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2021 Revealing the Unseen Finally

Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on March 10, 2021

“I love those who smile in trouble,
gather strength from distress
and grow brave by reflection.”
~ Leonardo da Vinci 


“Every day we slaughter our finest impulses.
That is why we get a heartache when we read those lines written,
by the hand of a master and recognize them as our own,
as the tender shoots which we stifled,
because we lacked the faith to believe in our own powers,
our own criterion of truth and beauty.
Every man, when he gets quiet,
when he becomes desperately honest with himself,
is capable of uttering profound truths.
We all derive from the same source.
There is no mystery about the origin of things.
We are all part of creation,
all kings, [queens], all poets, all musicians;
we have only to open up,
only to discover what is already there.”
~ Henry Miller



“Thinking will stop you from doing.
Heart will just do.”

“Magic is natural.”

“The true voice that needs to be heard,
is the one that was never schooled.”

I will not allow the past to determine my presence.”


“I think we make it up as we go along,

someone else did.”


“Kindness is an elective in school that never goes out of style.”


“What are we doing if not living for one thing …




“BREATHE .. breathe in the air.

Don’t be afraid to care.”

~ Pink Floyd


TWO SUNS. Saturday, 3.20.21. Spring Equinox.
c. 1400, “point at which the sun crosses the earth’s equator,
making day and night of equal length everywhere..”
Not quite.
And are we all equal in the end? ….


These images were shot by a friend in Sedona.
Only a second apart. TWO SUNS?
Only ones imagination could prove it to be right.



“You will never find your’self’ if you keep looking outside of it”

May Life give you everything you desire.

Je te souhaite la réalisation de tes rêves! 

I wish you the realization of your dreams.



“Because when a sailboat tacks,

And goes in a direction contrary to the wind,

It still is using the wind to blow it along.

Now that is the most highly skillful art of all,

and that is taoism,

in Perfection.”

~ Alan Watts


quotes: © plr otherwise noted.

images: © plr, otherwise noted or unknown.

Two Suns: Bill Mortimer

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