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    Copyright © 2008-
    Fly with Me Productions

    Soaring through the Voyage

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on August 17, 2024


    “Peace has no enemy and love knows nothing else.”

    ~ plr


    “I’m just a particle with a heartbeat.”

    ~ plr


    Feel the feeling of breaking free from .. it all. 

    Been there done that my friend,

    and want no more sorrows,

    as I say goodbye. 

    Peace is always

    a breath within reach. 

    No excuses for the morrow. 




    “Where you look,

    there you are,

    your reality,

    awaits you.”

    ~ plr 2010


    Stop feeding the beast.




    “I live beyond non-sense.”

    ~ plr


    You can author anything you like,

    because in the end,

    it is all a mystery,

    so it seems.


    “Lift each other up

    while remaining comfortable

    in the KNOWING how singular we are,

    for the good of the whole.

    ~ plr


    IT JUST HAPPENS. pencil to paper said:
    “we are going to re-write the program
    from the inside out.
    my body is an energy body,
    electrical and magnetic field that it is,
    a palette of colors and sound quieting,
    awaiting the arrival of songs to sing,
    so paint the world pretty.”
    ~ plr
    great filming/editing story telling by the way!
    Band: Stick Figure


    “Spread that like wildfire without the burn.”
    ~ plr 2010


    “life goes on and on

    before you finally catch the wave of …

    real~eye~sing how beautiful you truly ARE

    without ‘thought’.

    Become AWARE of the AWE that you ARE.”

    ~ plr


    “Once you begin to speak your truth

    and the higher involutionary currents

    begin to use your voice

    to transmit their truths,

    there is No Return.

    At this point you have broken away

    from the lower realms forever,

    taking the leap from worship to embodiment.”

    ~  Richard Rudd – Gene Keys


    “You are there, and I am here.

    So what are we talking about?

    Are we really ONE?

    If so, then ..

    I don’t see a problem, do you? 

    ~ plr


    “Do not quote

    the summit of the mountain to me

    until you have reached it.

    And even then ~ thank you~

    I am learning too

    but may we please be clear …

    no words are really necessary

    on the table of truths.”

    ~ plr



    “Come to the table with honor,

    letting go of everything

    we were ever taught to believe.

    Silence offers our hearts then to decide.”

    ~ plr



    Be the change you wish to see in the world

    Because you are that wonderful

    You are that beautiful …

    Dance of Light

    all of us

    as 1


    Internet of Bio Nano Things ..

    Above is a link. Click it.



    Above is a link. Click it.



    It has gotten to the point in 2024 where voicing your truthful views,

    is skewed by digital technologies, censoring a human opinion or voice,

    without the ability to actually converse in real time human to human.


    In all of life and creation, what is life worth living for?

    Peace co~existing within is my view.

    No problem unresolved here.


    “Never be afraid ~
    To stay in your lane ~
    To sing your song.
    .. the song of your life
    with peaceful outcomes always.
    Find your strength through vulnerability
    It is what passes you through
    the depths of sorrows into eternity.”
    ~ plr


    “And in the quiet listening,

    my heart prevails,

    for I know

    all too




    Let’s get to the point and solve it.

    End war forever.


    Film: “What Dreams May Come”

    Make of it what thy will.


    So much love, so much love to all enduring this life.


    “She lived, she loved, she fell, she never knew, she got up, she grew.”

    ~ plr 


    I have the strength of my two brothers, mother, and father,

    who are on the other timeline of life,

    letting me know

    no matter what happens here,

    there is more to living than what you ‘think’ you know.

    And it is very beautiful.


    I shall walk upon the road less travelled by …


    When you are in a moment of your life

    experiencing something,

    and the first inclination you feel nudges you ..

    follow that first and foremost and never waiver.

    It might just be the best decision you ever made.

    I’ve learned over time to trust that initial nudge.

    Whilst before I went with the moment without listening within.

    I’ll never do that again.


    I want to help people be less afraid.


    ” .. so be easy on you. Growth is a dance, not a light switch.”
    ~ John Kim


    Selfeggio 52 minutes 432

    Above is a link. Click it.



    “Why does the thrill of soaring
    have to begin with the fear of falling?”
    she thought.


    Post tags:

    The Lighthouse

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on August 10, 2024



    Through my journeys I have learned to protect my own existence, just as a lighthouse protects ships with steadfast guidance and unwavering vigilance, ensuring they have safe passage through the darkness and tumultuous waters for all who seek a safe haven. I know my heart. I know that I AM my own safe haven and a safe haven for all who enter my surrounding waters.


