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I am my own life’s experiment.

Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on April 27, 2012

THIS IS BEAUTIFUL  7:30 minutes of … One Breath, One Step at a Time.
A great metaphor for what we are all going through at varying points on the path of Life.
Wow, how beautiful is life in its teachings.

It is time to Climb for the doors are opening wide.
I have done helicopters off lips on the mountain at a time

when I wanted to be a pro freestyle skier.

Know when to say yes, and when to say no.

It is all okay to where you are going. Hang on for the ride.
No fear to do what is necessary with a Calm Heart.

Know when to close doors and when to open. Life is precise.

“Con todo el amor para ti” (With all the love for you)
Mit all der Liebe für sie
Con tutto l’amore per voi
Avec tout l’amour pour vous

It is the little things in life that mean so much.

“The only thing that matters is the ever changing moment.

Live it, love it and Be it.”

One day a man was walking along the beach,

when he noticed a boy picking something up

and gently throwing it into the ocean.

Approaching the boy, he asked:

“What are you doing?”

The young lad said:

“Throwing starfish back into the ocean,

the surf is up and the tide is going out,

and if I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”

The man knelt on one knee saying;

“Do you not realize

there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish,

you can’t make a difference.”

After listening politely the boy bent down,

picked up another starfish and threw it back into the surf.

Then smiling at the man he said;

“I made a difference for that one.”

~ Loren Eiseley 1978

“How can you talk about where you are going when you know when you get there,
there is no describing.”

“You can search the world over for lands of beauty,
unless you carry it with you, find it you will not.”

“Know when to open doors and when to close.
It can be a tough road, yet, when the answer comes,
it is a very clear yes or no.”
Make it.

We ARE the Lighthouse.

The Dance of Life. Read between the lines.
“Love has no separation.”
There is so much deep meaning in this and find it very beautiful.

OceanHeart a new book.
All Quotes: pamela leigh richards unless otherwise stated
Images: Unless noted unknown at this time
Please click on photos for larger image.
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Dream ~ Two Keys

Posted in: A - Her Lucid and Mystical Experiences by Pamela on October 11, 2008

Another amazingly real and lucid dream I had.
It was incredibly beautiful and intensely profound in some deep meaningful way.

I would love to draw and paint it some day.

In this dream my former husband and I were both standing,
or rather floating in the middle of this vast expansion of the Universe.
It was brilliantly dark,
yet there was light illuminating our forms and the near space around us.

We were facing each other with a large wooden door floating to my right and his left.
Nothing was said. We just stood there in silence.
I was looking down at my left hand carrying two round or barrel keys,
as he was looking at me.
With my right hand I picked one of them up.
Turning to the door I leaned over and placed it through the keyhole, turned it and pulled it out.

(This image of the light coming through the keyhole,
was almost identical to the one in this experience.)

The door did not open I just pulled the key out. I knew it was not meant to open.

I turned to face him and without ‘thought’, it was already understood what was to happen next.
He extended his right hand to me palm up.
I placed the key in his hand and gently folded it while cupping my hands over his.
Then looked up, eye to eye, and smiled.
There were no words said. It was all very deep in its meaning, extremely powerful.
So loving with its intentions and understandings. On some level what this means is known.
For now, it remains simply a beautiful moment.

There are many keys that open many doors to many gates.
Life seems to be a very personal journey indeed.

For I real-eyes’d that as the parable of the mustard seed the tiniest of seeds,
so brilliantly showed me, that their is a key ‘within’ each of us,
so uniquely coded, malleable and open to be rewritten at any time.
It is also I believe, a co-hear-and-see reality.
The kingdom of heaven is not alone in the cosmos.
It is vastly alive holding hands with each and every one of us.
It sits as well in the everywhere skies ‘within’, of ‘self discovery’.

“Peace has no enemy and love knows nothing else.”

Dream ~ The 7 Seals

The Signposts

Posted in: A Clearing with David Icke by Pamela on September 29, 2008

This website contains merely “post it notes” of my life.
In a holding pattern for now, assisting memoirs being written.

“It’s not just personal, it’s Universal.”
~ plr

I am assuming those reading this will know what and whom it is about.
If you don’t ~ you soon will.
So will I.

So when I arrived in Sedona, Arizona,
after leaving my home in England,
and husband David Icke, on February 3rd, 2008,
I had this idea to help spread the message David is sharing in a creative way.

You see, we parted amicably, all was good,
as it always should be in a coherent manner.

And three months later,
I received a lovely email from David May 14, 2008, saying:

“The signs gave me a laugh.
love, David”

So when I arrived in Sedona to begin a new life,
I was seeing all these barricades up.
It had a feeling of prison walls as they were widening the roads while under construction.
I thought to plant some seeds in the minds of all those people passing by?
I took photographs then went back the following day for some daylight shots.
So here goes with a loving heart and great sense of humor.
The world needs a giggle, and we are coming in with the tickle!







I walked across the street to take this photo,

Under a Full Moon.

It was my headlights shining on …

“Peace is Easy, and Truth is not Dangerous.”

~ plr

The Moment Matters.

“I’ve lived, loved, cried, fell down, laughed, died, got up, I never knew, I grew, to love more.”

All photos © pamela leigh richards

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