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The Big Q

Posted in: The Observation Deck by Pamela on January 26, 2016

Pamela quote bill picture copy

“I want to be the first person knowing nothing,
without a degree, scholarship, letters after my name,
having read books that were relevant,
floating between every word,
and coming out the other side of life,
without a question mark above my head.”

“Feel life, don’t think it.”





“History is a psychedelic experience.
This is the second hour of the trip, we’re going over the top.”
~terence mckenna


Heart and Mind connection. When I arrived in America from England in 2008, something began to happen? I shared it with a few saying; “There is an energy pouring through my Heart Chakra and was expanding to about 18” in diameter. Wonderful feeling! Then I had the near fatal fall in 2010 causing a TBI. When I awoke in hospital after having the left side of my brain squashed, it caused me to lose all thinking. I was aware of everything but had a silent mind smiling. I was actually operating out of my heart brain vs my head brain, and continue to be amazed at life.


“If you will stay close to nature, to its simplicity,
to the small things hardly noticeable,
those things can unexpectedly,
become great and immeasurable. ”
~ Rainier Maria Rilke

“Saturate the Stanza with Love.”

Lady canoe water blue

“The beauty of floating through life with ease in peace.
Spread this trip freely.”


“Waiting for words to blossom into you,
remembering silence became first,
and language divided and ruled.
Still the flowers petals grew ~ even though deaf,
and their beauty never lost sight of view.”

“I love what I know.
I love more what I’ve yet to know.”

“You must accept the possibility that the seed of one generation can be born in the next,
and that the spirit of one long dead can reach across time,
not merely to inspire, but to mold the dreams of another.”
~ Richard Spruce

“My heart is still beating as a Peacemaker.”

“Life is so beautiful in every aspect of perceiving the love in all.”

“Her writings have deeper meaning,
if one can fly beyond the lines of thinking.”

All quotes: pamela leigh richards 1960-forever, unless otherwise stated.
OceanHeart: One of her books forthcoming
Images: unknown unless stated
Image: Top Photo of Pamela silhouette at sunset by Bill Mortimer.
Images: Pamela in her magic garden. Screen shots from her films.
Image: Pamela with tree at Airport Vortex, Sedona Arizona 2005

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