    “Humans should be a compliment with nature

    not an adversion to it.”

    ~ plr


    “Sometimes the student can out~teach the teacher.”

    ~ plr 2010


    Life’s Experiment

    Above is a link. Click it.


    Call It Like It is

    Above is a link. Click it.




    I was a ski fanatic. Broke my leg first time on the slopes at the age of 11 in Berchtesgaden, Southern Bavaria. Went on to have a love for the sport. President of the ski club in High School. Wanted to be a Pro Freestyle Skier. Trained. Wanted to specialize in Aerials. Loved the moguls though! And the swoop at the end of the day with ski patrol after everyone is gone from the mountain, checking to make sure no one was left. It was at Sunrise Ski Resort in Arizona where I performed my first helicopter off a jump, which means flying off a lip and doing a 360 turn in the air then landing ~ whoaaaa what a rush.



    “I know I can sleep at night

    knowing such inner peace.

    And wake in the morning

    to nothing but the joy

    of simply being.”

    ~ plr


    To get to know thyself is a really humbling surreal experience. It is like coming alive again without the baggage. Being truly whole within and unafraid of the surrounding environment, because I now see differently, therefore, I respond differently with awareness. Very freeing feeling.


    WE ARE LIFE & LOVE. May suffering END.


    Compassion emanates the gentle recognition of another’s suffering,
    accompanied by a sincere desire
    to alleviate their pain.
    And really? Stop it all.
    No need for this to go on.
    May we live without a doubt
    that life and all existence
    is fulfilled and abundant
    with every need to exist naturally.
    Why on Earth are we here?
    The maths do not fit this wobbling world.
    Meet me in the middle of forever.
    Peace is inevitable.


    Sabrina Wallace 1


    Sabrina Wallace 2

    The links above with Sabrina are about this:
    Biodigital Convergence,
    Human Bodies as Nodes on a Control Grid,
    Bio-cyber Interfaces,
    Intrabody Communication,
    the GIG,
    Network-centric Warfare,
    and Eugenics


    Scene from the film “Powder”.


    ” It has become appallingly clear
    that our technology has surpassed our humanity …
    I look at you, and I,
    I think that someday our humanity
    might actually surpass our technology.”


    Peace and calm to every heart that beats.
    So much love to all on this amazing ride called ‘life’.


    “Once you understand the foundation,
    it is up to you to choose,
    which house to build.”
    ~ plr


    The world is moving so fast
    towards the unveiling of the true nature of life.
    Be prepared to let go.

    Post tags:

    The Step

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on August 03, 2024


    Image: plr on the sands of Egypt 2007


    Video: Oygene ~ The Ocean


    We are all trying to fit into each others dreams.

    Compassion thrives in the heart for life.


    “Having navigated the depths of trauma,
    I personally have emerged,
    with a profound love and understanding
    of life’s true nature,
    gaining deeper self-awareness,
    and the strength to assert my voice
    with newfound clarity.”
    ~ plr


    “I care so much I must walk away.”

    ~plr 2010


    “We are just thought forms happening.”

    ~ plr 2010


    We all have potential to make a difference.

    I know the path I am taking on board.


    All the knowledge in the world is laid out

    on paper and symbols

    and maths, geometries,

    and sound

    and light and ..

    how, why, what, where, and … ?

    Why am I here?

    How am I here?

    Well, I should know the answer

    for if I was created by some Creator

    that I am a part of,

    then, shouldn’t I know everything

    about my own creation?

    What part of  Creation am I missing?


    “If I bow to anything

    it will be to my own awareness

    of all things that taught me to be in peace.”

    ~plr 2010



    “If I am to know it, it will come to me.”

    ~plr 2010


    “You do not have to

    love everyone nor anything.

    just do not hate.

    Rather BE LOVE emanating,

    and walk with that.”

    ~ plr


    The most important thing we can do is to not regret.
    It is what we do with what we realize NOW.
    Nothing is ever past too late to do something about.


    “The only thing I want to leave this life with?

    Is a story of love, even through the honesty of pain.”

    ~ plr


    “I have to be true to myself and acknowledge it,

    whether you accept me or not.”

    ~ plr 


    “Awareness is my palette and my heart paints upon it.”

    ~ plr 


    “You cannot remedy a problem

    while allowing it to live …

    the answer is to call it out

    in order to resolve it.”

