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    Copyright © 2008-
    Fly with Me Productions

    The Place In Space

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on February 05, 2015

    “Listen within yourself,
    and look into the infinitude of space and time.
    There can be heard the songs of the constellations,
    the voices of the numbers, and the harmonies of the spheres.”
    ~ Hermes Trismegistus
    Pamela Tree
    “I AM different today than yesterday,
    never losing what I learned along the way.
    Carrying only what is relevant to further growth,
    whilst leaving all the unnecessary.”

    Lady wings white horse

    “I care not what you wear,
    I care what is in your nature.”


    “We can disagree agreeably.”

    “I got professional,
    on the road of life.”

    Linx connecting right.

    “There is no living when deception rules.
    And deception cannot live,
    without something to deceive.”

    “What is anything worth saying,
    unless it means something.”

    Dolphins Sun Ocean pamela quote giggle

    “Determined to live. Unafraid to die (fly).”


    “Leaders do not lead, they join.”

    Pamela quote Owl and Tree

    “God is a spectator. Mind your game.”

    Tiger Butterfly

    “The butterfly has no fear of the tiger.
    The tiger has no fear of the butterfly.
    Equalstanding. Equalflying. Eye to Eye.”

    “Just because we are all in the same Ocean,
    does not mean we are riding the same wave.”

    Lady Wolf Blue Gaze Quote Pamela

    “Dimidium facti cui coepit habet. Aude id scire.”
    He who has begun is half done. Dare to know.

    “My tears fall not for the journey.
    They fall for the beauty and the flow of mastering it.
    Never be afraid.”

    “The only thing that can’t happen,
    is if you never cross the line.”

    “Know which torches to Light”

    Beautiful Girl Meadow

    “Create a new path and those meant to walk with you will be there.”

    “Being well known is merely many minds seeing the same thing.”

    Quotes: pamela leigh richards – unless otherwise stated
    Images: Unknown unless stated
    Image: Two Tigers butterflies screen shot placed together by moi.
    Image: Pamela on Tree ~ taken by friend
    Image: Pamela shadow next to car ~ moi
    Image: Woman Wolf Puppy. Herstory behind this image. Pamela worked on a filming job and instead of being paid money, she asked if she could have this framed picture with a ‘Thoreau’ quote that was on the wall. She adored it. “What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” ~ Thoreau

    Behind the Scenes: OceanHeart

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