ALL at the same party!

    They go Cheers ..

    Look at these dummies ..

    You know what we gotta do?

    You know how you ‘FAST’ 

    For your body?

    We have to ‘FAST’ for our MINDS. 

    Fasting for your body 

    is really good for your health, 

    but you know what’s even better? 

    Noone ever talks about it but ..

    Why not doing..

    ‘Fasting for your Mind’.

    ..turn everything off 

    No Radio

    No TV

    No News

    No Religion

    No Pop Culture.” 

    ~ Jim Breuer & Jimmy Shaka


    “Once you understand the foundation,

    it is up to you to choose,

    which house to build.”

    ~ plr 



    Above is a link. Click it.



    “Every bite I take feeds the hungry.

    Every drink I take nourishes the thirsty.

    Every breath I take

    awakens me further,

    along with another.

    And every line I cross,

    shows me just how much

    farther I can go.”

    ~ plr 2010


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