    ~ plr 



    Sung by Dylan 12 years of age. 

    Listen ..
    May humanity find peace
    by silent knowings
    that is there in each of us,
    deeply within ~
    and blossom
    that inner harmony
    that fractals out,
    syncing life together
    with understanding
    and compassion
    creating coherency
    in a realm
    of incredible
    and potentials
    for us ALL.
    This is our greatest healer
    and an untapped world
    slowly rising
    to the occasion


    Life is so much more beyond our thinking ways.

    There is a cure for everything. Period.

    Know that.






    Post tags:

    ei “to go”

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on August 01, 2024


    Somewhere, there’s a place where I belong.

    Meet me there.


    We are simply playing a multi-versal game.

    Choose to live in it,

    or never wake up to it.


    “People have no idea

    just how much a simple move

    can have on the eternity of life …

    make it for the good of the whole

    with peaceful intentions.”

    ~ plr


    “Truth can never harm,
    it can only further IN~light~IN~mind
    and end suffering.”
    ~ plr 2010


    The cat is basically saying:
    “If we are ONE and can’t get along,
    what part of the puzzle are we missing?”


    I’m just being sensible amidst chaos.
    Life is precise and so AM I.
    I know no other way.


    I love knowing no~thing.




    Post tags:

    Long Live Life

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on July 26, 2024


    That’s the point.

    Where are we “way~showing” the next generation?

    By LIVING the next best steps NOW,

    no matter what generation you are.



    H = Hear

    E = the Evolution

    A = of All

    L = that Live beyond nonsense.


    I wanted to share something deeply personal

    that has shaped who I am today.

    A photo of myself and daughter.

    It was taken circa 1990,

    after five years of ‘grief’, 1984 -1989,

    when the world stopped turning,

    due to the death of my younger brother in 1984.

    He was twenty three, I, twenty four.

    I almost lost it.

    This is a snippet of that journey called ‘Life’.


    It took me five long years
    to navigate through that darkness.
    Healing did not come quickly
    and it hurt to breathe.
    But through it all,
    I learned that healing
    comes not from erasing the past
    but from finding a way
    to carry it forward with grace.


    I found strength in vulnerability,
    comfort in connections,
    and purpose in
    remembering the love that remains.


    A miracle happened that brought ‘Pamela’ back to life.


    If you’re facing your own grief,
    know that healing is a deeply personal passage.

    There’s no right timeline,
    and it’s okay to take things
    one day at a time.


    Surround yourself with support,
    embrace the waves of emotion,
    and remember ..
    this too shall pass, on your terms.


    Grateful to be breathing
    this extraordinary thing called “Life”.


    INjoy the ride as you please.


    To my daughter, I love you Alexandria, forever.


    “Reach beyond who you ‘think’ you are,

    and it is there you will find

    the magnificence of life.”

    ~ plr


    “New information causes new choices to be made.”
    ~ plr


    “Tell it like it was ‘then’
    and tell it like it is ‘NOW’.
    ~ plr



    “No~thing can interrupt my inner peace.
    Be the droplet in the Ocean of life
    that remains in the crystal clear calming waters,
    without having to join the wave that crashes upon the shore.
    Love and live long with compassion as your wings,
    that carry you on the winds of change.”
    ~ plr


    “Nothing can harm me
    it can only enhance my immune system.”
    ~ plr



    impressions upon the mind …

    releasing the foundation of attempted controlling factors

    which are dissolving rapidly NOW,

    steering them to the originator

    of false thoughts,

    no longer mine.

    Thank you.


    I wrote this awhile ago,

    rather in 2010 after a NDE … and it is true.

    Here we are in 2024

    and nothing has changed.

    Where is the root of the problem?

    Well, as I see it, the problem is MIND Believing false lies

    keeping the many under control.

    Until we LET GO

    the herd will follow.


    Come on man …. what is the hang up?




    Continue the ride as you please …



    Excerpt from above link:

    “… I felt completely accepted for the first time in my life … “






    Artist: Ivan Berryman



    “One of the greatest contributions I have given to Life,

    is making up my mind.”
    ~ plr


    As I flew over the Mediterranean from England,

    entering the lands of Egypt,

    for rest and recovery from an abusive situation,

    as clear as day a telepathic message came with no words,

    just a form of pure energy transferring a message,

    and its translation was this:


    “You need to get grounded.

    You need to ground yourself.

