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    Copyright © 2008-
    Fly with Me Productions

    2021 From Here To … Eternity

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on April 17, 2021


    Stay close during these times of transitioning …

    no matter what,
    we shall never die,
    We simply move on ..
    To somewhere unknown ..
    Yet to be found ..


    Peace out …




    “Everything in some way connects to everything else.” 

    ~  Leonardo da Vinci


    With great respect to Leonardo da Vinci,

    I would add:

    We might all be connected in some way, yet,

    we also have the potential

    to disconnect from a disharmonious rhythm

    unsuitable to our liking.

    You play in your garden,

    and I shall play in mine unhindered please,

    I thank thee equally.

    ~ plr


    “Through the Eye of the Storm, We will always come out Whole.”

    “Dance, Dance, Dance, in the while the Rain Drops,

    The falling Snows, The Ice Melts and the Flower of Your Heart Grows.”

    Dare to Live every moment, as if it were your last.

    Dance, not because you want to but because you have to.

    Purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor.

    It is to enjoy every step along the way.

    Say what you were ever afraid to say.

    Listen, when you did not think you ever would.

    Slow down your breathing before ever speaking.

    Love the very thing you felt your heart never could.

    Look where thine eyes feared to seek.

    Embrace All with forgiveness and understandings.

    And in the end, merging into New Beginnings.

    This shall be a mighty fine relief.

    ~ plr 2010

    I have no clue, it just happens.

    “Do not see with ‘thought ~ hear with Heart.”
    Cast no shadows ~ Clearing house inside and out.

    “When the tree grows

    It drops leaves

    But the tree never leaves

    Its roots of blossoming.”


    “Do not be afraid to say … goodbye.”


    “I was born as a droplet in an Ocean,
    yet the Ocean says you are much broader, deeper, and higher
    than you will ever be taught to believe on Earth.
    This is why when it has been said: ‘get over yourself’,
    is of such relevance.”
    ~ plr


    “You cannot rationalize with an irrational mind.”

    ~ plr


    FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE – Zero Carbon Agenda


    “Life is like a handcrafted tapestry

    and every conscious entity in the entire universe

    is seated at the loom,

    tying their knots of experience

    into the overall design.”

    ~ Jann Burner


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