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Seeing with New Eyes

Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on July 30, 2018

“Do not fail
to learn from The pure voice
of an Ever-flowing mountain stream
Splashing over the rocks.”
~ Morihei Ueshiba, The Art of Peace

“The other morning she rose to find a trail ….
The trail led her to awareness of words in her head.
From dreams she was having that night in bed,
and to her surprise what was said,
she found appearing all over her computer screen!?
Just here and there in succession in many forms,
the message was clearly written and shown.
She noticed … pausing to take breath, then knew.
This was a day for the journey …
leaving the trail behind as she continues.”

“For your innate qualities and possibilities to find expression,
it needs a highway of willingness,
not the cage of unwillingness.”
~ Sadhguru

I was watching the documentary “Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond”.
It was created with behind-the-scenes footage during the filming of
Man on the Moon“, where Jim Carrey portrayed his idol Andy Kaufman.

Both films are absolutely brilliant!

He was telling the story of his early days in life,
the early days doing stand-up comedy.
He went to bed one night asking the question;
“What do they want? What do THEY want?” Meaning his audiences.
At some point he awoke sitting straight up in bed,
with a light bulb over his head saying;
“They want to be free from concern!”

“Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Jim Carrey and how are you this evening?
Alrighty then!”

“There’s a part of me that doesn’t want to rest,
while it’s happening.”
~ Jim Carrey

“I am not what ‘YOU’ think I am,
nor what ‘I’ think I am,
but I am what we both think I am.”
~ Charles Horton Cooley

The point of the matter is to let go of what anyone thinks of you,
including yourself.

“Pure Confidence bears no ego,
and rises to every occasion wearing nothing.”
~ plr

“It’s true. There’s only one constant in life. Motion.”

“Be not afraid of greatness:
some are born great,
some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them.”
~ William Shakespeare

“Impeccability is to act to the very best of your ability,
upon whatever knowledge happens to be available to you at any given moment.”

“Consider every path carefully, testing it in whichever way you feel necessary –
then ask yourself, but only yourself, one question: ‘does this path have a heart?”
~ Théun Mares, Return of the Warriors: The Toltec Teachings – Volume I

This is a huge leap, but one I love taking.
Thank you Robert Grant, and Matthew Belair for this amazing interview.
The path of life we are all on is bringing us closer,
to so much that has been hidden now being revealed.
The doors are opening, and I find the journey,
ever more enlightening, and splendidly thrilling.
Together may we know when to close doors,
to have courage to let go of false infractions upon our conditioned minds,
and to fly into the unknown, that is becoming known,
with love in our hearts, minds, bodies, and souls.

“The Great Way is not difficult,
for those who have no preferences.”
~ Dr. Jacob Israel Liberman

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena;
it will make more progress in one decade,
than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
~ Nikola Tesla

“Clarity begins when one sees within,
clarity of emotions from where they begin,
and to where they end.
This is when one becomes clear to see,
that love fulfillingly is the extraordinary emotion,
erasing hate without doubt, for all eternity.”

Quotes and writings: Pamela Leigh Richards, ‘plr’, unless otherwise stated. 1960-infinity.
Images: Noted or unknown at this time with all due respect.

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