    Plant your feet back on the earth”


    Next, what ran through me

    after hearing this initial message on the plane,

    were overlapping telepathic thoughts explaining,

    that the reason I had to ground was because …


    “You have things to fulfill within yourself,

    this is a very personal journey.

    You have to realize your gifts,

    gain confidence, stand strong.

    You have a Heart to give

    which would help lift humanity

    in this physicality.”


    The seeking we each strive for will never be found in the external.
    For what is eternal, what has always been ‘in’ternal, can never be lost, only found.”
    A personal journey? Yes, indeed it is.




    There are more things

    in heaven and earth, Horatio,

    than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

    Post tags:

    The Grand Illusion

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on July 18, 2024


    Image: plr taking photo of mirror

    that cracked on the property of her home in Sedona, Arizona,

    while workers were renovating things.

    I saw it placed on the side there

    as I walked by and stooped down

    taking my reflection within it…

    as the Sun blazed its color coating upon it all.

    I am simply one passing through this Grand Illusion.


    I so very much miss them all ~ my mother, father, two brothers, my cats, dogs, all the life forms that graced my life and … I’m still standing without them now in 2024.


    I wonder why am I the last one standing in this awareness ON EARTH? When I have been to other realms that were so peaceful? And death was an unknown? I have dealt with the grieving and pains, in all my life ~ satisfying it is to be here NOW through the experiences. Yeah it was incredibly traumatizing to say the least, however, maybe the reason I am still able to speak is because I now realize my voice has a purpose? This life is truly amazing. One minute you want to go ‘that way’ and another minute life says NO you are going ‘this way?


    Maybe my views on life are worth sharing? Why not? Don’t we all have a voice to be heard? YES YOU DO. And I for ONE am listening to your sweet, kind, silent voice awaiting its arrival to be heard, and darling just know YOU ARE HEARD NOW by this one voice too, speaking out ~ SO NICE TO KNOW WE ARE NOT ALONE.


    “Nothing can harm me,

    it can only enhance my immune system.”

    ~ plr

    YOU are precious just the way you are in KIND HEART and MIND ~ for that is innately who you are. CALL IT OUT no matter what, CALL IT OUT … because there are so many of us out here yearning for your CALL … SPEAK IT, TELL IT, UNAFRAID IS OUR STRENGTH. JUST DON’T PREACH.
    What is history all about? What is emotion all about? What and Who is leading us? Most importantly .. what is the INDIVIDUAL BEING .. choosing to believe? TIME TO CHANGE DIRECTION. No matter the cost. JUST DO IT. Where you look, there you are, your reality awaits you.


    “Stories upon stories,

    movies upon movies

    happening all the time

    in the theatre of your mind.

    The ones that come alive

    are the ones you give attention to

    as either a fool in a lie,

    or a sayer in truth.”

    ~ plr 2010




    Yeah … click it because it will take you on your personal journey.

    Ain’t it nice to know we are not alone? Of course.

    Welcome to my world and yours.

    Thank you for being a part of it Jack Johnson.

    And thank you to those who are a part of my life ..

    you know who you are ~ blessed be are we.

    Blessed be are ALL who live to tell it like it is.




    Something I wrote some time ago and even now can’t remember why?
    Here it is:


    “The world we live in in so full of laughter
    Really, you have to smile to give relief
    To the cold, blind and weak
    Of hollow minds with tales to tell
    Yet in fear to speak
    Rooms filled to the rafters of shallow talking
    Bouncing from wall to wall
    Underlying it all is a great need to ‘be’.
    I understand and hear your call.
    I am so in love with you all.
    And if there was a place for this energy to go
    To show the world what it desperately wishes to know
    As I do myself, for I am in it too…
    Then my intentions will help provide you a home
    A place that is safe for me and you
    I would lay down my life and don’t know why
    I know these things … but I do.
    Fly with me on the intentions of our collective ‘will’ to stay alive.
    And if there was no music for me to sing?
    Standing here all on my own?
    The orchestra and band might go home?
    Before the final piece has been sung?
    No. Hold up your torch light.
    The concert is not over yet.
    We have just begun.
    We are all about to walk onto the stage Of life.”
    (I applaud us all)
    ~ plr


    Image: plr in the Red Sea Egypt with wild dolphins.
    Screen shot of her films.


    .. the song of your life
    with peaceful outcomes always.
    Find your strength through vulnerability.

    It is what passes you through the depths of sorrows into eternity.


