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    Fly with Me Productions

    Art Does Speak

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on May 10, 2010

    Choose the seeds you choose to sow, in the garden of your mind, wisely.
    With the largest egg recall in U.S. history under way, You must surely see this sign?
    What is detested most in the eyes of ‘consciousness’, Is cruelty of any kind.

    We were never meant to eat meat. We were never meant to eat as we do.
    Pure energy is in the living Life of a tree, the Prana
    And we could feed off that naturally.
    In the transition upon our lives now, please open your eyes to see

    “We” Are the 1’s we have been waiting for.
    There is only me, and you, and the sum part called ‘we’.
    Then the ‘we’ called the sum part of ‘all’.
    Same root, different leaves of the tree.
    Choose your co-creating wisely.
    For the branch I am building, desires absolute harmony.
    Build what you ‘see’. Build peace please.
    It’s holographically speaking here.
    And yet, there’s more to know as we elevate our understandings.
    Keep it simple.
    Follow your heart, free your mind and remove fear.

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