    How can one play a game when the game is unfair? How is it unfair? Well … imagine walking into a cathedral-like architecturally built spiral building with high ceilings like an ancient library ~ opening the huge wooden doors seeing a large vast open floor space with books lined up from floor to ceiling on every wall ~ with a tiny table in the middle of that room. With two chairs opposite each other awaiting your arrival with another.

    You enter. In awe at the vast amount of knowledge permeating your presence. Almost incapable of processing it all, yet, very much in alignment of what this space was speaking to you.

    You slowly walk to the table and sit opposite of this other gentleman. He asks you a question as if you were to know the answer.

    You reply: “You have read every book in this library, therefore you have knowledge of say …. 1000 books read. I have only read 500 of them. Let me read the other 500 you have read. THEN, may we come back to this table and have a balanced conversation.

    Fair Game. Fair Play. Equal knowledge.





    is now the


    of the






    Post tags:

    N.O.W. = No mOre War

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on July 02, 2024







    “Love ‘hate’ ~ out of its own self.”

    ~ plr 2010


    As above so below

    As within so without

    As around so up and down


    create something new

    you have to.


    There are a few things in life

    yet to be fully understood.

    The Sun, the Moon, and the truth.


    “If we are all ONE,

    then why can I not see

    through your eyes too?

    And why do we not see the same?

    ~ plr


    “I care so much I must walk away.”

    ~ plr 2010


    Robert Frost.
    “Two roads diverge in the wood,
    and I, and I, took the road less travelled by.”


    A Journey in the Mandelbrot Set

    The mathematician Benoît Mandelbrot was the first person to use a computer to visualize the behaviour of a dynamic system. In 1975 he introduced the word fractal (from the Latin fractus, broken) to denote objects with fractional dimension. His scientific research built the foundation of fractal geometry the link between classical mathematics and the chaos of atmospheric turbulence, biological populations and the stock market. Decades before fractals were named several mathematicians had studied them Weierstrass, Koch, Lévy, Cantor, Poincaré and Julia.


    Goliath & his plans

    Above is a link. Click it.

    Polly is one power house when it comes to forensic investigating and journalism, and she delivers the information visually pleasing to the eye and makes it understandable to the layman. She says: “Who owns the platforms where we think we have free speech? I get into the Venture Capitalists who are buying up social media and reveal how they plan to translate that into creating an entirely new world system of control.”


    “When you can laugh
    is when War ends
    and Peace finds the door together,
    and both walk through it
    with no questions asked.”
    ~ plr


    “Know when to say yes, and when to say hell no.”


    “Never allow someone else’s fears cause you to disappear.”
    ~ plr


    “An oath to a scoundrel is meaningless.”
    ~ Scarlet Pimpernel Film


    “Humans are so good at defending a bad habit.”
    ~ plr
    “Men are disturbed not by events,
    but by the views which they take of them.”
    (Epictetus, Greek philosopher, c.80AD)


    “When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of,
    he always declares that it is his duty.”
    ~ George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwright, 1856-1950


    “He who speaks truth lest be prepared for it.”
    ~ plr


    Thank you Steve Gooch. 


    A strong woman didn’t become strong overnight.

    She became strong

    by overcoming all the things

    that were meant to destroy her.


    True ~ I am an experiencer of this ‘overcoming trying to destroy her’  thing. I love the outcome I’ve made and love the internal feelings I have NOW and how to live life KNOWING IT vs Thinking it.


    LIFE IS PRECISE ~ let us be clear.


    I would add that in anything I would ever do involving another animal, I would take the ‘bit’ out of the mouth of the horse so it too, can run wild and free.

    Being fully aware of ALL surroundings, not just your own, with all due respect and accordingly justified in ones actions to maintain such balance for an equal and just place for all LIFE. Enjoy the ride but remember what and who you are riding? A horse whose heart emanates a greater field of energy five times the projection of the human heart. They are sentient beings too. Respecting them goes wayyyy beyond what most have been taught. What is the momentus to overcome what we’ve been led to believe? End the game and KNOW from your heart of hearts….


    Dimidium facti, qui coepit, habet; sapere aude, incipe.
    “He who has begun is half done, dare to know, begin.”


    Just passing along to humans how we can truly live in equalibrium and peace with each other. Never put a ‘bit’ in my mouth. We can ride together using the pureness and totality of our energeticness of simply ‘being’. Let’s override the falsity of this corrupt system trying to control.
    NATURE IS OUR GUIDING LIGHT in PEACE. Let the false light go. Freedom means communicating with another who is on the same page, even though we might have differences. Same page of understanding, same page of respect, same page of honesty possibly saying, I do not agree with this or that so you go your way I shall go mine.


    The U~IN~verse is infinite ~ so INjoy your place in it without interrupting mine. Thank you.
    NEVER LOSE YOUR DIGNITY of being HUMAN. And never lose the dignity of changing every moment due to necessity, even if it breaks former beliefs. You did it because you KNEW IT TO BE THE WAY OUT & IN to peaceful resolve for the good of the whole.


    She sat at the back

    and they said she was shy

    She led from the front

    and they hated her pride

    They asked her advice

    and then questioned her guidance

    They branded her loud

    then were shocked by her silence.

    When she shared no ambition

    they said it was sad

    So she told them her dreams

    and they said she was mad.

    They told her they’d listen

    then covered their ears

    And gave her a hug

    while they laughed at her fears.

    And she listened to all of it

    thinking she should

    be the girl they told her to be

    best as she could

    But one day she asked

    what was best for herself

    instead of trying to please

    everyone else

    So she walked to the forest

    and stood with the trees

    She heard the wind whisper

    and dance with the leaves

    She spoke to the willow,

    the elm and the pine

    And she told them what she’d

    been told, time after time

    She told them she felt

    she was never enough

    She was either too little

    or far, far too much

    Too loud or too quiet

    Too fierce or too weak

    Too wise or too foolish

    Too bold or too meek.

    Then she found a small clearing

    surrounding the firs

    and she stopped and she heard

    what the trees said to her

    And she sat there for hours

    not wanting to leave

    For the forest said nothing

    it just let her breathe.

    by Becky Hemsley


    The forest was burned but it came back to life. 
    Post tags:

    Just Passing Through

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on June 06, 2024



    This is for all of us who were lost at one time ~ now found.

    Nothing can disrupt our connection dear friends. 

    Heart to heart .. mind to mind.

    Nice to know we are not alone.

    Always together we are.

    Never Forget that.  


    “I am my own research project

    and my own life’s experiment.”

    ~ plr 2010 she wrote this


    Video: In the Red Sea, Egypt, 2007 with wild dolphins. 


    “You can read all the books in the world you want,

    attend all the seminars with talk, talk, talk,

    but what good did that do?

    It is 2024 and the ball keeps spinning

    with no soul~U~tion happening?

    Until there is an end to war,

    we open our eyes to the same damn thing.”

    ~ plr


    “No” is the new norm. Because I say “NO”.

    No more. End of story. Capiche? My beautiful Uncle was from Sicily.

    A relative who as a child used to run into his arms with so much love.

    A beautiful being he was.



    History is a set of LIES

    Above is a link. Click it.

    Above is a Film by Stew Peters


    “ .. where did we all come from?

    If knowledge is truly power,

    then maintaining such power,

    must rely on the absence,

    of knowledge.”


    And with that I yield..

    Above is a link. Click it.

    What Fauci said,

    when he didn’t think anyone was listening.

    Four-plus years later, it’s all coming out.


    “Only a fool rallies an army before an army is equipped.
    If the army isn’t equipped they die.
    And the vision dies with them.
    And if you identify as anything
    I invite you to leave right now
    because I’ll probably offend you..
    And when it comes to fighting ..
    if I have to take that hill alone I will take the hill..
    If we are all going to stand together
    we must stand together .. informed..
    We amplify the energy of the enemy
    by keeping them anonymous..
    Time to talk about things
    that don’t want to be talked about..
    ~ Dr. David Martin


    “We have all gone through,

    and are still going through,

    the worst life could ever offer us,

    as well as the most magnificent. 

    May we continue watering 

    the garden within our hearts 

    knowing the journey 

    is but a thread in the tapestry

    weaving through the stories

    we choose to leave,

    and the stories we choose to feed.

    Diving to the depths of despairs,

    and rising to the heights of ecstasies,

    in between the two beyond reasoning,

    beyond the speed of light

    into the unknown now known 

    as our pure might.”

    ~ plr 


    International Day of Conscience

    Above is a link. Click it.

    At the recent International Day of Conscience event

    held at Caux Palace in Montreux,

    our CEO, Sarah Amne,

    delivered a powerful speech

    outlining our vision for a sustainable future.

    Her words resonated with hope and determination,

    urging us to confront the challenges facing our planet

    with both awareness and action.

    Sarah began the speech

    by acknowledging the beauty of the surroundings

    and the privilege many of us have to enjoy such tranquility.

    However, she quickly transitioned

    to a sobering reality check,

    highlighting the stark inequalities

    and environmental challenges

    plaguing large parts of the world.


    I was no longer the Rich Kid.

    Above is a link. Click it.

    “I noticed unexpected changes within … might it be ..from the standard .. diet .. in some sense would they experience the same … the public doesn’t know it but .. will produce this kind of change … we were not just the anomaly … now I was becomging that way and loving it ..something alot of people could benefit from .. any feeling for the love of animals .. if you see it, if the veil is lifted … how deeply .. to be appalled .. I knew .. with compassion …. they will turn away from .. buying the product … as the demad goes the supply will drop .. loved reading the Chapters .. and taken up by writing it .. speaking about the deeper meaning … more beautiful.. connected to the Earth .. more caring …. and it was published…”


    “Sometimes one is too close to the distractionary problems,

    when the answer is staring you right in the face.”

    ~ plr


    “My heart sings louder
    than the language of man trying to define me.”
    ~ plr


    Speak your KNOWING.
    Even if it contradicts the convoluted world we all live in.
    In order to understand one another,
    we must be free to express our moments of truth.
    Allowing for the adaptations of healing to begin.
    At least you spoke true words
    that even if only you knew were true
    to carry onward the path of life
    knowing you are not alone in your awareness,
    knowing your magnificence and awe.
    Thank you for sharing your wisdoms.
    Thank you for stepping outside the box with me.
    Thank you for not passing me by even with what you saw.


    Wisdom Films

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    One More Droplet to Water the Seed

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on May 21, 2024



    “Become the point of no return.”

    ~ plr


    “I love you so much all around the world,

    that sometimes I must walk away,

    to a peaceful place where the empty garden exists,

    while graciously being aware of your song.”

    ~ plr


    “In the scheme of life why are we focussed on the minute?

    While the hours continue our day?

    Because it is important to do so.

    The tiny things in life mean more than …

    ~ plr


    I am tired of thinking about..

    why Peace is not here? Make it happen. NOW.

    Why? Why is it not happening?

    Kind of simple to manifest in my view.

    Just become peaceful within

    and everything else will follow in resonance.


    “You know what I abhor?

    Truth tellers that dismiss truth tellers.”



    “Whatever lifts the corners of your mouth ~ trust that”

    ~ Rumi


    “Everyone thinks they have answers.

    None really do.”

    ~ plr


    Just STOP.  End all thought. Empty the mind.

    NOW who are you?

    Space without a name.

    Yes. This is Freedom.



    I love you here my friend.

    I see you here my friend.

    I hear you here my friend.

    The rest is non~sense.

    Welcome to YOU that is I too

    on this glorious journey called LIFE.


    Pause for a moment.

    Listen unencumbered.

     YOU are that real and have purpose and meaning.

    YOU are loved beyond measure.

    No matter what anyone else says.

    Stand your ground because you can.

    I value me, I value you, I value life in its honesty.



    “The past was erased,

    the erasure was forgotten,

    the lie became the truth.”

    ~ George Orwell 1984


    And in 2024,

    the real truth erased the lies.

    There is strength in courage

    to walk another way,

    with what is right in the light.



    Peace is Easy Eye See, if we let it Be.

    I lived, I learned, I grew to the NOW of ME.

    Yes, me, me, me and me, happy to meet YOU, finally.


    Time to lighten the load.


    The Wall of Bliss

    Above is a link. Click it.


    “I am tired of trying to know,

    when ‘knowing’ is always there,

    awaiting ones arrival.”



    Goodbye has a special meaning,

    in so many ways.


    Neither here nor there,

    I AM.


    Healing conversation w/Anneke Lucas

    Above is a link. Click it.



    Above is a link. Click it.


    I was once told I cry too much.

    Well, I now know why I cried and respect those tears.

    Thank you for sharing your beauty with me.


    Elemental Life

    Above is a link. Click it.

    Excerpt from the above interview


    “We are blind cosmically

    because we judge everything

    by what we see …

    we breathe in and breathe out …”


    Post tags:

    Revealing Times

    Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on May 08, 2024


    “I will never protect a lie.”

    ~ plr


    H = Hear

    E = the Evolution

    A = of All

    L = that Live beyond nonsense.



    “Knowing no~thing can be your greatest teacher.”

    ~ plr



    Dear friends,  welcome to a world transformed. A world where the air crackles with the energy of change, where the very fabric of society seems to pulsate with newfound awareness. It’s as if we’ve all collectively rubbed the sleep from our eyes and stepped into a reality where the magnificence of the human spirit is no longer a hidden secret, but a blazing beacon of hope and potential.

    Look around you. Can you feel it? The world isn’t what it used to be. It’s evolving at a pace that would have seemed unimaginable just a few short years ago. We’re witnessing a global awakening, a renaissance of consciousness that is sweeping across nations and cultures, transcending boundaries and divisions.

    What’s sparking this seismic shift, you might ask? It’s us. It’s you, it’s me, it’s everything, it’s every soul yearning to break free from the shackles of the mundane and embrace the limitless possibilities that lie within. We’re waking up to the realization that we are not mere spectators in this grand theater of life, but active participants with the power to shape our own destinies.

    But this awakening isn’t just about self-discovery; it’s about rediscovering our connection to the world around us. We’re rekindling our relationship with nature, recognizing that we are not separate from it, but deeply intertwined with its rhythms and cycles. And as we tap into this primal wisdom, we’re unlocking the secrets of our own existence, tapping into reservoirs of creativity, resilience, and compassion that have long lay dormant within us.

    Yes, the world is changing my friends, and it’s changing for the better, one way or another as one so chooses their path. As we embrace our innate wisdom and embrace the full potential of what it means to be human, we’re not just shaping a brighter future for ourselves, but for generations to come. So let us revel in this moment of awakening, let us celebrate the magnificence of the human spirit, and let us march forward with courage and conviction, knowing that the best is yet to come, one way or another. Now you see me,  now you don’t, is an option, for there are worlds within worlds to explore without fear.


    “The mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it.”

    ~  Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj


    “It isn’t the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out;

    it’s the pebble in your shoe.”

    ~  Muhammad Ali


    “Just because you are good at something,
    doesn’t mean you have to do it.”
    ~ Eliot Porter – by way of Victoria LaBalme


    #5 Anneke Lucas w/Jeanette Archer

    Above is a link. Click it.

    Finding Light after Darkness. This is a conversation between two survivors of SRA (satanic ritual abuse), Anneke Lucas, the host, and Jeanette Archer, the guest,  as they sit down and share their stories of resilience, recovery, and how Jeanette managed to free herself. One of the stories she shares was …. well, it truly is something to be heard. One of her programs named: ‘Super Soldier’, turned those skills upon her perpetrators. Yes!


    A clip from “Contact” the movie.


    Life, in its true essence, is a profound journey of discovery, growth, and interconnectedness. It transcends the mundane and the material, embracing the spiritual and the cosmic. While our understanding of life often revolves around tangible experiences and scientific explanations, its true nature extends far beyond these boundaries.

    Humanity, as a species, possesses an extraordinary capacity for understanding and innovation. However, our perception of our own advancement is often constrained by societal norms, limited perspectives, and the narratives we’ve been told or taught. In reality, we are far more advanced than we may realize.

    Beyond the confines of conventional wisdom lie realms of untapped potential and hidden knowledge. Throughout history, individuals and civilizations have glimpsed these depths, pushing the boundaries of human understanding and achievement. From ancient wisdom traditions to cutting-edge scientific discoveries, humanity’s quest for knowledge has propelled us forward on a journey of exploration and enlightenment.

    Yet, true advancement isn’t just about technological prowess or intellectual prowess. It’s about recognizing our interconnectedness with all life forms and the universe itself. It’s about embracing empathy, compassion, and cooperation as guiding principles for our collective evolution. It’s about transcending the limitations of ego and embracing the boundless potential of the human spirit.

    In essence, the true nature of life beckons us to awaken to our fullest potential, both individually and collectively. It calls us to expand our consciousness, challenge the status quo, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Only then can we fully grasp the profound beauty and complexity of existence and realize the immense power and potential that resides within each and every one of us.



    “Everything is perfect,

    then came judgement.”

    ~ plr 2010


    “It does not do harm to a mystery,

    to know a little about it.”

    ~ Richard Feynman



    A Seed planted has potential.

    Nurture and water it, and it will grow.

    Love the Soil

    Love the Earth

    Love the Air

    Love the Water

    Love the skies

    Love yourself

    and may all flourish coherently.

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